Loose Change....

Anyone seen this movie? Interesting and I've seen a lot of that before. I disagree with a lot of it....or rather question it. I'm not saying there is some extremely shady stuff going on in our government and greed makes people do some evil things.
if you've seen it, what's your take on it?
if you've seen it, what's your take on it?
Like a word misplaced...nothing said...what a waste
Post edited by Unknown User on
faithful, there are a ton of threads on loose change and 9/11 in general. do a search, you'll find plenty to keep you busy.
personally, i think loose change is pretty decent. its a good ice-breaker type of movie for those just starting to look into "the other side" of 9/11. but right now, my two favorites are:
9/11: Press for Truth: this covers a group of 9/11 widows' demand for a new investigation. lots of good stuff here.
9/11 Mysteries Part 1 - Demolitions: part 1 of a series, deals strictly with the collapses of the 3 WTC buildings
Sorry if this has been beat to death but I don't spend all day on this site.
I wasnt implying that this topic has been beat to death. I was implying that yet another person wants to try and pin the government for 9/11
its yet another person asking questions.. which is still allowed in this country
..i think
It's very imaginative.
It does bring up some important questions, though.
a good site with sources, faithful, is http://www.911research.wtc7.net/
it actually talks about loose change.
~Ron Burgundy
No, it attempts to answer some important questions with the imagination of a child.
this website was created by 1 person. how someone can give it much credit is a joke. but alot of people around here refer to it as the 9/11 bible
Hey, he's a software engineer who can think outside the box. That has to account for something!
okay, i think what i said was overgeneralized. loose change makes some claims that can't be true. it also makes some claims that are backed up by a shit ton of professors all over the country. it is his decision to look at the facts and find the unanswered questions.
im not saying 9/11 was an inside job. i can't prove it. but you can't expect the official THEORY to be accepted by everyone and any alternative theory to be a load of crap.
~Ron Burgundy
what i don't understand is how you don't discuss the contents of that website. you automatically dismiss it. on most issues, you present information and debate it (such as the oil issues). though, anything pertaining to 9/11 is outlandish to you. why can't you just not post about it?
~Ron Burgundy
I think it is ridiculous to say someone in this administration set up 9-11. Although I do believe this video brings a lot more corruption to the surface. I am in the military but I am not another sheep in the heard. I'll question everything. I like to believe I am right down the middle...not a lefty, not a righty.
I think it might be because the contents have been discussed to death already. I do agree with you to some extent, why not just avoid topics that are upsetting? That being said, I have the same problem as my friend jlew ... I get pulled in each time. Its a tough, emotional topic. I admit that I find these theories offensive, in part because the evidence that actually supports them is almost non-existent, and in part because its painful to watch people swallowing them because of an otherwise understandable mistrust of Bush. I don't think its an infringement on people's free speech to admit that one is tired of a topic. No one here has the power to actually prevent you guys from discussing Loose Change, so what's the big deal?
your right. I apologize. I shouldnt have implied that you believe the government was in on 9/11. I will admit when I am wrong and I am. questions are good to ask about any subject. in this case, however, I firmly believe el queda was behind these attacks.
and Thank You for serving our country. you make us proud.
I don't expect the official theory to be accepted by everyone. I certainly expect alternative theories to be offered. I simply expect that all theories be held to the same standards by those actually interested in what happened as opposed to those interested in what they wanted to happen.
I have looked extensively at the contents of the site and dont find it to be true or crediable. The site was created by one person with the help of a few others.
Jim Hoffman, Webmaster and Senior Editor
Gregg Roberts, Associate Editor
Victoria Ashley, Research Consultant
Jan Hoyer, Media Coordinator
I happen to think the 9/11 commision report to be true. The Commission was staffed by nearly 80 full-time employees, contractors, and detailees, and is organized into work teams to address each of the following topics:
Al Qaeda and the Organization of the 9-11 Attack
Intelligence Collection, Analysis, and Management (including oversight and resource allocation)
International Counterterrorism Policy, including states that harbor or harbored terrorists, or offer or offered terrorists safe havens
Terrorist Financing
Border Security and Foreign Visitors
Law Enforcement and Intelligence Collection inside the United States
Commercial Aviation and Transportation Security, including an
Investigation into the Circumstances of the Four Hijackings
The Immediate Response to the Attacks at the National, State, and Local levels, including issues of Continuity of Government
I have read the report cover to cover and believe it. Do I believe it blindly? no. I have gone through Hoffman's site, and others, and can't find any proof our government was involved.
what do you think about the report's explanation of building 7? oh i forgot, it's not mentioned, they must have forgotten about it. minor detail, i guess..
what about the report saying that the gov't never could have imagined planes being used as missiles, when in reality, NORAD had run numerous drills simulating that very circumstance?
Errors in a government report could very well be indicative of incompetance ... But they don't serve as good evidence for a cover-up.
actually no they didnt.
"It is unclear whether the simulated scenario was that of a hijacked plane being "used as missile" -- intentionally crashing into a building -- or that of an out-of-control hijacked plane.
Military officials said the exercise involved simulating a crash into a building that would be recognizable if identified, but was not the World Trade Center or the Pentagon.
They emphasize it involved an airliner being hijacked as it flew into U.S. airspace from abroad, a slightly different scenario from what happened on September 11, 2001."
this is from Gen. Ralph Eberhart, commander of NORAD, during an interview with CNN.
you dont know shit about me. I am NOT a staunch conservative. now you know.
I clearly listed the objectives of the report
what is this fantasy everyone has with fox news. Why is it bad for Fox to lean to the right (and be uncredible, according to you) and ALL others lean heavily to the left and be perfectly fine with it? (and very credible)
I was wondering the same thing ... I am not even an American, but I've had people tell me to quit watching Fox news.
FOX news has been the # 1 news station in America for the past five years. All the other media outlets like to demonize the station for liking Bush and for killing them in the ratings.