Obama starting to show true colors

Obama is rethinking his position on off shore drilling as part of a comprehensive energy plan. So much for his campaign for change.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Post edited by Unknown User on
I just hope that McCain hammers him on this.
thanks I guess
Anyone too stupid to understand the art of political compromise is too stupid to be president. Obama is anything but stupid. If the American people are stupid enough to believe off-shore drilling is critical to the US (and I hate to say it, but Americans, as a whole believe a lot of stupid, stupid things are critical to the US--see current president for proof), they won't elect someone who continues to stick exclusively to the realistic assessment that off-shore drilling isn't any panacea. If Obama accommodates a bit of perception, which will drive a huge part of the election, he's doing the right thing for himself and for those of us depending on him to get the bums out. He will be sticking to his campaign for change. Get the bums out. That is the ultimate in change.
He's also anything but honest.
Oh wow.
go ahead and throw this in to the pile with the rest of Obamas great big "accomplishments".
"the bums" are leaving, Obama or otherwise.
If this is the "ultimate change" you speak of, may i be the first to proclaim "whoopity fucking woo"?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Well Said. The average citizen isnt smart enough to realize that even if Congress agreed to offshore drilling yesterday, we wouldnt see any increased oil supplies for YEARS!
The whole thing is a scam, but if Obama doesnt play along, McCain will win. It's a game and you have to roll with the punches and remain flexible. Obama is still Obama, he just has to cater to all the interests to get votes. He can do whatever he wants after he gets elected, thats what the "compassionate conservative" Bush did!
that word seems as interchangeable to Obama supporters these days... even though clearly they don't know what a fucking compromise means.
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
Dude I hate politics and I hate the current course we are on...people can go ahead and vote for Nadar or Paul or some "superior" third party candidate but the reality is...either McCain or Obama will be the next president. I pick Obama.
As long as people keep thinking that way, then of course a Nader will never win and America will never truly move forward.
You have to start small, the movement must grow. it takes time. every 4 years you make steps forward. not backwards.
But most Americans don't have patience for that. They want everything to be as quick as a McDonalds Big Mac.
... and about as healthy too.
I thought you cast your vote for the RIGHT person.
This isn't supposed to be a derivatives game like the stock market.
In other words, in the game of trading the aim is NOT to bet which way YOU think the market is going to go ... it is to bet on which way you think OTHER people think the market is going to go. And then you take it out to the 3rd derivative -- which way to you think that other people think that other people think the market is going to go. and the 4th and 5th and so forth and so on.
Sheesh, folks.
Maybe if you put your balls on the table and just voted with your heart instead of the damaged portion of your brain which keeps flashing "danger danger! if you vote for the right guy, we might all be fucked!" and just went with it ... like MrBrian said, one day, maybe 8 years down the line, the election results would show enough people voting for the right guy for the system to give that person a chance.
But instead its this instant gratification crap.
Aw man, but McDonalds says they are only making BigMacs or QuarterPounders right now, and if i want a McSalad i have to pull over and wait for five minutes. I guess i should go for the QuarterPounder since it is "less bad" than a BigMac and everyone else seems to be ordering them.
Now we're doing Fast Food \ Politics metaphors.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
haha! I swear dude, only when i'm talking about American Politics do I sometimes throw in fast food lines or whatever else. It just makes more sense.
you know, 1 Big Mac =1000 Iraqi
Right- Obama is not my perfect candidate, but he is a small step forward.
When its my time- I'll open the borders, lower taxes, slash the DoD budget in half, build trains along the interstates, support abortion, tuition reimbursement for all students who volunteer for two years after college, not worry about Barry Bonds or Roger Clemens, eliminate the fed, decriminalize pot, support after school programs, cut all faith-based initiatives, and oh yeah- NO GOVT BAILOUTS.
Yeah but dude. Obama is One step forward, two steps back.
Eating a Burger..then throwing it back up. (maybe that didn't work?)
Yeah, but the salad is the lesser of the few evils.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
But if you impeach Ronald, then you're stuck with McBurgler.
Yeah. Real smart idea.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
He reminds me more of Grimace...the freak that liked to steal all the McDonalds Milkshakes.
And then you complain about high gas prices because Exxon is "corrupt."
I'll tell you what's fucked up, the fact that people believe in and have taken specific measures which prevent oil companies from building refineries and drilling, driving up the price of gas. And then bitch about how corrupt the oil companies are that they are making "record profits" but the price of gas is too high. They have one of the lowest profit margins of any industry. That's FAR from corruption.
Then on top of that, they want those same oil companies to be FORCED to spend millions of dollars to develop alternative energy, which directly conflicts with their business interest of SELLING OIL.
this was argued in here. if you think offshore drilling is a good idea, then you are completely mind-warped.
Tell me clearly and concisely why you don't support it, if you're able.
I did but there are many different viewpoints and such in that thread. It would help if you could just clearly state your position.