Well it wouldn't exactly be appropriate to post videos of people shitting on each other here, but if you really want to see it, sign up for an account at empornium.us and filter out everything but piss/shit/scat.
As for men driving nails through their balls, it used to be hosted on rotten.com but it's not on their anymore, but if you google "nails through balls" I'm sure you will find it.
Cut the crap!
We aren't talking about what people do for sexual gratification as adults when they are making their own informed choices and you know it.
so they have found a young crazy kid - son of a crazy man..
and they use him to intimidate and manipulate the US even further.
rally the people in their hate for Arabs - for Iran - rally the supporters that belive that all the death and destriction in Iraq is no great loss. And we need to go ahead and bomb Iran.
I tell you what - that very small group - is destroying us with far superior management and strategy. Despite our great size and superior weapons and intelligence.
Well, I confess, I've been ignoring for weeks now. But some things really get up my goat. I guess the above comments would qualify. I don't get mad often. But somethings you just can't ignore.
But again redrock, you are right. I'm really sure you are.
:eek: How right you are but how cross I am!! :eek:
ok shutting up now.....................I hope. :rolleyes:
Well, I confess, I've been ignoring for weeks now. But some things really get up my goat. I guess the above comments would qualify. I don't get mad often. But somethings you just can't ignore.
But again redrock, you are right. I really sure.
:eek: How right you are! How cross I am!! :eek:
ok shutting up now.....................I hope. :rolleyes:
I have YEARS of 'wisdom' over you.. years of practising and being able to walk away from stuff like that.. though it doesn't always work. I'm all for a good debate with people of totally opposing views, etc. but that is not stuff worth a debate.
I have YEARS of 'wisdom' over you.. years of practising and being able to walk away from stuff like that.. though it doesn't always work. I'm all for a good debate with people of totally opposing views, etc. but that is not stuff worth a debate.
How many years we talking here? hehe!
Might not be as many as you think.
I'm fairly good at being diplomatic, and I rarely argue the point with people that aren't listening anyway, but sometimes some things just hit a nerve.
Guess this would be one of those times. And I wouldn't want my silence to be taken as agreement in this case.
BUT I'm quite sure it's over for today.
As I am equally sure I'll hear more about it tomorrow.
How many years we talking here? hehe!
Might not be as many as you think.
Let's say I could have a 30 year old child (without stretching it).. I don't, but I could... Eg.. you've 'got a thing' with Al.. He could easily be my son.. ;) :D:D
Let's say I could have a 30 year old child (without stretching it).. I don't, but I could... Eg.. you've 'got a thing' with Al.. He could easily be my son.. ;) :D:D.
Ok, well doesn't seem like such a big a gap to me.
I could easily have a 21 year old with out stretching it, but I don't!
Have the 21 yo that is! :eek: Stretching it being part of the reason why not!! :eek: Sorry! That was rude.
hehe!!! A "thing with Al?" hahaha!!! Too funny!!! I'm assuming you mean the lovely Irish Al? My "cousin".
He's gotta be somebody's son! You should claim him! He aint such a bad stick!!
Sounds to me redrock, as though you are amongst the peers of the fella I've been seeing. He's 51. And funnily enough, also called Al.
Ok, well doesn't seem like such a big a gap to me.
I could easily have a 21 year old with out stretching it, but I don't!
Have the 21 yo that is! :eek: Stretching it being part of the reason why not!! :eek: Sorry! That was rude.
hehe!!! A "thing with Al?" hahaha!!! Too funny!!! I'm assuming you mean the lovely Irish Al? My "cousin".
He's gotta be somebody's son! You should claim him! He aint such a bad stick!!
Sounds to me redrock, as though you are amongst the peers of the fella I've been seeing. He's 51. And funnily enough, also called Al.
HAHA! Something about Als :D:D Yep.. peer would be a good word...
Unfortunately, your 'cousin' is someone else's son.. she can keep him! :D
Sorry Al (if you venture on this thread).. I do love you... really.. and I can't wait to see you again in June (only if you bring your brother.. just kidding!) :D:D:D
And for stretching.. there's always exercises But.. that's not the topic of this thread!
Actually some girls would like it, they may say they don't, but people often lie.
Well, I'm really not interested in arguing with you about it. I was just interested where you got that belief from, and personal experience, is about it. So now I know.
And just to give you a challenging opposition, check out infant synaptogenesis and stuff, read up on how the brain works, because there is not much innate with the brain, certainly not morality.
This is a very serious subject, and there are partial truths being given in this thread, without people realizing the "other person's" perspective IS correct, also, like in my signature.
Some people in the conversation know I do crisis intervention at my local crisis centre. On the weekend, I had a call from a caller, who had dissassociative identity disorder. She has "alter" personalities that deal with aspects of her life that she cannot deal with. Her father was/is all kinds of abusive, but most pertinent to this conversation, is sexually and ritualistically abusive of this girl. She has recently fled her home city, to get away from him, and calls the lines for support as she transitions. She told me this weekend that one of her alters wants to stay with her dad and enjoys their sexual relationship. The girl cried as she told me this because as the main personality, she had to get away from the abuse that she found abhorrent. It was obvious that she is torn, though. The whole idea is too repugnant for this girl to be able to own within her own personality--she must split off from it.
I agree with you Ahnimus. These variables go very deep. It's hard to hear that a part of the person can and does enjoy such experiences. We're humans and we are also biological animals. There is no shame in speaking the truth, Ahnimus. It is what it is. As society, we can actually help these situations by accepting the truth, so that more girls will eventually be able to heal from their trauma, not just cope with unconscious pain. As it stands, for many women who desperately want to heal cannot, because society wants to demonize nature, or those who talk about it. I support us opening the channels in healthy ways, and releasing the shame and judgment from not only these girls, but those who dare to talk about it. Let's deal with the truth of these situations, and let go of the resistance.
Personally, myself, being orally sodomized at the age of 5, I grew up to be absolutely confused and puzzled by my own personal inclination towards fellatio. That is until I found varying psychological sources that indicated that when we repress the Truth of these situations--for example the parts that are too horrible to look at, such as the parts of us that are animal and sexual and did like it, we will freeze our actual feelings unconsciously, thereby drawing ourselves into similar situations of revictimization--or into similar situations-- over and over, unconsciously. Until the original feelings are dealt with AS IS, the full truth. Until we do so we are disassociating in our own way. Unfortunately, due to cultural taboos, many women are not given a safe environment to allow their real feelings to arise and be accepted, because they are so socially repelling to people to even consider.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Yea, we got some evolving to do Angelica. Keep up the good fight.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Nope, just a guess. I've actually seen it about a dozen different times. Not as disturbing as the woman using her eye-socket to give 'head' though.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
so they have found a young crazy kid - son of a crazy man..
and they use him to intimidate and manipulate the US even further.
rally the people in their hate for Arabs - for Iran - rally the supporters that belive that all the death and destriction in Iraq is no great loss. And we need to go ahead and bomb Iran.
I tell you what - that very small group - is destroying us with far superior management and strategy. Despite our great size and superior weapons and intelligence.
very embarassing
How is it your brain always spins things like these into Arab hating? Seriously, I'm curious. Because that's where you go each and every time. Why can't, just once, you say something like "damn, 12-year olds murdering by decapitation ... That's screwed up.". I mean, even if you didn't mean it, it would be refreshing.
I mean, really now ... "Hey, Abu, some freaky little kid is in this video cutting someone's head off." "Really? DAMMIT, WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE TO HATE ARABS SO MUCH?!!!" ... Is this really the response that gets evoked by the stimulus, or do you just skip a whole bunch of stuff when you make your posts?
How is it your brain always spins things like these into Arab hating? Seriously, I'm curious. Because that's where you go each and every time. Why can't, just once, you say something like "damn, 12-year olds murdering by decapitation ... That's screwed up.". I mean, even if you didn't mean it, it would be refreshing.
I mean, really now ... "Hey, Abu, some freaky little kid is in this video cutting someone's head off." "Really? DAMMIT, WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE TO HATE ARABS SO MUCH?!!!" ... Is this really the response that gets evoked by the stimulus, or do you just skip a whole bunch of stuff when you make your posts?
. the news media in our country continuously pushes the anti arab agenda.. painting them as terrorist - and with war as the goal. their charactor is constantly under deliberate systematic attach leaving enough American's disinterested in their well being and unconcerned as we contine to kill them and plan on killing more.
We are very interested in selling an attack on Iran. This is part of the commercial.
Why should I be suprized by a 12 year old terrorist in a war torn nation. This is small news to me. The big news is the jets and the plans to make the war bigger.
. the news media in our country continuously pushes the anti arab agenda.. painting them as terrorist - and with war as the goal. their charactor is constantly under deliberate systematic attach leaving enough American's disinterested in their well being and unconcerned as we contine to kill them and plan on killing more.
We are very interested in selling an attack on Iran. This is part of the commercial.
Why should I be suprized by a 12 year old terrorist in a war torn nation. This is small news to me. The big news is the jets and the plans to make the war bigger.
Fair enough, but are you suggesting that the media decline to report this sort of story?
Fair enough, but are you suggesting that the media decline to report this sort of story?
Sure report it if its news worthy.. but leave out the editorial and the carefully planned emotions...
There is really not much news here - we are shieled from the suffering and the horror caused by coalition forces.. but somehow this is the important news of the day.
Sure report it if its news worthy.. but leave out the editorial and the carefully planned emotions...
There is really not much news here - we are shieled from the suffering and the horror caused by coalition forces.. but somehow this is the important news of the day.
I don't know, dude ... The Taliban does not appear to need the U.S. media or anyone else to make them look bad. If this was really some kind of victim scenario, the Taliban and others in the Middle East could do a better job of managing their own image and combating "U.S. propoganda". Instead they just hand over more and more ammunition.
Do I agree with you when you say that this sort of story deflects attention away from problems with the U.S. military presence in Iraq? Yes, absolutely. But do I think that its all part of some ethnic cleansing-style crusade directed at Arabs in general? No, that's ridiculous. Fact of the matter is, people's fear and prejudicial attitudes only increase whenever people in Iraq and elsewhere behave in this fashion. They must bear at least some of the responsibility. Religious killings, suicide bombs, chlorine gas, gunning down government officials and police, bombing each others' places of worship ... When do they decide to change? A lot of them want to live peaceful lives, but there's a significant minority who do not, who hold religious beliefs that were already becoming outdated when the Dark Ages began to end and who honestly think that everyone should die sooner than practice equality and religious freedom. Unfortunately, the latter get the press. Its not different from what happens to non-Arabs here. The people who do horrid things get the press ... Yet few argue that rapists and murderers are unfairly focused on in the media.
On a somewhat unrelated note, I view increased immigration of people from these countries to Canada to be a very positive thing. Globalization will help people to change for the better ... It'll work better than tanks and bombs. The latter should be used only in extreme cases. Iraq is a prime example of the total misuse of military force.
Ok, well doesn't seem like such a big a gap to me. I could easily have a 21 year old with out stretching it, but I don't!
Have the 21 yo that is! :eek: Stretching it being part of the reason why not!! :eek: Sorry! That was rude.
the news media in our country continuously pushes the anti arab agenda.. painting them as terrorist - and with war as the goal. their charactor is constantly under deliberate systematic attach leaving enough American's disinterested in their well being and unconcerned as we contine to kill them and plan on killing more.
We are very interested in selling an attack on Iran. This is part of the commercial.
you are aware of course that iranians are persians not arabs, right?
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I don't know, dude ... The Taliban does not appear to need the U.S. media or anyone else to make them look bad. If this was really some kind of victim scenario, the Taliban and others in the Middle East could do a better job of managing their own image and combating "U.S. propoganda". Instead they just hand over more and more ammunition.
Do I agree with you when you say that this sort of story deflects attention away from problems with the U.S. military presence in Iraq? Yes, absolutely. But do I think that its all part of some ethnic cleansing-style crusade directed at Arabs in general? No, that's ridiculous. Fact of the matter is, people's fear and prejudicial attitudes only increase whenever people in Iraq and elsewhere behave in this fashion. They must bear at least some of the responsibility. Religious killings, suicide bombs, chlorine gas, gunning down government officials and police, bombing each others' places of worship ... When do they decide to change? A lot of them want to live peaceful lives, but there's a significant minority who do not, who hold religious beliefs that were already becoming outdated when the Dark Ages began to end and who honestly think that everyone should die sooner than practice equality and religious freedom. Unfortunately, the latter get the press. Its not different from what happens to non-Arabs here. The people who do horrid things get the press ... Yet few argue that rapists and murderers are unfairly focused on in the media.
On a somewhat unrelated note, I view increased immigration of people from these countries to Canada to be a very positive thing. Globalization will help people to change for the better ... It'll work better than tanks and bombs. The latter should be used only in extreme cases. Iraq is a prime example of the total misuse of military force.
I don't think its reasonable to declair that if the people of Iraq don't bow to the wishes of the military forces occupying their home land, that they are to blame for what happens.
I also don't think it accurate to say that people do not wish to live peaceful lives because of their religious beliefs - no matter how old those beliefs.
I never suggested ethnic cleansing was the goal.. The logic behind the desire to invade Iran and Iraq is anyones guess - there seem to be as many reasons as there are people to ask.. whatever the reason - the dehumanizing of the people of the Middle East is an important weapon.
I don't think its reasonable to declair that if the people of Iraq don't bow to the wishes of the military forces occupying their home land, that they are to blame for what happens.
I also don't think it accurate to say that people do not wish to live peaceful lives because of their religious beliefs - no matter how old those beliefs.
Your first statement is an oversimplification of a complex situation, though. The U.S. did not magically create the religious/ethnic hatred that is currently driving the shitstorm over there. They kicked the hornet's nest over, granted ... But everything to create a civil war was in place before Americans got there. If indeed killing your neighbor is some sort of resistence strategy against the U.S. and nothing more, then ... well ... That's a pretty fucked up resistance strategy that obviously isn't working very well. I think we both know better, though. What's going on in Iraq is not the sole product of the American presence, even if the invasion by the latter did set the stage.
Your second point is hard to argue one way or the other ... Does the religious doctrine (in this case, extreme fundamentalist (but not all) forms of Islam) promote violence, or is it simply appealing to violent people? Either way, its a problem that will somehow need to be addressed. And not just by Americans.
Your first statement is an oversimplification of a complex situation, though. The U.S. did not magically create the religious/ethnic hatred that is currently driving the shitstorm over there. They kicked the hornet's nest over, granted ... But everything to create a civil war was in place before Americans got there. If indeed killing your neighbor is some sort of resistence strategy against the U.S. and nothing more, then ... well ... That's a pretty fucked up resistance strategy that obviously isn't working very well. I think we both know better, though. What's going on in Iraq is not the sole product of the American presence, even if the invasion by the latter did set the stage.
Your second point is hard to argue one way or the other ... Does the religious doctrine (in this case, extreme fundamentalist (but not all) forms of Islam) promote violence, or is it simply appealing to violent people? Either way, its a problem that will somehow need to be addressed. And not just by Americans.
Its a very complex situation. Kicked over the hornets nest is quite the oversimplication also. We actually used massive force to completely destroy their means of control and security. Now we stand among them as the security barking orders to people that we don't understand and that don't understand us. Whats worse - we badmouth and threaten their way of live and their allies -
If we can't work with them - can't help them - and sit back and allow the horror to continue - and if we have to blame them to ease our responsibility - then forgive me if I am not moved by these stories of the horror. I am well aware of the horror... And the biggest face is our own.
Yes, its not ALL our fault. it is very difficult for so many different cultures to coexist - But we are setting an aweful example for "democracy" and "freedom".
Yes, its not ALL our fault. it is very difficult for so many different cultures to coexist - But we are setting an aweful example for "democracy" and "freedom".
I disagree with your view that "the biggest face is our own". Not at all. But I agree that Iraq is indeed an awful example of democracy in action.
Are you referring to Iran here? Sorry, but a) Iran is not Iraq's ally and b) Ahmanadingdong and his hardline rhetoric has earned more than just a little badmouthing, IMO.
Are you referring to Iran here? Sorry, but a) Iran is not Iraq's ally and b) Ahmanadingdong and his hardline rhetoric has earned more than just a little badmouthing, IMO.
Iran is indeed on of Iraq's allies.. unless you don't consider that large percentage of Iraqis to count.
If you consider Iraq to be the US installed government, then, of course, you are right- Iran is not their ally
Iran is indeed on of Iraq's allies.. unless you don't consider that large percentage of Iraqis to count.
If you consider Iraq to be the US installed government, then, of course, you are right- Iran is not their ally
Well, you're not an Iraqi and neither am I, so maybe this specific point isn't worth too much discussion. Suffice to say, I don't think the Iraqis particularly love the Iranians after nearly two decade of brutal warfare.
Actually some girls would like it, they may say they don't, but people often lie.
Well, I'm really not interested in arguing with you about it. I was just interested where you got that belief from, and personal experience, is about it. So now I know.
And just to give you a challenging opposition, check out infant synaptogenesis and stuff, read up on how the brain works, because there is not much innate with the brain, certainly not morality.
First of all, I wasn't raped by a step-father, but I surely thought you'd get how it is different. I cannot believe you'd say some young girls enjoy geting raped by their step-fathers!!!!
Second, I don't see how you can connect infant syantogenesis with a 12 year old boy beheading someone.
Morality is formed by age 12.
My own brain was restructure because of trauma emotional) before age 5, and I still know right from wrong. I knew right from wrong probably at age 4. I knew to not behead someone just because I was told to.
I think this child is being forced to do it, becasue the adults around him think its the manly thing to do and therefore he did it. I doubt he was happy about it. I also think he will have nightmares and regrets later on.
How fuckin convenient!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Cut the crap!
We aren't talking about what people do for sexual gratification as adults when they are making their own informed choices and you know it.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Oh I know. I can and I will.
I didn't get that you were bullying. Made good sense to me.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
and they use him to intimidate and manipulate the US even further.
rally the people in their hate for Arabs - for Iran - rally the supporters that belive that all the death and destriction in Iraq is no great loss. And we need to go ahead and bomb Iran.
I tell you what - that very small group - is destroying us with far superior management and strategy. Despite our great size and superior weapons and intelligence.
very embarassing
But again redrock, you are right. I'm really sure you are.
:eek: How right you are but how cross I am!! :eek:
ok shutting up now.....................I hope. :rolleyes:
It's like Borg!! :eek:
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I have YEARS of 'wisdom' over you.. years of practising and being able to walk away from stuff like that.. though it doesn't always work. I'm all for a good debate with people of totally opposing views, etc. but that is not stuff worth a debate.
How many years we talking here?
Might not be as many as you think.
I'm fairly good at being diplomatic, and I rarely argue the point with people that aren't listening anyway, but sometimes some things just hit a nerve.
Guess this would be one of those times. And I wouldn't want my silence to be taken as agreement in this case.
BUT I'm quite sure it's over for today.
As I am equally sure I'll hear more about it tomorrow.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Ok, well doesn't seem like such a big a gap to me.
I could easily have a 21 year old with out stretching it, but I don't!
Have the 21 yo that is! :eek:
He's gotta be somebody's son! You should claim him! He aint such a bad stick!!
Sounds to me redrock, as though you are amongst the peers of the fella I've been seeing. He's 51. And funnily enough, also called Al.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
HAHA! Something about Als
Unfortunately, your 'cousin' is someone else's son.. she can keep him!
Sorry Al (if you venture on this thread).. I do love you... really.. and I can't wait to see you again in June (only if you bring your brother.. just kidding!)
And for stretching.. there's always exercises
Some people in the conversation know I do crisis intervention at my local crisis centre. On the weekend, I had a call from a caller, who had dissassociative identity disorder. She has "alter" personalities that deal with aspects of her life that she cannot deal with. Her father was/is all kinds of abusive, but most pertinent to this conversation, is sexually and ritualistically abusive of this girl. She has recently fled her home city, to get away from him, and calls the lines for support as she transitions. She told me this weekend that one of her alters wants to stay with her dad and enjoys their sexual relationship. The girl cried as she told me this because as the main personality, she had to get away from the abuse that she found abhorrent. It was obvious that she is torn, though. The whole idea is too repugnant for this girl to be able to own within her own personality--she must split off from it.
I agree with you Ahnimus. These variables go very deep. It's hard to hear that a part of the person can and does enjoy such experiences. We're humans and we are also biological animals. There is no shame in speaking the truth, Ahnimus. It is what it is. As society, we can actually help these situations by accepting the truth, so that more girls will eventually be able to heal from their trauma, not just cope with unconscious pain. As it stands, for many women who desperately want to heal cannot, because society wants to demonize nature, or those who talk about it. I support us opening the channels in healthy ways, and releasing the shame and judgment from not only these girls, but those who dare to talk about it. Let's deal with the truth of these situations, and let go of the resistance.
Personally, myself, being orally sodomized at the age of 5, I grew up to be absolutely confused and puzzled by my own personal inclination towards fellatio. That is until I found varying psychological sources that indicated that when we repress the Truth of these situations--for example the parts that are too horrible to look at, such as the parts of us that are animal and sexual and did like it, we will freeze our actual feelings unconsciously, thereby drawing ourselves into similar situations of revictimization--or into similar situations-- over and over, unconsciously. Until the original feelings are dealt with AS IS, the full truth. Until we do so we are disassociating in our own way. Unfortunately, due to cultural taboos, many women are not given a safe environment to allow their real feelings to arise and be accepted, because they are so socially repelling to people to even consider.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Let me guess, friend of a friend told you this?
Nope, just a guess. I've actually seen it about a dozen different times. Not as disturbing as the woman using her eye-socket to give 'head' though.
How is it your brain always spins things like these into Arab hating? Seriously, I'm curious. Because that's where you go each and every time. Why can't, just once, you say something like "damn, 12-year olds murdering by decapitation ... That's screwed up.". I mean, even if you didn't mean it, it would be refreshing.
I mean, really now ... "Hey, Abu, some freaky little kid is in this video cutting someone's head off." "Really? DAMMIT, WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE TO HATE ARABS SO MUCH?!!!" ... Is this really the response that gets evoked by the stimulus, or do you just skip a whole bunch of stuff when you make your posts?
. the news media in our country continuously pushes the anti arab agenda.. painting them as terrorist - and with war as the goal. their charactor is constantly under deliberate systematic attach leaving enough American's disinterested in their well being and unconcerned as we contine to kill them and plan on killing more.
We are very interested in selling an attack on Iran. This is part of the commercial.
Why should I be suprized by a 12 year old terrorist in a war torn nation. This is small news to me. The big news is the jets and the plans to make the war bigger.
Fair enough, but are you suggesting that the media decline to report this sort of story?
Sure report it if its news worthy.. but leave out the editorial and the carefully planned emotions...
There is really not much news here - we are shieled from the suffering and the horror caused by coalition forces.. but somehow this is the important news of the day.
I don't know, dude ... The Taliban does not appear to need the U.S. media or anyone else to make them look bad. If this was really some kind of victim scenario, the Taliban and others in the Middle East could do a better job of managing their own image and combating "U.S. propoganda". Instead they just hand over more and more ammunition.
Do I agree with you when you say that this sort of story deflects attention away from problems with the U.S. military presence in Iraq? Yes, absolutely. But do I think that its all part of some ethnic cleansing-style crusade directed at Arabs in general? No, that's ridiculous. Fact of the matter is, people's fear and prejudicial attitudes only increase whenever people in Iraq and elsewhere behave in this fashion. They must bear at least some of the responsibility. Religious killings, suicide bombs, chlorine gas, gunning down government officials and police, bombing each others' places of worship ... When do they decide to change? A lot of them want to live peaceful lives, but there's a significant minority who do not, who hold religious beliefs that were already becoming outdated when the Dark Ages began to end and who honestly think that everyone should die sooner than practice equality and religious freedom. Unfortunately, the latter get the press. Its not different from what happens to non-Arabs here. The people who do horrid things get the press ... Yet few argue that rapists and murderers are unfairly focused on in the media.
On a somewhat unrelated note, I view increased immigration of people from these countries to Canada to be a very positive thing. Globalization will help people to change for the better ... It'll work better than tanks and bombs. The latter should be used only in extreme cases. Iraq is a prime example of the total misuse of military force.
ha!! i DO have a 21 year old.
you are aware of course that iranians are persians not arabs, right?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I don't think its reasonable to declair that if the people of Iraq don't bow to the wishes of the military forces occupying their home land, that they are to blame for what happens.
I also don't think it accurate to say that people do not wish to live peaceful lives because of their religious beliefs - no matter how old those beliefs.
I never suggested ethnic cleansing was the goal.. The logic behind the desire to invade Iran and Iraq is anyones guess - there seem to be as many reasons as there are people to ask.. whatever the reason - the dehumanizing of the people of the Middle East is an important weapon.
That too ...
Thus the furor over the movie "300"!
Your first statement is an oversimplification of a complex situation, though. The U.S. did not magically create the religious/ethnic hatred that is currently driving the shitstorm over there. They kicked the hornet's nest over, granted ... But everything to create a civil war was in place before Americans got there. If indeed killing your neighbor is some sort of resistence strategy against the U.S. and nothing more, then ... well ... That's a pretty fucked up resistance strategy that obviously isn't working very well. I think we both know better, though. What's going on in Iraq is not the sole product of the American presence, even if the invasion by the latter did set the stage.
Your second point is hard to argue one way or the other ... Does the religious doctrine (in this case, extreme fundamentalist (but not all) forms of Islam) promote violence, or is it simply appealing to violent people? Either way, its a problem that will somehow need to be addressed. And not just by Americans.
Its a very complex situation. Kicked over the hornets nest is quite the oversimplication also. We actually used massive force to completely destroy their means of control and security. Now we stand among them as the security barking orders to people that we don't understand and that don't understand us. Whats worse - we badmouth and threaten their way of live and their allies -
If we can't work with them - can't help them - and sit back and allow the horror to continue - and if we have to blame them to ease our responsibility - then forgive me if I am not moved by these stories of the horror. I am well aware of the horror... And the biggest face is our own.
Yes, its not ALL our fault. it is very difficult for so many different cultures to coexist - But we are setting an aweful example for "democracy" and "freedom".
I disagree with your view that "the biggest face is our own". Not at all. But I agree that Iraq is indeed an awful example of democracy in action.
Are you referring to Iran here? Sorry, but a) Iran is not Iraq's ally and b) Ahmanadingdong and his hardline rhetoric has earned more than just a little badmouthing, IMO.
Iran is indeed on of Iraq's allies.. unless you don't consider that large percentage of Iraqis to count.
If you consider Iraq to be the US installed government, then, of course, you are right- Iran is not their ally
Well, you're not an Iraqi and neither am I, so maybe this specific point isn't worth too much discussion. Suffice to say, I don't think the Iraqis particularly love the Iranians after nearly two decade of brutal warfare.
Second, I don't see how you can connect infant syantogenesis with a 12 year old boy beheading someone.
Morality is formed by age 12.
My own brain was restructure because of trauma emotional) before age 5, and I still know right from wrong. I knew right from wrong probably at age 4. I knew to not behead someone just because I was told to.
I think this child is being forced to do it, becasue the adults around him think its the manly thing to do and therefore he did it. I doubt he was happy about it. I also think he will have nightmares and regrets later on.