Why Do I Know That Paris Hilton Is Out Of Jail????

I can't get away from it. It's on every freaking medium I see. It's practically on billboards.
This is not news. Wow, rich people get special priveledges because they can afford lawyers and payouts to judges and police departments (which is all they are after in non drug related traffic stops anyway)
This is insanity. It is NOT news. It's barely interesting much less something to be upset about. I am more upset I know anything about it at all.
There is no reason to despise or mock or give her any attention at all.
Ahhh!!!! Even on Sports Talk radio. WHY IS THIS NEWS???????
Give me a freaking Kucinich vs. Paul Debate you ninnies.
This is not news. Wow, rich people get special priveledges because they can afford lawyers and payouts to judges and police departments (which is all they are after in non drug related traffic stops anyway)
This is insanity. It is NOT news. It's barely interesting much less something to be upset about. I am more upset I know anything about it at all.
There is no reason to despise or mock or give her any attention at all.
Ahhh!!!! Even on Sports Talk radio. WHY IS THIS NEWS???????
Give me a freaking Kucinich vs. Paul Debate you ninnies.
My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
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(a sad commentary to be sure, but we want these businesses to serve their customers)
That's what's kind of funny to me. Watching "Super Size Me" and thinking, "how is this even worthy of a documentary?" It dawns on me that yes.... aparently our society really is that stupid....sad really.
It's the same reason canidates with a brain won't have a snowballs chance next year.
I like how the Rev (Big Al) got involved with some commentary already. I guess he forgot about OJ.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
I think it is news and important news. I think it shows how a rich girl got out of doing her full time, and for what? Stress?? Being in jail isn;t suppose to be a picnic. I can see giving her some special treatment, ie keeping her away from most of the general population for her safety, but this is ridiculous.
And I think it is important to mention it and harp on it until she and people like her have to pay for the crimes they commit.
But then again, her parents are to blame. They are the ones that spoiled her.
who is she and what is going on about some jail?
i understand she's rich from what i just read.
from what, what does she do?
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
so if i go to jail because im not rich i get no, zero, zip, special treatments?
this is insane.
that means this paris hilton broad is so much better than I am.
you're out of your mind.
fuck the whole paris hilton bullshit.
shes a fuckin pain in the ass.
the whole lot of paris wanna-be groupies all can get bent.
quit givin the fuckin broad attention.
like this, why am i even posting on this thread thats about her.
i am adding to the paris global piranha frenzy whirl wind.
i am a tool for sending this comment out.
dont click submit reply.
i am a dumb-ass for clicking and submiting myself to the paris campaign.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
I did not even know why they said she was let out. This could set a dangerous precedent. I imagine jail is stressful for all. Maybe everyone should be let out.
That's an interesting point. If that is what it is teaching people, it is totally by accident. However, the way that rich/famous people are treated is certainly newsworthy, so this may (as a silver lining to the rediculous sensationalism of the famous) carry some value.
I'm going to agree. I could care less about Paris, but I'm sort of glad this is news. I think the outcry is going to force her to go back and spend her time in jail like she's supposed to.
If she got out because of stress and nobody reported it, I think it would be a bad thing.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
due to my inability to escape this story I have learned it was due to some kind of rash. Aparently she pushed the medic alert button quite a bit. So while the rest of the general pop continues to get shived, she's back to mai tai's and valium..... oh happy day.
Basically, everyone knows this already, if you have money you can greese the system. Money and enough good Lawyers can get you out of almost anything. It's not a white or black thing it's a wealthy; famous or important politicial people thing. You know the same reason she's famous to begin with. The same Reason Scooter Libby will be out of prison in January and the Clintons pardoned all of thier criminal cronies and so on and so forth. Assholes beget assholes and the whole world goes around.
It annoys me that looking back on this year, major stories included Paris Hilton.....and Anna Nicole Smith.... honestly, WTF. Two individuals who add virtually nothing of value to society.
cross the river to the eastside
lol, they are doing an OJ car trip type scene to the courthouse with Paris handcuffed in the back of a police cruiser.
I'm out of my mind because I feel she should go back to jail, but I understand that because she is famous she might be a target for the other inmates?
I think a bit of reality mixed in here would be good.
i thought it was a 'medical issue' that might 'spread' if she didn't get released.
totally herpes.
and now i get the cover, she's back in court, not jail. ah, why did i need to clarify that.
cross the river to the eastside
Not sure, haven't heard anything since last night...when they were saying she was having a breakdown...maybe they meant breakout.
i think you're on to something.
edit: . . . i just hope it's not her.
cross the river to the eastside
you are silly so silly.
i am a target to other inmates to.
just like you are.
hey, she's the one who throws herself at the cameras.
she's the one throwing herself at a moving train.
do the crime, do your fuckin time.
walk the fuckin yard like a man/woman.
shes a spoiled coward.
fuck that.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
enlighten us on reality in the joint?
tell us about your version of reality in a jail house.
and or your version of reality in a prison.
and how paris is not greasing the sheriff, attorneys, judges.
reality is jail/prison sucks.
reality is you fuck up you go to either or both.
reality is she is a pamper lil baby who's been handed everything
her entire fuckin bunk ass life.
a lil jail time would do paris hilton a world of good.
she needs to be humbled.
maybe some 280 pound bulldike might find paris (thats hot) in the shower
she'll get every other day.
im not sayin i want paris or any convict hurt.
she needs an eye opener.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
He told me it was only a cold sore.