Do some people really consider obama an antichrist?

By my last two thread you can all see I am not a fan of obama, but I certainly dont think he is the antichrist.
Oregon is known as a left wing place, so naturally everyone is gaga for obama.
that said I have heard tell that in the more conservative areas of oregon, obama is being called an antichrist.
are their really people like this?
Oregon is known as a left wing place, so naturally everyone is gaga for obama.
that said I have heard tell that in the more conservative areas of oregon, obama is being called an antichrist.
are their really people like this?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Yes there are plenty of these idiots. Google it. Sounds like you'll probably have alot of fun.
Some people will say anything.
I wonder if any of these same people have given any thought that he could be JESUS as well...
if one would choose to believe such fairytale stuff....
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Considering they hardly ever truely follow or live by Christ's messages.
In fact most Christians I know do just about everything Jesus was against.
Most of them don't even know Jesus's true messages.
When Jesus DOES return... I bet many of His Christian fans will call Him the 'Anti-Christ'.
He'll be, like... "Lo, y'all... It's me... Jesus, come to save y'all"
And they'd be all, "No, man... you're not Jesus. You're the ANTI-CHRIST!!!"
"No, man. I'm not the Anti-Christ... I'm Jesus, you know... you're personal saviour... blah-blah-blah... all that crap."
"NO!!! You're not Jesus!!! Jesus doesn't look like THAT!!! You're the ANTI-CHRIST!!!"
"No, really it's me, Jesus. Just get me a Pepsi."
"NO!!! I'm not obeying YOU!!! YOU'RE THE ANTI-CHRIST!!! YOU'RE NOT JESUS!!!"
"Just get me a Pepsi, please. All i want is a Pepsi. Just one pepsi..."
Hail, Hail!!!
Two words DIRTY BOMB!
I bet you've got duct tape and garbage bags over your windows at home...
I do think he's a racist, though.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
No I believe he is prejudiced and biased against certain races to the point of it influencing his opinion and actions.
I take it you're trying to use the official definition, but I think that most people know what I mean when I say he's racist.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
No. I haven't heard racist comments to the degree that I've heard from Obama from any other presidential this election of any other elections I can remember.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
“It is this world, a world where cruise ships throw away more food in a day than most residents of Port-au-Prince see in a year, where white folks’ greed runs a world in need, apartheid in one hemisphere, apathy in another hemisphere…That’s the world! On which hope sits!”
Other than specific comments, the fact that he attended a blatantly racist church for 20 years...and donated money to it...makes me believe he's a racist.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I didn't say hate. I used the words biased and prejudiced.
Just take my comments at face value and don't try to mold them into something they're not.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Haha. That's the ONLY comment you have and you know it.
Also... I'm white, and that comment = truth.
Sorry it does. I also support Ron Paul, but fuck... most Americans (white ones AND black ones) are a fucking AJ Soprano equivalent in their motivation for life/world.
Good luck puppets!
I agree with his quote 100%. Also, I am sure you know nothing about this church that he attended, but there are MANY white people who attend that church. Does that make them racists too?
As for the blatantly racist church - hey, I won't deny that Obama's a bit of a political opportunist. Just about every successful politician has had to suck up to ridiculously over-the-top religious madmen to help secure their positions. Applying Rev. Wright's beliefs, word for word, to Obama would be no different than applying Hagee's or Parson's or Robertson's or the late Falwell's beliefs to McCain.
So, there we have it. McCain hates Jews, Gays, believes evolution to be the bedrock of fascism, thinks Hitler did right by God's world, and has a general dominionist global outlook.
but Haiti isn't run by white folks. I do agree with you on the religious nuts it's pretty much right on par with that really.
I thought the last statement was more Pat Buchannan.
And neither is Africa (anymore) ... Or Asia. Heck, do white folks even run Europe anymore?
you have to kind of define white person now to hate them anyway. What qualifies as white anyway? I have no idea.
Mostly I think it pertains to the oligarchy of political families, but no one seems to want to fire their bastards... only everyone elses is wasteful... not my guy.
"White" is treated as synonomous with "powerful elite", something I've always had a huge problem with.
I know... because I know a lot of white people who are uneducated low-life loser scumbags. Being white has nothing to do with 'elite'.
P.S. I hate the way the term, 'elite' gets tossed around so easily these days. It's the adult equivilent to the 13 year olds use of the term, 'sell-out'.
Hail, Hail!!!