Political Drama: Canadian Coalition of the Centre-Left



  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    Songburst wrote:
    Muffin? What is this 1983?

    The Canadian economy has been holding its own. The economic collapse will be at the hands of the Libs and NDP (and Bloc) -- wait and see. Dion was a lame duck who deemed himself unworthy of leading the Liberals. What kind of Prime Minister is he going to be -- all of a sudden he will be Captain Canada?
    Hmmm….I dunno, were you big on muffins in 83? I figured it was kindergarten enough…just keeping with your theme, bub.

    So I guess the economy was all roses last week and thanks to the coalition it’s fucked, huh? The mills in Thunder Bay were doin great before October, then a couple NDP MP’s get elected and BAM…insolvent mills? If you want to throw around political blame for the economic crisis, the NDP should be the last of the four majors to take it.

    I’m not happy about Dion as a leader… I’m skeptical about ANY economic stimulus and would rather lose all of my savings than bail out the fuckers that let this happen…but I have zero confidence in Harper as a leader, and haven’t since the Afghanistan bs polaris mentioned above (actually well before that…but since then, I just want him gone asap).

    And I don’t get why people are so worried about the Bloc…if they don’t take any cabinet seats, how has anything really changed in respect to them? They always have ‘veto power’ in a minority govt, no?
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    conservatives not resorting to offering cabinet and senate positions to anyone willing to cross the floor ...

    based on the attack ads airing now - i'm guessing this evening's address is gonna be a doozy ...
  • dignindignin Posts: 9,374
    "The opposition is attempting to impose this deal without your say, without your consent, and without your vote," Harper said, beginning at 7 p.m. ET.

    "Unfortunately, even before the government has brought forward its budget and only seven weeks after a general election, the opposition wants to overturn the results of that election," Harper said.


  • Harper was out-strategized plain and simple. There is nothing illegal with whats going on. Dion will only be PM until the liberal party choses another leader. This government put itself in another minority by calling an early election. To simply shut down parliament to avoid a no confidence vote creates a dangerous situation for future PM's to do the same thing in order to avoid a no confidence vote.

    Im just wondering how fast its gonna take someone to make a cool coalition shirt.
    This is so much more exciting than previous.
    ...a lover and a fighter.
    "I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa


    Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
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  • exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    yield6 wrote:
    "The opposition is attempting to impose this deal without your say, without your consent, and without your vote," Harper said, beginning at 7 p.m. ET.

    "Unfortunately, even before the government has brought forward its budget and only seven weeks after a general election, the opposition wants to overturn the results of that election," Harper said.



    harper's tone was as if he was talking to children. it was nauseating.
  • edigerediger Posts: 308
    exhausted wrote:
    harper's tone was as if he was talking to children. it was nauseating.

    he's trying to take advantage of people's ignorance regarding how our political system works. The bits about how this will end democracy in Canada and the sort will be recognized as BS by anyone who knows the least bit out our system, but unfortunately, that's not enough people.
    Hello, I love you. Won't you tell me your name?
  • SongburstSongburst Posts: 1,195
    exhausted wrote:
    harper's tone was as if he was talking to children. it was nauseating.
    Similarly, Dion and the coalition looked really good yesterday during question period. If he's our next PM and they are our next government, we will officially leap to laughing stock on the world stage.
    1/12/1879, 4/8/1156, 2/6/1977, who gives a shit, ...
  • Kel VarnsenKel Varnsen Posts: 1,952
    What was up with the low rent production values for Dion's speech? I mean it looked like a bad Canadian TV show from the 70's. It was all out of focus and the colours were weird plus he wasn't really framed right. Was someone at the Liberal Party's no-good brother in law the camera man? They would have been better off using a webcam.

    One thing I did find interesting was that the CBC commentators brought up how the opposition parties said during the election they wouldn't try to do this type of move to bring down the government and form their own. And what bugs me is if they wanted to do it so bad, why not mention it during the election, or even vote down the throne speech, not wait for 2 months since the election.
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    What was up with the low rent production values for Dion's speech? I mean it looked like a bad Canadian TV show from the 70's. It was all out of focus and the colours were weird plus he wasn't really framed right. Was someone at the Liberal Party's no-good brother in law the camera man? They would have been better off using a webcam.

    One thing I did find interesting was that the CBC commentators brought up how the opposition parties said during the election they wouldn't try to do this type of move to bring down the government and form their own. And what bugs me is if they wanted to do it so bad, why not mention it during the election, or even vote down the throne speech, not wait for 2 months since the election.

    again - you have to look at the situation ...

    we are in the midst of a global economic crisis that has major ramifications for Canadians - instead of coming with a plan like he said he would - his first act in parliament was a hateful partisan attack on the opposition parties and equality - like WTF??? ... and to boot he made it a motion of confidence essentailly blackmailing the opposition parties ...

    this is NOT the leadership this country needs ...

    now - he's pulling a GOP style campaign by ramping up the "socialists" and "separtists" rhetoric ... shameful
  • Wow, Stephen Harper is in trouble.

    Also tired of the Bloc bashing (which unfortunatly mutated into Quebec bashing in many anglo medias), Bloc mps were elected, under a democratic system, by the population, they're as legitimate as every stupid mps on this govt. Stop it already.

    Harper speechs was full of false affirmation, one saying the opposition don't have the democratic right to form a coalition, false, they do have that right. But the Governeur General have the right to protect the govt if it does happen, and this is what she'll probably do when Harper will go crying in his office today. But it will only be a matter of time, cause the problem will come back in january. The parliament won't work for now on, unless big changes happens.
    "L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
    -Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • Kel VarnsenKel Varnsen Posts: 1,952
    Also tired of the Bloc bashing (which unfortunatly mutated into Quebec bashing in many anglo medias), Bloc mps were elected, under a democratic system, by the population, they're as legitimate as every stupid mps on this govt. Stop it already.

    I don't know, I am not sure how you can be an MP and swear an Oath to be faithful to the Queen, and yet be for forming your own separate country (not ruled by the Queen).
  • even flow?even flow? Posts: 8,066
    "We'll resume in January and pick up where we just left off" GG of Canada
    You've changed your place in this world!
  • I don't know, I am not sure how you can be an MP and swear an Oath to be faithful to the Queen, and yet be for forming your own separate country (not ruled by the Queen).

    You obviously don't know...
    "L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
    -Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • Kel VarnsenKel Varnsen Posts: 1,952
    You obviously don't know...

    Don't know what, whether or not swearing that kind of oath and then breaking it is perjury?
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    well ...

    i must say that i am not surprised by this decision by the GG ...

    i do think democracy failed today and a horrible precedence has been set: put forward a motion of confidence and then now suspend gov't because you will lose ... having said that - i would be better able to give harper another chance to work with parliament if he showed an ounce of humility in this affair ... his negative attack ad approach to this situation clearly shows he's out of touch ... what about admitting your part in this divide you are creating amongst canadians!?? ... don't just blame the opposition and accuse them of a power grab when you put forward the most blatantly partisan and ego-driven piece of legislation ever presented ...
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    soo ... rae and leblanc abandon their bid to become party leader ... i think this optically is very bad as the things that appear to have put the liberals in their current state is rearing it's ugly head again ... an old boys network that holds tight control over the party ...

    on the flip side - the party right now has no choice but to try and unite instead of fight ... the consequences are too far reaching ...

    ignoring democracy on one front to fight for it in another ...

    interesting times indeed ...
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    listening to harper being interviewed on cbc right now ...

    the guy can flat out lie ... @#$%
  • lukin2006lukin2006 Posts: 9,087
    I don't have a problem with conservatism as whole, because the liberals when they were in power for the past 13 years were kinda leaning to the right. The problem with this conservative government is Harper has to go, he seems like a micromanager, he calls all the shots and does not listen to people in his own caucus. But he also doesn't believe in his own convictions, like for example if he thought the economic statement was best for the country then he should have stuck to it, also if he truly thought that the best way to deal with the economy was to let the recession run it course and try to keep the countries finances from getting to far in the hole then he should have stuck to his guns. Now he looks like a man just trying to hang onto power and as a result we'll be running a 30 billion plus deficit.

    I am not interested in debating who is right because I've seen all sorts of experts about the best way to deal with the economy and everyone seems to have a different approach. I do believe this people will not buy cars or houses until they are comfortable doing so and until people are ready to spend the economy will stay stuck in neutral or go in reverse.
    I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin

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