I bet there's thousands of stories to be told like this. These same stories were told after Vietnam aswell. It's a shame that people have such short memories and will allow themselves to get fucked by their Government, their media, and their peers.
More Vietnam vets committed suicide after the war than the amount of those who died in actual combat. I wonder if this fucking sham of a war will produce similar consequences?
I wonder how many of the pro-war flag suckers on this message board will give money to all the homeless, crippled and maimed Iraq war vets they see on the streets a few years down the road?
It's also a shame to think that without doubt this same shit will occur again in a few years time. People never fucking learn a lesson.
You can blame that on you and me and everyone else on this board. We are not doing everything we can to educate our communities... and if you are... GREAT! Keep doing so.
You can blame that on you and me and everyone else on this board. We are not doing everything we can to educate our communities... and if you are... GREAT! Keep doing so.
I would love to educate my community but they wouldn't understand a word I said to them. They'd just look at me and blink like dogs being shown a card trick.
That's the most moronic thing I've ever heard Byrnzie.
You're a legend around here though. Don't let any ol' perception of people like me stop ya from speaking. I'm far less critical of your freedoms I'm afraid. It was either Bush lying about WMDs or Gore lying about global warming, huh? Of course we gave Saddam WMDs..... Who knows what Al's talking about.....
So lets see... Everyone who voted for FDR was partly responsible for every WW2 death. Everyone who voted for Eisenhower , Kennedy and Nixon are responsible for deaths in Vietnam. Lets see... Everyone who voted for Clinton is responsible for the deaths in Somalia.
Of course, that would make everyone who voted for Clinton responsible for the obscene profits Ridley Scott earned from directing Black Hawk Down. For that matter, Hollywood has profited from war so much its ludicrous. Who's up for the Vast Hollywood Conspiracy? Saving Private Ryan grossed $482 million dollars world-wide. All that money made re-enacting the tragic events that occurred on the beaches of Normandy.... We should all write or local director.
Jesus, being liberal is a piece of cake. But you knew that...
I can understand his anger towards your comment. The Bush Administration is no joke, and nothing about the last 7 years of his presidency has been funny. If you haven't felt sick to your stomach for having voted for him by now, there must be something wrong with you.
Don't you feel lied to? violated? robbed??? anything?
when an IED goes off, the instructions were.. err the practice was to shoot up the landscape - everything that moves.
Thats just about exactly what Saddam was hanged for. He puninshed everone in the town from which an assination was attempted.
You can blame that on you and me and everyone else on this board. We are not doing everything we can to educate our communities... and if you are... GREAT! Keep doing so.
I would love to educate my community but they wouldn't understand a word I said to them. They'd just look at me and blink like dogs being shown a card trick.
I can understand his anger towards your comment. The Bush Administration is no joke, and nothing about the last 7 years of his presidency has been funny. If you haven't felt sick to your stomach for having voted for him by now, there must be something wrong with you.
Don't you feel lied to? violated? robbed??? anything?