Or...locking people up in jail for life. What kind of life is that?? If you are such a bad person that you need to be locked behind bars for the rest of your life, then what does that tell you??
You don't think people deserve what they get?? You like to think we are a society that is above that? Oh, but it's ok to let a bunch of child rapists run free and rape little kids? What kind of society is that?? I would like to think we're a society that doesn't let innocent children fall victim to convicted, repeat sex offenders who are beyond rehabilitation.
That's a good one...make it look as though I'm pushing for the freedom of pedophiles and rapists. Why don't you just call me a pedophile while you're at it....I must be one if I don't think they deserve to be sexually assaulted during their incarceration.
Or...locking people up in jail for life. What kind of life is that?? If you are such a bad person that you need to be locked behind bars for the rest of your life, then what does that tell you??
You don't think people deserve what they get?? You like to think we are a society that is above that? Oh, but it's ok to let a bunch of child rapists run free and rape little kids? What kind of society is that?? I would like to think we're a society that doesn't let innocent children fall victim to convicted, repeat sex offenders who are beyond rehabilitation.
Who are you to decide if a person is beyond rehabilitation anyway? And I don't think any right-thinking person on the board would advocate letting a bunch of rapists run free to rape little kids. Do you know how stupid that sounds? Your view is so black and white, it's quite shocking. These people need to be locked up for public safety, not so they can be raped themselves.
Either way you look at paedophilia, whether you believe it's something a person is born with, or something that happens as a result of a messed up upbringing (it's no surprise that a very high percentage of paedophiles were abused themselves as children), technically speaking it isn't their fault - no sane person would actively choose to be attracted to children. Yes there is the issue of self-control, but clearly these people don't have that. Therefore in the interest of protecting children, they should be locked up. As hideous as these types of crimes are, people need to remove the emotion when judging them. For a judicial system to be fair, you can't allow emotion to cloud judgement.
Over here in the UK a tabloid newspaper saw fit to release photos of known paedophiles, in the interest of public safety. This resulted in somebody who happened to look vaguely like one of the paedophiles, put in hospital after being beaten up by an angry mob. In addition a paediatrition had graffiti sprayed over her door calling her a 'paedo', becasue the morons took her job title as meaning that she abused kids. Judging by some of the views on here, I think it's a good job that some people aren't in charge of delivering JUSTICE.
In addition a paediatrition had graffiti sprayed over her door calling her a 'paedo', becasue the morons took her job title as meaning that she abused kids. Judging by some of the views on here, I think it's a good job that some people aren't in charge of delivering JUSTICE.
Who are you to decide if a person is beyond rehabilitation anyway? And I don't think any right-thinking person on the board would advocate letting a bunch of rapists run free to rape little kids. Do you know how stupid that sounds? Your view is so black and white, it's quite shocking. These people need to be locked up for public safety, not so they can be raped themselves. JUSTICE.
Who are you to say they CAN be rehabilitated? And who cares if you could rehabilitate them - would you really want to? "Hi my name is Dave and I used to butt-fuck little kids, but I don't anymore - I've been cured!" And I'm not talking about Michael Jackson pedophiles, I'm talking about the Kenneth Parnell pedophiles - the repeat sex offenders - the ones who go as far as kidnapping little kids so they can rape them everyday. If you don't know who Kenneth Parnell is, go to post #56 on page 4 of this thread. Those are the pedophiles I'm talking about. The Michael Jackson pedophiles are the ones who fondle, but don't fuck. It's wrong, it's disgusting, and they need help. But I suppose it's the lesser of 2 evils in this case, and maybe they can be rehabilitated?
It's like Bill Maher said - I'd rather be felt up by Michael Jackson, than fucked in the arse by a catholic priest(or something like that). In other words, the Kenneth Parnell pedophiles. The hardcore child rapists. They have no place in society. And no, they CAN'T be rehabilitated. Parnell was a life long child molester. He was 71 years old, suffering from diabetes and emphysema, and had a stroke and was in hospice care. And he STILL tried to buy a 4 year old kid to molest. These are sick, twisted, crazy fucking monsters, and they will always go after little kids.
Another habit says it's in love with you
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Who are you to say they CAN be rehabilitated? And who cares if you could rehabilitate them - would you really want to? "Hi my name is Dave and I used to butt-fuck little kids, but I don't anymore - I've been cured!" And I'm not talking about Michael Jackson pedophiles, I'm talking about the Kenneth Parnell pedophiles - the repeat sex offenders - the ones who go as far as kidnapping little kids so they can rape them everyday. If you don't know who Kenneth Parnell is, go to post #56 on page 4 of this thread. Those are the pedophiles I'm talking about. The Michael Jackson pedophiles are the ones who fondle, but don't fuck. It's wrong, it's disgusting, and they need help. But I suppose it's the lesser of 2 evils in this case, and maybe they can be rehabilitated?
It's like Bill Maher said - I'd rather be felt up by Michael Jackson, than fucked in the arse by a catholic priest(or something like that). In other words, the Kenneth Parnell pedophiles. The hardcore child rapists. They have no place in society. And no, they CAN'T be rehabilitated. Parnell was a life long child molester. He was 71 years old, suffering from diabetes and emphysema, and had a stroke and was in hospice care. And he STILL tried to buy a 4 year old kid to molest. These are sick, twisted, crazy fucking monsters, and they will always go after little kids.
The question was rhetorical. I don't necessarily believe these people can be rehabilitated, but I sure as hell wouldn't want someone as hate filled, and completely ignorant as you making that decision either. Your choice of emotive words like 'sick', 'twisted', 'crazy' and 'monsters', clearly show you lack any depth in understanding how a person could become that way.
It seems that you believe if someone isn't as hell bent on retribution as you are, that they must in some way be taking pity on these people. I can't imagine the nightmare-ish thought processes that go on a paedophile's head, whereby their behaviour makes sense. It's truly shocking that a person can either be born that way, or moulded that way by their environments. But if any of us claim to believe in justice, then you must remove the emotional judegment from the situation. I know that's hard to do, but the bottom line is justice shouldn't be tainted by a person's inabaility to understand what they are judging.
and whats worse is that the law varies from state to state. So in one state its perfectly legal and in the next state over you go to prison for rape and get put on the sex offender list for the rest of your life. that makes sense...
not at all. my oldest son is 17 and I sure don't see a huge difference between him and his friends that are 19. his best friend is and they appear to be at about the same level to me.
so in regard to this 17/19 yr old dating thing; when did the whole legal system get so fucked up? or was it always and I just wasn't paying attention???
Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on The Creek......
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
Bullshit. It is absolutely their fault. People grow up in fucked up enviornments all the time and don't fondle little kids.
Do you choose what sexually arouses you? So do these people choose to be attracted to children? And yeah, you are right, plenty of people do grow up in fucked up environments all the time, but like I said, I think it's no coincidence that such a high percentage of paedophiles have been abused themselves as children. Did they choose to be abused? Yes they choose their behaviour, but if in their mind they find it acceptable to abuse children, I suspect their thought processes are not quite what yours and mine are.
The question was rhetorical. I don't necessarily believe these people can be rehabilitated, but I sure as hell wouldn't want someone as hate filled, and completely ignorant as you making that decision either. Your choice of emotive words like 'sick', 'twisted', 'crazy' and 'monsters', clearly show you lack any depth in understanding how a person could become that way.
It seems that you believe if someone isn't as hell bent on retribution as you are, that they must in some way be taking pity on these people. I can't imagine the nightmare-ish thought processes that go on a paedophile's head, whereby their behaviour makes sense. It's truly shocking that a person can either be born that way, or moulded that way by their environments. But if any of us claim to believe in justice, then you must remove the emotional judegment from the situation. I know that's hard to do, but the bottom line is justice shouldn't be tainted by a person's inabaility to understand what they are judging.
I'm not hate-filled and completely ignorant. There is just nothing to like about a man who would rape a child. Why should I try to understand them? And I'm sorry but the words I used are true. They are sick and twisted. And to those poor little kids, they are monsters. They aren't exactly little angels, are they?
And I really am not interested in the "I had a bad upbringing" argument. Like someone said, lots of people have shitty upbringings, and they don't grow up to molest kids.
And why should we remove our emotions when passing judgement? Isn't that like going against our very nature? It's what makes us human. If your kid was molested, would try not to let your emotions get in the way, and just try and let justice prevail, and hope that the child rapist gets the help he needs so he can get better and become a productive member of society? Dream on.
Another habit says it's in love with you
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
I'm not hate-filled and completely ignorant. There is just nothing to like about a man who would rape a child. Why should I try to understand them? And I'm sorry but the words I used are true. They are sick and twisted. And to those poor little kids, they are monsters. They aren't exactly little angels, are they?
And I really am not interested in the "I had a bad upbringing" argument. Like someone said, lots of people have shitty upbringings, and they don't grow up to molest kids.
And why should we remove our emotions when passing judgement? Isn't that like going against our very nature? It's what makes us human. If your kid was molested, would try not to let your emotions get in the way, and just try and let justice prevail, and hope that the child rapist gets the help he needs so he can get better and become a productive member of society? Dream on.
I already answered half those questions in my previous posts. I also stated that I think these people need locking up for public safety. You are ignorant because you are completely dismissive of any psychological disorders these people may have or may have developed. You make out like it's just a matter of personal choice for these people. Since you're such a genius, why don't you tell us why these people behave that way then? Do they wake up one morning and think "oh I would love to go rape a child today"? I don't think anyone would choose to be that way, and I think the fact that they carry out such vile behaviour, which is so appaling to most 'normal' people, would be a very strong indicator that their brains do not work the same way as ours do.
I already answered half those questions in my previous posts. I also stated that I think these people need locking up for public safety. You are ignorant because you are completely dismissive of any psychological disorders these people may have or may have developed. You make out like it's just a matter of personal choice for these people. Since you're such a genius, why don't you tell us why these people behave that way then? Do they wake up one morning and think "oh I would love to go rape a child today"? I don't think anyone would choose to be that way, and I think the fact that they carry out such vile behaviour, which is so appaling to most 'normal' people, would be a very strong indicator that their brains do not work the same way as ours do.
I'm no expert(or genius), and I don't claim to be. But the way I look at it is we all want the things we like, or are attracted to. Some guys like big tits. Some guys are leg guys. Some guys like a nice ass. Some guys prefer blondes. Some guys prefer brunettes. Some guys like guys. And then there are some guys who like pre-pubscent children. Like I said, it's not rocket science. It's our sexual nature or sexual preference or whatever. A guy who likes big tits will probably always like big tits. A gay guy's not going to stop being gay. And a child rapist is always going to be attracted to, and be a danger to, little kids. At least this is how I think about it......
Another habit says it's in love with you
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
And a child rapist is always going to be attracted to, and be a danger to, little kids. At least this is how I think about it......
Yeah, Ok and I'm not trying to stretch the boundaries of your understanding too much here, but do they 'choose' to be attracted to them? Something makes you attracted to something, whether you choose to believe that it's genetical predisposition or the results of extreme circumstances, the fact remains that either way, that person doesn't choose to be that way. With that in mind, as horrendous as their crimes are, they shouldn't be judged in the way you judge a more (for want of a better word) 'normal' person, because they are anything but normal. The fact that you seem so adament, despite the fact you are completely lacking in knowledge is what makes you ignorant. The only reason you find that offensive is because it hits a little too close to home. It's nothing personal, I don't know you, I'm just responding to the things you write. I find the fact that you think rape 'in certain circumstances' i.e when it's a paedophile in prison, absolutely repugnant.
Yeah, Ok and I'm not trying to stretch the boundaries of your understanding too much here, but do they 'choose' to be attracted to them? Something makes you attracted to something, whether you choose to believe that it's genetical predisposition or the results of extreme circumstances, the fact remains that either way, that person doesn't choose to be that way. With that in mind, as horrendous as their crimes are, they shouldn't be judged in the way you judge a more (for want of a better word) 'normal' person, because they are anything but normal. The fact that you seem so adament, despite the fact you are completely lacking in knowledge is what makes you ignorant. The only reason you find that offensive is because it hits a little too close to home. It's nothing personal, I don't know you, I'm just responding to the things you write. I find the fact that you think rape 'in certain circumstances' i.e when it's a paedophile in prison, absolutely repugnant.
Oh please, you're no expert. You don't know what's in their heads, or why they are the way they are either. You're just as ignorant about it as I am then. WE HAVE A DIFFERENCE OF OPINION, you meathead. You don't like my opinion? And I don't care for yours. Let's agree to disagree. And I don't really care if you find it repugnant that I wouldn't feel sorry for a child rapist to be himself raped while serving a prison sentence. Why the hell should I care? Seems to me that, if you want to avoid getting raped in prsion, avoid doing the things that will land you in jail in the first place. You want to defend child rapists? Go ahead. I mean fuck, there are people who hold candlelight vigils for killers like Ted Bundy and plead for their lives to be spared. Strange world we live in, ain't it?
Another habit says it's in love with you
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
This is what I'm talking about right here. I can't believe this motherfucker died in hospice care. Anyone who still doesn't think we need to bring the death penalty back, GFY......
Make sure to read the "February 2004 conviction"....
'He spent much of his adolescence in and out of juvenile hall and mental institutions, showing many signs of disturbance at a very young age.'
I don't think mentally I'll people should be murdered by the state.
In fact, I don't think anyone should be murdered by the state. Seriously, how can the U.S claim any kind of moral high ground in the world as long as it still resorts to such barbarity? As long as the U.S continues to snuff out the lives of it's own citizens then it's no better than China, or Saudi Arabia, or anywhere else for that matter.
What did I pull out of the sky??? I didn't know the book of exodus was the bible, so what? That's not what we're discussing anyway.
Put the smile away.
i just found it amusing that you use a sentiment from the old testament and then ask me if my book is the bibleand whether im a good christian who relies on God to settle scores.
you're right,we werent talking about books of the bible. but when you preach an eye for an eye, the bible is gonna come up.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I am going to be up front and honest here and admit that when I started this thread I had -amongst other agendas- the sick and twisted intention of fishing out the Eddie Better of the forum. I had the sneaking suspicion that there was one of him lurking around here somewhere. And I knew that he wouldn't last long against the liberal neo-socialist revolutionary army that is the moving train forum.
In spite of how obviously regressive and borderline mean-spirited his views may be, he never-the-less represents the views shared by a majority of americans regarding this subject. Were it not the case, organizations like SPR.ORG would have no purpose, and therefore would not exist.
And who is to say that if someone close to us was victimized by a pedophile or rapist, that we wouldn't also take comfort in knowing what form of punishment ultimately awaits them behind bars?
And that's why my position is not so much that rapists and pedophiles deserve to be shielded from grotesque and sadistic forms of punishment, but that it can be predicted with absolute certainty that there is a population of innocent men and women living behind bars who are suffering from this terrible fate which society passively deems appropriate for their actions.
Not only that, but a majority of those who are being sexually abused not just on occasion but continually on a daily basis are not the "sickos" per se, but anyone who is young and has no affiliation with an established prison gang.
So, the "collateral damage" from our unspoken acceptance of this abhorrent manifestation of retribution is beyond that which I would deem as reasonable and appropriate.
I see a lot about "Child rapists deserve it." And while it's true that child molesters are the most abused people in prison, lets not forget that drug offenders, and other non-vilolent criminals are in prison and they get raped. Take a minute to stop cheering the raping of pedaphiles and remember that most victims of prison rape are not rapists themselves.
I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
Oh please, you're no expert. You don't know what's in their heads, or why they are the way they are either. You're just as ignorant about it as I am then. WE HAVE A DIFFERENCE OF OPINION, you meathead. You don't like my opinion? And I don't care for yours. Let's agree to disagree. And I don't really care if you find it repugnant that I wouldn't feel sorry for a child rapist to be himself raped while serving a prison sentence. Why the hell should I care? Seems to me that, if you want to avoid getting raped in prsion, avoid doing the things that will land you in jail in the first place. You want to defend child rapists? Go ahead. I mean fuck, there are people who hold candlelight vigils for killers like Ted Bundy and plead for their lives to be spared. Strange world we live in, ain't it?
The difference being that I'm keeping open minded, I don't claim to be an expert - you really need to look up the definition of ignorance. I think the fact that you think rape in certain circumstances is acceptable, speaks volumes about you as a person. You also ignored the questions I asked, presumably becasue they would force you to re-evaluate your stance.
I'm not hate-filled and completely ignorant. There is just nothing to like about a man who would rape a child. Why should I try to understand them? And I'm sorry but the words I used are true. They are sick and twisted. And to those poor little kids, they are monsters.
You are right. Those actions are twisted and sick, child molesters are monsters. I'd say that's a very very normal reaction. And I think everyone agrees that their actions are dispicable.
But that's exactly why we should try to understand them. Understanding the problem is part of the solution. I don't think anyone is asking you to understand them and what they do. We must understand what moves them towards such vile actions. You said so yourself, these people are sick. How do you treat a sickness? By understanding it first. Paedophilia is a mental disorder. No one says you have to like them.
But trying to understand why they do what they do, how they got to that point etc. is a better starting point for a solution than killing them (like some here would like).
And also, it's just sick people actually support rapists. Rape is a horrible crime, whether the victim is a paedophile or a young woman. It's rape and some of you are cheering for it. So basically your opinion of rape is, it's wrong but right and even deserves my support and cheering in some cases. And people talk about monsters commiting rape! You're fucking cheering for it! Twisted and sick.
the problem is i dont think any 250 lb gangbanging murderers are getting rammed in the ass , and they deserve it far more than scrawny 19 year old in jail because his girlfriend was 17.
I just saw a thing on TV that said there is a special on 20/20 tonight about the whole consent thing with teens and the subject you bring up.
looks like it might be good....
he brings up the same point of why is it illegal and the same as sex offenders?
he seems to agree with us........
Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on The Creek......
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
he brings up the same point of why is it illegal and the same as sex offenders?
he seems to agree with us........
What do you mean by 'sex offender'? Anyone who happens to have been classified a sex offender by the authorities? Or anyone who has had sex with someone under the legal age, even if it was consensual? I mean, if a 16 year old has sex with a 15 year old, should the 16 year old be classified a sex offender? If someone who is 15 years and 364 days old has sex with an older man, should the man be classed as a sex offender?
It's all a bit vague isn't it?
federal prison rape survey
im not a christian, good or otherwise.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
That's a good one...make it look as though I'm pushing for the freedom of pedophiles and rapists. Why don't you just call me a pedophile while you're at it....I must be one if I don't think they deserve to be sexually assaulted during their incarceration.
Who are you to decide if a person is beyond rehabilitation anyway? And I don't think any right-thinking person on the board would advocate letting a bunch of rapists run free to rape little kids. Do you know how stupid that sounds? Your view is so black and white, it's quite shocking. These people need to be locked up for public safety, not so they can be raped themselves.
Either way you look at paedophilia, whether you believe it's something a person is born with, or something that happens as a result of a messed up upbringing (it's no surprise that a very high percentage of paedophiles were abused themselves as children), technically speaking it isn't their fault - no sane person would actively choose to be attracted to children. Yes there is the issue of self-control, but clearly these people don't have that. Therefore in the interest of protecting children, they should be locked up. As hideous as these types of crimes are, people need to remove the emotion when judging them. For a judicial system to be fair, you can't allow emotion to cloud judgement.
Over here in the UK a tabloid newspaper saw fit to release photos of known paedophiles, in the interest of public safety. This resulted in somebody who happened to look vaguely like one of the paedophiles, put in hospital after being beaten up by an angry mob. In addition a paediatrition had graffiti sprayed over her door calling her a 'paedo', becasue the morons took her job title as meaning that she abused kids. Judging by some of the views on here, I think it's a good job that some people aren't in charge of delivering JUSTICE.
naděje umírá poslední
Bullshit. It is absolutely their fault. People grow up in fucked up enviornments all the time and don't fondle little kids.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
grey area for sure.
goes to show how much I know about the bible. I should have googled it....
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Who are you to say they CAN be rehabilitated? And who cares if you could rehabilitate them - would you really want to? "Hi my name is Dave and I used to butt-fuck little kids, but I don't anymore - I've been cured!" And I'm not talking about Michael Jackson pedophiles, I'm talking about the Kenneth Parnell pedophiles - the repeat sex offenders - the ones who go as far as kidnapping little kids so they can rape them everyday. If you don't know who Kenneth Parnell is, go to post #56 on page 4 of this thread. Those are the pedophiles I'm talking about. The Michael Jackson pedophiles are the ones who fondle, but don't fuck. It's wrong, it's disgusting, and they need help. But I suppose it's the lesser of 2 evils in this case, and maybe they can be rehabilitated?
It's like Bill Maher said - I'd rather be felt up by Michael Jackson, than fucked in the arse by a catholic priest(or something like that). In other words, the Kenneth Parnell pedophiles. The hardcore child rapists. They have no place in society. And no, they CAN'T be rehabilitated. Parnell was a life long child molester. He was 71 years old, suffering from diabetes and emphysema, and had a stroke and was in hospice care. And he STILL tried to buy a 4 year old kid to molest. These are sick, twisted, crazy fucking monsters, and they will always go after little kids.
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
The question was rhetorical. I don't necessarily believe these people can be rehabilitated, but I sure as hell wouldn't want someone as hate filled, and completely ignorant as you making that decision either. Your choice of emotive words like 'sick', 'twisted', 'crazy' and 'monsters', clearly show you lack any depth in understanding how a person could become that way.
It seems that you believe if someone isn't as hell bent on retribution as you are, that they must in some way be taking pity on these people. I can't imagine the nightmare-ish thought processes that go on a paedophile's head, whereby their behaviour makes sense. It's truly shocking that a person can either be born that way, or moulded that way by their environments. But if any of us claim to believe in justice, then you must remove the emotional judegment from the situation. I know that's hard to do, but the bottom line is justice shouldn't be tainted by a person's inabaility to understand what they are judging.
not at all. my oldest son is 17 and I sure don't see a huge difference between him and his friends that are 19. his best friend is and they appear to be at about the same level to me.
so in regard to this 17/19 yr old dating thing; when did the whole legal system get so fucked up? or was it always and I just wasn't paying attention???
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
Do you choose what sexually arouses you? So do these people choose to be attracted to children? And yeah, you are right, plenty of people do grow up in fucked up environments all the time, but like I said, I think it's no coincidence that such a high percentage of paedophiles have been abused themselves as children. Did they choose to be abused? Yes they choose their behaviour, but if in their mind they find it acceptable to abuse children, I suspect their thought processes are not quite what yours and mine are.
I'm not hate-filled and completely ignorant. There is just nothing to like about a man who would rape a child. Why should I try to understand them? And I'm sorry but the words I used are true. They are sick and twisted. And to those poor little kids, they are monsters. They aren't exactly little angels, are they?
And I really am not interested in the "I had a bad upbringing" argument. Like someone said, lots of people have shitty upbringings, and they don't grow up to molest kids.
And why should we remove our emotions when passing judgement? Isn't that like going against our very nature? It's what makes us human. If your kid was molested, would try not to let your emotions get in the way, and just try and let justice prevail, and hope that the child rapist gets the help he needs so he can get better and become a productive member of society? Dream on.
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
I already answered half those questions in my previous posts. I also stated that I think these people need locking up for public safety. You are ignorant because you are completely dismissive of any psychological disorders these people may have or may have developed. You make out like it's just a matter of personal choice for these people. Since you're such a genius, why don't you tell us why these people behave that way then? Do they wake up one morning and think "oh I would love to go rape a child today"? I don't think anyone would choose to be that way, and I think the fact that they carry out such vile behaviour, which is so appaling to most 'normal' people, would be a very strong indicator that their brains do not work the same way as ours do.
I'm no expert(or genius), and I don't claim to be. But the way I look at it is we all want the things we like, or are attracted to. Some guys like big tits. Some guys are leg guys. Some guys like a nice ass. Some guys prefer blondes. Some guys prefer brunettes. Some guys like guys. And then there are some guys who like pre-pubscent children. Like I said, it's not rocket science. It's our sexual nature or sexual preference or whatever. A guy who likes big tits will probably always like big tits. A gay guy's not going to stop being gay. And a child rapist is always going to be attracted to, and be a danger to, little kids. At least this is how I think about it......
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Yeah, Ok and I'm not trying to stretch the boundaries of your understanding too much here, but do they 'choose' to be attracted to them? Something makes you attracted to something, whether you choose to believe that it's genetical predisposition or the results of extreme circumstances, the fact remains that either way, that person doesn't choose to be that way. With that in mind, as horrendous as their crimes are, they shouldn't be judged in the way you judge a more (for want of a better word) 'normal' person, because they are anything but normal. The fact that you seem so adament, despite the fact you are completely lacking in knowledge is what makes you ignorant. The only reason you find that offensive is because it hits a little too close to home. It's nothing personal, I don't know you, I'm just responding to the things you write. I find the fact that you think rape 'in certain circumstances' i.e when it's a paedophile in prison, absolutely repugnant.
Oh please, you're no expert. You don't know what's in their heads, or why they are the way they are either. You're just as ignorant about it as I am then. WE HAVE A DIFFERENCE OF OPINION, you meathead. You don't like my opinion? And I don't care for yours. Let's agree to disagree. And I don't really care if you find it repugnant that I wouldn't feel sorry for a child rapist to be himself raped while serving a prison sentence. Why the hell should I care? Seems to me that, if you want to avoid getting raped in prsion, avoid doing the things that will land you in jail in the first place. You want to defend child rapists? Go ahead. I mean fuck, there are people who hold candlelight vigils for killers like Ted Bundy and plead for their lives to be spared. Strange world we live in, ain't it?
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
What's that?
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
perhaps next time it might be wise to talk about something you know instead of pulling things out of the sky just for arguments sake.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
What did I pull out of the sky??? I didn't know the book of exodus was the bible, so what? That's not what we're discussing anyway.
Put the smile away.
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
'He spent much of his adolescence in and out of juvenile hall and mental institutions, showing many signs of disturbance at a very young age.'
I don't think mentally I'll people should be murdered by the state.
In fact, I don't think anyone should be murdered by the state. Seriously, how can the U.S claim any kind of moral high ground in the world as long as it still resorts to such barbarity? As long as the U.S continues to snuff out the lives of it's own citizens then it's no better than China, or Saudi Arabia, or anywhere else for that matter.
i just found it amusing that you use a sentiment from the old testament and then ask me if my book is the bibleand whether im a good christian who relies on God to settle scores.
you're right,we werent talking about books of the bible. but when you preach an eye for an eye, the bible is gonna come up.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
In spite of how obviously regressive and borderline mean-spirited his views may be, he never-the-less represents the views shared by a majority of americans regarding this subject. Were it not the case, organizations like SPR.ORG would have no purpose, and therefore would not exist.
And who is to say that if someone close to us was victimized by a pedophile or rapist, that we wouldn't also take comfort in knowing what form of punishment ultimately awaits them behind bars?
And that's why my position is not so much that rapists and pedophiles deserve to be shielded from grotesque and sadistic forms of punishment, but that it can be predicted with absolute certainty that there is a population of innocent men and women living behind bars who are suffering from this terrible fate which society passively deems appropriate for their actions.
Not only that, but a majority of those who are being sexually abused not just on occasion but continually on a daily basis are not the "sickos" per se, but anyone who is young and has no affiliation with an established prison gang.
So, the "collateral damage" from our unspoken acceptance of this abhorrent manifestation of retribution is beyond that which I would deem as reasonable and appropriate.
The difference being that I'm keeping open minded, I don't claim to be an expert - you really need to look up the definition of ignorance. I think the fact that you think rape in certain circumstances is acceptable, speaks volumes about you as a person. You also ignored the questions I asked, presumably becasue they would force you to re-evaluate your stance.
You are right. Those actions are twisted and sick, child molesters are monsters. I'd say that's a very very normal reaction. And I think everyone agrees that their actions are dispicable.
But that's exactly why we should try to understand them. Understanding the problem is part of the solution. I don't think anyone is asking you to understand them and what they do. We must understand what moves them towards such vile actions. You said so yourself, these people are sick. How do you treat a sickness? By understanding it first. Paedophilia is a mental disorder. No one says you have to like them.
But trying to understand why they do what they do, how they got to that point etc. is a better starting point for a solution than killing them (like some here would like).
And also, it's just sick people actually support rapists. Rape is a horrible crime, whether the victim is a paedophile or a young woman. It's rape and some of you are cheering for it. So basically your opinion of rape is, it's wrong but right and even deserves my support and cheering in some cases. And people talk about monsters commiting rape! You're fucking cheering for it! Twisted and sick.
naděje umírá poslední
I just saw a thing on TV that said there is a special on 20/20 tonight about the whole consent thing with teens and the subject you bring up.
looks like it might be good....
he brings up the same point of why is it illegal and the same as sex offenders?
he seems to agree with us........
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
What do you mean by 'sex offender'? Anyone who happens to have been classified a sex offender by the authorities? Or anyone who has had sex with someone under the legal age, even if it was consensual? I mean, if a 16 year old has sex with a 15 year old, should the 16 year old be classified a sex offender? If someone who is 15 years and 364 days old has sex with an older man, should the man be classed as a sex offender?
It's all a bit vague isn't it?