rogue states and terrorists cant afford top of the line equipment. plus those countries and people can not buy them directly from the big bad USA. so they used inexpensive durable AK-47s
also..they are not very durable compared to todays rifles...and also...most of the ak's are probaly modified due to wear from being made so long ago...and also..they arent accurate..they arent long range compared to assault rifles of today...
and the u.s. doesnt sell rifles..they sell missles and take down aircraft and blwo up buildings
the whole point of mine was...people are seriously shocked at kids using guns?? seriously..i find this disturbing..when we have been sending our younger people forever....
also..they are not very durable compared to todays rifles...and also...most of the ak's are probaly modified due to wear from being made so long ago...and also..they arent accurate..they arent long range compared to assault rifles of today...
and the u.s. doesnt sell rifles..they sell missles and take down aircraft and blwo up buildings
what the hell is your point? fact still remains that the weapon of choice for child soldiers, terrorists, and rogue militias is the AK-47. NOT weapons made in america, which was my point. maybe you should become an advisor to them to let them know all of your priceless knowledge about the AK.
the whole point of mine was...people are seriously shocked at kids using guns?? seriously..i find this disturbing..when we have been sending our younger people forever....
sadly you dont see the difference between a someone who is 12. (8th grade) and 18. (high school graduate)
what the hell is your point? fact still remains that the weapon of choice for child soldiers, terrorists, and rogue militias is the AK-47. NOT weapons made in america, which was my point. maybe you should become an advisor to them to let them know all of your priceless knowledge about the AK.
you brought up the arms argument?? cant remember 10 posts back??
wow you really are alot dumber then you sound. yes, I argued the child soldiers's weapon of choice was not an american made weapon. I've had more intelligent conversations with a chimp
wow you really are alot dumber then you sound. yes, I argued the child soldiers's weapon of choice was not an american made weapon. I've had more intelligent conversations with a chimp
yeah your on the first 6 done with arguing with you if you.
thats it...are you suggesting those countries you listed are producing AK47's or are you suggesting russians are producing them with AK47's
and also do you realize the assault rifles that are out today...
the AK47 is trash compared to them.
The Chinese also produced billions of their version of the AK-47. Newer weapons, especially in Africa, were probably imported by the Chinese (major supplier to the Sudan). There were billions of small arms imported into Africa for decades by everyone from the United States, the Soviets, the Cubans, the French, the British and eventually the Chinese.
I also believe that the North Koreans produce a version of the AK-47.
Remember the old saying, "One man's trash is another man's treasure." This kind of warfare demands cheap weapons. These combatants are more concerned with quantity over quality.
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
the ak47 is no ones weapon of choice..where did you come up with this!!
why are you trying to spread misinformation...seriously...what are your intentions behind this
when you cant afford top of the line weapons. you choose the most powerful and plentiful weapon around. and guess what its the AK-47. since I need to explain this again, i'm talking about the previous countries mentioned, not the US.
The Chinese also produced billions of their version of the AK-47. Newer weapons, especially in Africa, were probably imported by the Chinese (major supplier to the Sudan). There were billions of small arms imported into Africa for decades by everyone from the United States, the Soviets, the Cubans, the French, the British and eventually the Chinese.
I also believe that the North Koreans produce a version of the AK-47.
so you are saying the chinese and koreans produce Ak-47's
when you cant afford top of the line weapons. you choose the most powerful and plentiful weapon around. and guess what its the AK-47. since I need to explain this again, i'm talking about the previous countries mentioned, not the US.
so you are saying the chinese and koreans produce Ak-47's
Yes......the Chinese have produced billions. I am not sure about the North Koreans, but I suspect that they also produce the same weapon. It is also possible that India makes a model of the AK-47. Any nation that had ties with the Soviet Union probably still makes or made a version of the AK-47.
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
1. Chinese and Koreans produce AK-47's
2. 18 year olds shooting at you with a gun is moral, 12 year olds shooting at you is not moral.
3. The Ak47 is everyone, but the U.S./Britain weapon of choice.
4. The Ak47 is durable and reliable and is still in production.
4. Russians sell Ak's to terrorists.
what about em? terrorists, rogue states, and militias do not use them. they cant afford them and have a hard time getting them
I believe that the Uzi is a bitch to maintain and may not work real well in environments with extreme humidity like the African jungle, besides the Israelis did not have a lot of client states.
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
I believe that the Uzi is a bitch to maintain and may not work real well in environments with extreme humidity like the African jungle, besides the Israelis did not have a lot of client states.
2. 18 year olds shooting at you with a gun is moral, 12 year olds shooting at you is not moral.
moral? who said anything about it being moral. is there a difference between allowing an 18 year old and 12 year old going into battle? yes. sorry you dont see the difference. probably because you are 12.
That is quite debatable..........define "terrorists." I suspect that the correct reading should say that the Soviets/Russians sold Ak's to what we may consider "rogue" nations, who then weren't picky about who got the weapons.
This is best described by the case of Somalia. The U.S.S.R. sold billions of dollars of weapons to Somalia prior to 1977, then there was a "socialist" coup in Ethiopia. The Soviets dropped Somalia for Ethiopia, who were formerly receiving billions in arms from the U.S. The U.S. then begins to sell billions in arms to Somalia. Then the government of Somalia goes belly up in the early 1990s. What happens to those arms now???? I suspect that they got scattered to the four winds.
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
as does the Colt .45, but nowhere even close to the extent that the AK-47 is used. The Uzi is best used in close quarters not the battlefield.
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
as does the Colt .45, but nowhere even close to the extent that the AK-47 is used. The Uzi is best used in close quarters not the battlefield.
is it the AK47 that is being used or modifications..or AK47 Siblings....there's no way the AK47 is being used and in production, these have to be different guns
also..they are not very durable compared to todays rifles...and also...most of the ak's are probaly modified due to wear from being made so long ago...and also..they arent accurate..they arent long range compared to assault rifles of today...
and the u.s. doesnt sell rifles..they sell missles and take down aircraft and blwo up buildings
you brought up the arms argument?? cant remember 10 posts back??
the ak47 is no ones weapon of choice..where did you come up with this!!
why are you trying to spread misinformation...seriously...what are your intentions behind this motherfucker...a bullet doesnt care who's head it goes through...are you on drugs!!!
yeah your on the first 6 done with arguing with you if you.
I also believe that the North Koreans produce a version of the AK-47.
Remember the old saying, "One man's trash is another man's treasure." This kind of warfare demands cheap weapons. These combatants are more concerned with quantity over quality.
so you are saying the chinese and koreans produce Ak-47's
what about the m16..the m14???
or uzi...??
lol...oh well..just keep your ak talk to message boards..cause if you mention this stuff in public you might accidentally talk to a soldier...
and will probaly end up with a
1. Chinese and Koreans produce AK-47's
2. 18 year olds shooting at you with a gun is moral, 12 year olds shooting at you is not moral.
3. The Ak47 is everyone, but the U.S./Britain weapon of choice.
4. The Ak47 is durable and reliable and is still in production.
4. Russians sell Ak's to terrorists.
what a useful discussion board!
i will get you with my reliable AK47
or have my 12 yr old friend do the job for me..
ya i know...but it is used...
and whats the difference?
moral? who said anything about it being moral. is there a difference between allowing an 18 year old and 12 year old going into battle? yes. sorry you dont see the difference. probably because you are 12. everyone? no. but there were several countries mentioned including terrorists, middle east militias, and rogue states true, a few different versions. none of which is produced by the USA as does china.
how about maturity, live experience, brain development. to name a few.
whats the difference between a 3 year old and 45 year old?
This is best described by the case of Somalia. The U.S.S.R. sold billions of dollars of weapons to Somalia prior to 1977, then there was a "socialist" coup in Ethiopia. The Soviets dropped Somalia for Ethiopia, who were formerly receiving billions in arms from the U.S. The U.S. then begins to sell billions in arms to Somalia. Then the government of Somalia goes belly up in the early 1990s. What happens to those arms now???? I suspect that they got scattered to the four winds.
is it the AK47 that is being used or modifications..or AK47 Siblings....there's no way the AK47 is being used and in production, these have to be different guns