everybody supported us because we didn't do shit, threw monwy at them. as soon as we take up for ourselves, poof
mammasan - while you are drying yrself off....
do you they JUST NOW started hating us? never heard them call us the "great satan"
they do hate us because of our freedoms...
but mostly, we've been around 200 years, we're more EVERYTHING than they are...they are still packing poop in a can to throw out behind the sandpile
but more mostly - were a Christian nation....it's a damn holy war for them...you had better wake up
history didn't start the day you were born
Maybe you need to take a look at history.
They hate us because of our intervention in their affairs. Shah of Iran ring a bell. We have been meddling in Middle Eastern affairs since WW II. We support corrupt governments over there simply because they cater to our needs. We orchestrate coups to over-throw democratically elected governments to insert corrupt oppressive regimes that will cater to our demands. It has nothing to do with our religious beliefs or our freedoms. Our religious beliefs and the tenets of our democracy have been in place for over 200 years, why all of a sudden do they hate us. Why not hate us from the beginning. It is because for the first 150+ years we did not aggressively pursue a foreign policy of intervention. Since WW II we decided that we have the right to intervene whenever and where ever it is beneficial to us regardless of what the regions people or government has to say. It has nothing to do with the misguided belief that they want to destroy us because our women don't where burqas or because we are Christians.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
america sucks the big one.....have you ever ran for office?
once again, while they are killing each other, we should do nothing, no wait, we need to go in and help these poor people....
Just because I disagree with our foreigbn policy doesn't equate to me thinking this country sucks the big one. That's the problem with you uber-patriots. It's all black and white to you. You either support this country's actions 100% or you are a traitor. There is no middle ground. That's not patriotism though. That is nationalism and we all saw how well that worked out in Germany during the 1930's and 40's.
The truest form of patriotism is one who is able to see the flaws within his own country/government and strives to correct them. This country was founded on certain ideals and principles and, in my opinion, we have strayed from them. We have become the same entity that the founding fathers fought so hard to free themselves from. Now you may be fine with that, but I am not.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
To the United States in 1985 when the recipients were Iranian Shi'ites... yeah... it was okay. In fact, we even supplied the chemical agents to do the deed.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
dude, who the fuck supports us? canada? hell no, we foot the freaking bill for the world, while they dog our asses...come on...
as far as cred, we got it...why do you think the radical islam wants the dems to win? because they'll do their "let's talk" crap, while they are SWORN to kills us.
Not that I particularly want to get into this or change the subject but it REALLY PISSES ME OFF when Americans YET AGAIN seem to forget that Australia has been supporting your stupid bloody war since it's inception!
I mean I know some of you don't even know who John Howard is, but if you look closely the growth coming out of George Bush's arse, THAT'S HIM!!!
I think a boycott of the Olympics is a great idea and you are also correct in assuming that we will not put any real pressure on China and India.
Just like in Darfur and Rwanda, Burma is not that important to us (and many of our allies). We have no economic or military interest in that country so it is not worthy of a real effort in bringing about reform.
Well what if we (meaning us here on the pit) found a way to get our respective countries thinking about boycotting the Olympics? I mean, I'm struggling to keep sitting on my hands over this issue and I sure as hell know that Little Johnny and Alexander Downer are gonna do JACK SHIT!! However, it is an election year! So perhaps if we get active we might actually be able to do something instead of watching this horrified from the sidelines?
Well back on topic. It seems that the Myanmar government is dicking around the UN envoy sent to speak with the head of the military junta. It seems pretty damn obvious that the government has no interest in listening to it's people or easing back on it's brutal methods for supressing protests.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Well what if we (meaning us here on the pit) found a way to get our respective countries thinking about boycotting the Olympics? I mean, I'm struggling to keep sitting on my hands over this issue and I sure as hell know that Little Johnny and Alexander Downer are gonna do JACK SHIT!! However, it is an election year! So perhaps if we get active we might actually be able to do something instead of watching this horrified from the sidelines?
Chances are nothing will happen even if people mobilize. There are just too many damn people who don't give a shit. They will watch the news and say how horrible it is and then a few days later Paris Hilton will be dating someone new or Britney's tit will pop out at some red carpet event and Americans, as well as most people in the world, will simply forget about Burma and the story will fade into obscurity.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Chances are nothing will happen even if people mobilize. There are just too many damn people who don't give a shit. They will watch the news and say how horrible it is and then a few days later Paris Hilton will be dating someone new or Britney's tit will pop out at some red carpet event and Americans, as well as most people in the world, will simply forget about Burma and the story will fade into obscurity.
Burma? Isn't that where them cats come from?
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
everybody supported us because we didn't do shit, threw monwy at them. as soon as we take up for ourselves, poof
mammasan - while you are drying yrself off....
do you they JUST NOW started hating us? never heard them call us the "great satan"
they do hate us because of our freedoms...
but mostly, we've been around 200 years, we're more EVERYTHING than they are...they are still packing poop in a can to throw out behind the sandpile
but more mostly - were a Christian nation....it's a damn holy war for them...you had better wake up
history didn't start the day you were born
1) nobody hated us on 9/11 or 9/12. the world was united behind us when we went to afghanistan to "take up for ourselves." everyone understood, supported us, and accepted it. it wasn't until we went to iraq that they turned on us, becos iraq had nothing to do with "taking up for ourselves."
2) it's not a holy war, it's a political war. when did the great satan become a common phrase? the 1970s... when we started selling them weapons to fight russia then left them to die. when we sold chemical weapons to iraq to use on iran and weapons to iran to fight iraq. when we started fucking up their little piece of the world through our obsession with communism. the religion has been used as a means to solidify their hate. but it's no more a holy war than a pro-lifer blowing up an abortion clinic is a holy warrior.
3) yes, we should help the people of burma. yes, we should help the people of darfur. no, we should not have fucked around in iraq and tied up our military which is why we cannot help the previous two peoples. no, we should not get involved militarily in iran or venezuela just becos we dislike how they run things.
Chances are nothing will happen even if people mobilize. There are just too many damn people who don't give a shit. They will watch the news and say how horrible it is and then a few days later Paris Hilton will be dating someone new or Britney's tit will pop out at some red carpet event and Americans, as well as most people in the world, will simply forget about Burma and the story will fade into obscurity.
See mamma, I still remember participating in the protests against Indonesia and the genocide they were conducting against the East Timorese. And Australians eventually did mobilize and bring pressure to bear on our government to do something and eventually something did happen. I mean things are still not great in East Timor and I'm quite sure that as it turns out the government really only went because of the oil shelf in the Timor sea HOWEVER the general public here was united and they did make their feeling known and action was taken. We also had the unprecedented situation here recently where John Howard actually met with the Dalai Lama on a recent visit, despite the fact that all the Chinese big wigs were in town and it could have been highly detrimental to our growing trade relationship with China.
Yeah, there will be people that don't give a shit but I can't see any reason to give up before we've started when we could possibly make an impact. The world is watching. And if the Burmese are fighting so hard for this, then the least we can do is fight as best we can ourselves on their behalf. I'm gonna see what I can find out about what kinds of help people are planning on giving here. I refuse to believe that there's nothing that can be done.
See mamma, I still remember participating in the protests against Indonesia and the genocide they were conducting against the East Timorese. And Australians eventually did mobilize and bring pressure to bear on our government to do something and eventually something did happen. I mean things are still not great in East Timor and I'm quite sure that as it turns out the government really only went because of the oil shelf in the Timor sea HOWEVER the general public here was united and they did make their feeling known and action was taken. We also had the unprecedented situation here recently where John Howard actually met with the Dalai Lama on a recent visit, despite the fact that all the Chinese big wigs were in town and it could have been highly detrimental to our growing trade relationship with China.
Yeah, there will be people that don't give a shit but I can't see any reason to give up before we've started when we could possibly make an impact. The world is watching. And if the Burmese are fighting so hard for this, then the least we can do is fight as best we can ourselves on their behalf. I'm gonna see what I can find out about what kinds of help people are planning on giving here. I refuse to believe that there's nothing that can be done.
I applaud your determination and don't think that I am giving up, but look at Tibet. How much attention has been given to Tibet. With everything that the Chinese government has done there and the outcry for reform that the people of the US have participated in our government has done nothing.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
I applaud your determination and don't think that I am giving up, but look at Tibet. How much attention has been given to Tibet. With everything that the Chinese government has done there and the outcry for reform that the people of the US have participated in our government has done nothing.
Yes, but let's not look too closely at where we are failing and look at where we can succeed. We have the opportunity to really do something here and we should take it. If we are going to get the Olympics boycotted, then there's no reason why we couldn't include Tibet in there with Burma anyway. And instead of talking to the government, we need to start by talking to our athletes. Least I think so anyway. Because if we can convince them, they have a lot of power to make an impact on the government.
Yes, but let's not look too closely at where we are failing and look at where we can succeed. We have the opportunity to really do something here and we should take it. If we are going to get the Olympics boycotted, then there's no reason why we couldn't include Tibet in there with Burma anyway. And instead of talking to the government, we need to start by talking to our athletes. Least I think so anyway. Because if we can convince them, they have a lot of power to make an impact on the government.
Well a good place to start would be to write to your country's respective Olymic committee.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
For anyone interested below is the mailing address and the email address for the USOC, United States Olympic Committee. Let us call for a boycott of the Beijing 2008 Olympics in protest of China's inaction in regards to the Myanmar protests.
U.S. Olympic Training Center - Colorado Springs
National Headquarters
1 Olympic Plaza
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Tel: 719.632.5551 media@usoc.org
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
guess that peaceful protest shit worked out well, eh?
gotta fight back sometime
That's what I think. You've got the massacre of 3,000 in 1988, so you have nearly 20 years to re-think the strategy. Ah, thousands of protesters again, perfect, you know exactly the reaction it's going to bring. So...
Don't be a fucking martyr. Fight the fuck back.
I'm not down on the monks, they did their part, but there should have been, among those thousands participating in the wings, those willing to take up arms and do some fighting back.
who really cares if we boycott anything? it's never worked before, it won't now
Even if it doesn't accomplish anything action is always better than doing nothing. If everyone that had that attitude decided to at least try to make a change then it would work.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
mammasan - while you are drying yrself off....
do you they JUST NOW started hating us? never heard them call us the "great satan"
they do hate us because of our freedoms...
but mostly, we've been around 200 years, we're more EVERYTHING than they are...they are still packing poop in a can to throw out behind the sandpile
but more mostly - were a Christian nation....it's a damn holy war for them...you had better wake up
history didn't start the day you were born
Maybe you need to take a look at history.
They hate us because of our intervention in their affairs. Shah of Iran ring a bell. We have been meddling in Middle Eastern affairs since WW II. We support corrupt governments over there simply because they cater to our needs. We orchestrate coups to over-throw democratically elected governments to insert corrupt oppressive regimes that will cater to our demands. It has nothing to do with our religious beliefs or our freedoms. Our religious beliefs and the tenets of our democracy have been in place for over 200 years, why all of a sudden do they hate us. Why not hate us from the beginning. It is because for the first 150+ years we did not aggressively pursue a foreign policy of intervention. Since WW II we decided that we have the right to intervene whenever and where ever it is beneficial to us regardless of what the regions people or government has to say. It has nothing to do with the misguided belief that they want to destroy us because our women don't where burqas or because we are Christians.
america sucks the big one.....have you ever ran for office?
once again, while they are killing each other, we should do nothing, no wait, we need to go in and help these poor people....
Just because I disagree with our foreigbn policy doesn't equate to me thinking this country sucks the big one. That's the problem with you uber-patriots. It's all black and white to you. You either support this country's actions 100% or you are a traitor. There is no middle ground. That's not patriotism though. That is nationalism and we all saw how well that worked out in Germany during the 1930's and 40's.
The truest form of patriotism is one who is able to see the flaws within his own country/government and strives to correct them. This country was founded on certain ideals and principles and, in my opinion, we have strayed from them. We have become the same entity that the founding fathers fought so hard to free themselves from. Now you may be fine with that, but I am not.
you don't know me...
You posts tell me enough about you to make an educated guess.
To the United States in 1985 when the recipients were Iranian Shi'ites... yeah... it was okay. In fact, we even supplied the chemical agents to do the deed.
Hail, Hail!!!
Not that I particularly want to get into this or change the subject but it REALLY PISSES ME OFF when Americans YET AGAIN seem to forget that Australia has been supporting your stupid bloody war since it's inception!
I mean I know some of you don't even know who John Howard is, but if you look closely the growth coming out of George Bush's arse, THAT'S HIM!!!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Well what if we (meaning us here on the pit) found a way to get our respective countries thinking about boycotting the Olympics? I mean, I'm struggling to keep sitting on my hands over this issue and I sure as hell know that Little Johnny and Alexander Downer are gonna do JACK SHIT!! However, it is an election year!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Chances are nothing will happen even if people mobilize. There are just too many damn people who don't give a shit. They will watch the news and say how horrible it is and then a few days later Paris Hilton will be dating someone new or Britney's tit will pop out at some red carpet event and Americans, as well as most people in the world, will simply forget about Burma and the story will fade into obscurity.
Burma? Isn't that where them cats come from?
Hail, Hail!!!
they are pretty cats, and i'm not even a cat person
1) nobody hated us on 9/11 or 9/12. the world was united behind us when we went to afghanistan to "take up for ourselves." everyone understood, supported us, and accepted it. it wasn't until we went to iraq that they turned on us, becos iraq had nothing to do with "taking up for ourselves."
2) it's not a holy war, it's a political war. when did the great satan become a common phrase? the 1970s... when we started selling them weapons to fight russia then left them to die. when we sold chemical weapons to iraq to use on iran and weapons to iran to fight iraq. when we started fucking up their little piece of the world through our obsession with communism. the religion has been used as a means to solidify their hate. but it's no more a holy war than a pro-lifer blowing up an abortion clinic is a holy warrior.
3) yes, we should help the people of burma. yes, we should help the people of darfur. no, we should not have fucked around in iraq and tied up our military which is why we cannot help the previous two peoples. no, we should not get involved militarily in iran or venezuela just becos we dislike how they run things.
See mamma, I still remember participating in the protests against Indonesia and the genocide they were conducting against the East Timorese. And Australians eventually did mobilize and bring pressure to bear on our government to do something and eventually something did happen. I mean things are still not great in East Timor and I'm quite sure that as it turns out the government really only went because of the oil shelf in the Timor sea HOWEVER the general public here was united and they did make their feeling known and action was taken. We also had the unprecedented situation here recently where John Howard actually met with the Dalai Lama on a recent visit, despite the fact that all the Chinese big wigs were in town and it could have been highly detrimental to our growing trade relationship with China.
Yeah, there will be people that don't give a shit but I can't see any reason to give up before we've started when we could possibly make an impact. The world is watching. And if the Burmese are fighting so hard for this, then the least we can do is fight as best we can ourselves on their behalf. I'm gonna see what I can find out about what kinds of help people are planning on giving here. I refuse to believe that there's nothing that can be done.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I applaud your determination and don't think that I am giving up, but look at Tibet. How much attention has been given to Tibet. With everything that the Chinese government has done there and the outcry for reform that the people of the US have participated in our government has done nothing.
Yes, but let's not look too closely at where we are failing and look at where we can succeed. We have the opportunity to really do something here and we should take it. If we are going to get the Olympics boycotted, then there's no reason why we couldn't include Tibet in there with Burma anyway. And instead of talking to the government, we need to start by talking to our athletes. Least I think so anyway. Because if we can convince them, they have a lot of power to make an impact on the government.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Well a good place to start would be to write to your country's respective Olymic committee.
U.S. Olympic Training Center - Colorado Springs
National Headquarters
1 Olympic Plaza
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Tel: 719.632.5551
Here's the address for anybody else in Australia that would like to join me.
Australian Olympic Committe
PO Box 312,
St Leonards NSW 1590
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
That's what I think. You've got the massacre of 3,000 in 1988, so you have nearly 20 years to re-think the strategy. Ah, thousands of protesters again, perfect, you know exactly the reaction it's going to bring. So...
Don't be a fucking martyr. Fight the fuck back.
I'm not down on the monks, they did their part, but there should have been, among those thousands participating in the wings, those willing to take up arms and do some fighting back.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
who really cares if we boycott anything? it's never worked before, it won't now
So let's just sit around and whinge about it or ignore then.
That'll work.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Even if it doesn't accomplish anything action is always better than doing nothing. If everyone that had that attitude decided to at least try to make a change then it would work.