Saddam gets death penalty

He was found guilty, and he and two others will get a new neck tie for Christmas. I think it will be a bit snugg.
11/6/95, 11/18/97, 7/13/98, 7/14/98, 10/24/00, 10/25/00, 10/28/00, 6/2/03, 6/3/03, 6/5/03, 7/6/06, 7/7/06, 7/9/06, 7/10/06, 7/13/06, 7/15/06, 7/16/06, 7/18/06, 10/21/06, 4/10/08, 4/13/08, 9/30/09, 10/1/09, 10/6/09, 10/7/09, 10/9/09
Post edited by Unknown User on
How many of our leaders are going to get the death penalty for the 40,000 or so Iraqi civilians we've killed since our illegal invasion/occupation began?
Before he dies, we should hire him as an advisor. No civil war on his watch.
old music:
I know. Why bother? I mean, if he is acquitted in the other cases... what are they gonna do... let him go?
Execute him and be done with it and move on.
Hail, Hail!!!
it almost sounds like you are sad about the verdict.
So do I. There's a certain danger that he'll become a Martyr of sorts the way things are going right now.
They love you so badly for sharing their sorrow, so pick up that guitar and go break a heart - Kris Kristofferson
I think the funniest reactions will be those of the Americans.
Well, because when he ordered and executed the deaths of those people in 1982, he was our buddy because he was at war with our greater evil, the Shi'ite Iran of the Ayatollah Khomeni. When these deaths occurred (on Ronald Reagan's watch...) they were no big deal. Just a bunch of dead Shi'ite scumbags that were probably linked to Iran.
Why is it that in 2006... all of a sudden, these deaths have some sort of significance?
If we learn anything from this... the people that believe in the 'Enemy of my enemy is my friend' creedo really have their heads up their asses. Just because his enemy is your enemy doesn't mean he's any less of an asshole. (See 'Pakistan').
Hail, Hail!!!
ARe you crazy.....they need to free him and give him the controls back. He was the only person that could contain that mess of a country. We need his advice!!!!!
Why are you christians so happy that another human is going to die?
Not to worry... we are handing over Iraq to fundamentalist Shi'ites who will drop the immigration limits imposed by Hussein on Iranians moving into Najaf. Those guys will run Iraq like Iran. Things will settle down when the Iraqi Sunni refugees move into Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.
Hail, Hail!!!
I will tell is totally significant because we had no reason at all to go into Iraq, but, being an American, we never do anything in our own interest, so.....when every reason we ever gave for invading a sovereign nation fell through, we simply transfered the weight of our actions over and over until this is all we had left. This justifies everything we did. Once again, we have proved that the deaths of an estimated 655,000 iraqis was worth getting Saddam for the deaths he caused waaaaaay back when we supported both Iran and Iraq in their war against eachother. We clearly have the moral ground to step in now, so please stop your irritating questions. Trust our government.
Remember a while back when some idiot republicans (santorum etc..) tried to claim that WMD had finally been found when some shells from the mid-80's were discovered in the sand. They claimed that it proved he had weapons and this justified our invasion? Why did no one else jump on it and why did it get buried.....99 percent sure that we sold him those weapons and we sold him the chemical tips (that were no longer active).
To all those that dont understand what Ghost and I are asking and explaining.....PLEASE just take a step back and see the world from our view. (Liberal view I mean). We put our hand into any country that has resources we need, and then we lie and lie and lie about our actions. Your President lies to you at every chance he gets.......I am all for protecting the herd and the tribe, but I dont think he is doing it, number 1, at any long term level, number 2, at any responsible level, and, number 3, at any intelligent level. BUT>>>>you cannot find one thing wrong with how he acts.
Good point. So, we fought in Iraq so Iran could finally take over the country without losing any men.
I have been unfair to Georgy....the region is now more stable than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.
That is crazy...Republicans dont have any hand in controling the way anything works.
Accept for every speech that Bush gives....Ill give you that. They do orchestrate those and never allow anyone in that isnt a loyalist.
ANd, handing out water after Katrina. They did set up a stage with spot lights so it looked like they were doing something...only to tear it down and flee faster than thought possible once the camera stopped.
And planting Gannon in the press core.
And using Fox as a mouth piece.
And using Jessica Lynch as a war hero.
And using Pat Tillman's death for political gain.
And denying that we loved when Iraq and Iran were fighting eachother.
And using Embedded reporters.
and using the terror color codes.
and covering up for Foley.
and stopping us from seeing any death in iraq
and and and and and .....
someone take over.
I'm not happy about it.
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There are people right here that deny everything about the 'Mushroom Cloud' scare and the Al Qaeda trainning camps in Iraq and go with the 'Saving the Poor oppressed Iraqis from Saddam Hussein' as the excuse du jour for this poor tactical decision... the same poor Iraqis, mind you, that are now forming police death squads and torturing and executing fellow Iraqis as payback for the 3 decades of oppression. The same 'Poor oppressed Iraqis' that have formed a militia and fired upon our troops.
And don't get me started on that, "See... I told you so" bullshit about buried chemical artillery shells from 1981. Santorum and anyone who believes this shit is a tool. That shit was left over from the Iran/Iraq stalemate and left behind by the inept and lazy ass Iraqi gunners who didn't want to load the shit back on the trucks as they pulled back from their firing positions.
Also... anyone that believes that Iraq was able to smuggle out their stockpile to Syria has to believe that Iraqi military people are smarter than American military people. How can they outsmart us, unless we either weren't paying attention or our guys are as dumb or dumber than John Kerry says they are?
That's why I think it's funny that people even resort to this 'Poor oppressed Iraqis' excuse... when they were being killed by our then pal, Saddam Hussein... they (the 'Poor oppressed Iraqis' crowd) didn't give a fuck about them. It was more of a 'Good Riddence' in 1982.
Hail, Hail!!!
The irony here... This is Ayatollah Khomeni's wet dream come true... and it was the 'Great Satan' that handed it over to them.
Hail, Hail!!!
I am sad about the reaction to the verdict and the death we have caused just to get this guy to a court we set up. I am sad that you still trust the administration to solve the mess that their incompetence created.
And I am sad that you would rather celebrate this than put any energy into wondering and questioning how the hell we are going to get out of Iraq and why we are there at all. Your mind is idle as we sit in the middle east....are we making it better at any level? Will it be harder to leave and will it lead to more deaths EVERY DAY WE STAY.....
I dont have a perfect answer, but I have been right about 358 times more than the three times those who have a military fetish for solving problems have been. Yet, our side was never listened to and was demonized forever. And we were of course right all along. dont want to even listen to want to trust the guy that got us stuck in Iraq and believe that something as meaningless as this verdict is another turning point. What has he been right on? Name two things that are connected......
Ask some questions.....
A Saddam apologist.
It's because you hate America so much. It is true that you hate America. You hate it all the way down to the foundation set in 1776. Don't try to deny it.
Christians? me? I don't know about that.
I am not so much happy he is going to die.. but I imagine the family members of those wronged by this man will rest better. He is most definately going to die. I just don't see any value to the endless court formalities when the outcome has already been decided.
I'd feel differently if I thought they'd put Bush on the stand under oath and have him questioned by a talented attorney.
"The World isnt black and white, Dave, its easy, either you want america to win or you dont." - Bill O'Reilly
"Well it isnt easy for me because I am thoughtful" - Dave Letterman
there is so much more to the flow of this tragedy than I like Saddam/ I hate Saddam. You dont see the world in black and white, I hope you see colors. If not, just sit there and keep launching your useless talking points.
Personally... I can't wait til these Shi'ite assholes tell us to get the hell out of there... after we have spent billions of our tax payer dollars on trainning and arming them. You know it's going to happen... what are we supposed to do when they tell us to leave? We have to leave, right?
Hail, Hail!!!
Not sad, but killing him will make him a martyr. Shouldn't his accomplices be indicted at the very least?
donald Rumsfeld was very cozy with him when Hussein was an instrument of the US government's beef with Iran. We didn't seem to mind selling him chemical weapons to murder Iranians.
There's a sickening double standard going on...that's all I'm saying. He did some unspeakable things, and that does not endear me to him. But we're not without blood on our hands in Iraq, which makes our leadership no better in my view.
old music:
Thanks for your useless quotes. I don't watch either Letterman or O'Reilly. You should stop wasting your time too.
What is so wrong about seeing an evil man (Saddam) found guilty? I don't understand what the "black and white" is referring to. The story is a man who was convicted of murder is getting the death penalty. It's a story. It's fact, whether the US went into Iraq or not.
Why do you even remember those quotes? Are you obsessed with Bill O'Reilly. Normally, if I dislike someone on tv, I don't watch them. You are like a Boston Red Sox fan who actively roots against the Yankees. It's sad and pathetic.
This has to be a joke. If not, it is the most simplistic and childish showing. And, by the way, as typical as anything that Bush Appologists produce. Your side tries to act sooooo tough, but the minute they get questioned, they throw their milk, start the tears streaming and sit on the ground in a tantrum because they dont know how to deal with the shell they built being breeched. We love America more than you will ever begin to ever see. We see a bigger, more powerful, more intelligent, more creative and more supportive nation than you could ever imagine. You want to build four walls and assume you are right on everything that ever comes out of your mouth. Damn you for telling someone else they hate america. Everyone has a different america, and only yours has room for only likeminded.
They are hardly displays the difference between the left and the right and between you and I.
You see the verdict of Saddam as an achievement and an end without considering the means to which it took to get there. It is black and white to you.
I see the actions we took to get to this point as ignorant and damaging. You think the story ends here, but I fear the pain and suffering that we have caused will come back to harm us far greater than 9/11 did. There are hundreds of thousands of Iraqis that now have bitter hatred for us, and some are bound to take it out on us. We are already losing young men and women, and all I ask it worth spend 3 BILLION dollars a WEEK and lose nearly 3,000 soldiers and injure nearly 40,000 soldiers.....just to get a man convicted. We have killed more civilians than he ever is so clear how simplistic you see this and how long the roots are to the entire story.
Fine....Saddam convicted. Great. Write to me in a week after all the pain and suffering has subsided and after we have pulled the troops out because we finished our goal.
If you think I am sitting here just hating america and not having a solution....I challenge you.....We created Saddam Hussen just like we supported and propped up Osama........the systems we build and the power structure we form always come back to damage us. We think short term and I am challenging that. The short run in Iraq is worse than the administration hoped for.....and I truly am worried about the blowback that will come in ten years once the anger spreads from the region. We are a big dumb kid swinging at a hornets nest.........but again....Saddam is guilty so I can sleep well tonight.
It's already happening.
Saw a "breaking news" event on CNN yesterday, several nations in the Middle East are now actively seeking nuclear technology. They have learned the lesson of N. Korea.
You want the school-yard bully to respect you, you have to have the bomb.
old music:
One of the funniest things I've heard and read... when people heralded Libya's claim that they have stopped their nuclear weapons development program. It's a fucking joke because you know what Libya's nuclear weapons development program consisted of? Going on EBay and typing in 'Nuclear bomb' in the search field.
AND... these assholes believe Col. Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi. Fucking Bush... that idiot... believes what fucking al-Qadhafi has to say... al-Qadhafi been lying about everything since he was Pvt. al-Qadhafi... now, all of a sudden, he's telling the truth??? And idiots believe him???
Hail, Hail!!!
im sorry that your friend saddam got the death penalty. he was a bad man.