republicans or those thinking of voting for mccain

regardless of political you really think mccain would be a better president for this country?
can you explain to me the "take back liberal washington" that the republicans threw around during the convention? i could have sworn a "republican" has been in office since 2000.
can you explain to me the "take back liberal washington" that the republicans threw around during the convention? i could have sworn a "republican" has been in office since 2000.
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the do nothing democrats, pelosi, reid, etc have had congress for two years. i think thats what they are referring to. you know the war funding bills, the fisa and telecomm bills etc. everything most inportant to americans the democrats have "taken off the table".
yeah, having a one-person majority and a deadlock in the senate with a veto-happy republican president... it's the dems' fault! keep telling yourself that.
i think if obama gets elected, you will see a lot of those off the table issue put back on the table. right now, there's no hope of passing any of them so it just gives republicans "weak on defense" ammo for election time. better to wait until you actually stand a chance of repealing them.
and for the record, most americans probably don't know what fisa is or remember what the patriot act accomplishes. these are far from the most important issues to americans who can't get a job.
Not going to blast you, but what is McCain promising, and how will he pay for it? More tax cuts, and really no cuts in spending (besides pork barrel projects). We've seen how great all of the tax cuts, and an incredibly expensive never-ending war is going for us now.
Neither candidate will be able to afford everything they promise... You singled out Clinton, but name a president who has followed through on campaign promises... I know that I can't.
And I'm in no way defending our congress for their inaction, but for the two years that they've had the majority, there's been a republican president who finally found a veto pen after rubber stamping six years of a republican led "do nothing congress".
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
"the do nothing democrats, pelosi, reid, etc have had congress for two years. i think thats what they are referring to. you know the war funding bills, the fisa and telecomm bills etc."
I have to ask... How many Senate and House Republicans OPPOSED the Iraq Funding Bills, The FISA/Telecommunications Bills, etc...?
And... are the Bills you are using as talking points... Liberal Bills? They sound kind of Conservative to me.
Finally... did you want those Bills to fail to pass? Did you WANT the Impeachment of Bush and the Pull Out of Troops from Iraq? Because if the Bills did Fail... and Bush Impeachment proceeding started aa well as the pull out of troops from Iraq... wouldn't that have been a 'Liberal's Victory'?
Hail, Hail!!!
What in the holy hell are you talking about?
Bush Got his funding bill and the fisa bill EXACTLY the way he wanted.
We are in agreement that the dems are weak, amazing considering we empowered them and have supported them about as much as you can without writing out their agendas for them
but let me ask you conservatives this question...
Do you really want a strong Democrat? I mean, aren't they better for you as pushovers?
be careful what you wish for.
no. i won't blast you.
but. two years of inaction verses six years of lies and expliotation? maybe they can take back washington and keep driving it into the ground like bush and his administration have done so very well.
i know! i remember how horrible it was when bill clinton was president.
oh yeah....
peace, prosperity, and record surplusses
yeah, that was fucking horrible!
I would be kind of... well, really mad if the Hollywood actors were in charge of the country for the past 7 years. It would mean that our country was being run by Barbara Streisand... and in that case... what the Hell were the Republicans in charge of our government from 2000 to 2006 doing and how the HELL did they let thar happen?
Hail, Hail!!!
At the convention, when by looking around, RNC officials could see that people's attentions were drifting off and probably pondering the same things, they would just start a "U-S-A! U-S-A!" chant, and everyone would forget about it.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
i was being sarcastic (hope you got that). i don't know how to use itallics or i would have.
As I listened to the speakers... I got really angry... because apparently it was Sean Penn that got us into this mess in Iraq... and poor George W. Bush must have been powerless to do anything about it.
Hail, Hail!!!
Has Bush vetoed even one spending bill? I don't think so. If you like small federal government I think you would have to agree the worst president of all time argument includes George W Bush.
Oh... and on the "U!S!A!...U!S!A!" chant... I love it at the Olymics when we are cheering on our athletes and Hockey Teams and stuff... but, to use it to drown out a voice of dissent or redress of a grievence with our government... I mean... isn't that kind of Anti-U.S.A?
Hail, Hail!!!
Anti USA, yes... except of course if you have one of those "support the troops" magnets on your car or you are waving a little flag. Sorta like a power boost a video game, that gives you a higher lever in your patriotism meter, so therefore you can defeat reality with a catchy chant.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Well... I think it's GREAT if our swimmers sweep a swimming event... or our amateur Hockey Team defeats a professional Soviet Army team.
But, I think we, as citizens, are allowed to redress our grivences with our government... to our government. To drown out those redresses... even if by other citizens with opposing views... with a chant of and for our nation... well, it seems kinda creepy.
Then again... maybe it's just me.
Hail, Hail!!!
of course he hasn't. the post you quoted was a response to someone who said the dems should somehow have repealed the patriot act or withdrawn troops or impeached bush or any other number of things they don't have anywhere near enough of a majority stronghold to accomplish with a divided senate and an opposition president. spending and small government was not what we were discussing.
The only person on the planet who is grateful that George W. Bush is our president is Jimmy Carter.
Hail, Hail!!!
I always chuckle when people act as though George W. is some stingy, fiscally ultraconservative miser when he's been anything but that. We've expanded the federal government in ways far beyond the usual "patriot act" and "war on terror" talking points. The amount we give away in foreign aide alone is obscene. Hell, the only things I LIKE about W is what most libs hate the most (aggressive stance on terror and his supreme court appointees).
Even though McCain has more of a reputation as a moderate I'm hopeful he'll be able to cut down government waste. He may not but I'll take my chances with him as opposed to that pseudo-Marxist Obama.
6/30/98 Minneapolis, 10/8/00 East Troy (Brrrr!), 6/16/03 St. Paul, 6/27/06 St. Paul
That statement right there tells me you really have no idea of what Obama's views are because if you did, you'd know that he's not as far left as you seem to think.
So far all I'm getting out of the republicans in this thread is that they are voting against Obama moreso then they are voting FOR McCain. It makes me sad because you really seem to have NO IDEA what you're getting your country into by giving the republicans 4 more years.
I would really love to hear some reasons WHY McCain is a better choice that are not..."I trust him more than Obama." I'd love to hear some FACTS.
My guess...
McCain is a decorated Viet Nam War veteran that has recieved the Navy Bronze Star and a Purple Heart that has years of experience in U.S. Government and knows how Washington works. That is more than enough to qualify as the leader of our nation.
It may also help that he talks slow and direct... and has married into money.
Hail, Hail!!!
LOL I know this much...never questioned his experience...I'm referring to the ISSUES....Why is McCain a better far as issues are concerned?? What good things has he promised that has people planning to vote republican saying "ya man I like him"
yes. just singing with the choir.
Okay... then... is it because he seems more like the kind of guy you could have a beer with... specifically, a Coors Light?
Hail, Hail!!!
How does prisoner make you are good leader ?
brave soldier maybe ? :-)
I think that being a prisoner is the thing that qualifies you as a good leader...
Well... THAT... and not being the commander of a Swift Boat helps.
Hail, Hail!!!
Peace? What did you call it when he bombed Serbia (or whatever country it was then or now) in an effort to cover up his scandal?
And I don't like either candidate at all, but I do believe McCain would be a better president than Obama.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Why are the democrats voting for Obama?
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Answering a question with a question...nice!! I asked first!
In fact I've been asking in several threads. Are there any republicans out there with backbone enough to answer the damn question??? I'm not trying to set anyone up for anything...I'm legitimately trying to educate myself here seeing as I'm not American, but most of what your fuckin presidents do affects my country.