ummm.... you sure? a lot of 'em are kids.... kids who were completely NORMAL... then they started heavily abusing marijuana to the point where their focus wasn't altogether "normal" even to the point where they became aggressive and assaultive. do you have a degree of some sort in psychosis? i mean come on dude i deal with this shit in and out... to the point where i fucken hate my job... and i also hate medications of all sorts... it gets people worse... hell, even smoking cigarettes makes people fucking annoying... i don't see why you get so defensive over stupid shit like marijuana... i oughtta go over there and give you an ol' fashion bitchslap in the face for thinking like that... j/k (i wouldn't do that)
who's gettin defensive here? ...sounds like someone needs to smoke a joint.
Maybe there is a link to psychosis...maybe not. Who cares? It's a fuckin smokescreen....there are a million things in the world that are bad for us and perfectly legal, even encouraged by the why do we give a shit about this particular plant? Look into it....and stop attending your pharma-sponsored lunch n learns Seriously tho, and no offense...but your heart doesn't sound into helping those people...that's unfortunate. Maybe you're having a bad day?
Why can it not be that they were predisposed to psychosis and maybe weed triggered it. Who's to say it wouldn't have been triggered by a million other things if it hadn't been weed.
I get defensive because people's lives get ruined over a plant everyday, and a lot of people either don't care, are ill informed, or just plain ignorant...and because the pressure your government puts on mine to keep it illegal pretty much forces our government to go against the will of the people... The war on drugs is just another way for corrupt government agencies to line their pockets, in order to continue fucking up our world...on your dime, and your neighbours life. That's a big deal to me. The piece at the top of the page is classic drug war propaganda.
who's gettin defensive here? ...sounds like someone needs to smoke a joint.
Maybe there is a link to psychosis...maybe not. Who cares? It's a fuckin smokescreen....there are a million things in the world that are bad for us and perfectly legal, even encouraged by the why do we give a shit about this particular plant? Look into it....and stop attending your pharma-sponsored lunch n learns Seriously tho, and no offense...but your heart doesn't sound into helping those people...that's unfortunate. Maybe you're having a bad day?
Why can it not be that they were predisposed to psychosis and maybe weed triggered it. Who's to say it wouldn't have been triggered by a million other things if it hadn't been weed.
I get defensive because people's lives get ruined over a plant everyday, and a lot of people either don't care, are ill informed, or just plain ignorant...and because the pressure your government puts on mine to keep it illegal pretty much forces our government to go against the will of the people... The war on drugs is just another way for corrupt government agencies to line their pockets, in order to continue fucking up our world...on your dime, and your neighbours life. That's a big deal to me. The piece at the top of the page is classic drug war propaganda.
I wonder what those patients are asked at the place that poster works at. I'm sure there's a questionaire that asks which drugs the user has used, etc. Of course marijuana is going to be high on that list. The truth about drug abuse in America, though, is that prescription drugs are by far and away the most abused drugs in this country. So, by an addict's rationale, wouldn't it be "safer" to protect his/her drug of choice from being banned altogether over one that is already deemed illegal? And wouldn't that rationale be reflected in an admission questionaire?
well, i guess i can put that mindset on as well... i mean, it's like these social workers should too... like say, ahh, who cares if they're depressed and want to kill themselves... i mean it's their life. right?
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
who's gettin defensive here? ...sounds like someone needs to smoke a joint.
Maybe there is a link to psychosis...maybe not. Who cares? It's a fuckin smokescreen....there are a million things in the world that are bad for us and perfectly legal, even encouraged by the why do we give a shit about this particular plant? Look into it....and stop attending your pharma-sponsored lunch n learns Seriously tho, and no offense...but your heart doesn't sound into helping those people...that's unfortunate. Maybe you're having a bad day?
Why can it not be that they were predisposed to psychosis and maybe weed triggered it. Who's to say it wouldn't have been triggered by a million other things if it hadn't been weed.
I get defensive because people's lives get ruined over a plant everyday, and a lot of people either don't care, are ill informed, or just plain ignorant...and because the pressure your government puts on mine to keep it illegal pretty much forces our government to go against the will of the people... The war on drugs is just another way for corrupt government agencies to line their pockets, in order to continue fucking up our world...on your dime, and your neighbours life. That's a big deal to me. The piece at the top of the page is classic drug war propaganda.
look, i don't care about the political aspect of it... frankly i don't give a sheeeit!... to be honest yes, my heart sometimes isn't into helping these people. you wanna know why? because these people go in and out at a consistent basis.... they go and get detoxed and then when they leave and the doctor's say they're good to go, then all of a sudden, bam! they're back again... and here we go on this merry-go-round. it's almost like they're unsolveable... don't get me wrong... i treat these people with the utmost respect... after all, they're still humans. but frankly i get annoyed everytime another person comes in for admission... these are illnesses that are perfectly solveable... and completely avoidable. leave all the drugs out and voila... less mental health and detox patients!
trust me... i'm passionate about these kinds of things.... i'm not getting defensive here.... on the contrary, i'm getting offensive... especially to you.... not necessarily offend you per se... but try and snap some sense into you.... who gives a fuck about marijuana????? why should that even be an issue... .... seriously though... there are other issues we could talk about, but this one? legalize marijuana? oh, yes, legalize marijuana... for what reason? the way i see it... there's enough crap going around... the only reason why one would argue to legalize it is because they're always taking it to the point that they don't wanna go through the hassle of being caught... so they argue why it should be legalized.... and they make such arguments like, "oh, it's actually good for your health as opposed to popular beliefs" i don't consider it a good form of logic... if that makes sense.
ok... you got other reasons... political reasons... "the war on drugs is a way for corrupt government agencies to line their pockets"... ok, i'm with you here... i guess. but still.... how does that make it a need to legalize marijuana?
the bottom line i'm trying to make is... as a person who works at a mh/cd hospital there are many psychosis that are linked to marijuana... many of them. it's not a "maybe yes, maybe no"... it's a fact. many of them. and why ask the question why it matters? ... so that we won't get patients going to behavioral health hospitals like today... ironically enough... we had a 14 yo patient who was in for behavioral health... parents said this started when she began to smoke marijuana... see, why risk that? we got enough with alcohol... and even with cigarettes... oh and also like the other person said McDonalds. although mcdonalds is more a physical hazard than it is a mental. mainly, the way i see it people just want to legalize weed just because... really. just because they like it. that's basically it. they love to smoke weed and they like it... so they want to legalize it
oh come on.. you're telling me that once they legalize marijuana for ill patients the "unill" patients are gonna stop abusing it?
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
I wonder what those patients are asked at the place that poster works at. I'm sure there's a questionaire that asks which drugs the user has used, etc. Of course marijuana is going to be high on that list. The truth about drug abuse in America, though, is that prescription drugs are by far and away the most abused drugs in this country. So, by an addict's rationale, wouldn't it be "safer" to protect his/her drug of choice from being banned altogether over one that is already deemed illegal? And wouldn't that rationale be reflected in an admission questionaire?
yup, that's true... there are many patients who go just to get a fix on that xanax. i don't understand what you mean on your last question but i myself for one don't agree in any kind of drugs... lithium, opioids, etc. there's just other greater risks that i wouldn't be willing to take.
i mean.. it's good that only a doctor can prescribe them that way people will not illegally use these drugs but some just know how to go through all the hoops to get a fix
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
... these are illnesses that are perfectly solveable... and completely avoidable. leave all the drugs out and voila... less mental health and detox patients!
Leave all the drugs out? What's your plan for this? I understand your frustration with people's addictions. I've seen people's lives destroyed over drugs many times (never over marijuana, mind you)....but the war on drugs only makes this all you think these people should just get locked up without treatment? Cause if they got caught holding instead of coming to you, that's where they'd be. That's not right IMO.
trust me... i'm passionate about these kinds of things.... i'm not getting defensive here.... on the contrary, i'm getting offensive... especially to you.... not necessarily offend you per se... but try and snap some sense into you.... who gives a fuck about marijuana????? why should that even be an issue... .... seriously though... there are other issues we could talk about, but this one? legalize marijuana? oh, yes, legalize marijuana... for what reason?
the way i see it... there's enough crap going around... the only reason why one would argue to legalize it is because they're always taking it to the point that they don't wanna go through the hassle of being caught... so they argue why it should be legalized.... and they make such arguments like, "oh, it's actually good for your health as opposed to popular beliefs" i don't consider it a good form of logic... if that makes sense.
um, ya...I don't want the hassle of getting caught. I've never said it's GOOD for you....tho it does have benefits. I'm sure those benefits are prob outweighed by the detrimental effects...but that isn't the point. Like I said, there are things that are legal and easily available that can do WAY more damage to YOUR body.
ok... you got other reasons... political reasons... "the war on drugs is a way for corrupt government agencies to line their pockets"... ok, i'm with you here... i guess. but still.... how does that make it a need to legalize marijuana?
What do you think that money is used for? Either personal gain, or more illegal operations. And it's YOUR money...Does this not make you want change?
the bottom line i'm trying to make is... as a person who works at a mh/cd hospital there are many psychosis that are linked to marijuana... many of them. it's not a "maybe yes, maybe no"... it's a fact. many of them. and why ask the question why it matters? ... so that we won't get patients going to behavioral health hospitals like today... ironically enough... we had a 14 yo patient who was in for behavioral health... parents said this started when she began to smoke marijuana... see, why risk that? we got enough with alcohol... and even with cigarettes... oh and also like the other person said McDonalds. although mcdonalds is more a physical hazard than it is a mental. mainly, the way i see it people just want to legalize weed just because... really. just because they like it. that's basically it. they love to smoke weed and they like it... so they want to legalize it
It frustrates me to have this debate with someone in your industry. First, a 14 year old shouldn't be smoking, period.
Do you honestly think it's right that your facility probably recieves only a fraction of the funding the jails in your state recieve to hold drug offenders? How much do the lawyers, judges, agencies, police forces get to prosecute people, compared to your doctors, nurses, therapists and social workers?
Why do cigarette smokers and McD's junkies get free passes over a health care issue, but pot smokers go to jail? We got enough?...ban everything that's bad for you then.
oh come on.. you're telling me that once they legalize marijuana for ill patients the "unill" patients are gonna stop abusing it?
I don't remember saying that.
What has the war on drugs done to abuse rates? They've risen.
Will it rise more if it's decrim/legalized? It seems in the Netherlands, use stayed constant, and well below the US while it was decriminalized, but rose after it became widely available in coffee shops. The point is, there are other approaches....the current one does not work. The money is better spent elsewhere.
Seriously, watch Grass if you don't want to spend time researching this's entertaining AND enlightening.
Leave all the drugs out? What's your plan for this? I understand your frustration with people's addictions. I've seen people's lives destroyed over drugs many times (never over marijuana, mind you)....but the war on drugs only makes this all you think these people should just get locked up without treatment? Cause if they got caught holding instead of coming to you, that's where they'd be. That's not right IMO.
You can call me a radical thinker... but I don't believe in any kinds of drugs. Whether legal or illegil is irrelevant to me, because legal or illegal people will still abuse them. I have seen many patients get worse when prescribed vicodine or some kind of drug. I know the doctor implements strict rules on how not to abuse these drugs... but people can be quite irresponsible. I see the same patterns in marijuana smokers. My plan isn't a political one, mine, I guess, is a more personal and spiritual plan, so to speak... I think that we as humans can live in a better world without drugs, including marijuana.
um, ya...I don't want the hassle of getting caught. I've never said it's GOOD for you....tho it does have benefits. I'm sure those benefits are prob outweighed by the detrimental effects...but that isn't the point. Like I said, there are things that are legal and easily available that can do WAY more damage to YOUR body.
I never denied that there were things more dangerous to our bodies than marijuana... cause really I don't think that it really matters.
What do you think that money is used for? Either personal gain, or more illegal operations. And it's YOUR money...Does this not make you want change?
I'm sure it's a great debate... but I still don't see how legalizing marijuana is going to make it "all better".
It frustrates me to have this debate with someone in your industry.
It's really not a debate. It's more of a wanting for you... A debate would be based on something that is "necessary". Marijuana isn't necessary. Sure, there could be benefits to marijuana. I believe that everything can be for a good thing... but if that's what it's used for... then sobeit. Otherwise, it's not an argument.
Do you honestly think it's right that your facility probably recieves only a fraction of the funding the jails in your state recieve to hold drug offenders? How much do the lawyers, judges, agencies, police forces get to prosecute people, compared to your doctors, nurses, therapists and social workers?
Hmmm.... probably not even fairly close... and as I've said, I'm sure it's a great debate but.... is that a good reason to legalize marijuana? Is marijuana, or the "war on drugs", the only discrepencies that we find in our corrupt governments? I think these are all justifications that people try to use just for their benefit. Like.... legalizing marijuana. simply cause they wanna get high.
Why do cigarette smokers and McD's junkies get free passes over a health care issue, but pot smokers go to jail? We got enough?...ban everything that's bad for you then.
No, I don't necessarily believe that smokers should go to jail... but the law will always be the law. That's something that we can't ignore. Whether be a dem or rep... it's good to know that laws can serve to protect us... and as a good democrat might know... the more gov't, the better... But if you want to hear my opinion... smokers should go through some kind of detox trial in order to shove their brains out of their potheaded ideas that marijuana isn't really necessary.
I don't remember saying that.
I never said you said that. It was a rhetorical question.
What has the war on drugs done to abuse rates? They've risen.
Will it rise more if it's decrim/legalized? It seems in the Netherlands, use stayed constant, and well below the US while it was decriminalized, but rose after it became widely available in coffee shops. The point is, there are other approaches....the current one does not work. The money is better spent elsewhere.
Seriously, watch Grass if you don't want to spend time researching this's entertaining AND enlightening.
I understand your perspective... and believe me... I'm not against that point-of-view... but look at my point-of-view for a change. Based on the ever-surpassingly excessive experiences of mine... marijuana can make your perceptions a little, mind you, bad. You need to go for at least a day in my job to see where I'm coming from.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
You can call me a radical thinker... but I don't believe in any kinds of drugs. Whether legal or illegil is irrelevant to me, because legal or illegal people will still abuse them. I have seen many patients get worse when prescribed vicodine or some kind of drug. I know the doctor implements strict rules on how not to abuse these drugs... but people can be quite irresponsible. I see the same patterns in marijuana smokers. My plan isn't a political one, mine, I guess, is a more personal and spiritual plan, so to speak... I think that we as humans can live in a better world without drugs, including marijuana.
So what do you suggest for people experiencing chronic pain, chronic nausea, etc?
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
So what do you suggest for people experiencing chronic pain, chronic nausea, etc?
read the entire post... it should be on there somewhere... a little indirect, but it's there
and mind you... marijuana isn't the only thing that can help pt's with chronic pain and whatnot... well, i guess painkillers but that's also bad. howabout porn? wait, that doesn't work either
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
read the entire post... it should be on there somewhere... a little indirect, but it's there
and mind you... marijuana isn't the only thing that can help pt's with chronic pain and whatnot... well, i guess painkillers but that's also bad. howabout porn? wait, that doesn't work either
Oh, gimme a break, I'm on drugs ... legally prescribed ones, but drugs nonetheless. Can't you just spell it out for me?
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
You can call me a radical thinker... but I don't believe in any kinds of drugs. Whether legal or illegil is irrelevant to me, because legal or illegal people will still abuse them. I have seen many patients get worse when prescribed vicodine or some kind of drug. I know the doctor implements strict rules on how not to abuse these drugs... but people can be quite irresponsible. I see the same patterns in marijuana smokers. My plan isn't a political one, mine, I guess, is a more personal and spiritual plan, so to speak... I think that we as humans can live in a better world without drugs, including marijuana..
ah, yes...utopia. of course.
you said yourself that people will abuse them either way...that's why it becomes a healthcare issue, as well as a political one.
What if my personal and spiritual plan involves marijuana, and I have no interest in your plan? Where does that leave us? It's ok for me to be persecuted for my personal and spiritual plan?
A debate would be based on something that is "necessary". Marijuana isn't necessary. Sure, there could be benefits to marijuana. I believe that everything can be for a good thing... but if that's what it's used for... then sobeit. Otherwise, it's not an argument. "...
You're losing me...
There isn't much in this world that's necessary.
Hmmm.... probably not even fairly close... and as I've said, I'm sure it's a great debate but.... is that a good reason to legalize marijuana? Is marijuana, or the "war on drugs", the only discrepencies that we find in our corrupt governments? I think these are all justifications that people try to use just for their benefit. Like.... legalizing marijuana. simply cause they wanna get high.
YES IT'S A GOOD REASON! Watch Grass, i'm tellin ya...I'll send it to you. The money is astronomical! you would have such better facilities, programs, out patient support, equipment, everything!
I think the hugs not drugs approach you're projecting is a justification for not giving a shit about anyone that smokes pot! You are sidestepping the issues...
But if you want to hear my opinion... smokers should go through some kind of detox trial in order to shove their brains out of their potheaded ideas that marijuana isn't really necessary.
That's your opinion? are you sure you don't do drugs?
I never said you said that. It was a rhetorical question. I understand your perspective... and believe me... I'm not against that point-of-view... but look at my point-of-view for a change. .
Honestly, I don't understand your point of view...the little that I do, I find completely unrealistic.
Based on the ever-surpassingly excessive experiences of mine... marijuana can make your perceptions a little, mind you, bad. You need to go for at least a day in my job to see where I'm coming from.
I understand your job is probably heart breaking and at times exasperating...but as I keep saying, the people that are forming your opinion on this are the exception to the rule and hardly a reason to continue prohibition.
ah, yes...utopia. of course.
you said yourself that people will abuse them either way...that's why it becomes a healthcare issue, as well as a political one.
What if my personal and spiritual plan involves marijuana, and I have no interest in your plan? Where does that leave us? It's ok for me to be persecuted for my personal and spiritual plan?
i never said you didn't have a choice... allbeit, if that's what you wanna do then go for it yo
You're right, it doesn't matter what's worse for's your body.
i don't get it
I never said all better. Even a little better is...better
You want me? Please be female.
it's only the potheads that make ridiculous jokes like this one... and it's only them that think it's funny. seriously tho... couldn't you have thought of a better joke? you could've at least said, "you're gay" although, which I'm not. but still would of been funnier
You're losing me...
There isn't much in this world that's necessary.
then why do you want weed to be legalized?
YES IT'S A GOOD REASON! Watch Grass, i'm tellin ya...I'll send it to you. The money is astronomical! you would have such better facilities, programs, out patient support, equipment, everything!
I think the hugs not drugs approach you're projecting is a justification for not giving a shit about anyone that smokes pot! You are sidestepping the issues...
sorry dude... i'm not into those hippie films... and also i'm not gay...j/k however, i don't have a plan... i don't have an agenda called "hugs not drugs"... or whatever... i'm basing it completely on first-hand experiences... not on politics... not on religion... just experiences and i've concluded that based on those many, as you mentioned, exasperating experiences life is better without drugs.
The law will NOT always be the law, that's the whole point to all of this! Marijuana wasn't always illegal, and it doesnt always have to be.
splittin hairs again... while it is the law, then it is the law. in any way, i don't care, cause like i said... i don't care if it's legal or illegal... didn't i say that earlier pothead? (now that's a funny joke) what i do think is insanely moronic is people who try to propogate stupid ideas like yours just so they can legalize weed. i feel like i'm going round and round (hate to be frank but that's the way i feel about it)
good one.
That's your opinion? are you sure you don't do drugs?
so, i guess we'll rule your opinions out since you're obviously on drugs.
Honestly, I don't understand your point of view...the little that I do, I find completely unrealistic.
ok, all i'm saying is that it's not necessary to legalize drugs (weed)... and what's even more important is that life will actually be better without it.
I understand your job is probably heart breaking and at times exasperating...but as I keep saying, the people that are forming your opinion on this are the exception to the rule and hardly a reason to continue prohibition.
is this your professional opinion or your (edit: "under the influece") opinion? cause i've heard professional opinions and they don't sound anything like yours.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
I still say you're avoiding the issues, but I'm tiring of this...
You are saying that you don't care that the status quo doesn't work and is rife with corruption...and you don't think it needs to be changed.
you are tired of seeing people coming in to your work with their lives in tatters because of drugs, but when I tell you there's a better way to help them, you dismiss it as unnecessary.
You call MY ideas stupid, but offer no solutions to the problem, except to say, "life is better without drugs".
Then you continue to degenerate into insults, partisan BS, gay jokes, etc....
I know you're trying to be funny, but it's telling.
I still say you're avoiding the issues, but I'm tiring of this...
You are saying that you don't care that the status quo doesn't work and is rife with corruption...and you don't think it needs to be changed.
you are tired of seeing people coming in to your work with their lives in tatters because of drugs, but when I tell you there's a better way to help them, you dismiss it as unnecessary.
You call MY ideas stupid, but offer no solutions to the problem, except to say, "life is better without drugs".
Then you continue to degenerate into insults, partisan BS, gay jokes, etc....
I know you're trying to be funny, but it's telling.
I never said anything about the status quo... I think you're the one that's dismissing my perspective. I've already made it clear with you on that part. I said it's a great debate and would love to have that aspect of our american society changed, but marijuana isn't the only and main propogator of the issue.
If you have a better way of helping these people out, please, knock yourself out. There are millions of doctors who work in this line of work and these patients don't seem to get better. If you do have a solution I'd be glad to hear it. Oh, wait, I forgot... let them smoke weed. Or am I missing something... I don't remember you offering a solution to help these mental health patients. What I do remember is that if weed is going to be legalized for the chronically ill patient then it is justifiable. Like the other guy said, all in moderation.
I offered no solutions to what problem? The original problem was the possibility of marijuana increasing psychosis. Yeah, I don't have a solution. I'm not a doctor. Except that I know how to help avoid it altogether. Don't do drugs!
I only went into the insults because of the tone of your last post... pot speaking to kettle here.
edit: I hope I didn't come off as derogatory on my "gay" jokes... it wasn't meant like that... but you have to admit I was funnier than you :cool:
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
I never said anything about the status quo... I think you're the one that's dismissing my perspective. I've already made it clear with you on that part. I said it's a great debate and would love to have that aspect of our american society changed, but marijuana isn't the only and main propogator of the issue.
What is your perspective tho? That the world is better without drugs?
Maybe you're suggesting that we need to change the way people think about drugs, educate them...I can agree with that. I think our textbooks would read a touch differently, but I agree. Maybe I still don't get you at all...
There are millions of doctors who work in this line of work and these patients don't seem to get better. If you do have a solution I'd be glad to hear it.
They don't get better because the programs are garbage and run by people that are stressed, underfunded, probably overworked, etc. etc....I'd like to see the success numbers for public substance abuse and mental health care, as compared to the success numbers for Betty Ford and all the country club places and private hospitals...
I'm too tired to look for links, but I bet I could prove that over the last 30 years, you could have turned every public treatment center into a Betty Ford and treated thousands more patients with all that wasted money.
I do. Give the money we are wasting now to healthcare and education.
I offered no solutions to what problem? The original problem was the possibility of marijuana increasing psychosis. Yeah, I don't have a solution. I'm not a doctor.
we got way beyond the psychosis thing. you are totally talking in circles. you should feel like you're going round and round.
about the insults - if you look back, I was matching your tone quote for quote (or trying to).
sure, you're funnier
I don't care what they's their life.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
and please, Legalize it as soon as possible
who's gettin defensive here?
Maybe there is a link to psychosis...maybe not. Who cares? It's a fuckin smokescreen....there are a million things in the world that are bad for us and perfectly legal, even encouraged by the why do we give a shit about this particular plant? Look into it....and stop attending your pharma-sponsored lunch n learns
Why can it not be that they were predisposed to psychosis and maybe weed triggered it. Who's to say it wouldn't have been triggered by a million other things if it hadn't been weed.
I get defensive because people's lives get ruined over a plant everyday, and a lot of people either don't care, are ill informed, or just plain ignorant...and because the pressure your government puts on mine to keep it illegal pretty much forces our government to go against the will of the people... The war on drugs is just another way for corrupt government agencies to line their pockets, in order to continue fucking up our world...on your dime, and your neighbours life. That's a big deal to me. The piece at the top of the page is classic drug war propaganda.
I wonder what those patients are asked at the place that poster works at. I'm sure there's a questionaire that asks which drugs the user has used, etc. Of course marijuana is going to be high on that list. The truth about drug abuse in America, though, is that prescription drugs are by far and away the most abused drugs in this country. So, by an addict's rationale, wouldn't it be "safer" to protect his/her drug of choice from being banned altogether over one that is already deemed illegal? And wouldn't that rationale be reflected in an admission questionaire?
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
trust me... i'm passionate about these kinds of things.... i'm not getting defensive here.... on the contrary, i'm getting offensive... especially to you.... not necessarily offend you per se... but try and snap some sense into you.... who gives a fuck about marijuana????? why should that even be an issue... .... seriously though... there are other issues we could talk about, but this one? legalize marijuana? oh, yes, legalize marijuana... for what reason? the way i see it... there's enough crap going around... the only reason why one would argue to legalize it is because they're always taking it to the point that they don't wanna go through the hassle of being caught... so they argue why it should be legalized.... and they make such arguments like, "oh, it's actually good for your health as opposed to popular beliefs" i don't consider it a good form of logic... if that makes sense.
ok... you got other reasons... political reasons... "the war on drugs is a way for corrupt government agencies to line their pockets"... ok, i'm with you here... i guess. but still.... how does that make it a need to legalize marijuana?
the bottom line i'm trying to make is... as a person who works at a mh/cd hospital there are many psychosis that are linked to marijuana... many of them. it's not a "maybe yes, maybe no"... it's a fact. many of them. and why ask the question why it matters? ... so that we won't get patients going to behavioral health hospitals like today... ironically enough... we had a 14 yo patient who was in for behavioral health... parents said this started when she began to smoke marijuana... see, why risk that? we got enough with alcohol... and even with cigarettes... oh and also like the other person said McDonalds. although mcdonalds is more a physical hazard than it is a mental. mainly, the way i see it people just want to legalize weed just because... really. just because they like it. that's basically it. they love to smoke weed and they like it... so they want to legalize it
oh come on.. you're telling me that once they legalize marijuana for ill patients the "unill" patients are gonna stop abusing it?
i mean.. it's good that only a doctor can prescribe them that way people will not illegally use these drugs but some just know how to go through all the hoops to get a fix
read the last paragraph of my last post. um, ya...I don't want the hassle of getting caught. I've never said it's GOOD for you....tho it does have benefits. I'm sure those benefits are prob outweighed by the detrimental effects...but that isn't the point. Like I said, there are things that are legal and easily available that can do WAY more damage to YOUR body. What do you think that money is used for? Either personal gain, or more illegal operations. And it's YOUR money...Does this not make you want change? It frustrates me to have this debate with someone in your industry. First, a 14 year old shouldn't be smoking, period.
Do you honestly think it's right that your facility probably recieves only a fraction of the funding the jails in your state recieve to hold drug offenders? How much do the lawyers, judges, agencies, police forces get to prosecute people, compared to your doctors, nurses, therapists and social workers?
Why do cigarette smokers and McD's junkies get free passes over a health care issue, but pot smokers go to jail? We got enough?...ban everything that's bad for you then.
I don't remember saying that.
What has the war on drugs done to abuse rates? They've risen.
Will it rise more if it's decrim/legalized? It seems in the Netherlands, use stayed constant, and well below the US while it was decriminalized, but rose after it became widely available in coffee shops. The point is, there are other approaches....the current one does not work. The money is better spent elsewhere.
Seriously, watch Grass if you don't want to spend time researching this's entertaining AND enlightening.
Are you telling me that you would decide on someone else´s life and what he or she should do with that???
that is the funniest thing I have seen in a looooong time fins, thanks!
I never denied that there were things more dangerous to our bodies than marijuana... cause really I don't think that it really matters.
I'm sure it's a great debate... but I still don't see how legalizing marijuana is going to make it "all better".
It's really not a debate. It's more of a wanting for you... A debate would be based on something that is "necessary". Marijuana isn't necessary. Sure, there could be benefits to marijuana. I believe that everything can be for a good thing... but if that's what it's used for... then sobeit. Otherwise, it's not an argument.
Hmmm.... probably not even fairly close... and as I've said, I'm sure it's a great debate but.... is that a good reason to legalize marijuana? Is marijuana, or the "war on drugs", the only discrepencies that we find in our corrupt governments? I think these are all justifications that people try to use just for their benefit. Like.... legalizing marijuana. simply cause they wanna get high.
No, I don't necessarily believe that smokers should go to jail... but the law will always be the law. That's something that we can't ignore. Whether be a dem or rep... it's good to know that laws can serve to protect us... and as a good democrat might know... the more gov't, the better... But if you want to hear my opinion... smokers should go through some kind of detox trial in order to shove their brains out of their potheaded ideas that marijuana isn't really necessary.
I never said you said that. It was a rhetorical question. I understand your perspective... and believe me... I'm not against that point-of-view... but look at my point-of-view for a change. Based on the ever-surpassingly excessive experiences of mine... marijuana can make your perceptions a little, mind you, bad. You need to go for at least a day in my job to see where I'm coming from.
and mind you... marijuana isn't the only thing that can help pt's with chronic pain and whatnot... well, i guess painkillers but that's also bad. howabout porn? wait, that doesn't work either
08/02/07 - LOLLA!!!
ah, yes...utopia. of course.
you said yourself that people will abuse them either way...that's why it becomes a healthcare issue, as well as a political one.
What if my personal and spiritual plan involves marijuana, and I have no interest in your plan? Where does that leave us? It's ok for me to be persecuted for my personal and spiritual plan?
You're right, it doesn't matter what's worse for's your body. I never said all better. Even a little better is...better
There isn't much in this world that's necessary. YES IT'S A GOOD REASON! Watch Grass, i'm tellin ya...I'll send it to you. The money is astronomical! you would have such better facilities, programs, out patient support, equipment, everything!
I think the hugs not drugs approach you're projecting is a justification for not giving a shit about anyone that smokes pot! You are sidestepping the issues...
The law will NOT always be the law, that's the whole point to all of this! Marijuana wasn't always illegal, and it doesnt always have to be.
good one.
That's your opinion? are you sure you don't do drugs?
Honestly, I don't understand your point of view...the little that I do, I find completely unrealistic.
I understand your job is probably heart breaking and at times exasperating...but as I keep saying, the people that are forming your opinion on this are the exception to the rule and hardly a reason to continue prohibition.
i never said you didn't have a choice... allbeit, if that's what you wanna do then go for it yo
i don't get it
it's only the potheads that make ridiculous jokes like this one... and it's only them that think it's funny. seriously tho... couldn't you have thought of a better joke? you could've at least said, "you're gay" although, which I'm not. but still would of been funnier then why do you want weed to be legalized?
sorry dude... i'm not into those hippie films... and also i'm not gay...j/k however, i don't have a plan... i don't have an agenda called "hugs not drugs"... or whatever... i'm basing it completely on first-hand experiences... not on politics... not on religion... just experiences and i've concluded that based on those many, as you mentioned, exasperating experiences life is better without drugs.
splittin hairs again... while it is the law, then it is the law. in any way, i don't care, cause like i said... i don't care if it's legal or illegal... didn't i say that earlier pothead? (now that's a funny joke) what i do think is insanely moronic is people who try to propogate stupid ideas like yours just so they can legalize weed. i feel like i'm going round and round (hate to be frank but that's the way i feel about it)
so, i guess we'll rule your opinions out since you're obviously on drugs.
ok, all i'm saying is that it's not necessary to legalize drugs (weed)... and what's even more important is that life will actually be better without it.
is this your professional opinion or your (edit: "under the influece") opinion? cause i've heard professional opinions and they don't sound anything like yours.
You are saying that you don't care that the status quo doesn't work and is rife with corruption...and you don't think it needs to be changed.
you are tired of seeing people coming in to your work with their lives in tatters because of drugs, but when I tell you there's a better way to help them, you dismiss it as unnecessary.
You call MY ideas stupid, but offer no solutions to the problem, except to say, "life is better without drugs".
Then you continue to degenerate into insults, partisan BS, gay jokes, etc....
I know you're trying to be funny, but it's telling.
If you have a better way of helping these people out, please, knock yourself out. There are millions of doctors who work in this line of work and these patients don't seem to get better. If you do have a solution I'd be glad to hear it. Oh, wait, I forgot... let them smoke weed. Or am I missing something... I don't remember you offering a solution to help these mental health patients. What I do remember is that if weed is going to be legalized for the chronically ill patient then it is justifiable. Like the other guy said, all in moderation.
I offered no solutions to what problem? The original problem was the possibility of marijuana increasing psychosis. Yeah, I don't have a solution. I'm not a doctor. Except that I know how to help avoid it altogether. Don't do drugs!
I only went into the insults because of the tone of your last post... pot speaking to kettle here.
edit: I hope I didn't come off as derogatory on my "gay" jokes... it wasn't meant like that... but you have to admit I was funnier than you
Maybe you're suggesting that we need to change the way people think about drugs, educate them...I can agree with that. I think our textbooks would read a touch differently, but I agree. Maybe I still don't get you at all...
I do. Give the money we are wasting now to healthcare and education.
They don't get better because the programs are garbage and run by people that are stressed, underfunded, probably overworked, etc. etc....I'd like to see the success numbers for public substance abuse and mental health care, as compared to the success numbers for Betty Ford and all the country club places and private hospitals...
I'm too tired to look for links, but I bet I could prove that over the last 30 years, you could have turned every public treatment center into a Betty Ford and treated thousands more patients with all that wasted money.
I do. Give the money we are wasting now to healthcare and education.
I did. Give the money we are wasting now to healthcare and education. I've already made it clear with you on that part.
It IS legalized in many states, for medicinal purposes. But your federal government keeps arresting the patients and providers! we got way beyond the psychosis thing. you are totally talking in circles. you should feel like you're going round and round.
about the insults - if you look back, I was matching your tone quote for quote (or trying to).
sure, you're funnier