A thought regarding Palin

The clean version.
I wonder how many of these Hollyweird goofs that are slamming her had even heard of her two months ago?
I think they are so fearful of her popularity, of which may be equal or higher than Obama's, that they are pulling out anything that they can to try to save their buddy Obama. They know she is a serious threat otherwise they wouldn't be wasting the energy that they are on her.
Just a thought, no musician or celebrity could ever influence my voting decisions.
I wonder how many of these Hollyweird goofs that are slamming her had even heard of her two months ago?
I think they are so fearful of her popularity, of which may be equal or higher than Obama's, that they are pulling out anything that they can to try to save their buddy Obama. They know she is a serious threat otherwise they wouldn't be wasting the energy that they are on her.
Just a thought, no musician or celebrity could ever influence my voting decisions.
Post edited by Unknown User on
"Fossils were placed here by the Lord to test our faith."
Yeah, because God or whoever had nothing better to do than go around pranking the planet...
C'mon. She governs probably the last great wilderness in the western world, and she wants to fuck it over for the last few drops of oil. Unbelievable.
Absolutely agree with you here.
Then why are you so upset when they express their opinion? Are we goofs for expressing ours on here? Their forum is just bigger, they have a right to express, you have a right to ignore. The "shut up and sing" people just dont know how to deal.
As far as Palin..PJ Gurl pretty much sums it up.
she's only a serious threat because too many of our USA flag pin wearing redneck idiots identify with her. the same people that got Bush elected will once again come out strong. she's a fucking joke and yes, she scares the shit out of me.
The Dirty version
Did any one happen to mention to you that she will be meeting with Bono, singer, musician, songwriter of a rock band and world activist on her so called -foreign policy experience- trip to NY? Bono is there by invitation of various UN delegates, Palin is there for show, more like a star struck fan, as she has nothing to offer these world leaders. I'm sure she has consulted with her witch doctor pastor for advice.
She has more executive experience than Obama. That's fact.
and more than Mchouse, that's a fact....
You are right. She has more than anyone in the race. Fact.
dude ... she's been barely governor of alaska for 2 years - in that span she's been able to get herself into 2 scandals ... she thinks the iraq war was an act of god and that dinosaurs don't exist ...
she knows nothing about anything outside of alaska ... GWB was a governor too - and he was nowhere fit to be president of the united states ... she is in the same mold ... ignorant of issues outside their own little world ...
She has more exec experience (8 years) than Obama (zero years). Fact.
so, if i manage a hot dog stand for 2 years in the middle of nowhere - and you worked at all kinds of restaurants in big cities at various levels ... i'd be more qualified to run a new restaurant because i've had more managerial experience?
context ... but i can tell from your response that you don't really want to hear it ...
That's it, that's all you got, she has 'executive' experience. Well screw America because all those Wall Street financial people have more 'executive' experience than we can calculate. Bush and his Administration have more 'executive' experience at their disposal than the imagination can comprehend - and LOOK at the MESS this COUNTRY is in. Go executive experience.
If you want to look at it realistically, those restaurants that you've been working at in the big cities are all losing money, make terrible food, and treat their customers poorly...
Then yes, I want the hot dog stand owner to get a shot and fixing a systemic problem...you can't fix a systemic problem with people that are part of the problem. That goes for McCain and Biden mostly...and Obama has his share as well.
I bet many republicans are really wishing they had nominated Mitt Romney right now with the Economy being the #1 issue...I know I wish they had.
just curious...what's "executive experience"....and why should I care?
Obama has no exec experience. You can demean Alaska all you want (don't be surprised if the majority of Americans don't like that). It doesn't change the fact that she has 8 years of governing experience. Moreover, the economies she has governed have performed relatively well. Clearly, you don't like her or her policies. Fair enough. But, try to be objective; she has more experience than Obama.
Executive experience is very important...and Palin does have more of it then anyone else in the race from the 2 major parties.
That being said, leadership is probably even more important...who can lead, who has a vision, who inspires? That's Obama's edge.
But another portion of leadership is showing decision making ability and getting things accomplished...McCain has the better record here working bi-partisan...Obama talks of working with republicans, but his voting record shows that he has little experience with this and (when he actually does vote) he is always voting with the Dems.
So, let's take Palin's energy and executive experience....Obama's leadership and style...and McCain's straight talk all rolled up into 1.
Why don't you for once take a look at intelligence and decision making abilities? There's a backlash against intellectualism in this country.
That's what put W in the White House, that and manufactured FEAR.
People are afraid of what they don't understand. Gore was an intellectual, Kerry was an intellectual, Obama is an intellectual. Why don't you McPalin supporters admit that what you're really afraid of is people with brain power....?
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
you think just because she comes from alaska - she's an outsider???
so, what did she do that was so special...? why is this executive experience so important...?
your answer gives no specifics...
also, I know the mayor of my city is clown who is a real estate broker, thus bends over backwards to the builders and real estate folks...while he may have this golden "executive experience", he sure has hell is not ready to be one pretzel away from the president chair...
so, you really don't care about anything else? i am not demeaning alaska but you consider being mayor of 6,000 to be more important to being in the white house than knowing that dinosaurs exist ... i don't ...
i don't like mccain policies either but i would NEVER say he is not fit to be president of the united states ... NEVER ... nor would I say that about a plethora of republicans ...
i'm no democrat believer either - so, i tend to think i'm more objective than you think ...
the single most important fact one needs to know is that she is in WAY over her head ... her experience (which is the only thing you seem to tout) means nothing when she's dealing with a crisis in the middle east where she knows absolutely nothing about the history in the region ...
Settle. It's important because it shows that the candidate has done a similar job in the past.
It's clear you dispise her and her policies. I am well aware of that. But, what I'm saying is fact. I could be more elaborate, but that wouldn't change your mind. So, what's the point? You will continue to attack the term executive experience simply because your candidate doesn't have it. If Obama had it and the Republican ticket did not, I'm willing to bet you'd think it's important. That's fine. You don't think it's important. Someone else may because it shows the candidate has done something similar in the past. That is all.
so, basically you are saying anyone who has been mayor of any town in america is more qualified to be prez than obama ... ????? ... WTF?
I'm not touting anything. I'm stating facts. You can think you are being objective all you want. I wouldn't agree unless you can admit she does have more experience. I've simply been saying that she has more executive experience (which is obviously a nice resume booster for an executive position) after you said she's not qualified.
This is getting old.
executive experience is important because its the only way to see what someone does when the buck stops with them...
You can't vote "present" when you are the president.
What I am saying is...
Anyone who has been mayor/governor for 8 years has more executive experience than Obama.
ha ha...this is funny...the reason you won't elaborate is because you can't....plan and simple....
and I'm glad to see you're pulling out the old "blinded by hate" card...which proves you've got nothing but your own closed minded bias...
Didn't she leave Wasilla $20 million in debt? And don't they now have one of the highest meth lab per capita ratios in the country? She really hasn't had time to screw up the State of Alaska. But I have every confidence in her she still can. Hopefully we get to find out.
you replied to my post that says she is not qualified to be vp or prez with your "fact" ... so, do you think she is qualified to be vp or prez!?? ... yes or no?