please all americans



  • fuckfuck Posts: 4,069
    I love people complaining about "Don't tell me who to vote for."

    Unless someone is actually holding a gun to your head forcing you to vote for someone, either shut the fuck up and don't read or listen to what the person has to say. Feel free to respond with an ACTUAL reason to vote for McCain, also.
  • How about I don't tell you who to vote for in Germany and Spain and you return the favor?

    Aids will spread more???? WTF???

    Ok Cincy...I know your a staunch republican (I remember your posts from 4 years ago)..enlighten us on why you feel McCain/Palin is the right choice???
    You never really said WHY you thought Bush was right 4 years ago and we all know he was sooo horribly wrong, tho I doubt you or anyone else as staunch as you will ever admit it.

    Secondly...most other countries elections don't affect other countries (some do...but not many)...whereas whomever is the president of the US...their actions have far reaching affects....look at that fucktard in your white house right now...which if memory serves YOU voted for...then go total up how much YOU'VE paid in fucking GAS in the last 8 years!!!!! What your taxes are like compared to 8 years ago, etc.
    Are YOU any better off now for voting republican in the last election? are you any worse off??

    I don't mean this to be an attack on you...and I'm sorry if its coming across as such...I just REALLY wanna know why after everything the republicans have done in the last 8 years...why you still think they are the right choice.

    I also want to know from the other people in this thread who just said "no way" in response to the original post...why they are voting republican.
    Please I need to know the good things (if any) about McCain...besides his experience.
    "Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
  • If I vote it will be a vote against Barack moreso than for McCain. McCain will not turn the country to socialism like Barack would. McCain would have had the right strategy in Iraq from the beginning (probably would not have even gone to Iraq in the first place as he would not have thought to start it with Iraq, and would have stayed in Afghanistan). But anyway, Barack and Biden called the surge a big mistake, and McCain pushed it for years and has been proven correct. So much for Biden's experience.

    Obama is going to stunt growth in the economy by getting rid of the capital gains tax rate. The problem is spending, not taxes. We have record tax revenues.

    There are problems with McCain, but Obama's change is just too easy to see through. Regardless of whether McCain has the answers or not, I don't want Obama's answers. They involve bigger and bigger government.
  • How about I don't tell you who to vote for in Germany and Spain and you return the favor?

    Aids will spread more???? WTF???

    sweet we germans and spanish people never had bush;)....
    well this was a bit maybe to harsh b
    ut see what she did in alaska and what she stands for sexual talking in school some do not have parents to talk about such sexual adication ...
    stazing calm and cool before marriage ...can i say wTf
  • This is how I feel, too. I don't know what to do!

    that s why i like somehow our vote system ..
    but can t zou give th
    e green party or so your voice ?
    bec. not to vote is also to vote ..the wrong...way
  • jeffbr wrote:
    I think it is fricking stupid to compromise principles. Stand for something.

    It doesn't matter. I think at this point people need to put thier own and their country's well-being before their own principles. I voted Nader in 2000. After Four years of that shit, no way was I voting 3rd party again. After eight years of this neo-con disaster that has totally fucked the US both domestically and internationally, how can anyone really believe that 3rd party is the sensible way to vote? I'm not saying Obama is perfect or will really be such a massive change, but at this point we have to stop the bleeding and Obama in office is more likely to allow for that than McCain. Bottomline.
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  • If I vote it will be a vote against Barack moreso than for McCain. McCain will not turn the country to socialism like Barack would.

    Let me ask you, are you against universal healthcare? If so, why?
    <a href="">My Pearl Jam Photos</a>

    <a href="; title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="; width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
  • i know in my country what to vote and what i belive so thanx SoonForgotten2
    in some case the big colation i am not so happy with it but hey i know what i vote
  • MattyJoeMattyJoe Posts: 1,424
    g under p wrote:
    It won't last, people will see through these of McCain/Pain.


    Believe me, no one is saying McCain/Palin is the best choice. They're just a hell of a lot better than Obama. Obama would majorly ruin our economy. Socialism may work in Europe where the countries have hardly any GDP and play almost no role in world politics, but not here in the United States. We need a strong economy. Without it, we'd be very vulnerable. China's not getting any smaller or less productive. Taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor and running corporations into the ground with high taxes does not help the economy. Of course, helping the poor is very important, but Obama's policies are not the answer.
    I pledge to you a government that will not only work well, but wisely, its ability to act tempered by prudence, and its willingness to do good, balanced by the knowledge that government is never more dangerous than when our desire to have it help us blinds us to its great power to harm us.
  • First off,Mccain was stauch supporter of the war in Iraq from the start.Obama was against it.Yes it is true that mccain was for the surge, and yes it may have to work to some degree.But it doesn't take away from the fact the occupation in Iraq was the biggest foreign policy blunder in our history.Obama throughout has been a vocal proponent in getting the job done in Afghanistan, and in my opinion he has been right with his judgement all along.
    also our size of government has gotten bigger and bloated under the Bush Administration.I agree we need to make our governement more efficient and theres too much wasteful spending.So rewarding the party that put us in a 9 trillion dollar debt, by giving them 4 more years, makes no frickin sense.
  • digsterdigster Posts: 1,293
    McCain will not turn the country to socialism like Barack would. McCain would have had the right strategy in Iraq from the beginning (probably would not have even gone to Iraq in the first place as he would not have thought to start it with Iraq, and would have stayed in Afghanistan). .

    He voted for it and supported it. What makes you think he wouldn't have done things differently? His legislative record certainly shows no evidence to the contrary.

    Personally, I think the best strategy in Iraq would have been not to go in in the first place. And that was what would have happened if Obama was President.
  • you know the economy was just doing just fine under the Clinton administration.Obama is only proposing the repeal tax cuts for the rich, and put them at the same tax rate that they where at under the Clinton administration.The rich was doing just fine.I was hired at the factory i'm working at in 1996.We had over1,000 employees.Now we have 250 and just had another layoff.You may call Clinton/Obama economic policy socialism,i call it preserving our way of life.The Bush/Mccain economic policy of giving tax breaks for companies who take our jobs overseas,instead of getting tax cuts for companies who keep our jobs here makes no sense.
    Also how do you propose to pay for more tax cuts if you don't think we should repeal the tax cuts for top 1%?Borrow more money from China?
  • Digester,
    That's not true at all.Obama was a vocal opponent to the war in Iraq.Thats a matter of public record.
  • woops i'm sorry digester, i misread your post.
  • MattyJoe wrote:
    Believe me, no one is saying McCain/Palin is the best choice. They're just a hell of a lot better than Obama. Obama would majorly ruin our economy. Socialism may work in Europe where the countries have hardly any GDP and play almost no role in world politics, but not here in the United States. We need a strong economy. Without it, we'd be very vulnerable. China's not getting any smaller or less productive. Taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor and running corporations into the ground with high taxes does not help the economy. Of course, helping the poor is very important, but Obama's policies are not the answer
    Do you know what your talking ?
    and china is not a democratic country and a lot of people are sufferin there ...
  • g under pg under p Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
    MattyJoe wrote:
    Believe me, no one is saying McCain/Palin is the best choice. They're just a hell of a lot better than Obama. Obama would majorly ruin our economy. Socialism may work in Europe where the countries have hardly any GDP and play almost no role in world politics, but not here in the United States. We need a strong economy. Without it, we'd be very vulnerable. China's not getting any smaller or less productive. Taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor and running corporations into the ground with high taxes does not help the economy. Of course, helping the poor is very important, but Obama's policies are not the answer.

    You appear to sound as if what McCain/Pain are going to implement anything different than what we have had these last 8 years. It also appears what has been done these last 8 years has worked very well just take a look at our economy.

    I never thought these two could be worse than Bush/Cheney and they clearly are.

    *We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti

    *MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
    .....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti

    *The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)

  • Obama is proposing to give TAX CUTS for corporations who keep our jobs here in the USA!!!
  • It doesn't matter. I think at this point people need to put thier own and their country's well-being before their own principles. I voted Nader in 2000. After Four years of that shit, no way was I voting 3rd party again. After eight years of this neo-con disaster that has totally fucked the US both domestically and internationally, how can anyone really believe that 3rd party is the sensible way to vote? I'm not saying Obama is perfect or will really be such a massive change, but at this point we have to stop the bleeding and Obama in office is more likely to allow for that than McCain. Bottomline.

    Thank you!

    To note the 3rd party system needs further developing and support. It may work one day, it just isn't gonna work right now.
    "i'm a dedicated insomniac" ~ ev nyc beacon 6/22
  • MattyJoe wrote:
    Believe me, no one is saying McCain/Palin is the best choice. They're just a hell of a lot better than Obama. Obama would majorly ruin our economy. Socialism may work in Europe where the countries have hardly any GDP and play almost no role in world politics, but not here in the United States. We need a strong economy. Without it, we'd be very vulnerable. China's not getting any smaller or less productive. Taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor and running corporations into the ground with high taxes does not help the economy. Of course, helping the poor is very important, but Obama's policies are not the answer.


    Please read more on GDP ...

    Europe plays almost no role in world politics?! You might want to check in on this and rethink that statement.

    May I ask please, have you traveled? If so where have your travels taken you? To Europe? Asia?

    Our economy was strong, it has been slowly dwindling and look who has been in office while this has been happening. You honestly think McCain & Palin are going to fix this?
    "i'm a dedicated insomniac" ~ ev nyc beacon 6/22
  • jeffbrjeffbr Seattle Posts: 7,177
    It doesn't matter. I think at this point people need to put thier own and their country's well-being before their own principles.

    I think it would be impossible for me to disagree more strongly. So we'll just have to disagree.
    "I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    g under p wrote:
    You appear to sound as if what McCain/Pain are going to implement anything different than what we have had these last 8 years. It also appears what has been done these last 8 years has worked very well just take a look at our economy.

    I never thought these two could be worse than Bush/Cheney and they clearly are.


    So what's Obama going to do differently?
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • know1 wrote:
    So what's Obama going to do differently?
    1.First off focus on treating our veterans with the respect that they deserve.The fact that we have 208 thousand veterans living under a bridge is a national disgrace.Biden and Obama have talked about this in most of their speeches that i have heard.
    2.Repeal the Bush tax cuts for the rich that Mccain once opposed now supports.
    3.Give a real middle class tax cut that isn't going borrow billions more from china.
    4.Stop giving tax breaks that move our jobs overseas,and instead give tax breaks to companies who keep jobs here.

    I'll stop there.For now.
  • g under pg under p Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
    know1 wrote:
    So what's Obama going to do differently?

    Nothing really, that's why he won't get my vote either. However, I could trust his judgement better that McCain.

    *We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti

    *MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
    .....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti

    *The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)

  • MattyJoeMattyJoe Posts: 1,424
    Please read more on GDP ...

    Have I said something wrong?
    Europe plays almost no role in world politics?! You might want to check in on this and rethink that statement.

    Hmmm, okay.


    Nope, hardly any role.
    May I ask please, have you traveled? If so where have your travels taken you? To Europe? Asia?

    Don't see how this has anything to do with it, but I have been to Europe. Never been to Asia, would like to go there though. I actually wouldn't mind visiting China, beautiful country.
    I pledge to you a government that will not only work well, but wisely, its ability to act tempered by prudence, and its willingness to do good, balanced by the knowledge that government is never more dangerous than when our desire to have it help us blinds us to its great power to harm us.
  • MattyJoe,

    Ya aven't said anything wrong. I just find your view limited, that's all.

    Saying that Europe does not have a major role in world politics is quite amusing to me. We definitely see things differently.


    "i'm a dedicated insomniac" ~ ev nyc beacon 6/22
  • g under p wrote:
    You appear to sound as if what McCain/Pain are going to implement anything different than what we have had these last 8 years. It also appears what has been done these last 8 years has worked very well just take a look at our economy.

    I never thought these two could be worse than Bush/Cheney and they clearly are.


    Umm ok obviously YOU haven't taken a good look at your economy or you wouldn't make such an assinine, misinformed statement like that! (saying whats done in the last 8 years worked well)?

    Umm how far has your dollar sunk under bush?? Hmmmm year into Bushes first term...I, as a Canadian, paid 1.62 for 1 us dollar. TODAY we are hovering between par and $1.10 Cdn for 1 US dollar.
    Your economy was on the brink of a recession (if not in a full blown recession) for most of Bush's second term!!

    Lets move on to the housing market which has collapsed and record amounts of Americans have had to declare bankruptcy....yes things have been just fuckin Peachy under Bush/Cheney!!!

    Finally, how much has this MORON INCREASED your national debt in the last 8 years??? Please enlighten me as to how THATS good for your economy????

    Please do some research before a) casting your vote in November..and b) opening your mouth here.
    "Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
  • callencallen Posts: 6,388
    Umm ok obviously YOU haven't taken a good look at your economy or you wouldn't make such an assinine, misinformed statement like that! (saying whats done in the last 8 years worked well)?

    Umm how far has your dollar sunk under bush?? Hmmmm year into Bushes first term...I, as a Canadian, paid 1.62 for 1 us dollar. TODAY we are hovering between par and $1.10 Cdn for 1 US dollar.
    Your economy was on the brink of a recession (if not in a full blown recession) for most of Bush's second term!!

    Lets move on to the housing market which has collapsed and record amounts of Americans have had to declare bankruptcy....yes things have been just fuckin Peachy under Bush/Cheney!!!

    Finally, how much has this MORON INCREASED your national debt in the last 8 years??? Please enlighten me as to how THATS good for your economy????

    Please do some research before a) casting your vote in November..and b) opening your mouth here.

    May want to re-read post to which you responded. You agree not disagree. Oh and great points.

    We can add, Dubya and goons have single handedly destroyed our credibility in the world.

    Created perfect conditions for recruiting fundementalist loonies..Muslims and Christians.

    Now Dubya's goons are they've been able to use folks insecurities and greed to increase assets for their buddies...oil, and defense. Woo hoo...God, Fear, Muslims, Evildoer, Taxing you to give to Minorities, ENTITLEMENTS....oooooooohh etc etc.
    10-18-2000 Houston, 04-06-2003 Houston, 6-25-2003 Toronto, 10-8-2004 Kissimmee, 9-4-2005 Calgary, 12-3-05 Sao Paulo, 7-2-2006 Denver, 7-22-06 Gorge, 7-23-2006 Gorge, 9-13-2006 Bern, 6-22-2008 DC, 6-24-2008 MSG, 6-25-2008 MSG
  • callencallen Posts: 6,388
    If I vote it will be a vote against Barack moreso than for McCain. McCain will not turn the country to socialism like Barack would. McCain would have had the right strategy in Iraq from the beginning (probably would not have even gone to Iraq in the first place as he would not have thought to start it with Iraq, and would have stayed in Afghanistan). But anyway, Barack and Biden called the surge a big mistake, and McCain pushed it for years and has been proven correct. So much for Biden's experience.

    Obama is going to stunt growth in the economy by getting rid of the capital gains tax rate. The problem is spending, not taxes. We have record tax revenues.

    There are problems with McCain, but Obama's change is just too easy to see through. Regardless of whether McCain has the answers or not, I don't want Obama's answers. They involve bigger and bigger government.

    Agree. Not to thrilled with some of Obama's thoughts on soclal programs but to think more Bush style economic policies of funneling money to corporations will help our economy???? The risks of the US going into a full blown recession I feel will be much higher with McCain than Obama. The US could use bit more protectionists policies..not alot but more. But the big one..and its a freakin spine tingling bone chilling one is to think there is a very good chance that we'll have a totally inept fantasy land president should McCain become incapacitated. I'll roll the dice with Obama anyday...anyday.

    Course it will be good for our country to move in the progressive side..and tell the social conservatives to take a freakin hike.
    10-18-2000 Houston, 04-06-2003 Houston, 6-25-2003 Toronto, 10-8-2004 Kissimmee, 9-4-2005 Calgary, 12-3-05 Sao Paulo, 7-2-2006 Denver, 7-22-06 Gorge, 7-23-2006 Gorge, 9-13-2006 Bern, 6-22-2008 DC, 6-24-2008 MSG, 6-25-2008 MSG
  • callen wrote:
    May want to re-read post to which you responded. You agree not disagree. Oh and great points.

    huh?? not sure what you mean. Maybe I am misunderstanding g under p's he/she being sarcastic and I'm not getting it....cause it sounded to me as if he/she is saying they think that what Bush as done has worked.

    If I misunderstood and he/she was being sarcastic then I apologize to g under p.
    "Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
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