$145 Million

President Bush calls for $145 billion in tax relief to let "Americans keep more of their money ... this will most likely come in the form of rebates.
Aren't there a lot of better things to do with this large wad of cash?
Aren't there a lot of better things to do with this large wad of cash?
I don't want to be hostile. I don't want to be dismal. But I don't want to rot in an apathetic existance either.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Whose large wad of cash is it?
I know I could think of better things to do with my money than funding the Iraq war or giving it to other countries.
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
all i know is that if i get an extra $500 or $800 or whatever the amount is for an individual it is going towards credit card debt.
same here... or I can buy a fraction of an ounce of gold
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
If you are in debt the absolute best thing you can spend money on is paying it down. Debt is a ball and chain. Solvency is freedom.
So basically its a bank bailout without giving the money directly to banks or even guaranteeing it will get there. Kinda how I looked at it.
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
He is so fucked. How about not spending 40,000 kazillionbillion dollars in Iraq?
im going to rip it up...im not a fucking slave and never will be..
How can you buy people off with thier own money?
why would I burn money that I earned?
Ok, is it a stupid idea to spend money out the yang and also cut taxes? Of course. But I'm not throwing away my own money if I don't have to. I'll just invest it.
It dosen't make me feel any different about the worst president in all phases of all time.
Do what you like.
I nominate this as post of the day!
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
no, what everyone needs to do is open up a savings account
—Dorothy Parker
this money can be put into the country....instead he wants you to go to wal mart and the gas station... why would bush want people to do this... you are paying over 6 dollars a gallon for gasoline... he wants to fund the war!!!!
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
That's Exactly what it is. "compassionate conservativism"
He just never understood the rampant spending issue.....uh George....have you seen the freaking deficit????
That's not the proper anti-Bush mentality. The proper way to think is that all money belongs to the Government. The working citizens are nothing more than individual entitlement program recipients and the part of our salary that the Government is nice enough to pay to us is all just a bonus.
Exactly, it's like saying here, this is already yours....huuh...aren't I so clever and special?
Now bow to me and hail me as your leader!
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
i cant be bought...this is not a choice of mine...its my ideal...while you can think im stupid for not taking it...i think i will be better off in the long run without it.
800 dollars doesnt mean a gad damned thing to me when my friends are getting blown to pieces in an illegal occupation..
to hell with this government..and if you spend this check....your a slave.
hehe me too! if we could get a lot of people on here to pool the money together...we could probably buy a nuclear weapon and declare ourselves independent..of course our first order of action would have to lead to turning jlew over to the mexican federales
We have a different definition of what makes up this country. I consider the people to be the country.
Chill...I just told you to do what you like. I meant that literally.
Ok. I think that's good perspective, for what it's worth.
Whoah...so if I spend money that it rightfully mine on what I choose to spend it on, I'm a slave? You have a weird definition of "slave".
This makes no sense at all. It is already your money. So if you won't spend this on anything, why would you spend any of your other money on anything? Are you actually saying you never spend any money on goods? Wow.
I'm digging this...
dude, the 800 dollars is yours to begin with. The best thing you can do is cash it and give it away if you don't want to be a slave. Fund a soup kitchen with it. Donate it to charity. Buy 8 suits for homless people give them a shower and see if you can't help them find employment.
It's not coming from the government. It's your money that you are getting back from the government so they can't spend it on occupation...they get that money from Chinese investors...
why is the check gonna be under 1000 dollars than??? and is it gonna be under a thousand dollars for someone who makes 2 million dolllars a year???
bullllllllllllllllll shit...they are funding the war with your money and you dont even know it.... the money you will be getting is stolen from others.. its like the bizzaro robin hood
Why? Because this government determined that $800 and $1,600 are appropriate amounts for bribing the public.
Yes. It's what you all have been asking for -- a $150 Billion orgy of wealth redistribution! Good times...