Burma: Thousands dead in massacre of the monks dumped in the jungle

Though it is difficult to confirm, it seems that there are far more deaths then reported by the Myanmar government. It's time that the leading countries in this world start putting pressure on China and India to stop their finacial and military support of this murderous regime.
Though it is difficult to confirm, it seems that there are far more deaths then reported by the Myanmar government. It's time that the leading countries in this world start putting pressure on China and India to stop their finacial and military support of this murderous regime.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Post edited by Unknown User on
I was reading an article over the weekend where satalite images show that entire villages have been wiped out. One minute they where there the next they where gone. Troops are busting into monastaries in the dead of night and rounding up the monks and hauling them off, by the hundreds. This is panning out to be worse than the 1988 uprisings.
Polaris thanks for that link.
wow this is amazing. sounds like genocide to me. what a fucked up world we live in.
It was OK until we decided the oil he sits on needed a U.S. babysitter.
It's never OK when an oppressive regime kills it's own citizens for simply wanted the right to live in a free society.
Also this thread is about the tragedy that is unfolding in Burma, not the War in Iraq. If you want to discuss that start your own thread. This is a serious issue and I really don't want people hijacking a thread that is here to inform and turning it into a juvenile pissing match.
i'll take my piss to another thread
So then if it the samething, different place why is our government content with just leveling some more sanctions instead of "Liberating" the people of that country. Why is our government content with letting China, South Korea, India, and Thailand continue there unwavering support of the military junta in Myanmar.
we didn't lift a finger to help those people either though. we went to iraq 10 years later and it had nothing to do with genocide.
Thank you.
but we can't please all...if we went everywhere this crap happens, we would be everywhere..but when we do, we are the shitty US imposing our will on the people.
oh! :mad: :(
When I read about them rounding up the monks over the weekend I was terrified this would be the outcome. This just makes me sick to my stomach.
We have to put pressure on our own governments to pressure China and India. But I fear this will turn out just like Darfur and countless other places where people are murdered by their government. We need someone to come forward and tell us that Burma is rich in some natural resource that these other countries want. I hate to say it but I think that's the only way this will be stopped.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
We should never invade a country just to bring democracy. Democracy is not something that can be implemented by force.
Well unfortunetly Jeanie Myanmar does have natural resources, that is why they are important to India and China. Hence why both nations will not do what is necessary to help bring about reform in that country.
Sorry mamma, I gotta keep calling it Burma, just to shove it at the junta!
Plus my Grandad fought there in WW2, so we've always known it as Burma.
I can't see us budging China or India to be honest, I mean look at Tibet? They've been getting away with this shit for YEARS! Maybe we should be placing sanctions on China and India? I think that idea someone had about boycotting the Bejing Olympics was a good one. It would certainly send a message.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I think a boycott of the Olympics is a great idea and you are also correct in assuming that we will not put any real pressure on China and India.
Just like in Darfur and Rwanda, Burma is not that important to us (and many of our allies). We have no economic or military interest in that country so it is not worthy of a real effort in bringing about reform.
we are the shitty US imposing our will becos the situations we DO choose to get involved in are rather suspicious. we ignore burma and darfur becos they are poor and have nothing to offer us. we're all over iraq (10 years after the genocide) when we need the political capital and there's a potential profit to be made.
but hell, if yr gonna kill some folks, might as well make a few bucks, right?
you're right... the iraqi genocide was TWENTY years ago. and if you ask me, the few bucks we made don't outweigh the cost. for a few multinationals to double profits, it has cost the US its credibility, all our political capital, the united support of the international community post-9/11, and the unified spirit of its own citizens. now the dollar is falling and china is looking more solid by the day. that's piss poor planning. and it's how china is able to foster this kind of shit in burma without us being able to lift a finger... cos we don't have enough international credibility to do a damn thing about it anymore.
gotta fight back sometime
fucking support????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dude, who the fuck supports us? canada? hell no, we foot the freaking bill for the world, while they dog our asses...come on...
as far as cred, we got it...why do you think the radical islam wants the dems to win? because they'll do their "let's talk" crap, while they are SWORN to kills us.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Holy Shit I just pissed myself from laughing so hard. Let me guess you believe they hate us because of our freedoms too right.
that's my point. NOBODY supports us now. before we went to iraq and after 9/11, EVERYONE supported us. everyone was on board with stopping terror and genocide. everyone backed us in afghanistan and was prepared to help us do more. then we decided to try to spin that into a middle east power grab in iraq, and it all disappeared. now we can't do a godamn thing about places like burma besides hold our dicks and watch, becos if we lift a finger now people say "they're just looking for another power play here."
we had support. we blew it.