Anti-Marijuana Commercials

I just don't get these adds, for a number of reasons. They are mainly intended for kids to see and realize how "bad" marijuana is. When I was a kid I believed these adds, I thought everything they said was true, which was why I was always scared to try weed as a teen. Those commercials were crazy but the ones they got coming out today are insane. Like the kid sticking his entire fist into his mouth, or the kid that got stoned and thought he could out run a pit bull.
But ok, here is my question:
Don't most teens die from alcohol? I mean how often do you here of a kid dying from weed? Why don't we see more commercials aimed to stop kids from drinking? It seems everytime I watch the local news its another teen was driving under the influence of alcohol, going the wrong direction on the highway, and I'm sure anyone who has smoked will agree with me, I'd much rather drive after smoking than drinking. The only time you ever here about anyone getting busted for weed is for possession really, how many times do you here about someone being arrested for being stoned compared to being drunk? I don't know it could just be me, but I think we are misinforming our youth. Please...comments!
But ok, here is my question:
Don't most teens die from alcohol? I mean how often do you here of a kid dying from weed? Why don't we see more commercials aimed to stop kids from drinking? It seems everytime I watch the local news its another teen was driving under the influence of alcohol, going the wrong direction on the highway, and I'm sure anyone who has smoked will agree with me, I'd much rather drive after smoking than drinking. The only time you ever here about anyone getting busted for weed is for possession really, how many times do you here about someone being arrested for being stoned compared to being drunk? I don't know it could just be me, but I think we are misinforming our youth. Please...comments!
9/4/98, 8/4/00, 12/8/02, 12/9/02, 4/15/03, 4/16/03, 4/19/03, 4/25/03, 4/26/03, 4/28/03, 4/29/03, 4/30/03, 7/8/03, 7/9/03, 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 10/6/04, 9/1/05, 9/2/05, 5/16/06, 5/17/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 5/30/06, 6/1/06, 6/3/06, 8/5/07, 6/11/08, 6/12/08, 6/14/08, 6/16/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08
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To me alcohol and marijuania are pretty similiar. Marijuana just doesn't get a fair shake. Alcohol is kind of a legalized oddity to me if you will. It's such commonplace in society that I don't believe anyone really cares to realize it. It's mind altering. But so are a lot of "legal" drugs.
Bottom line to me, "mind-altering" drugs shouldn't be advocated to anyone. But then again, there are many "mind-altering" drugs that help people.
I'm not even sure where to stand on this myself. It is a pretty slippery slope.
No matter who uses mind-altering drugs, it should be done responsibly ultimately. Peoples live can be put in danger.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
and your credibility is... Zero.
...and these ads that they're running now are direct descendents of these "scare" movies and TV shows from olden days. I think it's hilarious that this kind of stuff still goes on. There is one ad where a basketball player lets his whole team down - he didn't show up for the game because he was too busy "smoking weed" - What the FUCK are these people talking about? And the ad's aren't working anyway...weed consumption amongst teenagers has gone WAY UP since the ads started a few years ago.
What happens is...teenagers who believe these commercials and TV shows try weed eventually and see that it's nothing like they've been told...they realize it's all been bullshit...and then they proceed to smoke it happily because it feels unthreatening.
Smoking weed is bad for the same reason that smoking cigarettes is're smoking something...nothing more, nothing less. I don't buy into this "mind-altering" crap because there are lots of things that alter the mind...stress, television, religion, TORTURE...weed is pussy shit compared to that stuff.
I actually think the new ones are more realistic. I remember doing stupid shit like that when we were younger. The only thing is we were able to get our fist out and outrun the dog.
The commercial that always pissed me off was the one where the kids blows his head off with the shotgun. That was ridiculous.
wow, I never saw that one, but one that always freaked me out when I was little was the chick diving into the empty pool, remember that one?
Wow the oldest and least truthful of all the anti-drug slogans....gateway my ass...alcohol is just as much as a gateway as give me a break a construction worker can do what he wants on his you really believe a smoked joint done twelve hours before work is going to effect the guy the next day?
I believe 100% it will not....
haha, thats what they want you to think
I have no idea what's in new anti-drug ads since I watch very little television, but I think anything that's dishonest does more harm than good.
When I was in high school, they showed us films where people who had smoked marijuana were jumping off balconies, having wild hallucinations, etc. My health class was right after a lunch period, so about half the class was totally baked while we were watching this stuff, and the typical comment was "whoa, where does he buy his weed? I gotta get some of that!"
In other words, everyone knows it's complete bullshit, so it destroys the credibility of the people giving the message, who may actually have something useful to say on other topics but kids ignore them because they now know that either they have no idea what they're talking about, or they are liars.
I don't advocate driving under the influence of anything, but cmon now, let's be realistic. You brake for green lights when you're high. Can't say the same for when you drive drunk.
Yes, I hated that commercial! They blame the brother or whoever was watching the kid because he was outside smoking pot. He could've been outside washing his car or playing basketball.
The real blame should be on the shitty parenting for not locking the gun cabinet and leaving a loaded gun where a small child could get it.
from my window to yours
I beg to differ....
Toledo, Ohio (September 22, 1996), East Troy, Wisconsin (June 26, 1998), Noblesville, Indiana (August 17, 1998), Noblesville, Indiana (August 18, 2000), Cincinnati, Ohio (August 20, 2000), Columbus, Ohio (August 21, 2000), Nashville, Tennessee (April 18, 2003), Champaign, Illinois (April 23, 2003), Noblesville, Indiana (June 22, 2003), Chicago, Illinois (May 16, 2006), Chicago, Illinois (August 05, 2007), West Palm Beach, Florida (June 11, 2008), Tampa, Florida (June 12, 2008), Columbus, OH (May 06, 2010), Noblesville, Indiana (May 07, 2010), Wrigley Field (July 19, 2013), US Bank Arena (October 01, 2014), Lexington (April 26, 2016), Chicago Night 2 (August 20, 2018), Boston Night 1 (September 02, 2018), Nashville (September 16, 2022), St. Louis (September 18, 2022)
I've seen some of these ads on the internet and it's ridiculous misinformation.
naděje umírá poslední
thats exactly why.
Toledo, Ohio (September 22, 1996), East Troy, Wisconsin (June 26, 1998), Noblesville, Indiana (August 17, 1998), Noblesville, Indiana (August 18, 2000), Cincinnati, Ohio (August 20, 2000), Columbus, Ohio (August 21, 2000), Nashville, Tennessee (April 18, 2003), Champaign, Illinois (April 23, 2003), Noblesville, Indiana (June 22, 2003), Chicago, Illinois (May 16, 2006), Chicago, Illinois (August 05, 2007), West Palm Beach, Florida (June 11, 2008), Tampa, Florida (June 12, 2008), Columbus, OH (May 06, 2010), Noblesville, Indiana (May 07, 2010), Wrigley Field (July 19, 2013), US Bank Arena (October 01, 2014), Lexington (April 26, 2016), Chicago Night 2 (August 20, 2018), Boston Night 1 (September 02, 2018), Nashville (September 16, 2022), St. Louis (September 18, 2022)
So say you don't agree with driving under the influence. It doesn't mean his credibility is zero because he's comparing the effects of driving under the influence of alcohol vs marijuana.
All of his points were very valid.
Stupid people will still do stupid things without pot.
Toledo, Ohio (September 22, 1996), East Troy, Wisconsin (June 26, 1998), Noblesville, Indiana (August 17, 1998), Noblesville, Indiana (August 18, 2000), Cincinnati, Ohio (August 20, 2000), Columbus, Ohio (August 21, 2000), Nashville, Tennessee (April 18, 2003), Champaign, Illinois (April 23, 2003), Noblesville, Indiana (June 22, 2003), Chicago, Illinois (May 16, 2006), Chicago, Illinois (August 05, 2007), West Palm Beach, Florida (June 11, 2008), Tampa, Florida (June 12, 2008), Columbus, OH (May 06, 2010), Noblesville, Indiana (May 07, 2010), Wrigley Field (July 19, 2013), US Bank Arena (October 01, 2014), Lexington (April 26, 2016), Chicago Night 2 (August 20, 2018), Boston Night 1 (September 02, 2018), Nashville (September 16, 2022), St. Louis (September 18, 2022)
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
I thought it was crackheads from Philly that you hated. No love for potheads either?
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
I hate that about you.
Whats up speedy, you chase all the liberals out for the night??
Sorry. Disagree totally. In my experiences, anyone who makes that point uses as justification to drive stoned, and continue to do so. "dude, its not as bad as driving drunk".
I'm not justifying driving while impared in anyway, I've never driven drunk, nore stoned, and hopefuly will never be put in the situation. If all goes back to my main intention of starting this post, our youth dies more from alcohol than any other drug, so why does our goverment spend money on worthless commercials that cleary aren't preventing kids from using pot.
They see 1 guy on heroin who has smoked weed in the past and call it a gateway drug ignoring the 10,000 people who never went beyond weed to that 1 guy.
Alchohol kills far more people than marijuana even has the potential to.
We've had this debate countless times on this forum and the anti-drug argument failed miserably in every one of them.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
if it were made legal, how do you test for Smoking and Driving?
Back to the commericals, haha. I saw one the other day that had this kid on a couch with his friend ("i never killed anyone, went crazy, blah blah smoking pot, i never did bigger drugs and over dose on heroin because of weed, i just sat on whoevers couch, and didnt do anything") or something... and all the while they have these other kids in the background playing sports and shit. All the while i was thinking "well fuck! 9 out of 10 accidents happen while playing sports lol so basically, the message i got was ... wow, smoke pot and you wont break your legs, kill yourself, or be disfigured.
As a 20 yr old college student and friend of the reefer, I think I can give some truthful input.
IT IS A GATEWAY DRUG: Smoking pot doesn't necessarily mean that you will try other drugs. It will make a lot of people more willing to try. I speak for many when I say I would never have done some of the shit I've done before i smoked pot. Reason being, it's the most harmless of narcotics. People SUBCONSIOUSLY think "Hmm i was afraid to smoke pot once, and it's not that bad" and push the envelope further. Rarely will you meet anyone that's dropped a hit of acid or rolled on ecstasy that hasn't smoked pot quite a bit.
My own experiences: Smoking weed affects people differently. I've met people who have become doctors and graduated college with 4.0's that smoked nearly every day throughout their college experience... but unfortunately it makes me lazy and pretty dumb. I still smoke, but a lot less often. It used to be on average once a day and now it's more like once every two weeks and only on certain occasions. I'd still experiment with a little bit of other stuff, not to name anything. I do a lot of research on anything before I even consider doing it.
The commericals are KIND OF right, but much exaggerated. There have been a lot of times where I've done some dumb shit similar to what you see in the commercials. I think this country has a hell of a lot bigger problems than marijuana though. Anyway, it felt good to get that out.
"To is a preposition.
Come is a verb"