People really need to open their eyes and quit the conspiracy theories ... (not necessarily you DBTS although, a quick google search would have debunked this pretty quickly)
As for the people who thinked he forged it ... you didn't read ...
Politifact ....
"If this document is forged, a U.S. senator and his presidential campaign have perpetrated a vast, long-term fraud. They have done it with conspiring officials at the Hawaii Department of Health, the Cook County (Ill.) Bureau of Vital Statistics, the Illinois Secretary of State’s office, the Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois and many other government agencies." ....
" staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate. We conclude that it meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship. Claims that the document lacks a raised seal or a signature are false. We have posted high-resolution photographs of the document as "supporting documents" to this article. Our conclusion: Obama was born in the U.S.A. just as he has always said."
By the way, do you know the Ron Paul Supporters actually questioned if JOHN MCCAIN was not a US Citizen???
I don't really believe ANY thing, except the facts i read in the OP.
1. Some guy is suing Obama's campaign for proof.
2. Obama's campaign is delaying the process of providing that proof.
That is FACT.
No distortion, no omission, just fact.
It's NOT an indictment, an accusation, or a judgement on my part of ANY sort. I said up front i didn't even give a flying fuck. I was just curious. It's news to me (because, honestly i don't follow the election that closely anymore, since i don't give a fuck who wins, unless you tell me McKinney is in the lead) and i wanted to see what some serious libs had to say about it.
Clearly the issue is a "sensitive" one. Why? I dunno. I just asked a question, any theories provided were merely attempts at rationalization of a motive.
If you think i'm crazy for the notion that someone might want to trigger martial law right about now, then you must forget who you are talking to ... and that would be someone who thinks Jonestown was a CIA mind control experiment that ended in a government sponsored massacre involving a 3rd world insurgent army as the hired held & patsy.
There is a difference between "out to get you" and "out to fuck you".
Remember that the government is really just owned by a bunch of rich assholes who having been fighting for control of this country since it was founded (both with eachother, others, and the public at large) ... and pretty much everything that it does (outside of congress, anyhow) is done to maintain that control. In short, government is concerned with it's OWN preservation, not yours. This isn't even about American history, its world history. How many governments have been corrupt and self serving, and how many have truly served the people? And the ones that were "good", how long did they last, anyhow?
Governments fuck people over. Over and over.
Its a historical fact. It doesn't exactly take a "conspiracy theorist" to put that point together. In fact, i'm sure you could probably argue it more cogently than me.
I guess the question here is, "are people who may not give a fuck about America trying to influence its internal policies"?
And for that answer, you could go straight to David Rockefeller's own autobiography:
“For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as “internationalists” and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” –David Rockefeller
So its not really about "truth", it's about idealism.
That IS the truth. They ARE NOT working in the best interest of YOUR COUNTRY. The question is, DO YOU AGREE WITH THEIR BELIEFS?
Because I sure as fuck don't support that ideology.
And here is one other LOVELY gem, by the utterly unloveable Col. House:
Sound like a scary prediction from the past?
yeah. Gross.
I know the government is fucked up. But I dont believe everything I hear about it. I was referring to silly conspiracy theries, although I'll admit I do believe some of them.
This was about Obama possibly not being a qualified US citizen right? I was just saying how I find it hard to believe that he may not have been born here. I find it pretty crazy for someone to think he was born in Kenya and the government either A) didn't noticing it by now or just let it slide.
I think that they aren't just looking for a birth certificate and they were hoping that the obama camp would do this instead of waste time disputing the matter...thus creating suspicion that he's not an american and getting narrow minded people to believe this and vote mccain. I'm not saying your'e narrow minded cause I understand your question. You're not saying you believe it..just that it's extremely odd to not just show the certificate. It does seem odd as well which leads me to believe that there's something more personal or irrelevant is being questioned and they think (know?) that it's just a ridiculous political strategy.
..think about how many people read this stuff and don't question it. It's a lot easier to spread some juicy bullshit then to dispute policy.
"Tonight we're just gonna play you some good old American Rock and Roll." tom petty-7-15-05
Isn't it bad when a president lies? I read that once..
Maybe he'll stop after he gets elected?
snopes? why hast thou forsaken?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Isn't it bad when a president lies? I read that once..
Maybe he'll stop after he gets elected?
snopes? why hast thou forsaken?
How's this for irony?
The 5 month old email in the article you linked to tries to say Obama is not patriotic. One of the reasons given in the email to back up this claim is that Obama "won't wear a flag pin," yet I've noticed in the debates and other public appearances that Barack Obama has been wearing one on his lapel and so has Joe Biden. Sarah Palin is often wearing one with the wrong number of stars & stripes, but I haven't seen John McCain wearing a flag pin at all lately. McCain was certainly not wearing one in either of the Presidential debates that have been held so far.
The 5 month old email in the article you linked to tries to say Obama is not patriotic. One of the reasons given in the email to back up this claim is that Obama "won't wear a flag pin," yet I've noticed in the debates and other public appearances that Barack Obama has been wearing one on his lapel and so has Joe Biden. Sarah Palin is often wearing one with the wrong number of stars & stripes, but I haven't seen John McCain wearing a flag pin at all lately. McCain was certainly not wearing one in either of the Presidential debates that have been held so far.
real irony would be if they're all true...the lapel pin thing was icing on the cake for the other 49...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
I thought if one of your parents were American that would make you American. For example when I was in the Army a few friends had babies with German wifes they were considered American. I do not support Obama but this would have been vetted a long time ago.
Only if the child is born in a US military hospital, in a US Embassy or on a US base.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
If so, that's not what I'm talking about. I mean the U.S. flag pin she has with what appear to be rhinestones. Here's an example (not the exact pin she wears but it is similar)
Court rehabilitates Emperor Nicholas II, royal family members
One day I will learn to spell one day Truth will prevail Love will hold me and
One day I will walk on the sands of the Ocean carrying the world on my shoulders and carrying on the good fight of being U-KNIGHTED!!!
Moscow, October 1, Interfax - The presidium of the Russian
Supreme Court has ruled to rehabilitate the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II
and the members of his family.
"The presidium of the Supreme Court has ruled to recognize
Nikolay Alexandrovich Romanov [Nicholas II], Alexandra Fyodorovna Romanova,
Olga Nikolayevna Romanova, Tatyana Nikolayevna Romanova, Maria Nikolayevna
Romanova, Anastasia Nikolayevna Romanova, and Alexey Nikolayevich Romanov as
groundlessly repressed and rehabilitate them," a Supreme Court judge said in
pronouncing the ruling.
The court so granted an appeal by lawyers for the Romanov royal
family against an earlier court decision denying their rehabilitation.
The presidium ruled to invalidate an earlier determination by a
Supreme Court panel, which found that Nicholas II and members of his family
were not eligible for rehabilitation.
German Lukyanov, a lawyer for the Romanov royal family, insisted
in the appeal that Nicholas II and his family members were subjected to
reprisals based on social, religious, and political motives and that the
Russian law stipulates that all victims of political reprisals are eligible
for rehabilitation.
"Reprisals are coercion measures applied by government bodies
invested with administrative powers to limit someone's rights and freedoms
based on class, social, and religious motives," he said.
"The body that made the decision to execute the members of the
royal family was invested with such powers," he said.
The prosecution said at the court that the rehabilitation of the
members of the royal family would be unlawful.
"The members of the royal family were not arrested on political
grounds and no court ruled to execute them. In addition, there is no
information indicating that any court rulings were handed down in relation
to the members of the royal family," he said.
The Russian Supreme Court denied the rehabilitation of Nicholas
II and members of his family last November, thus upholding a decision by the
Prosecutor General's Office that the emperor, his wife, and five children,
who were shot in 1918, were not eligible for rehabilitation.
Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra Fyodorovna Romanova, their
children Alexey Nikolayevich, Olga Nikolayevna, Tatyana Nikolayevna, Maria
Nikolayevna, and Anastasia Nikolayevna, and also the royal family's doctor,
Yevgeny Botkin, maid Anna Demidova, cook Ivan Kharitonov, and butler Aloizy
Trupp were shot in Yekaterinburg early on July 17, 1918.
The remains of the members of the royal family and their retinue
were discovered buried near an old road not far from Yekaterinburg in July
1991. Expert analyses conducted as part of a criminal case pursued by the
Russian Prosecutor General's Office confirmed that the remains were those of
the above-mentioned people. The remains were buried at the St. Peter and
Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg on July 17, 1998.
For God, King and Country.
Maybe because a) this is ridiculous and b) Obama's campaign is a little busy at the moment. Do you honestly think that a person not born in this country would really be able to become President? If there was any truth to this, the Republicans would have found a way to disclose it long before the election was only 3 weeks away.
In civil lawsuits that are filed such to annoy and vex someone, often times months and months go by when discovery motions, protection orders, etc. are researched, drafted, filed, argued and appealed. During said motions, all discovery is frozen.
And I'm not living this life without you, I'm selfish and clear
And you're not leaving here without me, I don't wanna be without
My best... friend. Wake up, to see you could have it all
another page, another reason to quote this for anyone entering the thread after reading the subject ...
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
I know the government is fucked up. But I dont believe everything I hear about it. I was referring to silly conspiracy theries, although I'll admit I do believe some of them.
This was about Obama possibly not being a qualified US citizen right? I was just saying how I find it hard to believe that he may not have been born here. I find it pretty crazy for someone to think he was born in Kenya and the government either A) didn't noticing it by now or
8/7/08, 6/9/09
..think about how many people read this stuff and don't question it. It's a lot easier to spread some juicy bullshit then to dispute policy.
lookie...they irony...
Obama's 50 lies...
Isn't it bad when a president lies? I read that once..
Maybe he'll stop after he gets elected?
snopes? why hast thou forsaken?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
How's this for irony?
The 5 month old email in the article you linked to tries to say Obama is not patriotic. One of the reasons given in the email to back up this claim is that Obama "won't wear a flag pin," yet I've noticed in the debates and other public appearances that Barack Obama has been wearing one on his lapel and so has Joe Biden. Sarah Palin is often wearing one with the wrong number of stars & stripes, but I haven't seen John McCain wearing a flag pin at all lately. McCain was certainly not wearing one in either of the Presidential debates that have been held so far.
I think she is wearing a service star pin ... one star, symbolizing she has a son or daighter in the service.
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
real irony would be if they're all true...the lapel pin thing was icing on the cake for the other 49...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Only if the child is born in a US military hospital, in a US Embassy or on a US base.
Are referring too a pin like the one in this link?
If so, that's not what I'm talking about. I mean the U.S. flag pin she has with what appear to be rhinestones. Here's an example (not the exact pin she wears but it is similar)
One day I will learn to spell one day Truth will prevail Love will hold me and
One day I will walk on the sands of the Ocean carrying the world on my shoulders and carrying on the good fight of being U-KNIGHTED!!!
Moscow, October 1, Interfax - The presidium of the Russian
Supreme Court has ruled to rehabilitate the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II
and the members of his family.
"The presidium of the Supreme Court has ruled to recognize
Nikolay Alexandrovich Romanov [Nicholas II], Alexandra Fyodorovna Romanova,
Olga Nikolayevna Romanova, Tatyana Nikolayevna Romanova, Maria Nikolayevna
Romanova, Anastasia Nikolayevna Romanova, and Alexey Nikolayevich Romanov as
groundlessly repressed and rehabilitate them," a Supreme Court judge said in
pronouncing the ruling.
The court so granted an appeal by lawyers for the Romanov royal
family against an earlier court decision denying their rehabilitation.
The presidium ruled to invalidate an earlier determination by a
Supreme Court panel, which found that Nicholas II and members of his family
were not eligible for rehabilitation.
German Lukyanov, a lawyer for the Romanov royal family, insisted
in the appeal that Nicholas II and his family members were subjected to
reprisals based on social, religious, and political motives and that the
Russian law stipulates that all victims of political reprisals are eligible
for rehabilitation.
"Reprisals are coercion measures applied by government bodies
invested with administrative powers to limit someone's rights and freedoms
based on class, social, and religious motives," he said.
"The body that made the decision to execute the members of the
royal family was invested with such powers," he said.
The prosecution said at the court that the rehabilitation of the
members of the royal family would be unlawful.
"The members of the royal family were not arrested on political
grounds and no court ruled to execute them. In addition, there is no
information indicating that any court rulings were handed down in relation
to the members of the royal family," he said.
The Russian Supreme Court denied the rehabilitation of Nicholas
II and members of his family last November, thus upholding a decision by the
Prosecutor General's Office that the emperor, his wife, and five children,
who were shot in 1918, were not eligible for rehabilitation.
Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra Fyodorovna Romanova, their
children Alexey Nikolayevich, Olga Nikolayevna, Tatyana Nikolayevna, Maria
Nikolayevna, and Anastasia Nikolayevna, and also the royal family's doctor,
Yevgeny Botkin, maid Anna Demidova, cook Ivan Kharitonov, and butler Aloizy
Trupp were shot in Yekaterinburg early on July 17, 1918.
The remains of the members of the royal family and their retinue
were discovered buried near an old road not far from Yekaterinburg in July
1991. Expert analyses conducted as part of a criminal case pursued by the
Russian Prosecutor General's Office confirmed that the remains were those of
the above-mentioned people. The remains were buried at the St. Peter and
Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg on July 17, 1998.
For God, King and Country.
In civil lawsuits that are filed such to annoy and vex someone, often times months and months go by when discovery motions, protection orders, etc. are researched, drafted, filed, argued and appealed. During said motions, all discovery is frozen.
And you're not leaving here without me, I don't wanna be without
My best... friend. Wake up, to see you could have it all