I'm not sure there's any better example of an empty suit. However, it's possible that he believed in everything he was doing, and was not a puppet with the hand of the neo-conservative wing of his administration planted firmly up his ass. Either way, he put the country in the shitter.
I just don't understand how that could be construed as a good thing about Bush; "He said he was going to screw this country up, and he sure did it right or wrong, no matter what the polls told him!" Maybe if he'd listened to those polls a bit more closely we wouldn't be in some of the messes we're in now.
I've always construed an empty suit to be a guy who was completely full of shit, who said whatever he needed to get elected, who had no moral compass, a blowhard who told you what you wanted to hear and did the opposite.
The one thing I feel I know for certain about GWB is that dude fucking believed every word that came out of his own mouth, and he believed what he was doing was right.
I'm not here to agrue this was a good thing all or even most of the time. I'm sure most of you here believe this is the reason he sucks as a president, and I won't even argue that point. I'm just saying I firmly he believe that GWB said what he meant, and did what he said -- what you saw was what you got -- and in my mind, that ain't an empty suit.
An imbecile, maybe.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
zbigniew brzezinski is the dickfaced, warmongering, elitist-cock-sucking global government loving shitwhore of a shill that is\was (still is secretly) one of Obama's chief advisors. [He publicly stepped down as his advisor a month ago or so, after it became public that his SON was advising McCain. so funny. not]
He was National Security Advisor to Carter, and he is right up there with Kissinger on the list of absolute cocksucking shitholes.
You may want to brush up on him, and his policies, since your boy is essentialy his little protege, and likely has a history with him going back to the 80's at Columbia.
Oh, almost forgot, and he was appointed as co-chair\co-founder of the Tri-Lateral commission by David Rockefeller.
i'm not particularly concerned about him. i am concerned about lex luthor though. i hear he's behind the whole 'big bang' experiment they're going to run to destroy the world. obama is secretly raiding his hidden island fortress right now to save us!
i'm not particularly concerned about him. i am concerned about lex luthor though. i hear he's behind the whole 'big bang' experiment they're going to run to destroy the world. obama is secretly raiding his hidden island fortress right now to save us!
I know you think i'm a looney raving toon,
but at least i stick to the issues, and some near approximation of reality.
Like it or not, Zbigniew is real, he is Obamas advisor, and he is a globalist stooge who thinks American should fall in line with a new world order, and succumb to global government.
I'm not sure about your political bent, but that doesn't really jive with me.
Keep poking fun with your bullshit and worthless comments,
and i'll keep throwing reality in your face for you to ignore.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I know you think i'm a looney raving toon,
but at least i stick to the issues, and some near approximation of reality.
Like it or not, Zbigniew is real, he is Obamas advisor, and he is a globalist stooge who thinks American should fall in line with a new world order, and succumb to global government.
I'm not sure about your political bent, but that doesn't really jive with me.
Keep poking fun with your bullshit and worthless comments,
and i'll keep throwing reality in your face for you to ignore.
my political bent is pretty solidly centrist, if that helps you at all. but the reality comment cracks me up. the reason i make my comments is your "reality" rants always make me think of comic books and spy thrillers i've read and i can't help but giggle a bit and let my imagination run wild with all the super secret evil world conspiracies that nobody but you can see and have been controlling all events for 6000 years without fail and without a single misstep. i don't do it to poke fun, i do it because it IS fun i can see why you're so invested in it, it's way more interesting than the boredom of reality and the depressing truth that nobody's behind the wheel and you've just got a bunch of fucked up and disorganized people all over the world screwing everyone they can in order to get their slice of the pie.
my political bent is pretty solidly centrist, if that helps you at all. but the reality comment cracks me up. the reason i make my comments is your "reality" rants always make me think of comic books and spy thrillers i've read and i can't help but giggle a bit and let my imagination run wild with all the super secret evil world conspiracies that nobody but you can see and have been controlling all events for 6000 years without fail and without a single misstep. i don't do it to poke fun, i do it because it IS fun i can see why you're so invested in it, it's way more interesting than the boredom of reality and the depressing truth that nobody's behind the wheel and you've just got a bunch of fucked up and disorganized people all over the world screwing everyone they can in order to get their slice of the pie.
oh there have been PLENTY of missteps, like the majority of the bush administration.
I believe it was your fucking boy Zbig himself who said that this administration has cost "them" about 30-50 years of progress, and he is dead on.
This administration, and there little tactics, the wholesale capitalization on 9/11, and the mess in the middle east has turned more average americans off to the idea of big government, or the notion that any one in washington gives a fuck about them, or will stick there neck out for truth, justice, or America.
And i'm sorry you aren't willing to consider the possibility that there are people in this world with balance sheets worth more than entire regions of the world, that have motives and ambitions that aren't exactly congruous with the American spirit or its laws and ideals.
That doesn't make me a lunatic, it makes you daft.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
oh there have been PLENTY of missteps, like the majority of the bush administration.
I believe it was your fucking boy Zbig himself who said that this administration has cost "them" about 30-50 years of progress, and he is dead on.
This administration, and there little tactics, the wholesale capitalization on 9/11, and the mess in the middle east has turned more average americans off to the idea of big government, or the notion that any one in washington gives a fuck about them, or will stick there neck out for truth, justice, or America.
And i'm sorry you aren't willing to consider the possibility that there are people in this world with balance sheets worth more than entire regions of the world, that have motives and ambitions that aren't exactly congruous with the American spirit or its laws and ideals.
That doesn't make me a lunatic, it makes you daft.
well great! nothing to worry about then! thanks Bush!
i toldja it was impossible for a few people to take over the world. they always fuck it up.
I don't really give a flying fuck who wins at this point,
though i'd rather have McCain, simply because he doesn't have millions of blind followers who will help goose step this country off a cliff.
better they support someone that picked religious looney?
I know you think i'm a looney raving toon,
but at least i stick to the issues, and some near approximation of reality.
Like it or not, Zbigniew is real, he is Obamas advisor, and he is a globalist stooge who thinks American should fall in line with a new world order, and succumb to global government.
I'm not sure about your political bent, but that doesn't really jive with me.
Keep poking fun with your bullshit and worthless comments,
and i'll keep throwing reality in your face for you to ignore.
It's okay if you're conservative, but what's with the attacks on people? Dissent is welcomed, but yeash, take it easy, man.
I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell.
-Christopher Walken
you're=you are
your=showing ownership
The truth has a well known liberal bias.
-Stephen Colbert
It's okay if you're conservative, but what's with the attacks on people? Dissent is welcomed, but yeash, take it easy, man.
i only dish out "personal attacks" to those who consistently and without prejudice call me names, and deliberately take the conversation off topic with intentional mockery and other such ad hominem horse shit.
In short. If i make a valid point about something topical to politics, and you come back and give me some mocking crap about being afraid of Lex Luther, i will continue to point out that such a comment is bullshit and worthless. And that is simply a comment on the quality of a response, not a personal attack. And i think that is pretty mild, considering the abuse i take regularly.
if you are talking about my words towards Zbig,
i'm pretty sure that is fair game around here.
Fuck him.
And fuck him hard.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
oh there have been PLENTY of missteps, like the majority of the bush administration.
I believe it was your fucking boy Zbig himself who said that this administration has cost "them" about 30-50 years of progress, and he is dead on.
And i'm sorry you aren't willing to consider the possibility that there are people in this world with balance sheets worth more than entire regions of the world, that have motives and ambitions that aren't exactly congruous with the American spirit or its laws and ideals.
That doesn't make me a lunatic, it makes you daft.
zbig isn't my boy. i dont even know the guy.
as to the rest, i don't doubt there are "people in this world with balance sheets worth more than entire regions of the world, that have motives and ambitions that aren't exactly congruous with the American spirit or its laws and ideals." i just don't think that all of them go into secret rooms together once a year to talk about their plot for world domination. i think they're all just looking to improve their balance sheets and would stomp on each other as quickly as anyone else if given the chance. a 'no honor among thieves' sort of thing.
i just don't think that all of them go into secret rooms together once a year to talk about their plot for world domination.
that sure sounds a LOT like what Bilderberg is.
For a half century they have held these, once a year, in DEAD secrecy.
Only in the last decade, with the rise of the internet, the alternative media, and yes, Alex Jones, have the assholes been called out and picketed.
Quite literally the mainstream media said that Bilderberg and CFR were "conspiracy theories" and that they "do not exist".
And yet, they get together every year, in secret, and meet ... the top 1% of the top 1%, and their cronies ... sitting politicians, heads of state, queens of countries, the richest of the richest men from around the world ... together in one building\room, for about a week ... once a year.
And yet you sit here, and say with a straight face, you don't think they get together once a year to sit in a room in secret.
Its fucking laughable.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Once all the bullshit about Sarah Palin dies people might start to actually realise that she is everybit as bad as the current administration cronies. Maybe, just maybe, policies/ideas/experience (or lack of) could be given a little bit more consideration than Palin's figure?
This republican nomination brings nothing new-the speaches lack detail or further entrench strategies which have already been proven to fail under previous Republican parties. Basically like very other Republican party before them, this one will be intent on running the US economy into the ground through increased military spending and crushing the average American.
Honestly, what good policies has McCain and Co come up with? What new initiatives does he bring and where is the evidence that they will work. Its a fucking joke that people like this can run for president.
For a half century they have held these, once a year, in DEAD secrecy.
Only in the last decade, with the rise of the internet, the alternative media, and yes, Alex Jones, have the assholes been called out and picketed.
Quite literally the mainstream media said that Bilderberg and CFR were "conspiracy theories" and that they "do not exist".
And yet, they get together every year, in secret, and meet ... the top 1% of the top 1%, and their cronies ... sitting politicians, heads of state, queens of countries, the richest of the richest men from around the world ... together in one building\room, for about a week ... once a year.
And yet you sit here, and say with a straight face, you don't think they get together once a year to sit in a room in secret.
Its fucking laughable.
where? is that the thing alex jones wrote about how he infiltrated a secret meeting in the redwoods where everyone wore masks and cloaks? funny how this ultra-elite has been invulnerable for 50 years, but it's so easy for alex jones to get in once he decides to get round to it.
Once all the bullshit about Sarah Palin dies people might start to actually realise that she is everybit as bad as the current administration cronies. Maybe, just maybe, policies/ideas/experience (or lack of) could be given a little bit more consideration than Palin's figure?
This republican nomination brings nothing new-the speaches lack detail or further entrench strategies which have already been proven to fail under previous Republican parties. Basically like very other Republican party before them, this one will be intent on running the US economy into the ground through increased military spending and crushing the average American.
Honestly, what good policies has McCain and Co come up with? What new initiatives does he bring and where is the evidence that they will work. Its a fucking joke that people like this can run for president.
It doesn't matter what she can or can't do, people want validation they're beleifs are real and thus will vote for McCain. We could find out tomorrow that Pallin had an affair, with her father in law, having sex in her office and people will still justify voting for her...human nature. Reason her daughter getting pregnant and Palin being against sex education did nothing. We're fucked...we'll all be praying before work in couple of years, we'll be seeing women dying from self obortions in three. But God Bless America....woo hoo.
where? is that the thing alex jones wrote about how he infiltrated a secret meeting in the redwoods where everyone wore masks and cloaks? funny how this ultra-elite has been invulnerable for 50 years, but it's so easy for alex jones to get in once he decides to get round to it.
No that was bohemian grove, and Alex Jones has connections, whether you like it or not.
and he did NOT get in to the "top secret" or the "ultra elite" camps, or whatever you want to call it.
it is like a 7000 acre complex, and he basicaly got to sit with all the fan club losers, and not go "back stage", ya dig?
Bilderberg, fucking google it.
time to get hip to reality.
or maybe you could go watch Alex Jones' "Endgame"
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
No that was bohemian grove, and Alex Jones has connections, whether you like it or not.
and he did NOT get in to the "top secret" or the "ultra elite" camps, or whatever you want to call it.
it is like a 7000 acre complex, and he basicaly got to sit with all the fan club losers, and not go "back stage", ya dig?
Bilderberg, fucking google it.
time to get hip to reality.
For godsake man, go read up on what Bilderberg is.
I've done told you.
And its held on a different continent every year.
This year it was DC
Last year it was Canada, i believe.
Before that it was Turkey.
And before that, i really don't know.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
For godsake man, go read up on what Bilderberg is.
I've done told you.
And its held on a different continent every year.
This year it was DC
Last year it was Canada, i believe.
Before that it was Turkey.
And before that, i really don't know.
nah, i dont much care. i've got an opening statement to make tomorrow. until i'm prosecuting bilderberg, their world domination plot makes no difference to me.
I've always construed an empty suit to be a guy who was completely full of shit, who said whatever he needed to get elected, who had no moral compass, a blowhard who told you what you wanted to hear and did the opposite.
The one thing I feel I know for certain about GWB is that dude fucking believed every word that came out of his own mouth, and he believed what he was doing was right.
I'm not here to agrue this was a good thing all or even most of the time. I'm sure most of you here believe this is the reason he sucks as a president, and I won't even argue that point. I'm just saying I firmly he believe that GWB said what he meant, and did what he said -- what you saw was what you got -- and in my mind, that ain't an empty suit.
An imbecile, maybe.
for the least they could possibly do
i'm not particularly concerned about him. i am concerned about lex luthor though. i hear he's behind the whole 'big bang' experiment they're going to run to destroy the world. obama is secretly raiding his hidden island fortress right now to save us!
I know you think i'm a looney raving toon,
but at least i stick to the issues, and some near approximation of reality.
Like it or not, Zbigniew is real, he is Obamas advisor, and he is a globalist stooge who thinks American should fall in line with a new world order, and succumb to global government.
I'm not sure about your political bent, but that doesn't really jive with me.
Keep poking fun with your bullshit and worthless comments,
and i'll keep throwing reality in your face for you to ignore.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
my political bent is pretty solidly centrist, if that helps you at all. but the reality comment cracks me up. the reason i make my comments is your "reality" rants always make me think of comic books and spy thrillers i've read and i can't help but giggle a bit and let my imagination run wild with all the super secret evil world conspiracies that nobody but you can see and have been controlling all events for 6000 years without fail and without a single misstep. i don't do it to poke fun, i do it because it IS fun
oh there have been PLENTY of missteps, like the majority of the bush administration.
I believe it was your fucking boy Zbig himself who said that this administration has cost "them" about 30-50 years of progress, and he is dead on.
This administration, and there little tactics, the wholesale capitalization on 9/11, and the mess in the middle east has turned more average americans off to the idea of big government, or the notion that any one in washington gives a fuck about them, or will stick there neck out for truth, justice, or America.
In short, the massive fuck up that is the bush administration has cost the global government loving elite the very real possibility of using 9/11 to achieve a New World Order ... in the words of second-tier globalist cocksucker, Gary Hart.
And i'm sorry you aren't willing to consider the possibility that there are people in this world with balance sheets worth more than entire regions of the world, that have motives and ambitions that aren't exactly congruous with the American spirit or its laws and ideals.
That doesn't make me a lunatic, it makes you daft.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
i toldja it was impossible for a few people to take over the world. they always fuck it up.
welcome home astronaut
better they support someone that picked religious looney?
It's okay if you're conservative, but what's with the attacks on people? Dissent is welcomed, but yeash, take it easy, man.
-Christopher Walken
you're=you are
your=showing ownership
The truth has a well known liberal bias.
-Stephen Colbert
i only dish out "personal attacks" to those who consistently and without prejudice call me names, and deliberately take the conversation off topic with intentional mockery and other such ad hominem horse shit.
In short. If i make a valid point about something topical to politics, and you come back and give me some mocking crap about being afraid of Lex Luther, i will continue to point out that such a comment is bullshit and worthless. And that is simply a comment on the quality of a response, not a personal attack. And i think that is pretty mild, considering the abuse i take regularly.
if you are talking about my words towards Zbig,
i'm pretty sure that is fair game around here.
Fuck him.
And fuck him hard.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
zbig isn't my boy. i dont even know the guy.
as to the rest, i don't doubt there are "people in this world with balance sheets worth more than entire regions of the world, that have motives and ambitions that aren't exactly congruous with the American spirit or its laws and ideals." i just don't think that all of them go into secret rooms together once a year to talk about their plot for world domination. i think they're all just looking to improve their balance sheets and would stomp on each other as quickly as anyone else if given the chance. a 'no honor among thieves' sort of thing.
that sure sounds a LOT like what Bilderberg is.
For a half century they have held these, once a year, in DEAD secrecy.
Only in the last decade, with the rise of the internet, the alternative media, and yes, Alex Jones, have the assholes been called out and picketed.
Quite literally the mainstream media said that Bilderberg and CFR were "conspiracy theories" and that they "do not exist".
And yet, they get together every year, in secret, and meet ... the top 1% of the top 1%, and their cronies ... sitting politicians, heads of state, queens of countries, the richest of the richest men from around the world ... together in one building\room, for about a week ... once a year.
And yet you sit here, and say with a straight face, you don't think they get together once a year to sit in a room in secret.
Its fucking laughable.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
This republican nomination brings nothing new-the speaches lack detail or further entrench strategies which have already been proven to fail under previous Republican parties. Basically like very other Republican party before them, this one will be intent on running the US economy into the ground through increased military spending and crushing the average American.
Honestly, what good policies has McCain and Co come up with? What new initiatives does he bring and where is the evidence that they will work. Its a fucking joke that people like this can run for president.
where? is that the thing alex jones wrote about how he infiltrated a secret meeting in the redwoods where everyone wore masks and cloaks? funny how this ultra-elite has been invulnerable for 50 years, but it's so easy for alex jones to get in once he decides to get round to it.
It doesn't matter what she can or can't do, people want validation they're beleifs are real and thus will vote for McCain. We could find out tomorrow that Pallin had an affair, with her father in law, having sex in her office and people will still justify voting for her...human nature. Reason her daughter getting pregnant and Palin being against sex education did nothing. We're fucked...we'll all be praying before work in couple of years, we'll be seeing women dying from self obortions in three. But God Bless America....woo hoo.
No that was bohemian grove, and Alex Jones has connections, whether you like it or not.
and he did NOT get in to the "top secret" or the "ultra elite" camps, or whatever you want to call it.
it is like a 7000 acre complex, and he basicaly got to sit with all the fan club losers, and not go "back stage", ya dig?
Bilderberg, fucking google it.
time to get hip to reality.
or maybe you could go watch Alex Jones' "Endgame"
If I opened it now would you not understand?
or at least he's told you he has connections.
so where's the world-domination party held then?
For godsake man, go read up on what Bilderberg is.
I've done told you.
And its held on a different continent every year.
This year it was DC
Last year it was Canada, i believe.
Before that it was Turkey.
And before that, i really don't know.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
nah, i dont much care. i've got an opening statement to make tomorrow. until i'm prosecuting bilderberg, their world domination plot makes no difference to me.