Now, lets look at modern times, shall we. Lets see.... somthing happened, something happened. Oh, that's right. We were attacked by a group of individuals on September 11th, 2001. What did we do? Well, we decerned where this group of individuals was based and attacked back - and took out the government that was supporting them; and in turn, attempted to bring "freedom" to the people living under that government. And it was near fully supported by the U.S. population - despite the fucking color of the people involved. When did it go wrong? When we turned our war machine away from those who attacked us and pointed it at another, unrelated, nation. Sure, at first it sounded like a great idea - you know, 'cause they were involved somehow. Only they weren't. And, when people started to realize that, they started to turn against the operation.
This is the truth! And this is why I'm angry! We were lied to! And even when the lies were uncovered it didn't stop! The war kept raging! I was never against a war with Afghanistan or Bin Laden. But Iraq was just about oil and a personal vendetta against Saddam Hussein! We know it has nothing to do with September 11th anymore. We've totally ignored Afghanistan for the most part and the Taliban is building itself BACK UP! Meanwhile, people are dying left and right in Iraq! How the hell does that make any sense? And now, we are talking about going to war with Iran too! What the fuck, man? Seriously, its messed up!
i think it is just fucking bullshit that her mother can say something like this ...
i really do....
why are you planning a funeral???
because your daughter decided not to go to art school....where she had already been accepted....
and instead made the choice to join the military.....knowing damned well there was a good chance she would be sent to iraq....
it all comes down to personal choices and taking responsibility for those choices.
the fact that her daughter actually WAS sent to iraq and unfortunately
killed in the line of duty is just something she wasn't expecting...why i don't know...
and the mother is lashing out as a result.
the mother making a statement like that, knowing full well the impact such a statement would make,
illustrates the sheer ignorance of our society at times.
it amazes me daily how clueless people can be to the facts, the truth.
i think it is just fucking bullshit that her mother can say something like this ...
i really do....
why are you planning a funeral???
because your daughter decided not to go to art school....where she had already been accepted....
and instead made the choice to join the military.....knowing damned well there was a good chance she would be sent to iraq....
if she joined BEFORE the "war" then her mother has a right to ask that question.But if she joined AFTER the "war" started,then you're right,she should have known Iraq was a possibility,which makes death a possibility.
not that that makes their loss any less horrific.
"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
i think it is just fucking bullshit that her mother can say something like this ...
i really do....
why are you planning a funeral???
because your daughter decided not to go to art school....where she had already been accepted....
and instead made the choice to join the military.....knowing damned well there was a good chance she would be sent to iraq....
Stop hiding behind the grieving parents comments. she lost a daughter.
This issue is about a young lady that made a committment to give her life for her country - and her country took her up on it. Her country took her up on it because of a violent hateful administration and its legion of supporters
if she joined BEFORE the "war" then her mother has a right to ask that question.But if she joined AFTER the "war" started,then you're right,she should have known Iraq was a possibility,which makes death a possibility.
not that that makes their loss any less horrific.
she graduated highschool in 2003...
we invaded in march of 2003....
so im thinking we had already been in iraq for a few months before she joined...
and any death of a 22 year old is just wrong......BUT.....
her mother is way out of line in my opinion....
i just dont get....and will never people can say "why doesnt bush send his daughters to iraq"??????
because it is the daughters choice....and they have made the decision not to join the military....
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Stop hiding behind the grieving parents comments. she lost a daughter.
This issue is about a young lady that made a committment to give her life for her country - and her country took her up on it. Her country took her up on it because of a violent hateful administration and its legion of supporters
i dont think the young lady made a commitment to give her life for her her own words she joined the military because she wasnt ready to further her education and she wanted to do some traveling before going back to she joined the military...
from what i have read on this young lady....after joining the military...she realized she fucking hated the military.....and could not wait to get the fuck out of the military....
sounds to me she was someone who made a very irrational decision.....
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Stop hiding behind the grieving parents comments. she lost a daughter.
This issue is about a young lady that made a committment to give her life for her country - and her country took her up on it. Her country took her up on it because of a violent hateful administration and its legion of supporters
tell her mother to quit blaming the death of her daughter on george bush.....
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
i dont think the young lady made a commitment to give her life for her her own words she joined the military because she wasnt ready to further her education and she wanted to do some traveling before going back to she joined the military...
from what i have read on this young lady....after joining the military...she realized she fucking hated the military.....and could not wait to get the fuck out of the military....
sounds to me she was someone who made a very irrational decision.....
This is what she said....
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
yes it is....
and this decision of hers to join the military and protect the U.S.A...
cost the young lady her life.....and that is a shame....
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
i just dont get....and will never people can say "why doesnt bush send his daughters to iraq"??????
because it is the daughters choice....and they have made the decision not to join the military....
wars are waged by the rich and fought by the poor.
they should make it a law,if you're a politician who supports war and have a kid who is old enough to enlist then C-YA!!!
then again some of these scum wouldn't mind sacrificing their young.
"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
We have a volunteer military.... and I too believe that is the best way to maintain a military force prepared to deter aggressors and defend our country.
However during war - and at the time the country chooses to start a war - as is the case with Iraq.. then the entire coutnry should be at war. There should be a draft and every citizen should be obliged to participate in one fashon or other
the decision to go to war should rest with the entire country as should the execution of that war.
The wealthy are in power and make these monsterous committments that only the young poor are being asked to honor.
That is in large part what makes the decision for the leaders and the billions of voters easy - we can sacrifice the honorable or the desperate to maintain our happy way of life and war is not dangerous - I can just say I don't want to be part of that.
Somehow you figure that this young lady offered her very life at the request of her country means her death resulted in her own flawed decision.
Though common - that is absolute ignorant self serving bull shit...
bull shit you repeatedly spew
mixed in with your insistance that your fucking country must continue to occupy Iraq.
sickening how long this kind of crap continues - as voting Americans can think this way on the way to the video store
I didn't want the US to invade. But since they have, the solution that I'd most support is the one that will have the least loss of life by any side. If that's staying longer, then that's the one I'm behind.
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
as much nonsense as tens of thousands of dead u.s. soldiers and a million Iraqi people?dead because of lies.
as absurd as it sounds i think it would better assure that they would think twice before shipping off the troops.
"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
I didn't want the US to invade. But since they have, the solution that I'd most support is the one that will have the least loss of life by any side. If that's staying longer, then that's the one I'm behind.
yes you selfish hateful man... you mock the honorable wonderful childre that die to support the very thing you vote for them to do. sickening
because of your failure as a parent to keep your child out of harms way....
because of your failure as a parent to tell your daughter she was making an irrational decision.....
this entire statement is nonsense.....
and you know it....
Would you say the same thing about a parent of a young volunteer firefighter that repeatedly went into a burning out house carrying out children and didn't make it out on his last run?
Would you say the same thing about a parent of a young volunteer firefighter that repeatedly went into a burning out house carrying out children and didn't make it out on his last run?
depends on if the parent is going to blame the fire department for sending her son in to the burning buildings.....
it wasnt the fire departments fault that the firefighter CHOSE to run in to the burning buildings.....
just like it wasnt george bushs fault that the young lady CHOSE to join the military....
but i think her mother has a problem facing the facts.....
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
It seems to me that the census here is this; if you 'choose' to join the military and you die, it's your parents fault for allowing you to go. Or it's your fault for choosing to go.
But this is in stark contrast to incidence where military officers die and are hailed as heros fighting out of neccesity for the freedom of their country.
How about that firefighter analogue. If no firefighters volunteered or were paid to do the job, would the government allow the fires to burn? Or would the government draft firefighters?
In the case of the military, if there were no volunteer military people, would the government draft them? The answer, is an undeniable YES.
So, perhaps the choice to join the military is to the bennefit of all their countries citizens, as no draft is neccesary as long as there are volunteers.
In this sense, is it right to say "They chose to go, knowing that they would die." for if they had not chosen to go, then you might be forced to go against your will. I abbohr military action and would not volunteer myself, if I was forced, I would likely die because I don't have the strength to kill another human being. I appreciate the volunteer soldiers, and I detest the governments willingness to send them off to die in unwinable wars.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Would you say the same thing about a parent of a young volunteer firefighter that repeatedly went into a burning out house carrying out children and didn't make it out on his last run?
when that young firefighter enters that burning house, he is fully aware that death may be eminent. when that young soldier entered into combat she was aware of the same thing. the idea that her mother is blaming someone else for this tragedy is just ridiculous.
though you don't sign on to get killed, you have to realize up front that it is part of the job.
my heart goes out to anyone who has lost a child in this awful war.
depends on if the parent is going to blame the fire department for sending her son in to the burning buildings.....
it wasnt the fire departments fault that the firefighter CHOSE to run in to the burning buildings.....
just like it wasnt george bushs fault that the young lady CHOSE to join the military....
but i think her mother has a problem facing the facts.....
When someone joins the military, they do so with an understanding (before this war) that when they go into combat it will be for legit reasons. Not bullshit and lies. There is a certain amount of faith they put in their leadership. When that leadership betrays them and they die, their parents have EVERY RIGHT to hold the leadership responsible....
Somehow you figure that this young lady offered her very life at the request of her country means her death resulted in her own flawed decision.
Though common - that is absolute ignorant self serving bull shit...
bull shit you repeatedly spew
mixed in with your insistance that your fucking country must continue to occupy Iraq.
sickening how long this kind of crap continues - as voting Americans can think this way on the way to the video store
"because she wasnt ready for college and she wanted to travel"
that bullshit decision to join the military because she wanted to travel was no one elses choice but her own....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
This is the truth! And this is why I'm angry! We were lied to! And even when the lies were uncovered it didn't stop! The war kept raging! I was never against a war with Afghanistan or Bin Laden. But Iraq was just about oil and a personal vendetta against Saddam Hussein! We know it has nothing to do with September 11th anymore. We've totally ignored Afghanistan for the most part and the Taliban is building itself BACK UP! Meanwhile, people are dying left and right in Iraq! How the hell does that make any sense? And now, we are talking about going to war with Iran too! What the fuck, man? Seriously, its messed up!
Peace and Love
the harsh reality of her daughter's decision sounds like it was unexpected
or something. she had to know going in this was a real possibility.
joining the military with all these grandiose ideas of seeing the world and
single-handedly saving the country are just naive.
very sad story, but yes, ultimately it was her choice.
must be devastating to her family as well as the thousands of others
who have lost loved ones.
i really do....
why are you planning a funeral???
because your daughter decided not to go to art school....where she had already been accepted....
and instead made the choice to join the military.....knowing damned well there was a good chance she would be sent to iraq....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
it all comes down to personal choices and taking responsibility for those choices.
the fact that her daughter actually WAS sent to iraq and unfortunately
killed in the line of duty is just something she wasn't expecting...why i don't know...
and the mother is lashing out as a result.
the mother making a statement like that, knowing full well the impact such a statement would make,
illustrates the sheer ignorance of our society at times.
it amazes me daily how clueless people can be to the facts, the truth.
if she joined BEFORE the "war" then her mother has a right to ask that question.But if she joined AFTER the "war" started,then you're right,she should have known Iraq was a possibility,which makes death a possibility.
not that that makes their loss any less horrific.
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
Stop hiding behind the grieving parents comments. she lost a daughter.
This issue is about a young lady that made a committment to give her life for her country - and her country took her up on it. Her country took her up on it because of a violent hateful administration and its legion of supporters
we invaded in march of 2003....
so im thinking we had already been in iraq for a few months before she joined...
and any death of a 22 year old is just wrong......BUT.....
her mother is way out of line in my opinion....
i just dont get....and will never people can say "why doesnt bush send his daughters to iraq"??????
because it is the daughters choice....and they have made the decision not to join the military....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
from what i have read on this young lady....after joining the military...she realized she fucking hated the military.....and could not wait to get the fuck out of the military....
sounds to me she was someone who made a very irrational decision.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
This is what she said....
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
and this decision of hers to join the military and protect the U.S.A...
cost the young lady her life.....and that is a shame....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
wars are waged by the rich and fought by the poor.
they should make it a law,if you're a politician who supports war and have a kid who is old enough to enlist then C-YA!!!
then again some of these scum wouldn't mind sacrificing their young.
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
and you know it....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
not entirely
We have a volunteer military.... and I too believe that is the best way to maintain a military force prepared to deter aggressors and defend our country.
However during war - and at the time the country chooses to start a war - as is the case with Iraq.. then the entire coutnry should be at war. There should be a draft and every citizen should be obliged to participate in one fashon or other
the decision to go to war should rest with the entire country as should the execution of that war.
The wealthy are in power and make these monsterous committments that only the young poor are being asked to honor.
That is in large part what makes the decision for the leaders and the billions of voters easy - we can sacrifice the honorable or the desperate to maintain our happy way of life and war is not dangerous - I can just say I don't want to be part of that.
I didn't want the US to invade. But since they have, the solution that I'd most support is the one that will have the least loss of life by any side. If that's staying longer, then that's the one I'm behind.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
as much nonsense as tens of thousands of dead u.s. soldiers and a million Iraqi people?dead because of lies.
as absurd as it sounds i think it would better assure that they would think twice before shipping off the troops.
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
yes you selfish hateful man... you mock the honorable wonderful childre that die to support the very thing you vote for them to do. sickening
I don't vote. I also don't mock the military. I'm not sure where you got that from.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
because of your failure as a parent to keep your child out of harms way....
because of your failure as a parent to tell your daughter she was making an irrational decision.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
this entire statement is nonsense.....
and you know it....
Would you say the same thing about a parent of a young volunteer firefighter that repeatedly went into a burning out house carrying out children and didn't make it out on his last run?
it wasnt the fire departments fault that the firefighter CHOSE to run in to the burning buildings.....
just like it wasnt george bushs fault that the young lady CHOSE to join the military....
but i think her mother has a problem facing the facts.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
But this is in stark contrast to incidence where military officers die and are hailed as heros fighting out of neccesity for the freedom of their country.
How about that firefighter analogue. If no firefighters volunteered or were paid to do the job, would the government allow the fires to burn? Or would the government draft firefighters?
In the case of the military, if there were no volunteer military people, would the government draft them? The answer, is an undeniable YES.
So, perhaps the choice to join the military is to the bennefit of all their countries citizens, as no draft is neccesary as long as there are volunteers.
In this sense, is it right to say "They chose to go, knowing that they would die." for if they had not chosen to go, then you might be forced to go against your will. I abbohr military action and would not volunteer myself, if I was forced, I would likely die because I don't have the strength to kill another human being. I appreciate the volunteer soldiers, and I detest the governments willingness to send them off to die in unwinable wars.
You flawed thinking is well demonstrated here
If your two CHOICES were to be comparable
then they would have either been the firefighter CHOSE to become a firefighter and the soldier CHOSE to join the military
OR the firefighter CHOSE to go into the burning building to save a child and the soldier CHOSE to offer cover fire to save her fellow soldiers
im gonna disagree here.....
just like i disagree with the mother of the dead soldier.....
who made a fucking irrational senseless decision to join the military at a time of war......because she wanted to travel.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
when that young firefighter enters that burning house, he is fully aware that death may be eminent. when that young soldier entered into combat she was aware of the same thing. the idea that her mother is blaming someone else for this tragedy is just ridiculous.
though you don't sign on to get killed, you have to realize up front that it is part of the job.
my heart goes out to anyone who has lost a child in this awful war.
And bytchez STILL ain't shyt!!!!!!!!!!
whats up my friend?????
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
When someone joins the military, they do so with an understanding (before this war) that when they go into combat it will be for legit reasons. Not bullshit and lies. There is a certain amount of faith they put in their leadership. When that leadership betrays them and they die, their parents have EVERY RIGHT to hold the leadership responsible....