The Reason behind "Borat"

I think cohen (the actor playing borat) developed this chracter to prove that people hate jews,
Like he's trying to prove a point. anyone else think so?
Like he's trying to prove a point. anyone else think so?
Post edited by Unknown User on
I didnt care for the movie
Would you say it's a profound point?
i couldn't help it.
cross the river to the eastside
I have not seen the movie. But I suspect he also wanted to make money.
Sacha Baron Cohen is a British Jew. I believe he wrote his thesis at Cambridge on the role of Jews in the American Civil Rights Movement, specifically the Jewish civil rights activists who were murdered in Mississippi. Mississippi Burning was based on the incident. Wiki him for the info, I think there are links in the article's sources.
That point was profound like a motherfucker.
Cracka please!
finally! i have discovered the profound point!
cross the river to the eastside
if you say the word "profound" to yourself over and over long enough, it loses all meaning. much like the original poster's point, i guess.
Let me clarify. There were a couple of reactions by people that pissed me off.
well he was speaking hebrew the entire movie.
there's no reason to this movie other than to make you laugh.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
I just don't think that's the case,
I'm realizing that you have NO idea how the world see your country, do you?
y esclavo de lo que habla.
The cowboy who wanted to hang homosexuals REALLY pissed me off. I couldnt believe that shit. (Figure of speech, I could believe it)
The frat even get me started on thos assholes
But another part of the movie had me thinking a lot. The subway train scene. The way the one guy reacted when Borat tried to introduce himself was a disgusting display of machismo. He actually threatened violence on someone who introduced himself, and tried to shake his hand while giving him a quick kiss on the cheek...something that is done throughout various cultures. Good lord man, chill the fuck out.
My point proven.
So, if I were to take a trip to Europe and start trying to kiss people on the cheek, I would not get my lights punched out?
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
fucken eh. I don't care what culture does it; nobody kisses me on the cheek. It's sort of a double standard to expect that I obey his culture when he is not obeying my culture. When americans visit the middle east they abide by arab customs. When cheek-kissing dudes come to america, they should do the same. What all you sissy europeans keep forgetting is that Hitler bent all of you over and took your fucken manhood. Your ultra-liberal lifestyles let that happen. It's easy to talk shit about our intolerance when deep down you know that the US will bail your assess out when the next ruthless dictator comes along.
FUck all of you european liberal motherfuckers. Fuck all of you to hell. Pick up a gun and learn how to fight a fucken war for once. Our guys are are getting blown to pieces because you stupid shitheads like it in the ass.
I didnt say that. What I said is that in some cultures it is accpeted as a polite way to introduce one's self. Obviously this is not practiced throughout all of europe but I'm sure it is practiced in some areas. What uspest me was that a person who is new to the country and simply trying to introduce themselves to other people was greeted with hostility and threats of violence. I'm just saying people need to calm donw a bit.
No kidding. Pretty sad though
That movie is directed at americans. It's designed to set us apart as being intolerant and naive. The reality of the situation is that he could walk into any "tolerant" and "liberal" country and say the same shit and get the same reactions.
It may be directed at americans, but I think it's shitty that it happens in other places too
jeez sponger what crawled up your butt and died?
cheek kissing isn't part of my uptight anglo 'culture' either, but if someone is introduced to me that has that as part of theirs then i'm cool with it. i accept them for it. i certainly don't freak out and start abusing them for 'bending over and allowing hilter to f%&@ them up the ***.'
and let's not forget he was king of the lemurs.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Butt-head: This guy makes faces like Eddie Vedder.
Beavis: No, Eddie Vedder makes faces like this guy.
Butt-head: I heard these guys, like, came first and Pearl Jam ripped them off.
Beavis: No, Pearl Jam came first.
Butt-head: Well, they both suck.
To expose as much racism, sexism, bigotry and disillusion as he were able to find. True, the people of the deep South are easy targets, but they knew they were being filmed. Whatever the twats in the film get is exactly what they deserve. The drunken frat boy scenario never fails to make me laugh.
yes that's very true.
It's also funny how some of these people turn around and then sue the film makers after they see how stupid they come off on screen saying those things.
except those village people who the news reports say that they were paid a very small fee for being in the film, like a few dollars and hr I think it was.
It's only directed at Americans because Americans were the intended audience. I think that the intent of the movie was to show that despite being a progressive nation, there are still people in America who think like the Borat character. It's not a shock to most people, but it is to some. The movie is way more insulting to eastern European culture than it is to Americans. However, it is brilliant and funny.
This article is the worst "oh, poor me" article I have ever read. The mayor of the town says they were exploited as he probably drove away in his new VW or BMW. Romania has enough money, it just goes into all the govt officials pockets. Go after them if justice is to be served. It no ones fault that the town is so poor except for the Romanians.
Another reason why I think this film is hilarious as it exposes so many underlying issues...
"They got paid, so I'm sure they'll be alright"
I thought it was to prove how silly racial hatred really is and the depths that people take it to in their minds.