Some American soldiers playing with a dog

What goes on in minds of these people? The dog is more civilized.
(Not easy to look at)
(Not easy to look at)
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Karma's a bitch.
Assholes. :mad: :(
Our latest stray we have taken in, Axel (a chocolate lab), is lying here beside my desk. I don't want to see anyone mistreating some poor animal. I would have negative feelings such as wanting to hurt the abusers.
Don't watch it. It's beyond comprehension.
how about you post the video of Islamic extremists cutting off the heads of innocent people. or you probably think their actions are justified.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
beyond comprehension? I mean, really?
they should have killed the dog to put it out of its misery.
You know to me it's not about them being soldiers. It could have been 3 guys in Iowa and it's still completely wrong. These guys are assholes who happen to be soldiers.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Literally, with C4. Not one of my prouder moments, but a mission none the less. They were dead already, now they're vaporized. Seriously, I probably blew up like 4 dozen dogs, it seemed ridiculous at the time, but in retrospect, I guess I was doing a good thing.
- Antwerp '06, Nijmegen '07, Werchter '07
You Monster!
But would you have done the same to a healthy, live dog?
- Antwerp '06, Nijmegen '07, Werchter '07
How many of those dogs were corgies, you bastard?
I'm not saying that just American soliers are the ones who are doing these things, infact we saw american soldiers do much worse to humans forget about dogs, but to know that people like that are in another country with guns, does not make me feel very good.
But i'm not quite sure that this typical of young males.
You're quite the tough guy.
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I want our soldiers to be killers...not tree hugging hippies.
So I've been told.
Of course not, I'm not sick.
ah , true. But remember that the you tube kids are not part of an occupying army. With so much blind soldier worship in the country they are from. I think it's important to always show them in the true light. They are not all some innocent young kids who got shipped off to war, we should remember that at the end of the day, they still chose to go. If they were against the war and still went, obvioulsy jail time scared them more than having to kill innocent people.
But perhaps that is for another thread, as far as this one goes, the video is about a group of american soldiers abuse towards an animal. I did'nt search for this video, it was posted on another website and I thought that it should be seen by more people.
no, the dog is near death and the troops shoot near it, I think, but do not hit it. the dog limps away. the dog though was already crippled and dying. would have done the dog a favor by killing it. sad but true. now the dog has to starve to death in pain.
adn don't disagree with your analysis of "blind worship soldiers" but war fks up the mind....and when you take any young men from any background..and they see death and destruction on daily basis it does change their behavior......I don't blame the troops for their actions as much as those that brought them there. Not talking about this particular video mind you but in general. I just wish we could take George, his administration and all their family members...prop open their eyes with toothpicks and make them watch the carnage they've created.....okay..I feel much better now.
I never said I did it for fun, it was my job!
The dog was crippled, I does'nt mean that it was near death, but even if it was, who in their right mind does what they were doing? Don't act like the soldiers were trying to help the animal. I mean they even video taped it.
what they were doing is wrong. wrong enough for you to make a thread about it? um ok I'm not, I said they would have helped the animal by killing it