huh?? not sure what you mean. Maybe I am misunderstanding g under p's he/she being sarcastic and I'm not getting it....cause it sounded to me as if he/she is saying they think that what Bush as done has worked.
If I misunderstood and he/she was being sarcastic then I apologize to g under p.
yea think you may be misreading...I'm getting the complete opposite...but hey maybe I'm wrong.
huh?? not sure what you mean. Maybe I am misunderstanding g under p's he/she being sarcastic and I'm not getting it....cause it sounded to me as if he/she is saying they think that what Bush as done has worked.
If I misunderstood and he/she was being sarcastic then I apologize to g under p.
Umm ok obviously YOU haven't taken a good look at your economy or you wouldn't make such an assinine, misinformed statement like that! (saying whats done in the last 8 years worked well)?
Umm how far has your dollar sunk under bush?? Hmmmm year into Bushes first term...I, as a Canadian, paid 1.62 for 1 us dollar. TODAY we are hovering between par and $1.10 Cdn for 1 US dollar.
Your economy was on the brink of a recession (if not in a full blown recession) for most of Bush's second term!!
Lets move on to the housing market which has collapsed and record amounts of Americans have had to declare bankruptcy....yes things have been just fuckin Peachy under Bush/Cheney!!!
Finally, how much has this MORON INCREASED your national debt in the last 8 years??? Please enlighten me as to how THATS good for your economy????
Please do some research before a) casting your vote in November..and b) opening your mouth here.
I'm a he and I think you misunderstood what I was saying. I responded to what Mattyjoe saying they felt they had a better choice in McCain over Obama and he would ruin our economy.
I said of sort that McCain would bring us more of the same of what we've had the last 8 years. More of the same misery this current administration has brought on this economy and country. I actually pitty who so ever gets this job cuase it's going to take one hell of an effort to turn the deficit this country is currently in the next 4 years.
Good luck to who gets this job I just don't trust it in McCain/Palin hands.
*We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
I'm a he and I think you misunderstood what I was saying. I responded to what Mattyjoe saying they felt they had a better choice in McCain over Obama and he would ruin our economy.
I said of sort that McCain would bring us more of the same of what we've had the last 8 years. More of the same misery this current administration has brought on this economy and country. I actually pitty who so ever gets this job cuase it's going to take one hell of an effort to turn the deficit this country is currently in the next 4 years.
Good luck to who gets this job I just don't trust it in McCain/Palin hands.
Thank you for the reply and not being too upset with me. I did reply later and apologized and I'm going to do so again because I just finished reading some of your earlier posts and realized before I even saw this reply that I was wrong.
I did misunderstand you and not get the I apologize to you for what I said in my post.
"Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
g under p
Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
Thank you for the reply and not being too upset with me. I did reply later and apologized and I'm going to do so again because I just finished reading some of your earlier posts and realized before I even saw this reply that I was wrong.
I did misunderstand you and not get the I apologize to you for what I said in my post.
No biggie some here do get bent out of shape about what's said about either side of this run for office. I'm getting a bit burnt out about this election being here in the Nation's Capital.
It's ALL about he said she said here. There's a long way to go and mnay things will change I just wish many will get as informed as possible before making thier decision.
*We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
No biggie some here do get bent out of shape about what's said about either side of this run for office. I'm getting a bit burnt out about this election being here in the Nation's Capital.
It's ALL about he said she said here. There's a long way to go and mnay things will change I just wish many will get as informed as possible before making thier decision.
I agree with you totally. I wish people would get informed too. Thats what getting me so frustrated...even here in Canada. We are having a federal election next month too and our current ruling party is a mini me of the republicans...but it looks like they will get in again...with a majority this time (meaning nobody can keep them in check...its like having the repubs as pres and also controlling congress and the senate).
"Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
The more threads I see like this the more I may actually vote for McCain, even though I can't stand anything about him.
The more threads I see like this the more I may actually vote for McCain, even though I can't stand anything about him.
Why would these threads influence your vote?? and why in the world would you vote for someone you can't stand anything about???? Makes no sense to me. To prove a point here?? To say fuck you to the democrats here?? Not really a good reason to base your vote on...wouldn't you say?
Please read up on the issues yourself and how BOTH candidates stand on them and make your decision based on THAT...not on what a bunch of strangers on a message board have to say.
"Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
Against a womans right to decide whats best for her.
Had guy fired for not firing sisters ex-husband.
Has no problem with stripping this planet dry of its resources to feed our thirsts.
Supported billions in earmarks and now lying about it.
I've covered this on other threads, but a lot of this stuff isn't even true.
For instance, not only is she OK with teaching sex education to teenagers, she's said it is important.
From the 2006 Alaska gubernatorial debates: "I'm pro-contraception, and I think kids who may not hear about it at home should hear about it in other avenues. So I am not anti-contraception. But, yeah, abstinence is another alternative that should be discussed with kids. I don't have a problem with that," Palin said.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
I've covered this on other threads, but a lot of this stuff isn't even true.
For instance, not only is she OK with teaching sex education to teenagers, she's said it is important.
From the 2006 Alaska gubernatorial debates: "I'm pro-contraception, and I think kids who may not hear about it at home should hear about it in other avenues. So I am not anti-contraception. But, yeah, abstinence is another alternative that should be discussed with kids. I don't have a problem with that," Palin said.
Most of that crap is going to fall away, but I think the earmark spending, and her legislative past with the whole Bridge to Nowhere (I sure feel sorry for that island these days), earmarks, etc. etc.....that could end up being costly. She's portrayed herself as a champion of reform, and if it becomes clearer and clearer that that is not the case (and if the American people end up caring that it's not the case), then the shine from this pick will start to wear off.
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
Why would these threads influence your vote?? and why in the world would you vote for someone you can't stand anything about???? Makes no sense to me. To prove a point here?? To say fuck you to the democrats here?? Not really a good reason to base your vote on...wouldn't you say?
Please read up on the issues yourself and how BOTH candidates stand on them and make your decision based on THAT...not on what a bunch of strangers on a message board have to say.
I'll vote for whomever it takes to keep Obama out of office. Period.
I have based my decisions on the issues and I don't agree with hardly anything he says. And please let's not make this a democrat/republican thing which has nothing to do with anything. I'm a reghistered democrat and I voted for Obama for Senate and he hasn't done ANYTHING to deserve a promotion.
Ok Cincy...I know your a staunch republican (I remember your posts from 4 years ago)..enlighten us on why you feel McCain/Palin is the right choice???
You never really said WHY you thought Bush was right 4 years ago and we all know he was sooo horribly wrong, tho I doubt you or anyone else as staunch as you will ever admit it.
I never said I think McCain/Palin is the right vote keeps flip-flopping. I agree with McCain/Palin on more issues generally, especially the economy and tax/spend...but I'm not sure that McCain will actually reduce spending in Washington, which is why I'm not definitely voting for him.
I voted for GW 2 times. I agree with him also on many issues, unfortunately, he didn't follow through with reducing spending, privatizing social security, etc. Instead he used the fact that he got my vote based on those issues and he ran a terrible war. It seems to me the republicans (most) in Washington now became far to interested in keeping power and not interested enough in being fiscally conservative and limiting the goverment. This is why I took part in the Democrat Caucus in Iowa this year.
I doubt you;ve read many of my posts (I'll admit, there have been plenty), becuase I've been pretty open with how I feel about BUsh and the republicans. I disagree fundamentally with Obama...I think his plan will be bad for the economy unless he curbs his spending more, I think socialized health care is a terrible idea. I find that it's easy for people to like you when you promise to GIVE them everything. It's easy to say that everyone should be covered, it's a different thing how you deal with it. Anyhow, I digress...
Despite my extreme disagreements with him and the Dem party, I would liek to send a message to the Republicans, that they need to return to the small government, fiscally conservative party. They need to stop legislating people's private lives and they need to get Washington to stop stealing $ from hard working Americans for failed Government programs that keep people down instead of lifting them up. So, if I were voting today, I'd vote for Obama. But that can still change, but it won;t ever change because someone halfway around the world asks me to.
hippiemom = goodness
g under p
Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
I'll vote for whomever it takes to keep Obama out of office. Period.
I have based my decisions on the issues and I don't agree with hardly anything he says. And please let's not make this a democrat/republican thing which has nothing to do with anything. I'm a reghistered democrat and I voted for Obama for Senate and he hasn't done ANYTHING to deserve a promotion.
I'm a registered Democrat and thought of voting for McCain but his choice of Palin made me go woooooe and made me think what in the world was he thinking. He's going to bring change and he's a true maverick he won't get my vote and neither will Obama.
I want to now register as an Independent.
*We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
So, if I were voting today, I'd vote for Obama. But that can still change, but it won;t ever change because someone halfway around the world asks me to.
damm ... you voted for W twice?? ... and you are still open to mccain/palin? ... tell me it isn't so ...
well i have read and disussed with lots of people these days
and what i think is that it seems at the end mccain/palin win ...
b ut i still hope that they not...
Well, you got me there, but it was against Gore and Kerry...;)
You are shocked that I'd consider a McCain/Palin ticket? I agree with their stance on far more it comes down to 2 questions...
1) Do I believe they will do as they say and be effective at changing the crap in the republican party?
2) Should the repubs even get a chance, or have they blown it so badly that I need to send them a message?
there are other candidates on the ticket outside of dems ...
1. it's the same platform as bush - only the names have changed - it's clear palin was brought on simply because she actually buys into the whole christian right neo-con approach - and that she is easily manipulated by special interests ...
2. i guess it depends on how bad you think this current administration really is ... if you want status quo then by all means consider this ticket ... but I would think you're not in favour of what has been happening ...
i suppose it boils down to this with you as well ... you're in a swing state ... and you probably feel like you don't want to "waste" a vote on a 3rd party - so, you have to choose between dem and rep for your vote to matter ...
I'm a he and I think you misunderstood what I was saying. I responded to what Mattyjoe saying they felt they had a better choice in McCain over Obama and he would ruin our economy.
I said of sort that McCain would bring us more of the same of what we've had the last 8 years. More of the same misery this current administration has brought on this economy and country. I actually pitty who so ever gets this job cuase it's going to take one hell of an effort to turn the deficit this country is currently in the next 4 years.
Good luck to who gets this job I just don't trust it in McCain/Palin hands.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
Thank you for the reply and not being too upset with me. I did reply later and apologized and I'm going to do so again because I just finished reading some of your earlier posts and realized before I even saw this reply that I was wrong.
I did misunderstand you and not get the I apologize to you for what I said in my post.
No biggie some here do get bent out of shape about what's said about either side of this run for office. I'm getting a bit burnt out about this election being here in the Nation's Capital.
It's ALL about he said she said here. There's a long way to go and mnay things will change I just wish many will get as informed as possible before making thier decision.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
I agree with you totally. I wish people would get informed too. Thats what getting me so frustrated...even here in Canada. We are having a federal election next month too and our current ruling party is a mini me of the republicans...but it looks like they will get in again...with a majority this time (meaning nobody can keep them in check...its like having the repubs as pres and also controlling congress and the senate).
Why would these threads influence your vote?? and why in the world would you vote for someone you can't stand anything about???? Makes no sense to me. To prove a point here?? To say fuck you to the democrats here?? Not really a good reason to base your vote on...wouldn't you say?
Please read up on the issues yourself and how BOTH candidates stand on them and make your decision based on THAT...not on what a bunch of strangers on a message board have to say.
I've covered this on other threads, but a lot of this stuff isn't even true.
For instance, not only is she OK with teaching sex education to teenagers, she's said it is important.
From the 2006 Alaska gubernatorial debates: "I'm pro-contraception, and I think kids who may not hear about it at home should hear about it in other avenues. So I am not anti-contraception. But, yeah, abstinence is another alternative that should be discussed with kids. I don't have a problem with that," Palin said.
for the least they could possibly do
Most of that crap is going to fall away, but I think the earmark spending, and her legislative past with the whole Bridge to Nowhere (I sure feel sorry for that island these days), earmarks, etc. etc.....that could end up being costly. She's portrayed herself as a champion of reform, and if it becomes clearer and clearer that that is not the case (and if the American people end up caring that it's not the case), then the shine from this pick will start to wear off.
I'll vote for whomever it takes to keep Obama out of office. Period.
I have based my decisions on the issues and I don't agree with hardly anything he says. And please let's not make this a democrat/republican thing which has nothing to do with anything. I'm a reghistered democrat and I voted for Obama for Senate and he hasn't done ANYTHING to deserve a promotion.
I never said I think McCain/Palin is the right vote keeps flip-flopping. I agree with McCain/Palin on more issues generally, especially the economy and tax/spend...but I'm not sure that McCain will actually reduce spending in Washington, which is why I'm not definitely voting for him.
I voted for GW 2 times. I agree with him also on many issues, unfortunately, he didn't follow through with reducing spending, privatizing social security, etc. Instead he used the fact that he got my vote based on those issues and he ran a terrible war. It seems to me the republicans (most) in Washington now became far to interested in keeping power and not interested enough in being fiscally conservative and limiting the goverment. This is why I took part in the Democrat Caucus in Iowa this year.
I doubt you;ve read many of my posts (I'll admit, there have been plenty), becuase I've been pretty open with how I feel about BUsh and the republicans. I disagree fundamentally with Obama...I think his plan will be bad for the economy unless he curbs his spending more, I think socialized health care is a terrible idea. I find that it's easy for people to like you when you promise to GIVE them everything. It's easy to say that everyone should be covered, it's a different thing how you deal with it. Anyhow, I digress...
Despite my extreme disagreements with him and the Dem party, I would liek to send a message to the Republicans, that they need to return to the small government, fiscally conservative party. They need to stop legislating people's private lives and they need to get Washington to stop stealing $ from hard working Americans for failed Government programs that keep people down instead of lifting them up. So, if I were voting today, I'd vote for Obama. But that can still change, but it won;t ever change because someone halfway around the world asks me to.
I'm a registered Democrat and thought of voting for McCain but his choice of Palin made me go woooooe and made me think what in the world was he thinking. He's going to bring change and he's a true maverick he won't get my vote and neither will Obama.
I want to now register as an Independent.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
well i just read many are still insure
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!
- Benjamin Franklin
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.
-Will Rogers
damm ... you voted for W twice?? ... and you are still open to mccain/palin? ... tell me it isn't so ...
It's so.
i'm dumbfounded
says the guy who voted for W twice ...
Well, you got me there, but it was against Gore and Kerry...;)
You are shocked that I'd consider a McCain/Palin ticket? I agree with their stance on far more it comes down to 2 questions...
1) Do I believe they will do as they say and be effective at changing the crap in the republican party?
2) Should the repubs even get a chance, or have they blown it so badly that I need to send them a message?
Don't feel so bad Cincy, the Dems haven't done a better job either.
well i have read and disussed with lots of people these days
and what i think is that it seems at the end mccain/palin win ...
b ut i still hope that they not...
there are other candidates on the ticket outside of dems ...
1. it's the same platform as bush - only the names have changed - it's clear palin was brought on simply because she actually buys into the whole christian right neo-con approach - and that she is easily manipulated by special interests ...
2. i guess it depends on how bad you think this current administration really is ... if you want status quo then by all means consider this ticket ... but I would think you're not in favour of what has been happening ...
i suppose it boils down to this with you as well ... you're in a swing state ... and you probably feel like you don't want to "waste" a vote on a 3rd party - so, you have to choose between dem and rep for your vote to matter ...