My side of the Boston Tickets story.



  • I wonder where all those people are who actually supported this dude's sad story...

    hello people!

    Well I, for one, am sitting here silently sulking.

    Both because I put my faith behind someone I know personally, had a lot of good times with, and now feel let down by...

    but also because of all the awful name calling surrounding this matter, aimed not only at the accused, but also at anyone who innocently stood up to defend someone they thought they knew. :cool:

    What exactly do you want us to say?
    Sorry? :confused:
    I've offered to pay nycnpt for these tickets,
    to put this all behind us,
    and he has very lovingly declined that offer.

    This whole thing REALLY upsets me.
    I feel like I have been had personally, just as much as this poor fellow has been had financialy.

    I'm not a big fan of confrontation on any level,
    so i've shied away from this in every way possible.
    However, i am now sick of logging on to see people making hateful comments towards anyone who dared stand up for someone they thought was square.

    and that is the last i have to say on this matter.
    i wish nycnpt the best of luck with this, and hope to be able to laugh at it all over a beer someday. and i surely wish nowayimfaithful would mail out this check and stop the misery for all parties involved.

    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • electronblueelectronblue Posts: 3,462
    nowayimfaithfull....nice name...~

    "Forgive every being,
    the bad feelings 
    it's just me"

  • Mrs.Vedder78Mrs.Vedder78 Posts: 4,585
    I wonder where all those people are who actually supported this dude's sad story...

    hello people!

    I'm here... what's your point?

    I know Rick and I dont know the specifics about this case or why this guys hasn't gotten paid :confused:
    Sucks if the other guy didn't get paid but I'm not going to turn around on my friend and talk shit about him is that's what you are suggesting I should do.
    "Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
  • pjtradekingpjtradeking Posts: 4,045
    Well I, for one, am sitting here silently sulking.

    Both because I put my faith behind someone I know personally, had a lot of good times with, and now feel let down by...

    but also because of all the awful name calling surrounding this matter, aimed not only at the accused, but also at anyone who innocently stood up to defend someone they thought they knew. :cool:

    What exactly do you want us to say?
    Sorry? :confused:
    I've offered to pay nycnpt for these tickets,
    to put this all behind us,
    and he has very lovingly declined that offer.

    This whole thing REALLY upsets me.
    I feel like I have been had personally, just as much as this poor fellow has been had financialy.

    I'm not a big fan of confrontation on any level,
    so i've shied away from this in every way possible.
    However, i am now sick of logging on to see people making hateful comments towards anyone who dared stand up for someone they thought was square.

    and that is the last i have to say on this matter.
    i wish nycnpt the best of luck with this, and hope to be able to laugh at it all over a beer someday. and i surely wish nowayimfaithful would mail out this check and stop the misery for all parties involved.


    I guess I would have to agree with you here. I too stood up for and defended this person and also feel let down. I never called anyone names, and dont feel the need to do so now. I guess it is just better to NOT try and vouch for people even though you would like to think the best of most. I *thought* after he came forward and admitted that he had slacked and all PUBLICLY said it would be taken care of, that this would have been resolved by now and put to bed. I was wrong. While I still think most of the folks here are great people, because of this incident, I will now prob stay out of these things whether or not I think I know the person involved. I should have stayed out of it initially.

    I was one of the first to offer to help nyncpt try to recoup some of their $$ and my offer for that still stands. If this ever comes to fruition, someone please let me know, as I too am now done with this thread all together.

    This place has really changed lately and NOT for the good. From the people getting screwed, to the people getting booted, to just the general overall demeanor of the place. I find myself wanting to participate here less and less besides pms and sticking with those I HOPE I know to be friends. but now, I am just not so sure about anyone, and this saddneds me GREATLY. I use to come here to hang with friends and talk PJ (this is what brought us all here to behin with right?), but now even that seems like it is hard to do here any longer. I am truly bummed about it all.

    I hope this comes to and end soon, and there is some resolve for the op. I should have stuck with my ORIGINAL remarks, which were something along the lines of "DONT MESS WITH KARMA!" Or, in hindsight...maybe just kept to myself from the get go!!!

    Never, ever, flipping forget
    "Free Shipping" SPEEDY MCCREADY

    My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
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