Who are you making your opinion known to? You're better off not voting at all and standing outside with a sign saying "I'd rather vote for Santa or Mickey Mouse" if you're wanting to make your opinion known.
There are plenty of candidates to choose from... If you don't like one then write one in. Just make it heard that you voted!
It would be nice if we could really vote for who we wanted and didn't feel compelled to vote for Rep or Dem. If we had Instant Runoff Voting, we could vote 3rd party and still feel like we had a choice.
Alright, kiddies. I'm not going to jump into the fray by offering an opinion of those who think they're making a statement by not voting, but I will say that I believe it's important to be part of the process. I agree that making the smallest effort (voting on referendums or for just one candidate you are in agreement with) is enough to make a difference.
And to my fellow women, there's no excuse. Our right to vote was fought for and won by brave, committed people, and it's our responsibility to do a little homework and get out there and participate.
"Information is not knowledge.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~
This entire discussion shows that the real problem is the restrictive system we have in place for ballot access. If more choices were available, more people would vote.
The two parties have conspired to make it virtually impossible for non- Republicrats to get on the ballot.
I think it is criminal that restrictive ballot access & redistricting are allowed to continue unabated. These two issues allow for entrenched incumbents and no voter options.
Alright, kiddies. I'm not going to jump into the fray by offering an opinion of those who think they're making a statement by not voting, but I will say that I believe it's important to be part of the process. I agree that making the smallest effort (voting on referendums or for just one candidate you are in agreement with) is enough to make a difference.
And to my fellow women, there's no excuse. Our right to vote was fought for and won by brave, committed people, and it's our responsibility to do a little homework and get out there and participate.
What if there is no candidate that your are in agreement with? Who, then, would your vote make a difference for?
The powers that be want lower turnouts. It's why they can simplify their message. They can pander to those that they know will vote.
If everyone voted, they would have to change their approach and speak to more people.
Besides, there are important questions on most ballots, and local elcetions matter too.
The lesser of 2 evils is important, because you are voting to drag the debate more toward your own beliefs.
Dont vote, and you have no right to complain. I have actually been at peace with everything since 2004 because we deserve to be so poorly treated after letting W win his first real presidency.
I wonder how those people in Ohio feel right now. It came down to less than 100,000 votes, but by God in 06 they'll show they're pissed! (Rolls eyes)
This entire discussion shows that the real problem is the restrictive system we have in place for ballot access. If more choices were available, more people would vote.
The two parties have conspired to make it virtually impossible for non- Republicrats to get on the ballot.
I think it is criminal that restrictive ballot access & redistricting are allowed to continue unabated. These two issues allow for entrenched incumbents and no voter options.
Exactly! I find it so hard to believe that the population of people in "America" is really being represented when their whole representation is sitting in the hands of 2 major political parties. In other words..........who are all of these other 60% of Americans who do not vote and who is representing them.......or is anyone? If not, that could mean that over half of American citizens are not being represented.........Is that true?
Exactly! I find it so hard to believe that the population of people in "America" is really being represented when their whole representation is sitting in the hands of 2 major political parties. In other words..........who are all of these other 60% of Americans who do not vote and who is representing them.......or is anyone? If not, that could mean that over half of American citizens are not being represented.........Is that true?
You know those questions are impossible to answer. Who knows why people don't vote... And a huge chunk don't.
In my eyes, writing in Mickey Mouse is the same as voting "none of the above" and I wish more people would do it instead of just not voting.
But if they wrote "I'd rather vote for Mickey Mouse" on signs outside, they might at least get media attention and their opinions would be a lot better recognized than voting "none of the above".
In my eyes, writing in Mickey Mouse is the same as voting "none of the above" and I wish more people would do it instead of just not voting.
I'd really love to see "none of the above" added to all ballots. Maybe that would get people out to vote, and it would make candidates work harder to win people over. How's this...the majority would go to "none of the above" and it would force gov't to have a "do-over", with all new candidates.
But if they wrote "I'd rather vote for Mickey Mouse" on signs outside, they might at least get media attention and their opinions would be a lot better recognized than voting "none of the above".
I disagree. If the truly disgruntled actually took the time to vote for Mickey instead of staying home and not voting at all, the pot would get stirred up a bit. Although the vote obviously doesn't count towards anything, it is noted.
Mickey rec'd over 400 votes in the 2004 presidential election in Florida alone...
According to the wiki link I posted, a little more than 1/2 of the population that could vote actually voted. Lets assume that out of the roughly 45 % that didn't vote......that 30% of those people didn't vote because they were disgusted with the system/choices. Wouldn't it be interesting to see Mickey Mouse get those votes?
Wouldn't that be sending a pretty powerful message? (if that makes sense )
If you dont vote- you should be fined like they do in Australia. Make it a $500 fine.
I think it was Lewis Black who said it best- so many morons preach about freeing Iraq and giving it democracy when over half of Americans dont even fucking vote.
This should be initiated by the Dems. I think more of the people who dont vote, would vote Dem if they were forced to the polls.
If you dont vote- you should be fined like they do in Australia. Make it a $500 fine.
I think it was Lewis Black who said it best- so many morons preach about freeing Iraq and giving it democracy when over half of Americans dont even fucking vote.
I completely disagree. If people don't care enough to go and vote on their own, I don't want them voting. The last thing we need is more uninformed people going to the polls.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
I completely disagree. If people don't care enough to go and vote on their own, I don't want them voting. The last thing we need is more uninformed people going to the polls.
I am 100% with you on this hippiemom. Forcing people to vote is a violation of their freedom as well.
I am 100% with you on this hippiemom. Forcing people to vote is a violation of their freedom as well.
me too. Ultimately not voting is a vote. It's a vote of I don't care enough to participate and it's not necessarily a bad vote. The last thing anyone wants are people who don't know crap about the canidates or their beliefs going in and randomly choosing based on what name campaign adds banged in their head the most.
My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
me too. Ultimately not voting is a vote. It's a vote of I don't care enough to participate and it's not necessarily a bad vote. The last thing anyone wants are people who don't know crap about the canidates or their beliefs going in and randomly choosing based on what name campaign adds banged in their head the most.
I agree w/ hippiemom too, but if you don't care enough to participate, especially after what Women have gone though to get that right, and the fact that our country is AT WAR, then what you're saying is that you don't give a rat's ass as to how our country, states and local gov'ts are run. You obviously don't hold an opinion if you don't use it, which is pretty damn sad. Not voting is saying absolutely nothing. Why people can't be more aware of what's going on around them, is truly beyond me. BTW, this isn't personally aimed at you Pacomc, just at people who refuse to vote in general.
Amen, that is true. Most people that I have spoken to that have done jury duty, have hated it! They talked about how bored they were, and what a waist of time. I know if I were on trial, I would want someone there, who wanted to be there. Let the criminology majors at universities go and be on the jury. Or, future lawyers, or just people who WANT it. I think it would benefit everyone.
I've read from the people who don't vote saying it's voting for the lesser of 2 evils. Do you people know there are more that 2 parties? And if the more than half of the country that doesn't vote voted for these candidates perhaps that change you want might happen.
I completely disagree. If people don't care enough to go and vote on their own, I don't want them voting. The last thing we need is more uninformed people going to the polls.
i am definately an uninformed voter... It will take quite a bit to change that.
I will not be voting again this election. I'm a conscientious objector in that I can't in good conscious vote for any of those crooks, and the term lesser of two evils isn't something I believe in endorsing.
didn't you just move?
admit it you didn't register to vote yet
also, in ohio, there are several very important issues on the ballot. so even if i don't like the candidates, i want my voice heard on the issues.
"Information is not knowledge.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~
Because you are making your opinion known.
It's completely different than not voting at all.
MY opinion is that I have no respect for our political process - therefore I will not participate.
That may not be the only reason people don't vote, but that is mine. A vote against Politics being more important than the country.
First PJ Show: March 20, 1994 | Ann Arbor | Crisler Arena
Hmm...I was under the impression that people do not know how you vote, so how is your opinion known through voting?
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
There are plenty of candidates to choose from... If you don't like one then write one in. Just make it heard that you voted!
It would be nice if we could really vote for who we wanted and didn't feel compelled to vote for Rep or Dem. If we had Instant Runoff Voting, we could vote 3rd party and still feel like we had a choice.
And to my fellow women, there's no excuse. Our right to vote was fought for and won by brave, committed people, and it's our responsibility to do a little homework and get out there and participate.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
The two parties have conspired to make it virtually impossible for non- Republicrats to get on the ballot.
I think it is criminal that restrictive ballot access & redistricting are allowed to continue unabated. These two issues allow for entrenched incumbents and no voter options.
If everyone voted, they would have to change their approach and speak to more people.
Besides, there are important questions on most ballots, and local elcetions matter too.
The lesser of 2 evils is important, because you are voting to drag the debate more toward your own beliefs.
Dont vote, and you have no right to complain. I have actually been at peace with everything since 2004 because we deserve to be so poorly treated after letting W win his first real presidency.
I wonder how those people in Ohio feel right now. It came down to less than 100,000 votes, but by God in 06 they'll show they're pissed! (Rolls eyes)
You know those questions are impossible to answer. Who knows why people don't vote... And a huge chunk don't.
In my eyes, writing in Mickey Mouse is the same as voting "none of the above" and I wish more people would do it instead of just not voting.
I'd really love to see "none of the above" added to all ballots. Maybe that would get people out to vote, and it would make candidates work harder to win people over. How's this...the majority would go to "none of the above" and it would force gov't to have a "do-over", with all new candidates.
I disagree. If the truly disgruntled actually took the time to vote for Mickey instead of staying home and not voting at all, the pot would get stirred up a bit. Although the vote obviously doesn't count towards anything, it is noted.
Mickey rec'd over 400 votes in the 2004 presidential election in Florida alone...
According to the wiki link I posted, a little more than 1/2 of the population that could vote actually voted. Lets assume that out of the roughly 45 % that didn't vote......that 30% of those people didn't vote because they were disgusted with the system/choices. Wouldn't it be interesting to see Mickey Mouse get those votes?
Wouldn't that be sending a pretty powerful message? (if that makes sense
I think it was Lewis Black who said it best- so many morons preach about freeing Iraq and giving it democracy when over half of Americans dont even fucking vote.
This should be initiated by the Dems. I think more of the people who dont vote, would vote Dem if they were forced to the polls.
I am 100% with you on this hippiemom. Forcing people to vote is a violation of their freedom as well.
me too. Ultimately not voting is a vote. It's a vote of I don't care enough to participate and it's not necessarily a bad vote. The last thing anyone wants are people who don't know crap about the canidates or their beliefs going in and randomly choosing based on what name campaign adds banged in their head the most.
You could say the same about jury duty.
Yes I could.
I agree w/ hippiemom too, but if you don't care enough to participate, especially after what Women have gone though to get that right, and the fact that our country is AT WAR, then what you're saying is that you don't give a rat's ass as to how our country, states and local gov'ts are run. You obviously don't hold an opinion if you don't use it, which is pretty damn sad. Not voting is saying absolutely nothing. Why people can't be more aware of what's going on around them, is truly beyond me. BTW, this isn't personally aimed at you Pacomc, just at people who refuse to vote in general.
Amen, that is true. Most people that I have spoken to that have done jury duty, have hated it! They talked about how bored they were, and what a waist of time. I know if I were on trial, I would want someone there, who wanted to be there. Let the criminology majors at universities go and be on the jury. Or, future lawyers, or just people who WANT it. I think it would benefit everyone.
Agreed! Rock the Vote & know what you're voting for!
i am definately an uninformed voter... It will take quite a bit to change that.
admit it you didn't register to vote yet
also, in ohio, there are several very important issues on the ballot. so even if i don't like the candidates, i want my voice heard on the issues.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~