To sit back over the last 12 months and watch the majority of the anti obama people, whinge, moan and bitch about how obama is not for change and how he is just like we have now, no different. It's freaking hilarious to watch you put so much effort into criticizing obama and singling him out all the time compared to the other candidates, when its you guys who are saying he is just the same.
Then when you are called out on it you say 'oooooooh, but it's a given mccain sucks'. We are just telling you that Obama does too, blah blah blah blah blah.
Why do you put so much effort into it if he is just the same? On your logic it doesn't make fuck all difference who we vote if they are the same right, so why bother? Do you just like to her your own voices or something?
You know what? If he is really just the same, then we are not going to be any worse off are we.
McCain = the same thing we've been through the last 8 years.
Obama = could be better or could be worse. The major problem with Obama, he's a young man with not much global experience who will have to surround himself with a group of people to help form opinions and make decisions (hmm...W??)
Look gurl, I'm not worried, I'm not voting for him. You are, the question is, how much are you willing to sell out?
Unless you support the things Biden supports? I mean everyone gave excuses for Obama, "he supports the troops,not the war blah blah blah"
So now what, the excuses for someone like Biden starts?
Now to answer your question, Caroline kennedy wouldve been a better choice. I mean issue by issue, not that you vote on issues right?
Not that she was a front runner or anything. But I think she would be a bettet choice.
i sold out years ago when i cut my hair. i don't vote on the VP, i vote for the president. i don't care what biden believes. obama's going to have a whole cabinet, and guess what? i'm probably not going to 100% agree with every single one of their views!
jesus, for supposedly being people that want us all to "open our minds" you are unwilling to ever accept anyone in office who does not vote the "right" way on every issue on your ticker. as i said to outlaw elsewhere, jesus and ghandi could come back from the dead and run as a ticket based on nobody ever fighting and everyone eating, and you two would be pissing and moaning about how once ghandi took $20 from a guy who later turned out to be a date-rapist and so none of us should vote for him.
son of a bitch! i just realized you're not even from the states! is your country so boring you don't have politics of your own to worry about?
not to mention the fact that obama (and clearly biden) has gone out of his way to show blinded support to Israel - in fact, moreso than any other candidate in history...
guess i was wrong on that one. i thought we had told israel we weren't giving them more money. i swear i saw a headline similar to that somewhere recently. my bad. personally, i say fuck israel and fuck palestine. let them burn each other to the ground. we can't do a godamn thing about it. i'm more pissed about those tax dollars going overseas instead of into our infrastructure than who they're going to.
i sold out years ago when i cut my hair. i don't vote on the VP, i vote for the president. i don't care what biden believes. obama's going to have a whole cabinet, and guess what? i'm probably not going to 100% agree with every single one of their views!
jesus, for supposedly being people that want us all to "open our minds" you are unwilling to ever accept anyone in office who does not vote the "right" way on every issue on your ticker. as i said to outlaw elsewhere, jesus and ghandi could come back from the dead and run as a ticket based on nobody ever fighting and everyone eating, and you two would be pissing and moaning about how once ghandi took $20 from a guy who later turned out to be a date-rapist and so none of us should vote for him.
son of a bitch! i just realized you're not even from the states! is your country so boring you don't have politics of your own to worry about?
It's not just a few small issues, these are major world shaping issues that they are wrong on. If you still support them after that, then fine. Go ahead.
You support the war? Good, vote for those fuckers.
It's not just a few small issues, these are major world shaping issues that they are wrong on. If you still support them after that, then fine. Go ahead.
You support the war? Good, vote for those fuckers.
which war? i've never supported the iraq war, been 100% opposed from the 'axis of evil' speech. i knew we were fucked even then. but the way they steamrolled any discussion about it to get their war scared the shit out of me. i'm willing to jump at the chance of ANY candidate that offers even the prospect of maybe a little conversation or consideration before going to war. because things here cannot get any worse than they already are. we've funded israel for decades, and sure it needs to change. but what's another 4-8 years to those crazy bloodthirsty motherfuckers over there (both of them)? for now, i'll be happy to have someone who is less likely than john mccain to add a third war to our roster and maybe take a few steps towards getting out of one or two of the others. baby steps buddy.
which war? i've never supported the iraq war, been 100% opposed from the 'axis of evil' speech. i knew we were fucked even then. but the way they steamrolled any discussion about it to get their war scared the shit out of me. i'm willing to jump at the chance of ANY candidate that offers even the prospect of maybe a little conversation or consideration before going to war. because things here cannot get any worse than they already are.
I know you didnt support the war, that's the thing. But You are ready to vote for someone who did. weird?
Sure he is just the vp, but that's a big deal. Remember,dick cheney is VP... and look at the shit he started.
How about the Patriot Act, thoughts on that? Because you know who supported that right?
Obama and Biden, not soooo good.
Anyway, 3pm is the speeches. should be provide a good laugh
I know you didnt support the war, that's the thing. But You are ready to vote for someone who did. weird?
Sure he is just the vp, but that's a big deal. Remember,dick cheney is VP... and look at the shit he started.
How about the Patriot Act, thoughts on that? Because you know who supported that right?
Obama and Biden, not soooo good.
Anyway, 3pm is the speeches. should be provide a good laugh
because i'd be voting for obama, not biden. everyone was duped by the war. at least obama seems to admit it was kind of a mistake and we need to work on leaving. i don't know what biden says now, but his job will be to back his president and so that's what he will be doing, only with considerably more experience.
the patriot act is definitely scary as shit. but last i checked, mccain supported it too. am i supposed to vote for him instead? or nader, who will not be elected? fuck that. obama is the better chance of rolling that back over mccain.
obama is talking the talk he needs to get elected and will then start the slow and subtle process of deescalation. jfk did the same thing... ran as a tough, hard-line democrat. once he got securely into office he shifted and let his common sense approaches show.
Biden is the most obvious "choice," if one calls the obvious ingredients needed a choice. I never felt it would be anyone else after initial Hillary hopes went away. Well, that's kind of a lie. I thought Wesley Clark might be a choice. Old white guy with military experience. Too obvious? Edwards? --too hot and bothered. Hillary--too scary (read: exceptionally competent in combination with having a vagina). Richardson--too minority. One minority on the ticket is enough. Biden--old white guy with solid foreign policy experience. Just what the doctor ordered and would have asked big pharma to manufacture if he did not already exist. Wow. It's Biden. Shocking we don't all have PTSD from that "choice. " Not that I think it's a bad one, just an obviously glaring one.
To sit back over the last 12 months and watch the majority of the anti obama people, whinge, moan and bitch about how obama is not for change and how he is just like we have now, no different. It's freaking hilarious to watch you put so much effort into criticizing obama and singling him out all the time compared to the other candidates, when its you guys who are saying he is just the same.
Then when you are called out on it you say 'oooooooh, but it's a given mccain sucks'. We are just telling you that Obama does too, blah blah blah blah blah.
Why do you put so much effort into it if he is just the same? On your logic it doesn't make fuck all difference who we vote if they are the same right, so why bother? Do you just like to her your own voices or something?
You know what? If he is really just the same, then we are not going to be any worse off are we.
Apparently :rolleyes:
PJ Gurl,
the real difference, the disturbing and potentially dangerous difference, between Obama and McCain is that McCain simply has not mobilized a massive faction of this country behind him. Self-described "free thinkers", "progressives", "idealists" and a whole heap of youth looking for "change" have rallied behind Obama.
The problem there is that such a movement (based solely on promises and smooth talk ... and possibly the fact that he is black -- woohoo, change!) is a text book setup for growing a fascist movement.
Go watch the Jordan Maxwell Slide Show at around 27 minutet to 35 minutes and listen for him to read to you about fascism and how it is spun in a country.
Go dig up some of those Texe Marrs clips where he is discussing Obama and the fascist undertones of his candidacy.
Or listen to Jerome Corsi and\or Webster Griffin Tarpley on the subject.
All of them are saying the same thing.
McCain may be an equally stinky pile of shit,
but his credibility is pre-destroyed with many, and he would be a republican president in a deadlock with a democratic congress from day one.
Unfortunately, not only do a great many of the people seem absolutely blindly in support of Obama, but you are guaranteed to get nearly the same reaction from both house and senate.
If Obama gets an attack to launch a new globalist platform from, or if the economy totally tanks, or if there is some massive crisis for him to capitalize on and use as a new dupe against the largely-admiring American public ... we could be in for a real fuck in the ass.
THAT is the real problem with Obama.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I mean issue by issue, not that you vote on issues right?
I'm not sure how to take that. I'd like to think that you are just being funny, or perhaps you are just grumpy because you haven't had your coffee yet, but of course you vote on issues.
I've already stated on more than one occassion, which policies i support of obamas. Whether you agree or disagree on my choice of candidate, please don't insinuate that i won't be basing my vote on issues.
I'm not sure how to take that. I'd like to think that you are just being funny, or perhaps you are just grumpy because you haven't had your coffee yet, but of course you vote on issues.
I've already stated on more than one occassion, which policies i support of obamas. Whether you agree or disagree on my choice of candidate, please don't insinuate that i won't be basing my vote on issues.
yes, partly being funny, more directed to the majority of Obama voters who infact do not really vote by the issues.
PJ Gurl,
the real difference, the disturbing and potentially dangerous difference, between Obama and McCain is that McCain simply has not mobilized a massive faction of this country behind him. Self-described "free thinkers", "progressives", "idealists" and a whole heap of youth looking for "change" have rallied behind Obama.
If i could make it happen, Dennis Kucinich would be my choice. He is an incredibly honest, smart man. Do you put Kucinich in that 'category' of people above? Whilst he didn't officially endorse obama as such, it was a pretty big call when he said "I strongly encourage all of my supporters to make Barack Obama their second choice. Sen. Obama and I have one thing in common: Change.” ...
yes, partly being funny, more directed to the majority of Obama voters who infact do not really vote by the issues.
Not you,
november's a long way away. im leaning to obama because john mccain is a piece of shit and i can't handle 4 more years of pro-war, pro-rich republican politics. maybe obama is not perfect, but he's better than mccain on both of these.
PJ Gurl,
the real difference, the disturbing and potentially dangerous difference, between Obama and McCain is that McCain simply has not mobilized a massive faction of this country behind him. Self-described "free thinkers", "progressives", "idealists" and a whole heap of youth looking for "change" have rallied behind Obama.
The problem there is that such a movement (based solely on promises and smooth talk ... and possibly the fact that he is black -- woohoo, change!) is a text book setup for growing a fascist movement.
Go watch the Jordan Maxwell Slide Show at around 27 minutet to 35 minutes and listen for him to read to you about fascism and how it is spun in a country.
Go dig up some of those Texe Marrs clips where he is discussing Obama and the fascist undertones of his candidacy.
Or listen to Jerome Corsi and\or Webster Griffin Tarpley on the subject.
All of them are saying the same thing.
McCain may be an equally stinky pile of shit,
but his credibility is pre-destroyed with many, and he would be a republican president in a deadlock with a democratic congress from day one.
Unfortunately, not only do a great many of the people seem absolutely blindly in support of Obama, but you are guaranteed to get nearly the same reaction from both house and senate.
If Obama gets an attack to launch a new globalist platform from, or if the economy totally tanks, or if there is some massive crisis for him to capitalize on and use as a new dupe against the largely-admiring American public ... we could be in for a real fuck in the ass.
THAT is the real problem with Obama.
what better reason to vote for Obama, though? what better way to get people to finally turn away from the system than to have a major party candidate with a "change" message expose himself as a liar and a fake when he gets in office?
If McCain gets in a continues Bush doctrine, in four years we will just be having the same argument we have today (choice between a fake democrat, a hopelessly irrelevant 3rd party guy and Bush IV). if the so called "change" guy gets in, and HE continues with Bush doctrine, the conversation in 4 years will be much different.
i think some people are a little scared that he might actually change things just enough that he is a better choice than McCain, which is all most of americans really want. the vast, wholesale, change many here want isnt gonna happen unless things get much, MUCH worse.
If McCain gets in a continues Bush doctrine, in four years we will just be having the same argument we have today. if the so called "change" guy gets in, and HE continues with Bush doctrine, the conversation in 4 years will be much different.
somehow i dont think the palestinian/israeli situation is very high on the list of priorites of voters.
it should be because it's the number 1 issue for middle easterns, many north africans, many europeans, and even many asians.... it's an issue that, if solved by the U.S., could really change our role in international relations with all countries. imagine what Iran would do if we helped solve this issue...
I'm really sick of this whole 'no matter who it was, you guys would hate him' mentality. at the end of the day you guys don't know anything about me or mrbrian or anyone... i was actually VERY close to voting for obama (I know he's not the same as McCain), but the only thing keeping me away (honestly, the ONLY thing) was his AIPAC speech. I was willing to put FISA and everything behind me back, but his stance on Israel is just too far for me to support him. I was hoping he'd pick a vice president who was not so much a blind supporter like he is, but he didn't.
right now, I wouldn't be surprised if Obama plays the same game Bush did... where he fools many Americans into believing so much ridiculous shit, and then everyone finds out 6 years later he's been fucking the world up.
it should be because it's the number 1 issue for middle easterns, many north africans, many europeans, and even many asians.... it's an issue that, if solved by the U.S., could really change our role in international relations with all countries. imagine what Iran would do if we helped solve this issue...
probably fault us for meddling where we're not wanted and suspect that we had an ulterior motive. just like the democrats could solve world poverty tomorrow and you'd be talking about how it's an effort to unite the world under their fascist banner.
Of all the serious candidates, Biden was obviously the right choice. He is strong where Obama is weak.
People want to throw this "he voted for the Iraq War" thing in his face -- but so did a lot of people. And guess what, if presented with the evidence Congress was presented with, I would be scared shitless of a candidate who did NOT vote "yay" on that particular vote.
It's not their fault the intelligence ended up being wrong and/or bogus.
Although, I have to admit. It is troubling Biden supports Israel in its steadfast refusal not to be blown off the map. I mean, what an asshole.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
I'm really sick of this whole 'no matter who it was, you guys would hate him' mentality. at the end of the day you guys don't know anything about me or mrbrian or anyone... i was actually VERY close to voting for obama (I know he's not the same as McCain), but the only thing keeping me away (honestly, the ONLY thing) was his AIPAC speech. I was willing to put FISA and everything behind me back, but his stance on Israel is just too far for me to support him. I was hoping he'd pick a vice president who was not so much a blind supporter like he is, but he didn't.
right now, I wouldn't be surprised if Obama plays the same game Bush did... where he fools many Americans into believing so much ridiculous shit, and then everyone finds out 6 years later he's been fucking the world up.
who are you going to turn to then?
damn man, if it took you 6 years to figure out bush was fucking everything up, im DEFINITELY not taking political advice from you
as to me, this is why we dont see eye to eye. to me, FISA is a WAY more troubling issue than which group of murderous bastards we back in palestine. let the middle east solve its own problems. i don't see why we should be involved at all.
damn man, if it took you 6 years to figure out bush was fucking everything up, im DEFINITELY not taking political advice from you
I was against the war on Afghanistan and the war on Iraq from day 1. I clearly said 'many Americans'...
as to me, this is why we dont see eye to eye. to me, FISA is a WAY more troubling issue than which group of murderous bastards we back in palestine. let the middle east solve its own problems. i don't see why we should be involved at all.
you should've said that 60 years ago. we involved ourselves, and it's our mess to help clean up. we've prevented peace for decades, we've been a major source of funding which led to deaths. ignoring the Israel-Palestine issue would be just like, in fact worse than, picking up our shit in Iraq and leaving without doing anything about it.
right now, I wouldn't be surprised if Obama plays the same game Bush did... where he fools many Americans into believing so much ridiculous shit, and then everyone finds out 6 years later he's been fucking the world up.
I am willing to bet my next paycheck that Obama, if elected, winds up being a limp-wristed pacifist.
That's one of the major reasons I refuse to vote for him. I don't trust him to deal with real threats in any substantial way.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
you should've said that 60 years ago. we involved ourselves, and it's our mess to help clean up. we've prevented peace for decades, we've been a major source of funding which led to deaths. ignoring the Israel-Palestine issue would be just like, in fact worse than, picking up our shit in Iraq and leaving without doing anything about it.
this is irony at its finest. obama is satan for wanting to finish what we started in iraq and afghan, but we damn well better "stay the course" in israel?
what do you mean by 'dealing with real threats' and what do you want done with these threats that you don't think Obama will do?
I would prefer something between Bush's "yee haw, let's blow up everything" approach and Clinton's "let's fire a few ineffectual missiles into the desert while this fat bitch finishes up this hummer" approach.
Surely, there must be an acceptable medium there.
I guess, I would like the next president to be like the Bush who went after the Taliban, but not the Bush who had to stretch and distort the truth to go into Iraq.
I know you and I will disagree on that. This being America, however, that's allowed.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
To sit back over the last 12 months and watch the majority of the anti obama people, whinge, moan and bitch about how obama is not for change and how he is just like we have now, no different. It's freaking hilarious to watch you put so much effort into criticizing obama and singling him out all the time compared to the other candidates, when its you guys who are saying he is just the same.
Then when you are called out on it you say 'oooooooh, but it's a given mccain sucks'. We are just telling you that Obama does too, blah blah blah blah blah.
Why do you put so much effort into it if he is just the same? On your logic it doesn't make fuck all difference who we vote if they are the same right, so why bother? Do you just like to her your own voices or something?
You know what? If he is really just the same, then we are not going to be any worse off are we.
Apparently :rolleyes:
McCain = the same thing we've been through the last 8 years.
Obama = could be better or could be worse. The major problem with Obama, he's a young man with not much global experience who will have to surround himself with a group of people to help form opinions and make decisions (hmm...W??)
Look gurl, I'm not worried, I'm not voting for him. You are, the question is, how much are you willing to sell out?
Unless you support the things Biden supports? I mean everyone gave excuses for Obama, "he supports the troops,not the war blah blah blah"
So now what, the excuses for someone like Biden starts?
Now to answer your question, Caroline kennedy wouldve been a better choice. I mean issue by issue, not that you vote on issues right?
Not that she was a front runner or anything. But I think she would be a bettet choice.
i sold out years ago when i cut my hair. i don't vote on the VP, i vote for the president. i don't care what biden believes. obama's going to have a whole cabinet, and guess what? i'm probably not going to 100% agree with every single one of their views!
jesus, for supposedly being people that want us all to "open our minds" you are unwilling to ever accept anyone in office who does not vote the "right" way on every issue on your ticker. as i said to outlaw elsewhere, jesus and ghandi could come back from the dead and run as a ticket based on nobody ever fighting and everyone eating, and you two would be pissing and moaning about how once ghandi took $20 from a guy who later turned out to be a date-rapist and so none of us should vote for him.
son of a bitch! i just realized you're not even from the states! is your country so boring you don't have politics of your own to worry about?
guess i was wrong on that one. i thought we had told israel we weren't giving them more money. i swear i saw a headline similar to that somewhere recently. my bad. personally, i say fuck israel and fuck palestine. let them burn each other to the ground. we can't do a godamn thing about it. i'm more pissed about those tax dollars going overseas instead of into our infrastructure than who they're going to.
It's not just a few small issues, these are major world shaping issues that they are wrong on. If you still support them after that, then fine. Go ahead.
You support the war? Good, vote for those fuckers.
which war? i've never supported the iraq war, been 100% opposed from the 'axis of evil' speech. i knew we were fucked even then. but the way they steamrolled any discussion about it to get their war scared the shit out of me. i'm willing to jump at the chance of ANY candidate that offers even the prospect of maybe a little conversation or consideration before going to war. because things here cannot get any worse than they already are. we've funded israel for decades, and sure it needs to change. but what's another 4-8 years to those crazy bloodthirsty motherfuckers over there (both of them)? for now, i'll be happy to have someone who is less likely than john mccain to add a third war to our roster and maybe take a few steps towards getting out of one or two of the others. baby steps buddy.
I know you didnt support the war, that's the thing. But You are ready to vote for someone who did. weird?
Sure he is just the vp, but that's a big deal. Remember,dick cheney is VP... and look at the shit he started.
How about the Patriot Act, thoughts on that? Because you know who supported that right?
Obama and Biden, not soooo good.
Anyway, 3pm is the speeches. should be provide a good laugh
because i'd be voting for obama, not biden. everyone was duped by the war. at least obama seems to admit it was kind of a mistake and we need to work on leaving. i don't know what biden says now, but his job will be to back his president and so that's what he will be doing, only with considerably more experience.
the patriot act is definitely scary as shit. but last i checked, mccain supported it too. am i supposed to vote for him instead? or nader, who will not be elected? fuck that. obama is the better chance of rolling that back over mccain.
obama is talking the talk he needs to get elected and will then start the slow and subtle process of deescalation. jfk did the same thing... ran as a tough, hard-line democrat. once he got securely into office he shifted and let his common sense approaches show.
PJ Gurl,
the real difference, the disturbing and potentially dangerous difference, between Obama and McCain is that McCain simply has not mobilized a massive faction of this country behind him. Self-described "free thinkers", "progressives", "idealists" and a whole heap of youth looking for "change" have rallied behind Obama.
The problem there is that such a movement (based solely on promises and smooth talk ... and possibly the fact that he is black -- woohoo, change!) is a text book setup for growing a fascist movement.
Go watch the Jordan Maxwell Slide Show at around 27 minutet to 35 minutes and listen for him to read to you about fascism and how it is spun in a country.
Go dig up some of those Texe Marrs clips where he is discussing Obama and the fascist undertones of his candidacy.
Or listen to Jerome Corsi and\or Webster Griffin Tarpley on the subject.
All of them are saying the same thing.
McCain may be an equally stinky pile of shit,
but his credibility is pre-destroyed with many, and he would be a republican president in a deadlock with a democratic congress from day one.
Unfortunately, not only do a great many of the people seem absolutely blindly in support of Obama, but you are guaranteed to get nearly the same reaction from both house and senate.
If Obama gets an attack to launch a new globalist platform from, or if the economy totally tanks, or if there is some massive crisis for him to capitalize on and use as a new dupe against the largely-admiring American public ... we could be in for a real fuck in the ass.
THAT is the real problem with Obama.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I've already stated on more than one occassion, which policies i support of obamas. Whether you agree or disagree on my choice of candidate, please don't insinuate that i won't be basing my vote on issues.
Not you,
november's a long way away. im leaning to obama because john mccain is a piece of shit and i can't handle 4 more years of pro-war, pro-rich republican politics. maybe obama is not perfect, but he's better than mccain on both of these.
If McCain gets in a continues Bush doctrine, in four years we will just be having the same argument we have today (choice between a fake democrat, a hopelessly irrelevant 3rd party guy and Bush IV). if the so called "change" guy gets in, and HE continues with Bush doctrine, the conversation in 4 years will be much different.
i think some people are a little scared that he might actually change things just enough that he is a better choice than McCain, which is all most of americans really want. the vast, wholesale, change many here want isnt gonna happen unless things get much, MUCH worse.
right now, I wouldn't be surprised if Obama plays the same game Bush did... where he fools many Americans into believing so much ridiculous shit, and then everyone finds out 6 years later he's been fucking the world up.
who are you going to turn to then?
probably fault us for meddling where we're not wanted and suspect that we had an ulterior motive. just like the democrats could solve world poverty tomorrow and you'd be talking about how it's an effort to unite the world under their fascist banner.
People want to throw this "he voted for the Iraq War" thing in his face -- but so did a lot of people. And guess what, if presented with the evidence Congress was presented with, I would be scared shitless of a candidate who did NOT vote "yay" on that particular vote.
It's not their fault the intelligence ended up being wrong and/or bogus.
Although, I have to admit. It is troubling Biden supports Israel in its steadfast refusal not to be blown off the map. I mean, what an asshole.
for the least they could possibly do
damn man, if it took you 6 years to figure out bush was fucking everything up, im DEFINITELY not taking political advice from you
as to me, this is why we dont see eye to eye. to me, FISA is a WAY more troubling issue than which group of murderous bastards we back in palestine. let the middle east solve its own problems. i don't see why we should be involved at all.
you should've said that 60 years ago. we involved ourselves, and it's our mess to help clean up. we've prevented peace for decades, we've been a major source of funding which led to deaths. ignoring the Israel-Palestine issue would be just like, in fact worse than, picking up our shit in Iraq and leaving without doing anything about it.
I am willing to bet my next paycheck that Obama, if elected, winds up being a limp-wristed pacifist.
That's one of the major reasons I refuse to vote for him. I don't trust him to deal with real threats in any substantial way.
for the least they could possibly do
this is irony at its finest. obama is satan for wanting to finish what we started in iraq and afghan, but we damn well better "stay the course" in israel?
I would prefer something between Bush's "yee haw, let's blow up everything" approach and Clinton's "let's fire a few ineffectual missiles into the desert while this fat bitch finishes up this hummer" approach.
Surely, there must be an acceptable medium there.
I guess, I would like the next president to be like the Bush who went after the Taliban, but not the Bush who had to stretch and distort the truth to go into Iraq.
I know you and I will disagree on that. This being America, however, that's allowed.
for the least they could possibly do