No it doesn't. I'm not about to turn a thread about bringing awareness on how these children are treated into an anti US/Bush rant.
good luck with that. someone will soon point you to the "america is the leading arms dealer" thread. surely these kids are getting those weapons from the US. not to mention, they are born to fight and hate solely because of george bush.
im talking about the army targeting the poor, young people starting their life in this country...which is getting harder to do by the day..sorry im 23 and watching my friends and my peers ive gone to high school with fall in darkness and leave this place and if they come home, if they come home they are not the same...and to read an article like this as if its supposed to shock me??? this is not a new have fought wars for the misled forever.
let me guess..the united states and its people are now gonna create a moral age limit on war...get the fuck outta your eyes!!!
good luck with that. someone will soon point you to the "america is the leading arms dealer" thread. surely these kids are getting those weapons from the US. not to mention, they are born to fight and hate solely because of george bush.
oh and by the way
is there evidence that we aren't??
who is making htese weapons?
not saying it sthe U.S. but i think it is a good question...where are these weapons made you know??
are you kidding me? explain to me why it is ok to send 18 year olds into battle, but not 12 year it because they could use 6 more years of training?? or 6 more years to gather contacts and feeling and family relations..only to be taken away from them for an unknown cause.??
are you kidding me? explain to me why it is ok to send 18 year olds into battle, but not 12 year it because they could use 6 more years of training?? or 6 more years to gather contacts and feeling and family relations..only to be taken away from them for an unknown cause.??
lol do you think for yourself you tool?
you need me to explain to you the difference between and 18 year old and 12 year old?
The AK-47 (shortened from Russian: ??????? ??????????? ??????? 1947 ????, Avtomat Kalashnikova 1947) is a gas-operated assault rifle that was used in many Eastern bloc nations during the Cold War. Adopted and standardized in 1947, it was designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov and produced by Russian manufacturer Izhevsk Mechanical Works.[3] Compared with the auto-loading rifles used in World War II (the StG-44 aside), the AK-47 was generally more compact, with a shorter range, a smaller 7.62 × 39 mm cartridge, and was capable of selective fire. It was one of the first true assault rifles and remains the most widely used and known. More AK-47 rifles and variants have been produced than any other assault rifle; production continues to this day
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
AKS-47 this might still be in production..might..but still is not a contender in any wars going on right now
No. What do you think insurgents in Iraq use, warlords in Somolia, FARC in Colombia, and reminents of the Taliban in Afghanistan use. Read the link I provide on the AK-47 and you will see why it is still in wide use. It is a cheap reliable, ruggade and easy to maintain weapon.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
thats it...are you suggesting those countries you listed are producing AK47's or are you suggesting russians are producing them with AK47's
and also do you realize the assault rifles that are out today...
the AK47 is trash compared to them.
rogue states and terrorists cant afford top of the line equipment. plus those countries and people can not buy them directly from the big bad USA. so they used inexpensive durable AK-47s
No it doesn't. I'm not about to turn a thread about bringing awareness on how these children are treated into an anti US/Bush rant.
let me guess..the united states and its people are now gonna create a moral age limit on war...get the fuck outta your eyes!!!
oh and by the way
is there evidence that we aren't??
who is making htese weapons?
not saying it sthe U.S. but i think it is a good question...where are these weapons made you know??
AK-47's are made in Russia
HAHAH the ak47???
what year is this...
go run into battle with an Ak47 and get back to me...haha
more research JLEW!!
are you kidding me? explain to me why it is ok to send 18 year olds into battle, but not 12 year it because they could use 6 more years of training?? or 6 more years to gather contacts and feeling and family relations..only to be taken away from them for an unknown cause.??
lol do you think for yourself you tool?
ok im not gonna argue weapons with
the ak47
Actually the Ak-47 is one of the most reliable automatic rifles ever made. Soviet era Ak-47s are still in use today. Do some research.
and the bicycle mounted machine guns...
or the MACE!! shit...who made all these mace's
this is 2007 retard...not the 1980s
you need me to explain to you the difference between and 18 year old and 12 year old?
i'm the tool?
Who's the fucking retard now. Maybe next time you should know what the fuck you are talking about.
are you happy being ignorant or
you realize the AK47 is phased out....
The AK-47 (shortened from Russian: ??????? ??????????? ??????? 1947 ????, Avtomat Kalashnikova 1947) is a gas-operated assault rifle that was used in many Eastern bloc nations during the Cold War. Adopted and standardized in 1947, it was designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov and produced by Russian manufacturer Izhevsk Mechanical Works.[3] Compared with the auto-loading rifles used in World War II (the StG-44 aside), the AK-47 was generally more compact, with a shorter range, a smaller 7.62 × 39 mm cartridge, and was capable of selective fire. It was one of the first true assault rifles and remains the most widely used and known. More AK-47 rifles and variants have been produced than any other assault rifle; production continues to this day
AK-47s are used almost exclusively in he Balkans, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Rwanda, Mozambique, Congo and Ethiopia, among others in 2007
Because people who have no facts to support their arguement usually resort to personal attacks when proven wrong.
No. What do you think insurgents in Iraq use, warlords in Somolia, FARC in Colombia, and reminents of the Taliban in Afghanistan use. Read the link I provide on the AK-47 and you will see why it is still in wide use. It is a cheap reliable, ruggade and easy to maintain weapon.
thats it...are you suggesting those countries you listed are producing AK47's or are you suggesting russians are producing them with AK47's
and also do you realize the assault rifles that are out today...
the AK47 is trash compared to them.
past wars yes..but the United States does not use AK47's
who said they DO!!!!!!! this thread is about child soldiers you mo-mo.