no, the dog is near death and the troops shoot near it, I think, but do not hit it. the dog limps away. the dog though was already crippled and dying. would have done the dog a favor by killing it. sad but true. now the dog has to starve to death in pain.
thanks for clarify. The video I saw showed some troops that were staking out a compound...a dog...50 yard away was barking to protect his all dogs of the soldiers shoots the could hear the soldiers partners asking...why did you do that. Tough tough. But....I don't put blame on many of the actions of the soldiers as they're in a fked up situation.
adn don't disagree with your analysis of "blind worship soldiers" but war fks up the mind....and when you take any young men from any background..and they see death and destruction on daily basis it does change their behavior......I don't blame the troops for their actions as much as those that brought them there. Not talking about this particular video mind you but in general. I just wish we could take George, his administration and all their family members...prop open their eyes with toothpicks and make them watch the carnage they've created.....okay..I feel much better now.
of course, it's very sad to see a healthy mind destroyed by war. many soldiers coming back with all sorts of health issues and what not.
But I still question them going, at the end, they still went. It's not like they were tied up and dropped off in iraq.
what they were doing is wrong. wrong enough for you to make a thread about it? um ok I'm not, I said they would have helped the animal by killing it
No, I even mentioned that it was crippled, but that does not mean near death. yes, wrong enough to make a thread about it.
they should've just left it alone. But if it was near death, yes, shoot it in the head then walk away. But they did'nt do that, that's the point, this is the thread of what they chose to do. now they are all over the net and I hope will get punished for the animal abuse, just like anyone else in america would get punished for it. especially if they taped it.
of course, it's very sad to see a healthy mind destroyed by war. many soldiers coming back with all sorts of health issues and what not.
But I still question them going, at the end, they still went. It's not like they were tied up and dropped off in iraq.
always have been....but soldiers, when they sign up take an oath..and I respect them for honoring that oath....I don't blame soldiers for going to Iraq....I honor them..all of them for doing this crap..and know several that have gone over nephew included and I thank them our leaders..well that's another matter.
and "callen", when you can, watch the video and see for yourself what was going on.
when I get home...but even in cases where American soldiers have raped, killed or tortured Iraqi's....I put alot of the blame on US administration for putting them in that environment.......but they do need to face justice.
I want our soldiers to be killers...not tree hugging hippies. are saying they are tree hugging hippies if they help an injured animal...generally, i have no problem with our soldiers...and i have been supportive of this war....i have had family members and friends fighting over there...but if they came home and showed me footage like this...and they were the perpetrators...i would punch them right between the goddamned eyes....this is just sick fucking behavior...period. these soldiers need to be disciplined for this can be a "killer soldier" and still act like a fucking human being.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!
- Benjamin Franklin
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.
-Will Rogers
always have been....but soldiers, when they sign up take an oath..and I respect them for honoring that oath....I don't blame soldiers for going to Iraq....I honor them..all of them for doing this crap..and know several that have gone over nephew included and I thank them our leaders..well that's another matter.
For me, i'd rather go to jail than go and kill people because of an oath I took that said nothing about fighting unjust wars and destroying a country.
I can and will never honor someone who just follows orders, I know only 2 soldiers, one went to iraq and came back with a stress fracuture? and the other who left the army because he refused to be part of what the army was doing.
But I understand your view and i'll leave it at that. are saying they are tree hugging hippies if they help an injured animal...generally, i have no problem with our soldiers...and i have been supportive of this war....i have had family members and friends fighting over there...but if they came home and showed me footage like this...and they were the perpetrators...i would punch them right between the goddamned eyes....this is just sick fucking behavior...period. these soldiers need to be disciplined for this can be a "killer soldier" and still act like a fucking human being.
and just to follow up my own comments....i also have no problem if they put this animal out of it's misery with a bullet...or if they have to kill one on a mission...but this is just a bucnh of jerkoffs torturing a wounded animal with rocks...
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!
- Benjamin Franklin
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.
-Will Rogers
For me, i'd rather go to jail than go and kill people because of an oath I took that said nothing about fighting unjust wars and destroying a country.
I can and will never honor someone who just follows orders, I know only 2 soldiers, one went to iraq and came back with a stress fracuture? and the other who left the army because he refused to be part of what the army was doing.
But I understand your view and i'll leave it at that.
I try to always question authority....and really question anything..norms/values.... guess I have this thing about the military though....grew up in a military understand the honor...and the bonding and also the want of soldiers to be there for their fellow soldiers. The one thing all soldiers (there have been but a handfull) that have refused to go to Iraq...they all regret letting their comrads down....guess thats the thing for me.
I try to always question authority....and really question anything..norms/values.... guess I have this thing about the military though....grew up in a military understand the honor...and the bonding and also the want of soldiers to be there for their fellow soldiers. The one thing all soldiers (there have been but a handfull) that have refused to go to Iraq...they all regret letting their comrads down....guess thats the thing for me.
I really do understand and respect where you are coming from with this.
and just to follow up my own comments....i also have no problem if they put this animal out of it's misery with a bullet...or if they have to kill one on a mission...but this is just a bucnh of jerkoffs torturing a wounded animal with rocks...
lol I always respect a guy who responds to his own post.
"Sarcasm: intellect on the offensive"
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
ah , true. But remember that the you tube kids are not part of an occupying army. With so much blind soldier worship in the country they are from. I think it's important to always show them in the true light. They are not all some innocent young kids who got shipped off to war, we should remember that at the end of the day, they still chose to go. If they were against the war and still went, obvioulsy jail time scared them more than having to kill innocent people.
But perhaps that is for another thread, as far as this one goes, the video is about a group of american soldiers abuse towards an animal. I did'nt search for this video, it was posted on another website and I thought that it should be seen by more people.
Yeah, soldiers "choose" to go to war, just like I can "choose" to quit my job tomorrow and get another one....but it's not that simple. There's a gray area as far as what is true choice and what is not. I don't think all soldiers are innocent, but I also don't think it's sensible to use that video as a propaganda tool can make your point about soldiers choosing to go to war without using propaganda and generalizing.
Yeah, soldiers "choose" to go to war, just like I can "choose" to quit my job tomorrow and get another one....but it's not that simple. There's a gray area as far as what is true choice and what is not. I don't think all soldiers are innocent, but I also don't think it's sensible to use that video as a propaganda tool can make your point about soldiers choosing to go to war without using propaganda and generalizing.
The debate moved in that direction so don't make it sound like I just brought it up, I even said in an earlier post about how "this is for another thread" or something like that.
and yes, some, maybe even many may not of wanted to go, but they still went, I mean we are talking about life and death here, it's serious. what exacty is the grey area? No troops willing to fight this unjust war means No war, the troops had the power to not allow the war to happen. not the millions marching, that was done just so we could make ourselves feel better.
always have been....but soldiers, when they sign up take an oath..and I respect them for honoring that oath....I don't blame soldiers for going to Iraq....I honor them..all of them for doing this crap..and know several that have gone over nephew included and I thank them our leaders..well that's another matter.
You could also portray your applauding of blind obediance onto the nazist holocaust...
...strict hierarchy does not mean you cannot question the ethics of your orders..
is this another thread showing that Americans and American soldiers are the worst people in the world?
how about you post the video of Islamic extremists cutting off the heads of innocent people. or you probably think their actions are justified.
But... we're supposed to be the 'Good Guys'. We expect bad guys to act like assholes, because bad guys are assholes.
Becoming bad guy in order to defeat 'Bad Guys' defeats the purpose. If you become an asshole to defeat and asshole... you become the very thing you hate.
And please... no "Dogs versus People..." arguements... it is the act itself. Good Guys don't do that shit... to dogs or people.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
But... we're supposed to be the 'Good Guys'. We expect bad guys to act like assholes, because bad guys are assholes.
Becoming bad guy in order to defeat 'Bad Guys' defeats the purpose. If you become an asshole to defeat and asshole... you become the very thing you hate.
I would have cut the dog up with my bowie knife and used its blood for face paint.
Hahahaha, you animal lovers. That poor dog!!! Nevermind the fact that those soldiers are seeing their friends be dismembered limb by limb from roadside bombs! Surely they should be more sensitive!
Until you see what it's like to have to live in a war zone, maybe you should be more understanding. Those boys are used to far worse pain than seeing a stupid animal suffer.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
this is what happens to people when you order them to kill people.. and motivate them to kill people ... and teach them to hate people.
The ignorance of our decision to invade Iraq... sigh
the mentality of the people behind the invasion is demonstrated nicely in this video.
take a case of animal cruelty and turn it into anti war propaganda.....just what youve been looking for...something you can put your twisted liberal spin on....these are some sick individuals and need to be disciplined...however...youve lost you mind if you beleive all soldiers in iraq have this mentality....and you insult every military family when you make such blind, half witted statements.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!
- Benjamin Franklin
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.
-Will Rogers
I feel more sympathy for this animal than for most people in this world at the moment
I dont understand you would let women and children die if it meant you could save a dog. I dont like death any more than you but how can you justify that?
I would have cut the dog up with my bowie knife and used its blood for face paint.
Hahahaha, you animal lovers. That poor dog!!! Nevermind the fact that those soldiers are seeing their friends be dismembered limb by limb from roadside bombs! Surely they should be more sensitive!
Until you see what it's like to have to live in a war zone, maybe you should be more understanding. Those boys are used to far worse pain than seeing a stupid animal suffer.
its a fucking dog for christs sake you poor ignorant i guess you will let them off when they come home and beat their wife or child...just beacuse of the horrors of war they have witnessesed...i have family memebers and friends in this war....there is no excuse for this behavior...and if you think it is...then you are just as guilty.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!
- Benjamin Franklin
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.
-Will Rogers
I would have cut the dog up with my bowie knife and used its blood for face paint.
Of course you would have Barroomhero or Gutyoulikeafish or whoever your character is today. You always did like to talk tough. Then you could take your little 100 pound body back to Pat Buchanan for another photograph. LOL , how pathetic.
its a fucking dog for christs sake you poor ignorant i guess you will let them off when they come home and beat their wife or child...just beacuse of the horrors of war they have witnessesed...i have family memebers and friends in this war....there is no excuse for this behavior...and if you think it is...then you are just as guilty.
I would've tortured the hell out of that dog. He was obviously an enemy combatant. I would've made him bark until he told me all of the names - until all of his claws were ripped out and all four of his legs wouldn't work.
This is a fucking war and you guys are complaining about some boys throwing rocks at a dog.
This is just another goddamn indication of how America has become a nation of big ole' fashioned pussies. Back in the old days, stupid shit like this would have been of no consequence - the big picture was "are we winning the war?" Everybody knew that soldiers would do immature things - that's what happens when you allow 18 year old boys to enlist.
But you know what? I'd prefer an America of winners to an America of pussies.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
Of course you would have Barroomhero or Gutyoulikeafish or whoever your character is today. You always did like to talk tough. Then you could take your little 100 pound body back to Pat Buchanan for another photograph. LOL , how pathetic.
So what else is new? Got something to say? No?
Go save a stray cat, Sallyfly. Real americans don't give a fuck about domestic pets' leg injuries when our boys are dying in a foreign country.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
Go save a stray cat, Sallyfly. Real americans don't give a fuck about domestic pets' leg injuries when our boys are dying in a foreign country.
That shit doesnt work on me, little boy. I remember what a skinny wussy you are. You like to watch war because you are too small to even lift an M16. You couldnt throw a grenade past your size 5 feet. You are not fooling anyone tiny dancer. LMAO at a visual of you with a big ol kevlar helmet on your wee little head. LOL.
That shit doesnt work on me, little boy. I remember what a skinny wussy you are. You like to watch war because you are too small to even lift an M16. You couldnt throw a grenade past your size 5 feet. You are not fooling anyone tiny dancer. LMAO at a visual of you with a big ol kevlar helmet on your wee little head. LOL.
The only "kevlar helmet" I've had on my head was the one I used on your girl.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
thanks for clarify. The video I saw showed some troops that were staking out a compound...a dog...50 yard away was barking to protect his all dogs of the soldiers shoots the could hear the soldiers partners asking...why did you do that. Tough tough. But....I don't put blame on many of the actions of the soldiers as they're in a fked up situation.
of course, it's very sad to see a healthy mind destroyed by war. many soldiers coming back with all sorts of health issues and what not.
But I still question them going, at the end, they still went. It's not like they were tied up and dropped off in iraq.
sorry about the remark.....will retract and edit my post.
No, I even mentioned that it was crippled, but that does not mean near death. yes, wrong enough to make a thread about it.
they should've just left it alone. But if it was near death, yes, shoot it in the head then walk away. But they did'nt do that, that's the point, this is the thread of what they chose to do. now they are all over the net and I hope will get punished for the animal abuse, just like anyone else in america would get punished for it. especially if they taped it.
no problem amigo, here's a clip of something similiar to what I was doing.
always have been....but soldiers, when they sign up take an oath..and I respect them for honoring that oath....I don't blame soldiers for going to Iraq....I honor them..all of them for doing this crap..and know several that have gone over nephew included and I thank them our leaders..well that's another matter. are saying they are tree hugging hippies if they help an injured animal...generally, i have no problem with our soldiers...and i have been supportive of this war....i have had family members and friends fighting over there...but if they came home and showed me footage like this...and they were the perpetrators...i would punch them right between the goddamned eyes....this is just sick fucking behavior...period. these soldiers need to be disciplined for this can be a "killer soldier" and still act like a fucking human being.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!
- Benjamin Franklin
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.
-Will Rogers
For me, i'd rather go to jail than go and kill people because of an oath I took that said nothing about fighting unjust wars and destroying a country.
I can and will never honor someone who just follows orders, I know only 2 soldiers, one went to iraq and came back with a stress fracuture? and the other who left the army because he refused to be part of what the army was doing.
But I understand your view and i'll leave it at that.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!
- Benjamin Franklin
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.
-Will Rogers
I try to always question authority....and really question anything..norms/values.... guess I have this thing about the military though....grew up in a military understand the honor...and the bonding and also the want of soldiers to be there for their fellow soldiers. The one thing all soldiers (there have been but a handfull) that have refused to go to Iraq...they all regret letting their comrads down....guess thats the thing for me.
this is what happens to people when you order them to kill people.. and motivate them to kill people ... and teach them to hate people.
The ignorance of our decision to invade Iraq... sigh
the mentality of the people behind the invasion is demonstrated nicely in this video.
I really do understand and respect where you are coming from with this.
lol I always respect a guy who responds to his own post.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
Yeah, soldiers "choose" to go to war, just like I can "choose" to quit my job tomorrow and get another one....but it's not that simple. There's a gray area as far as what is true choice and what is not. I don't think all soldiers are innocent, but I also don't think it's sensible to use that video as a propaganda tool can make your point about soldiers choosing to go to war without using propaganda and generalizing.
The debate moved in that direction so don't make it sound like I just brought it up, I even said in an earlier post about how "this is for another thread" or something like that.
and yes, some, maybe even many may not of wanted to go, but they still went, I mean we are talking about life and death here, it's serious. what exacty is the grey area? No troops willing to fight this unjust war means No war, the troops had the power to not allow the war to happen. not the millions marching, that was done just so we could make ourselves feel better.
Yes I blame the troops and the politicians.
...strict hierarchy does not mean you cannot question the ethics of your orders..
just wanted to throw this in
- Antwerp '06, Nijmegen '07, Werchter '07
But... we're supposed to be the 'Good Guys'. We expect bad guys to act like assholes, because bad guys are assholes.
Becoming bad guy in order to defeat 'Bad Guys' defeats the purpose. If you become an asshole to defeat and asshole... you become the very thing you hate.
And please... no "Dogs versus People..." arguements... it is the act itself. Good Guys don't do that shit... to dogs or people.
Hail, Hail!!!
The face of war changes a man, but does not give him the right to infringe the rights of civilians (man or animal)
- Antwerp '06, Nijmegen '07, Werchter '07
I would have cut the dog up with my bowie knife and used its blood for face paint.
Hahahaha, you animal lovers. That poor dog!!! Nevermind the fact that those soldiers are seeing their friends be dismembered limb by limb from roadside bombs! Surely they should be more sensitive!
Until you see what it's like to have to live in a war zone, maybe you should be more understanding. Those boys are used to far worse pain than seeing a stupid animal suffer.
-Enoch Powell
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!
- Benjamin Franklin
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.
-Will Rogers
I dont understand you would let women and children die if it meant you could save a dog. I dont like death any more than you but how can you justify that?
Go Cubs!
What use is a military that is not trained to kill people?
Are you just saying that you oppose all militaries?
Wow, great point.
-Enoch Powell
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!
- Benjamin Franklin
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.
-Will Rogers
Of course you would have Barroomhero or Gutyoulikeafish or whoever your character is today. You always did like to talk tough. Then you could take your little 100 pound body back to Pat Buchanan for another photograph. LOL , how pathetic.
I would've tortured the hell out of that dog. He was obviously an enemy combatant. I would've made him bark until he told me all of the names - until all of his claws were ripped out and all four of his legs wouldn't work.
This is a fucking war and you guys are complaining about some boys throwing rocks at a dog.
This is just another goddamn indication of how America has become a nation of big ole' fashioned pussies. Back in the old days, stupid shit like this would have been of no consequence - the big picture was "are we winning the war?" Everybody knew that soldiers would do immature things - that's what happens when you allow 18 year old boys to enlist.
But you know what? I'd prefer an America of winners to an America of pussies.
-Enoch Powell
So what else is new? Got something to say? No?
Go save a stray cat, Sallyfly. Real americans don't give a fuck about domestic pets' leg injuries when our boys are dying in a foreign country.
-Enoch Powell
That shit doesnt work on me, little boy. I remember what a skinny wussy you are. You like to watch war because you are too small to even lift an M16. You couldnt throw a grenade past your size 5 feet. You are not fooling anyone tiny dancer. LMAO at a visual of you with a big ol kevlar helmet on your wee little head. LOL.
The only "kevlar helmet" I've had on my head was the one I used on your girl.
-Enoch Powell