overnight bombing raid aimed at civilians

darkcrowdarkcrow Posts: 1,102
edited July 2006 in A Moving Train

"More than 40 people, including many children, have been killed in an Israeli air strike on the southern Lebanese town of Qana.
Initial reports say families had been sheltering in the basement of a site which was crushed after a direct hit. "

"Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said earlier that Israel was not in a hurry to agree to a ceasefire until it achieved its goals in the area. "

"Witnesses said the early-morning strike flattened several sites on top of sleeping residents.
One survivor said the "bombing was so intense that no-one could move"."

"Israel's military said it had warned residents of Qana to leave and Hezbollah bore responsibility for using it to fire rockets at the Jewish state.

The BBC's Jim Muir in Qana says many did not have the means - or were too frightened - to flee. "

how does israel and the usa expect to stop hezbollah with attacks like this? they are only suceeding in driving more and more support to hezbollah rather than take them away.

on the news last night Bush said something like... (not exact quote) "i am very sorry for the civilian deaths in lebenon but this is american foreign policy in action."

the "this is american foreign policy in action" part is an exact quote. nice to know that if you are an arab or living in the middle-east you can expect to be targeted becuase its "american foreign policy in action".

channel 4 news did a piece about how the war is being reported in Israel and they found that the papers and tv rarley if ever report on the amount of lebenease have been killed.
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  • rightonduderightondude Posts: 745
    I've always wondered if the number of Hez resistance are actually killed v.s. normal civilians? Is this independantly verified by a third party?

    Why not just blow up an bunch of whatever and say you got some of this..some of that?

    I can't imply anything because I don't know. But you know what I mean right?
  • its hard to believe that civilians die when terrorist groups hide their munitions and themselves in with the civilian population..oh wait, no its not.
  • PaperPlatesPaperPlates Posts: 1,745
    I've always wondered if the number of Hez resistance are actually killed v.s. normal civilians? Is this independantly verified by a third party?

    Why not just blow up an bunch of whatever and say you got some of this..some of that?

    I can't imply anything because I don't know. But you know what I mean right?
    Noone knows wtf you mean. But Im sure its reaching and grasping at straws, w/e it is you just said. ;) Lay off the cannibis, you're getting progressively less coherent. :(
    Why go home

  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    its hard to believe that civilians die when terrorist groups hide their munitions and themselves in with the civilian population..oh wait, no its not.

    are you implying that there are no other ways to deal with this situation...?

    lets expand on this line of thinking...let's say a bank is robbed, the armed robbers are caught inside the bank with 10 civilians....would you support the killing of everyone inside bank..?
  • PaperPlatesPaperPlates Posts: 1,745
    inmytree wrote:
    are you implying that there are no other ways to deal with this situation...?

    lets expand on this line of thinking...let's say a bank is robbed, the armed robbers are caught inside the bank with 10 civilians....would you support the killing of everyone inside bank..?

    If those in the bank intended on blowing it up, most likely in an attempt to kill 300+ around the bank, I would. You say thats having no heart. I say not being able to make that choice, says no brain and no heart.

    But wouldnt it be nice if all these radical muslims were just robbing banks? :p
    Why go home

  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    If those in the bank intended on blowing it up, most likely in an attempt to kill 300+ around the bank, I would. You say thats having no heart. I say not being able to make that choice, says no brain and no heart.

    But wouldnt it be nice if all these radical muslims were just robbing banks? :p

    ha ha ha...nice. adding the terror element and fear...no, this is just a bank robbery...not a tar-or plot...

    however, I do find it sad your so quick to kill people...I guess it just goes to show your cold-blooded, self-centered thinking...you are as bad as they are...

    it's thinking like this that supports killing...good work...
  • inmytree wrote:
    are you implying that there are no other ways to deal with this situation...?

    you can not negotiate with people that only care about your ultimate destruction. hezbollah does not want peace, their only goal is to wipe out lebanon.
  • sorry, double post
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    you can not negotiate with people that only care about your ultimate destruction. hezbollah does not want peace, their only goal is to wipe out lebanon.

    so, would you be ok with killing those in the bank...?
  • inmytree wrote:
    so, would you be ok with killing those in the bank...?

    surely you see how stupid your question is? the two are in no way anything alike.

    just wondering though, how come you nut jobs don't start these threads when a hezzy rocket hits an israeli hospital??
  • PaperPlatesPaperPlates Posts: 1,745
    inmytree wrote:
    ha ha ha...nice. adding the terror element and fear...no, this is just a bank robbery...not a tar-or plot...

    however, I do find it sad your so quick to kill people...I guess it just goes to show your cold-blooded, self-centered thinking...you are as bad as they are...

    it's thinking like this that supports killing...good work...

    Ha ha ha , use analogies that aren't even remotely similar to the situation being discussed, HA hah ha ha. I love how you're so quick to let bank robbers kill you. You can critisize me for my "self centered thinking" all you want, Ill be the guy carrying your body out, since you'd obviously be so willing to throw your own body in the way of the bullets, to ensure the safety of those 10 innocents.

    You cant make not even closely related analogies to try and make points. In order for an analogy to work, its gotta resemble the situation being dicussed at least a little bit. Just for future reference, oh wise one.
    Why go home

  • PaperPlatesPaperPlates Posts: 1,745
    surely you see how stupid your question is? the two are in no way anything alike.

    just wondering though, how come you nut jobs don't start these threads when a hezzy rocket hits an israeli hospital??

    They're too busy dancing, cha cha cha.
    Why go home

  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    surely you see how stupid your question is? the two are in no way anything alike.

    just wondering though, how come you nut jobs don't start these threads when a hezzy rocket hits an israeli hospital??

    really...not alike...

    let's see....innocent people + bad people in the same area....it's pretty much the same thing....but if you can't expand your thinking, that's ok, just blow it off as a stupid question....that's what the simple do when hard questions are asked....

    another question...why do you have to call me a "nut job"...what's that about...? I asked you a simple question that you can't understand...and that makes me a nut job....:rolleyes:
  • inmytree wrote:
    really...not alike...

    let's see....innocent people + bad people in the same area....it's pretty much the same thing....

    uhh, yeah, sure, okay.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    Ha ha ha , use analogies that aren't even remotely similar to the situation being discussed, HA hah ha ha. I love how you're so quick to let bank robbers kill you. You can critisize me for my "self centered thinking" all you want, Ill be the guy carrying your body out, since you'd obviously be so willing to throw your own body in the way of the bullets, to ensure the safety of those 10 innocents.

    You cant make not even closely related analogies to try and make points. In order for an analogy to work, its gotta resemble the situation being dicussed at least a little bit. Just for future reference, oh wise one.

    ok, killer of the innocent...

    you response makes no sense to anything I posted...a typical tactic...justify death and killing, just like the tar-or-ist do...

    and the bodybag comment...what the is that? can you attempt to make at least some sense...? you, my dear, are the person who wanted to blow up the bank...so either way, those innocent people in the bank would be dead...

    you are quick to kill...you want people dead...you are as bad as a tar-or-ist...

    go get 'em, killer...
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    uhh, yeah, sure, okay.

    you can't see my point or are you ingoring it...
  • "you can't see my point or are you ingoring it..."

    soorry dude. its just a bad anaolgy. i hope you didn't spend much time thinking it up. you never answered my question either. where are the threads about the hezzys launching rockets at israeli hospitals...are you all just hypocrits or what????
  • PaperPlatesPaperPlates Posts: 1,745
    inmytree wrote:
    ok, killer of the innocent...

    you response makes no sense to anything I posted...a typical tactic...justify death and killing, just like the tar-or-ist do...

    and the bodybag comment...what the is that? can you attempt to make at least some sense...? you, my dear, are the person who wanted to blow up the bank...so either way, those innocent people in the bank would be dead...

    you are quick to kill...you want people dead...you are as bad as a tar-or-ist...

    go get 'em, killer...

    You're cute.
    "you can't see my point or are you ingoring it..."

    soorry dude. its just a bad anaolgy. i hope you didn't spend much time thinking it up. you never answered my question either. where are the threads about the hezzys launching rockets at israeli hospitals...are you all just hypocrits or what????

    And the troubling thing is, he probably spent 2 weeks concocting that wonderful analogy.
    Why go home

  • shirazshiraz Posts: 528
    inmytree wrote:
    so, would you be ok with killing those in the bank...?

    It really is not the same thing, because Hizbullah aren't just threatening the "people inside the bank" (btw, in this case we're talking about people who support them), but it is mainly threatening to kill everyone outside "the bank" and actually is trying its best to do so.

    There's no way I'm gonna justifay the killing of these civilians. The only thing I can say is Kana village was knowen as a stronghold of Hizbullah, from where (amongst other places) many missiles were being shot towards northern Israel. This is only an explanation to why the IDF was aimming there in the first place, not a justification to the killing of civilians.
  • PaperPlatesPaperPlates Posts: 1,745
    shiraz wrote:
    It really is not the same thing, because Hizbullah aren't just threatening the "people inside the bank" (btw, in this case we're talking about people who support them), but it is mainly threatening to kill everyone outside "the bank" and actually is trying its best to do so.

    There's no way I'm gonna justifay the killing of these civilians. The only thing I can say is Kana village was knowen as a stronghold of Hizbullah, from where (amongst other places) many missiles were being shot towards northern Israel. This is only an explanation to why the IDF was aimming there in the first place, not a justification to the killing of civilians.

    Don't confuse the poor guy with real life facts. It only makes their analogies get worse. ;)
    Why go home

  • darkcrowdarkcrow Posts: 1,102
    shiraz wrote:
    It really is not the same thing, because Hizbullah aren't just threatening the "people inside the bank" (btw, in this case we're talking about people who support them), but it is mainly threatening to kill everyone outside "the bank" and actually is trying its best to do so.

    isnt that what israel is doing? they are not just threatening hezbollah but infact the population of Lebenon.. they dropped flyers to the people of southern lebenon warning them if they didnt leave then they would be at risk of being killed.

    israel says they are just defending themselves. hezbollah say they are doing the same. both sides need to stand down and stop murdering each other.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    it's really funny how he anology is attack because it doesn't fit your line of thinking....

    let's go through it again:

    Hezbollah is among/next to/hiding within the civilian population = a bank robber (bad guy) enters a bank (civilian population) and holds the place up...

    so if it's ok to bomb the homes of civilians in lebanon to kill hezbollah, it must be ok to kill those in the bank to kill the bank robber...right...

    thinking...try it, you'll may like it....
  • PaperPlatesPaperPlates Posts: 1,745
    inmytree wrote:
    it's really funny how he anology is attack because it doesn't fit your line of thinking....

    let's go through it again:

    Hezbollah is among/next to/hiding within the civilian population = a bank robber (bad guy) enters a bank (civilian population) and holds the place up...

    so if it's ok to bomb the homes of civilians in lebanon to kill hezbollah, it must be ok to kill those in the bank to kill the bank robber...right...

    thinking...try it, you'll may like it....

    Hezbollah isn't trying to rob banks. Your analogy sucks, and is being attacked, becaue it sucks.
    Why go home

  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    Hezbollah isn't trying to rob banks. Your analogy sucks, and is being attacked, becaue it sucks.

    I'm sorry thinking makes your head hurt....it explains your blind hatred...
  • PaperPlatesPaperPlates Posts: 1,745
    inmytree wrote:
    I'm sorry thinking makes your head hurt....it explains your blind hatred...
    Right back at you.

    The only thing I have blind hatred for is shitty analogies. :)
    Why go home

  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,106
    inmytree wrote:
    it's really funny how he anology is attack because it doesn't fit your line of thinking....

    let's go through it again:

    Hezbollah is among/next to/hiding within the civilian population = a bank robber (bad guy) enters a bank (civilian population) and holds the place up...

    so if it's ok to bomb the homes of civilians in lebanon to kill hezbollah, it must be ok to kill those in the bank to kill the bank robber...right...

    thinking...try it, you'll may like it....

    I realize what you are trying to say with your analogy. Unfortunately, it doesn't hold up. Hezbollah (bad guy) isn't terrorizing the bank (civilian population), they are terrorizing Israel. Israel told the bank hostages (civilians) to get out of town. Also, it's not money the terrorists are after. It's the life of civilian's in Israel. The complete destruction of Israel.

    It is Hezbollah's fault for setting up shop within the civilian population. Until the younger Muslim's decide to take control of their countries away from these religious and political zealots, they'll continue to take these civilian casualties. If someone were to go to war with the American military, guess what? They would attack bases that are separated from the civilian population. Hezbollah is a group of cowards hiding behind children, Syria, and Iran.
  • its hard to believe that civilians die when terrorist groups hide their munitions and themselves in with the civilian population..oh wait, no its not.

    Israel has admitted that the main building destroyed in Qana was not a target and that their bombs "missed" the intended target.
    "Of course it hurts. You're getting fucked by an elephant."
  • shirazshiraz Posts: 528
    darkcrow wrote:
    isnt that what israel is doing? they are not just threatening hezbollah but infact the population of Lebenon.. they dropped flyers to the people of southern lebenon warning them if they didnt leave then they would be at risk of being killed.

    israel says they are just defending themselves. hezbollah say they are doing the same. both sides need to stand down and stop murdering each other.

    Not the same thing, The IDF is not working out of civilian populated villages, Hizbullah is. That's why most attempts of killing Hizbullah people ended up with killing civilians as well. It's not right, but that's the way it is, unfortunately.

    Also, the IDF is Israel official army, Hizbullah is a terror organization who took over southern Lebanon and is doing whatever it wants (Please, read this INTERVIEW with Hizbullah men: http://www.guardian.co.uk/syria/story/0,,1832931,00.html).

    In any case, both sides are to blame - Hizbullah for starting this whole nightmare just because, and Israel for over-reacting (though AN action was unavoidable and justified).
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,106
    Israel has admitted that the main building destroyed in Qana was not a target and that their bombs "missed" the intended target.

    Still doesn't change the fact that Hezbollah chooses to shoot their weapons in civilian areas. They should expect if they are going to shoot them that they are going to be retaliated against. And not all missiles are going to hit their targets. Hezbollah knew this, and guess what? They still tried to use the civilians as a shield. Because they knew that would give Israel a harder time when it fought back, and would give them bad publicity. It would also make people like you feel sympathy for them, instead of being angry at them for not caring about their own people, and using them as pawns.
  • Still doesn't change the fact that Hezbollah chooses to shoot their weapons in civilian areas. They should expect if they are going to shoot them that they are going to be retaliated against. And not all missiles are going to hit their targets. Hezbollah knew this, and guess what? They still tried to use the civilians as a shield. Because they knew that would give Israel a harder time when it fought back, and would give them bad publicity. It would also make people like you feel sympathy for them, instead of being angry at them for not caring about their own people, and using them as pawns.

    I'm not taking sides on this, mostly because of the fact that I don't see where either side can claim any kind of justification or moral high ground after the shit they've both pulled.

    "Well, they did it too!!"

    Sorry, but that's a child's excuse. Hezbollah places their weapons/infrastructure within civilian areas for express purpose of ensuring sympathy-generating civilian casualties. They do this because they KNOW Israel will still strike them. If they're daring Israel to kill Lebanese children and Israel goes ahead and does it, I'm not sure how anyone can make a moral arguement for either side.
    "Of course it hurts. You're getting fucked by an elephant."
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