This is from JUNE fucking 13th PEOPLE:
The ONLY official news source reporting this ... THANK GOD someone did ! ! !
Local attorney acquitted on federal income tax charges
Cryer stopped filing income taxes more than 10 years ago
July 13, 2007
By Loresha Wilson
A Shreveport attorney who has challenged the government for years on the legality of filing federal income taxes has been acquitted on charges he failed to file returns.
A federal jury unanimously found Tommy Cryer not guilty this week on two misdemeanor counts of failure to file.
And according to Cryer, the prosecution dismissed two felony charges of tax evasion prior to trial.
Attempts by The Times on Thursday to reach U.S. Attorney Donald Washington or Bill Flanagan, first assistant U.S. attorney, were not successful. Calls made to the two were not immediately returned.
"The court could not find a law that makes me liable or makes my revenues taxable," Cryer said. "The Supreme Court has ruled that the government cannot impose an income tax on anything but the profits and gains. When you work for someone you give your service and labor in exchange for money, so everything you make is not profit or gain. You put something into it."
Cryer was indicted last year on two counts of tax evasion. The indictment alleged he evaded payment of $73,000 in income tax to the Internal Revenue Service during 2000 and 2001.
Cryer created a trust listing himself as the trustee, and received payments of dividends, interest and stock income to that trust, according to the indictment. He also was accused of concealing his receipt of the sources of income from the IRS by failing to file a tax return on behalf of that trust.
"I determined that my personal earnings were not 100 percent profits, some were income," Cryer said. "I refuse to file, I refuse to pay unless they can show me I have a lawful reason to pay."
"What I earned was my own personal labor. I am giving something in exchange. I'm giving my property and I don't belong to anyone else."
Cryer says he stopped filing returns more than 10 years ago after he investigated claims that income tax was a sham. He contends the law doesn't actually tax personal earning.
The ONLY official news source reporting this ... THANK GOD someone did ! ! !
Local attorney acquitted on federal income tax charges
Cryer stopped filing income taxes more than 10 years ago
July 13, 2007
By Loresha Wilson
A Shreveport attorney who has challenged the government for years on the legality of filing federal income taxes has been acquitted on charges he failed to file returns.
A federal jury unanimously found Tommy Cryer not guilty this week on two misdemeanor counts of failure to file.
And according to Cryer, the prosecution dismissed two felony charges of tax evasion prior to trial.
Attempts by The Times on Thursday to reach U.S. Attorney Donald Washington or Bill Flanagan, first assistant U.S. attorney, were not successful. Calls made to the two were not immediately returned.
"The court could not find a law that makes me liable or makes my revenues taxable," Cryer said. "The Supreme Court has ruled that the government cannot impose an income tax on anything but the profits and gains. When you work for someone you give your service and labor in exchange for money, so everything you make is not profit or gain. You put something into it."
Cryer was indicted last year on two counts of tax evasion. The indictment alleged he evaded payment of $73,000 in income tax to the Internal Revenue Service during 2000 and 2001.
Cryer created a trust listing himself as the trustee, and received payments of dividends, interest and stock income to that trust, according to the indictment. He also was accused of concealing his receipt of the sources of income from the IRS by failing to file a tax return on behalf of that trust.
"I determined that my personal earnings were not 100 percent profits, some were income," Cryer said. "I refuse to file, I refuse to pay unless they can show me I have a lawful reason to pay."
"What I earned was my own personal labor. I am giving something in exchange. I'm giving my property and I don't belong to anyone else."
Cryer says he stopped filing returns more than 10 years ago after he investigated claims that income tax was a sham. He contends the law doesn't actually tax personal earning.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Sums it up perfectly. Look closely at how this structure for modernized slavery and corruption reveals itself.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
And what makes it even better, again, taken to a logical conclusion, is those profiting from the war that is taking so much tax money woult not even have to contribute to it.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
To me use of "slavery" doesn't really fit, as to me it requires a pretty hard and obvious exertion of violent control over the slaves to be even relevant. (No, taxation with a theoretical violent force behind the claims is not what I'm talking about) Exploitation perhaps, if you must, but not slavery.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
watch this, dan:
If I opened it now would you not understand?
My point is that if we're gonna talk about slavery, which I think is overstating it, then the slavery starts at working for an employer at all. Long before a paycheck and taxation. The system in place would be the slavery, not taxation per se.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
What if you work for yourself? You work to live and the government demands their cut. Try not paying your taxes and see how the fees and fines and potential jail time racks up against you. Pay up or suffer the wrath.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Opinions on taxation aside, if there is slavery going on, it happens way further up in the system, in the way work is organized and who reaps the benefits. Not in a percentage deducted from the paycheck. Slavery is not defined by income-level, but by lack of rights and lack of worth (both seen from the rulers and the slaves themselves).
Is the only difference between slaves and free men for you based on income and the size of it? Then taxation is slavery, but it would need a peculiar definition of slavery, devoid of the hisorical meaning of the term. Using the term as it has historically been used, modern society can't be categorized as slavery. We may not be "free" either (depending on what you mean by it) but slavery is going a bit far.
(edit) btw I'm about to start "working for myself" as an independant contractor within statistics. But even then, I will be using the arrangements in society, I will use the roads, hospitals if necessary, the police if needed and the list goes on and on. So I will pay my taxes gladly. I may take issue with specific results from the tax-system, but I have no problem with taxation in principle.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
At the same time, I don't agree with not paying taxes at all. We do need government, and the government does have a need to take in revenue, I just have a problem with this particular method which generally screws the middle class tax payer worse than any other facit of society. If you've got an accountant and you make enough scratch there are plenty of ways to get around paying tax. I think that's shit. There are a lot better ways to fund the government than with an income tax. Sure it's better for a politician, but it's not better for the citizen.
You love the nanny-state. The more income tax you pay, the better society will be, right?
What the government currently does is indeed slavery. We may get services back in the form of the military and police, but the majority of our taxes goes toward entitlements and welfare. We never see a dime of that spending and the people who receive it are no better off.
The more money you sacrifice to the government, the more power you sacrifice to it. The power to tax is the power to destroy.
-Enoch Powell
i have been waiting for this...
You seem to equate freedom with money, and hence taxation is slavery. I have a different definition of freedom than that. Welfare is precisely what the money should be spent on, althogh I'd be pissed at the half-assed way you do it over there too. But then the problem is not tax, but what the taxes are used for. And my guess is that you do see some of that spending in many ways every day without even noticing. Interesting to note that you seem to think welfare is money wasted while military and police are well spent in your view. Strengthening precisely that force in government you are afraid of taking away your money...
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
The government promises you that your tax dollars will go toward the roads or other useful projects and then it wastes it on people who could probably work if you lit a match under their asses.
-Enoch Powell
It's a little radical to compare yourself with the real slaves that existed a few hundred years ago. Paying taxes is not slavery because money is not freedom.
And if you want to see where 12 000 000 000$ of your taxes goes, look at your tv once a month.
Money has a lot to do with expanding freedom in the "pursuit of happiness."
-Enoch Powell
So basically we are more free than say, indian tribes in america (before the europeans came), because we have money?
And it still doesn't change the fact that comparing your paying taxes with being enslaved is a little sick.
And you're not leaving here without me, I don't wanna be without
My best... friend. Wake up, to see you could have it all
Native Americans? What about their societies made them so free?
Now, that you spend that money to pay off outrageous med costs by the large med-companies, now that's something to be pissed about. And the fact that you spend 4 times as much money per capita on health (private and public combined) than any other industrial nation, and still you have an outrageous number of uninsured people. That's the outrage here. You spend a lot but dont really get any value for your money. Especially not when compared to just about anyone else.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Thank you, Dan. Your posts are always a welcome sight.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
he seems pretty well informed.
I just think it's sad that the REAL truth is that people like Dan would probably be OUTRAGED if they HAD ANY TIME to look in to the issues,
but as it is,
we have all these brilliant (relatively) people around whom keep saying things like
Man ... if the good people of this country (and the world) don't even have ONE LOUSY HOUR of time to spare to LEARN THE TRUTH ABOUT HOW OUR WORLD IS RUN, then we are headed off the shit creek waterfall and on to the rocks quicker than you can grease a ducks ass.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I don't have an hour to hear from the chicken littles about how the sky is falling down. I used to consume myself with that stuff and I'm not gonna do it anymore. There are serious problems and we need to work together to fix them..yes, I agree. But how you choose to go about it and view this world plays a big part. I'm choosing a more optimistic approach to humanity. Protecting borders which only divide us anyways and worrying about tax money just aren't things I'm gonna overly concern myself with.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I'm talking about a system (the federal reserve system) that is based on principals (unbacked paper money) that our forefathers (adams, franklin, jefferson, AND the man who CREATED the Fedearl Reserve through presidential authority -- wilson) recognized as being corrupt and flawed, and that they therefore made expressely UNCONSTITUTIONAL, but which we today use ... unwitting to nearly all americans ...
The goddamn constitution states, plain as day:
"No state shall . . . coin money, . . . or make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts . . ." (Article I, section 10)
so, keep it up, and ignore the BIG issues, and the sky WILL fall ... because inflation is REAL as hell, it is rampant, and it is caused by unbacked money which is PRINTED AT WILL and LOANED TO THE GOVERNMENT ... AT INTEREST ... AT THE EXPENSE OF THE PEOPLE!
It's a sham, it's unconstitutional, and no one wants to talk about it...
except maybe Ron Paul ... who the establishment makes EVERY effort to marginalize.
So what issues are at the forefront of YOUR consciousness?
Because to me that is ONE OF THE BIGGEST.
I'll be honest, i never understood shit about The Gold Standard or it's importance ... in fact, beyond ignorance, i was actually philosophicaly irritated that people would place intrinsic value in gold or silver for no other reason other that it was a. scarce and b. shiny ... but after watching some of these movies (Fiat Empire, in particular explains it PLAIN AS DAY) I am not only aware of the scam that has duped the last hundred years of our great nation, but i am OUTRAGED and trying to proactively spread the word ... and i have gotten involved in the campaign process because of it.
So yeah ... there are plent of "issues" to be concerned about, but to me the UNCONSTITUTIONAL and UNSUSTAINABLE PRINT OF PAPER MONEY is one of the ULTIMATE ISSUES!
what are YOUR big issues?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Hey, I posted on this before. I agree it's a huge problem. But what are you going to do about it? Seriously? What's the plan here?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Right now my plan is
i have signed up to volunteer for Ron Paul.
I have responded to his campaign mailer to be a participant in the Call Iowa program, in order to raise awareness of his campaign -- and his sincere desire to disempower the Federal Reserve -- by calling would-be voters in Iowa to hopefully get them out to not only the real voting booths, but to next months STRAW POLL in iowa, in order to demonstrate support for a REAL candidate who supports the PEOPLE ... FOR REAL ...
That is my CURRENT plan ... i never thought politics would solve ANYTHING, but this fellow is real, and he IS NOT perfect, but he has my vote, for SURE.
What else CAN we do, other than petition our elected officials, vote and make others aware of the issues?
Most all REAL power has been systematicaly stripped from the people ...
about the only thing left to do is inform the people of this before we are all TRULY enslaved with cards & chips and the inability to protest a tyrannical government that has fully overstepped every check & balance our forefathers placed on it.
I have been networking like crazy over the past two months.
Digging for contacts on message boards and myspace, and on ... educating myself by reading, watching "conspiracy" videos on subjects like the federal reserve system, income tax, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Rockefellers, etc ... if the opportunity arises for me to demonstrate\protest, i sure as hell will ... etc ...
again, what else CAN we even do?
The congress and senate could care less, because the Fed. Reserve LENDS THEM MONEY at will ... why would they want to give up "free" money !?!
ps - i am also about to start printing up yard signs and bumper stickers and placing them EVERYWHERE I legaly have a right to, in order to direct people's attention to movies like Fiat Empire which are NOT sensationalistic, but only attempt to inform real americans of the REAL truth behind our government's insolvent monitary policy -- something i now believe to truly be one of the underlying constructs that will doom our nation if we disregard it and do not change course SOON!
If another sham politican gets elected, i fear we may be too late!
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them, will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
-Thomas Jefferson
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I mostly have a problem with letting this kinda stuff consume you. It seems very unhealthy to me....but again that just my take.
I have a few problems with Ron Paul and the whole libertarian mindset. Here's my thoughts on him:
I'm a Kucinich supporter. I believe in focusing on the good in man and building upon it.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Yes i read your original post on RP. I view you as one of few good sources of opinon on these boards. That being said, i willingly admit that Ron Paul is not the PERFECT presidential candidate ...
but lets compromise:
If I opened it now would you not understand?