Bush says



  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,609
    Milestone wrote:
    The only way for peace is to split the region into thirds (like it was before the damned Brits divided it up after WWI).

    You may be right.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • NCfanNCfan Posts: 945
    macgyver06 wrote:
    under hussein, iraqis did vote to go to war with iran

    What difference does that make?
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    NCfan wrote:
    Iraqi's deserve better than another strong man that rules the country and keeps order with an iron fist. If we leave, that is exactly what will happen. That is not only bad for us, it is bad for Iraqi's, it is bad for the world in general.

    People murder and are killed everyday. More Americans shot each other last year than were killed in Iraq during the last four years combined. Our losses are relatively light considering what we are doing and that is an important factor in making judgements. The "no life is worth it' mentality doesn't hold water for anybody who doesn't live in lala land. Let's call a spade a spade here. Life is not fair, none of us are owed anything. The risk is surely worth the potential reward. It's not like we have instituted a draft - we have an all volunteer army. AN ARMY people..... you don't sign up and become a soldier with the expectation of being a bean counter. You are a warrior and feel that defending the policies of your government is worth your life.

    The only reason the American public wants us out is based on emotion, not solid knowledge of geopolitics and foreign policy. Democrats only want us out to solidify their power. They are capable of making mistakes just as well as Bush and co. The only reason they are appealing is because Bush looks so bad, not becuase they have all the answers.
    "Our losses"? So, the loss of American soldier's lives are 'acceptable losses' because it is low, relative to the domestic murder rate? You are not suffereing any 'losses' here.... none of us are. You are not asked to make any sacrifices in goods or services... you are not paying for this war (your kids and their kids are footing the bill)... you are not doing anything. The ONLY ones making sacrifices in this war are the soldiers and their families... THAT'S IT! To the rest of us... this is a pain-free war.
    And their losses are acceptable because 'they voluenteered'... 'no one held a gun to their heads'? Those excuses are basically saying they are idiots for enlisting... idiots driven by emotion, not solid knowledge of geopolitics and foreign policy.
    And people do not voluenteer into the military to be abused by our leaders... weilding military power like a needle dicked retard with an M-16. They voluenteer to serve their 'Country', not their 'Politicians'. You want them to fight in the 'War On Terror'? Well, how about having them fight the goddamn Terrorists instead of refereeing a goddamn Civil War?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Milestone wrote:
    Perhaps we should make Iraq into the 51st state and start taxing them.
    I disagree...
    I think it should be up to THEM... not US... to decide whether or not to split it up or remain as one.
    That way, THEY are to blame when their goddamn grandkids go to war over the borders that were drawn... not US.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • AbuskedtiAbuskedti Posts: 1,917
    We are not helping the region establish an Iraq. We are forcing our view of how it should be.

    We can not help them if we are not able to communicate with Iran and the rest of the region and most importantly with those in Iraq opposed to our plan.

    The talk is one sided.
  • callencallen Posts: 6,388
    NCfan wrote:
    The existing government, though weak and newly formed, would disenergrate. There would be a nation with 25 million citizens and no government in the middle of the most strategic geography in the world for democratic countries. it would be total chaos that would make the last 4 years look like a joke.

    A full-on civil war would break out. Other countries in the region would get involved to try and stablize the madness - Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, etc. Things could spiral out of control to the point where a regional war could break out. The price of oil would skyrocket.

    Sure, the Malaki government is weak and many are fighting against it. But regardless who is in charge there, there are factions that will disagree and try to challenge the authority with violence.

    It's not like the U.S. has engineered this situation. We just didn't contain it. We fucked that up for sure. But the underlying problems are not our fault. They would be exposed sooner or later - we just made it sooner.

    There are a lot of problems in the Middle East, and hopefully we have started the process of working many of them out.

    and feel we do have some responsibility to the Iraqi's that have supported democracy...as many will be slaughtered once we pull out. Question is..this...will we really be able to prop up this government..and even if we do..what makes you think once we do leave that it won't just go back to the way it was under Sadaam. This is a reaallly bad situation....and as with you I'm pretty frustrated with both parties how they're handling it...but just don't see us making any lasting change in the middle east in the near future.........can't change a culture. Also we really need to as humans call out religion and the use of gods for what it really is...a ruse. Till we do that...this will be a fked planet.

    10-18-2000 Houston, 04-06-2003 Houston, 6-25-2003 Toronto, 10-8-2004 Kissimmee, 9-4-2005 Calgary, 12-3-05 Sao Paulo, 7-2-2006 Denver, 7-22-06 Gorge, 7-23-2006 Gorge, 9-13-2006 Bern, 6-22-2008 DC, 6-24-2008 MSG, 6-25-2008 MSG
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Abuskedti wrote:
    We are not helping the region establish an Iraq. We are forcing our view of how it should be.

    We can not help them if we are not able to communicate with Iran and the rest of the region and most importantly with those in Iraq opposed to our plan.

    The talk is one sided.
    I agree with this. You CANNOT talk about the Middle East and say, "We will not negotiate with Iran or Syria". Sorry, but they are huge factors in the region. You HAVE to include both Iran and Syria if you are seriously contemplating long term stability over there.
    And we cannot expect to change the culture into our consumer based culture over night. This is going to take decades and will basically mean the degradation of the religion of Islam. A change like that will only occur from within... we are arrogant fools to think WE can make them change.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    macgyver06 wrote:
    split into three...civil war??

    and i will ask again on this board...and again im positive i either won't get a reply or i will get some kind of funny joke comment..and no answer so...


    brown people is not acceptable here..

    shiites killing sunnis sunnis killing shiites etc etc. I'm sure the Kurds are in there too somewhere..... Taliban, various national militaries killing various gangs, klans, clubs, groups what have you.

    There are a lot of people killing each other for not a lot of really good reasons, most of which are either confusion, hatred, insecurity, power etc. etc.

    Invading Iraq and destablizing the region was a dumb idea. It's as dumb an idea today as it was then, but pulling out is as much of a death sentance today for the good hardworking non fanatical average Iraqui that helped out as it was when Bushes father made that same mistake. I tend to like the deadline, no US government has ever followed a treaty or deadline, why would they start now? If it puts pressure on the new Iraq government to get off their ass and do something knowing that the US will pull out, fantastic. Two front wars are stupid, expensive and unwinable.

    Much like federal government treats US citizens this is micromanagement. Ok, so Saddam is deposed. Great, ok they found a new guy great, "ok, what we're going to do is protect the citizenry untill you guys can do it yourself and then we are going home sound good? ok. If you need any help or hear of any stash of WMD's give us a call." That's about the extent of what the conversation should be.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Pacomc79 wrote:
    shiites killing sunnis sunnis killing shiites etc etc. I'm sure the Kurds are in there too somewhere..... Taliban, various national militaries killing various gangs, klans, clubs, groups what have you.

    There are a lot of people killing each other for not a lot of really good reasons, most of which are either confusion, hatred, insecurity, power etc. etc.
    The killings continue because the security is not sufficient.
    Civilians are soft targets, as opposed to U.S. Troops. Think of lions on the Serengetti... they go after the easiest prey. Same thing here... why risk getting killed by return fire or the bull's horns when you can hit the unarmed, hornless cows and calfs? Seriously.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • macgyver06macgyver06 Posts: 2,500
    so the insurgents are sunnis and shiites? is this what we are agreeing on?
  • Bu2Bu2 Posts: 1,693
    hippiemom wrote:
    I agree with this. If someone has a master plan for coming up with 5 trillion dollars, and a way to get a couple hundred thousand more people to volunteer for military service, I'm all ears.

    If no one has such a plan, then let's just get the fuck out. What we've done so far hasn't helped, it's made things worse, so why the hell would we want to do it for another year or more? We're putting more lives at risk for nothing, just postponing the inevitable.

    By setting a time limit, the Dems are simply telling the Bushies that enough is enough and it's time to start pulling out. We know that won't happen in one day, not even one year. But if we start narrowing down the troops to those who can train the Iraqies and stop sending yet more in, Iraq will see that they have to stand on their own two feet and do things without our help. Otherwise, we will be occupying Iraq for years to come.

    When will we learn that democracy is still a wrinkled prom dress that even we in the States can't dry clean well....let alone make other countries wear?
    Feels Good Inc.
  • down_skidown_ski Posts: 328
    Abuskedti wrote:
    Consequenses of setting an arbitrary date for withdrawal will be devistating.

    does he understand that the consequences of the invasion are already devistating.. have been day after day for more than 4 years..

    Devistating has already happened.

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Research before posting!

    Iraq was a huge fuck up, HUGE, and its UNDERSTOOD. But if we did pull out, Iran would most likely move on (more than they already have) Take control of the entire middle eastern oil supply and eventually buy North Korea's Nuclear Weapon support (And trust me, we all know Iran is going for Nukes to blow up Israel, they are not going for Nuclear Power..) If this happens, it will result in the innocent slaughter of Millions of people (Similar to what happened to Cambodians after we pulled out of Vietnam)

    And Really, the only problem in Iraq is Baghdad, and its a big big problem. But if Bush happens to get that stabilized (Uhh....) Things might shift in a different direction.

    All im saying is, if we "Cut and Run" very bad things will happen, VERY bad things will happen. Iran wants to destroy western civilization (That means me and YOU) and, i guess, control the world. Sort of like Pinky and the Brain.

    I just dont understand how people can thing things will be fine and dandy if we cut and run.
  • Bu2Bu2 Posts: 1,693
    It would not come to that.
    Feels Good Inc.
  • down_skidown_ski Posts: 328
    Bu2 wrote:
    It would not come to that.

    Iran destroying Israel? Western Civilization? or taking over Iraq?
  • Bu2Bu2 Posts: 1,693
    down_ski wrote:
    Iran destroying Israel? Western Civilization? or taking over Iraq?

    My previous posts state that I think we should leave SOME troops over there, for a time, to help Iraq out.
    Feels Good Inc.
  • Abuskedti wrote:
    Consequenses of setting an arbitrary date for withdrawal will be devistating.

    does he understand that the consequences of the invasion are already devistating.. have been day after day for more than 4 years..

    Devistating has already happened.

    What's devastating is your devastation of the spelling of devastating. In all seriousness though what do you expect from a President that's had his head up his ass since he took office?
    one foot in the door
    the other foot in the gutter
    sweet smell that they adore
    I think I'd rather smother
    -The Replacements-
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    What's devastating is your devastation of the spelling of devastating.

    LOL (not at you, Abuskedti) :D:D
    In all seriousness though what do you expect from a President that's had his head up his ass since he took office?

    You meant since birth, right? :p
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    down_ski wrote:
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Research before posting!

    Iraq was a huge fuck up, HUGE, and its UNDERSTOOD. But if we did pull out, Iran would most likely move on (more than they already have) Take control of the entire middle eastern oil supply and eventually buy North Korea's Nuclear Weapon support (And trust me, we all know Iran is going for Nukes to blow up Israel, they are not going for Nuclear Power..) If this happens, it will result in the innocent slaughter of Millions of people (Similar to what happened to Cambodians after we pulled out of Vietnam)

    And Really, the only problem in Iraq is Baghdad, and its a big big problem. But if Bush happens to get that stabilized (Uhh....) Things might shift in a different direction.

    All im saying is, if we "Cut and Run" very bad things will happen, VERY bad things will happen. Iran wants to destroy western civilization (That means me and YOU) and, i guess, control the world. Sort of like Pinky and the Brain.

    I just dont understand how people can thing things will be fine and dandy if we cut and run.
    Well... think about it... from a purely logical... not pro-war... not anti-war... not Democrat or Republican... but, purely from the situation that exists today.
    Iraq is 60% Shi'ia. Iran is over 80% Shi'ia.
    The Imam Ali Mosque in Najaf, Iraq is one of the holiest sites in all of the Shi'ia sect of Islam. Muslims of this faith must make a pilgrimage to this Mosque at least onece in their lives. Under Hussein, only 300 Iranian per year were allowed into Iraq for their pilgrimage. That quota has since been lifted. The probable outcome is the increase in the Shi'ia population of Iraq.
    With the violence in Iraq... the ones that could flee... have fled. These are the Iraqis with the resources to leave. These are also the ones that would probably be able to help build Iraq... the educators, scientists, doctors, politicians. The ones that remain are the ones that have no other place to go.
    Face it... Iraq is sliding towards Iran. There's probably a reason why Muqtada Al Sadr is in Iran... avoiding the 'Surge'. Al Maliki is Shi'ia and probably benefits from the likes of al Sadr and his militia. Iran was handed Iraq by the Great Satan himself. The Ayatollah (and Ronald Reagan) would never have seen this coming.
    As for VietNam and Cambodia... didn't the Viet Nam Military end the Khmer Rouge's reign in Cambodia? The killing fields did not occur in Viet Nam... it occurred because of us... not them.
    Back to Iraq... we have two options over there... Bad or Bad. We have to decide which Bad outcome we are willing to pay for.
    The Surge is working... because there were always supposed to be more troops over there to begin with. This means that the surge is an increase... with no decrease. It is not a surge... it is an escalation in numbers of american troops. This means we need to maintain this level... for how long? 10? 20? 50 years? During that time... how many American soldiers have to die before you declare it as 'unacceptable losses'?
    And what about the excuses I heard from people argueing your points today... 3 years ago. The reason we couldn't 'Cut and Run' in 2004 was because there would be chaos in the streets and a Civil War would break out. Well, I guess we kept that from happening, didn't we?
    Face it... there is nothing to Win over there. If we DO Win... what do we win? The best we can do is figure out how many American soldiers we are will to accept as 'acceptable losses' before the Shi'ites and Sunnis go at it. Civil War between their religious sects is probably in their future.... I mean, it's been in their past for about 2000 years.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • cutback wrote:
    You meant since birth, right? :p

    Well I was giving W the benefit of the doubt, but I'm sure you're right and his baby pictures show his stupid head up his backside.
    one foot in the door
    the other foot in the gutter
    sweet smell that they adore
    I think I'd rather smother
    -The Replacements-
  • RushlimboRushlimbo Posts: 832
    down_ski wrote:
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Research before posting!

    Iraq was a huge fuck up, HUGE, and its UNDERSTOOD. But if we did pull out, Iran would most likely move on (more than they already have) Take control of the entire middle eastern oil supply and eventually buy North Korea's Nuclear Weapon support (And trust me, we all know Iran is going for Nukes to blow up Israel, they are not going for Nuclear Power..) If this happens, it will result in the innocent slaughter of Millions of people (Similar to what happened to Cambodians after we pulled out of Vietnam)

    And Really, the only problem in Iraq is Baghdad, and its a big big problem. But if Bush happens to get that stabilized (Uhh....) Things might shift in a different direction.

    All im saying is, if we "Cut and Run" very bad things will happen, VERY bad things will happen. Iran wants to destroy western civilization (That means me and YOU) and, i guess, control the world. Sort of like Pinky and the Brain.

    I just dont understand how people can thing things will be fine and dandy if we cut and run.

    Drama drama drama. Everything you say is untrue. The only problem in Iraq is Baghdad? Iran wants to destroy western civilization? Pinky and the Brain analogy?

    Dont want to cut and run? Try this website. Good day.

    War is Peace
    Freedom is Slavery
    Ignorance is Strength
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    Abuskedti wrote:
    Consequenses of setting an arbitrary date for withdrawal will be devistating.

    does he understand that the consequences of the invasion are already devistating.. have been day after day for more than 4 years..

    Devistating has already happened.

    I'll agree that it's been devastating, but what if withdrawal of the troops makes it worse?
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • AbuskedtiAbuskedti Posts: 1,917
    know1 wrote:
    I'll agree that it's been devastating, but what if withdrawal of the troops makes it worse?

    I think withdrawal will not make it better. I don't see how it could be worse. We are using force for all the wrong reasons.

    as for you Know1..

    How can you admonish people for joining the military because they a killing and you think that is wrong and therefore a military is wrong.. yet you think our military should stay in Iraq so things don't get worse.

    Is there not some contradiction there - some hypocracy - some passive abuse of the youth of America for your own purposes while insulting them at the same time?
  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    What Bush is ultimately doing by refusing to make an exit plan, is (purposely) leaving the mess for the next guy in the White House to clean up. SHIT-TAY and cowardly!!
  • Jeanwah wrote:
    What Bush is ultimately doing by refusing to make an exit plan, is (purposely) leaving the mess for the next guy in the White House to clean up. SHIT-TAY and cowardly!!

    Can the new President kick him in the balls on his way out of the oval office? Is that too much to ask for?
    one foot in the door
    the other foot in the gutter
    sweet smell that they adore
    I think I'd rather smother
    -The Replacements-
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    Abuskedti wrote:
    I think withdrawal will not make it better. I don't see how it could be worse. We are using force for all the wrong reasons.

    as for you Know1..

    How can you admonish people for joining the military because they a killing and you think that is wrong and therefore a military is wrong.. yet you think our military should stay in Iraq so things don't get worse.

    Is there not some contradiction there - some hypocracy - some passive abuse of the youth of America for your own purposes while insulting them at the same time?

    I'm for whatever option minimizes the killing. At this point, there's definitely going to be some either way.

    I don't believe I've admonished people for joining. I just said I do not understand why they do it. They are two different things.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • AbuskedtiAbuskedti Posts: 1,917
    know1 wrote:
    I'm for whatever option minimizes the killing. At this point, there's definitely going to be some either way.

    I don't believe I've admonished people for joining. I just said I do not understand why they do it. They are two different things.

    You see that their being minimizes killing yet do not understand why they do it?
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    Abuskedti wrote:
    You see that their being minimizes killing yet do not understand why they do it?

    Do I really have to go into detail to explain the differences of those two concepts?

    In GENERAL, I do not understand why people initially join the military - whether it's today during the Iraq situation, before 2001, or in the future.

    Specific to the Iraq situation, I was never in favor of invading Iraq, but at this point I am for whatever option mimimizes the killing.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • AbuskedtiAbuskedti Posts: 1,917
    know1 wrote:
    Do I really have to go into detail to explain the differences of those two concepts?

    In GENERAL, I do not understand why people initially join the military - whether it's today during the Iraq situation, before 2001, or in the future.

    Specific to the Iraq situation, I was never in favor of invading Iraq, but at this point I am for whatever option mimimizes the killing.

    You don't need to explain anything to me

    However, in this particular you see how a military is necessary - you are even in favor or their being in Iraq to assist in saving lives.

    Yet, you maintain that a military is evil

    There is no question military power is abused and misused by politicians and misguided humans

    that does not change the fact that a military is needed and those devoting themselves to this purpose are a blessing.
  • Quite frankly, we are never going to be out of Iraq. To any major problem, there are two solutions: a political solution and a military solution. All chances of a political solution were thrown out the window when we sent out first wave of troops across Iraq borders. That's why the government in Iraq continues collapsing. Regardless of what people want to believe, force is now the only way the country can be controlled now. Thank you White House.
    I can kill because in God I trust.

    06/24/06-Cincinnati, OH-US Bank Arena
    08/05/07-Chicago, IL-Grant Park(Lollapalooza)
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    Abuskedti wrote:
    You don't need to explain anything to me

    However, in this particular you see how a military is necessary - you are even in favor or their being in Iraq to assist in saving lives.

    Yet, you maintain that a military is evil

    There is no question military power is abused and misused by politicians and misguided humans

    that does not change the fact that a military is needed and those devoting themselves to this purpose are a blessing.

    Do you know how hard it is to have a discussion with someone who constantly changes your wording and implies you say things that you didn't?

    I didn't say the military is evil. I said I do not understand why people join it.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
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