$300 bucks...yippeee!!!



  • jeffbrjeffbr Seattle Posts: 7,177
    chromiam wrote:
    It doesn't say people who NEVER paid taxes, just people who didn't (for whatever reason) qualify to pay taxes last year. Spliting hairs?? yes, but there are people who were unemployed and/or only worked part time last year who (hopefully) are making enough this year to contribute to the tax base.

    Cool, thanks for clarifying. As I've said too many times for some, I'm happy that people are getting a portion of their own money back.
    "I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
  • chromiamchromiam Posts: 4,114
    jeffbr wrote:
    Cool, thanks for clarifying. As I've said too many times for some, I'm happy that people are getting a portion of their own money back.

    No problem, it's not that I necessarily agree that those who didn't pay taxes last year should get a rebate but I understand it. And I'd take that over a raise in food stamp benefits anyday.
    This is your notice that there is a problem with your signature. Please remove it.


    Social awareness does not equal political activism!

    5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
  • JSBEJSBE Posts: 1,078
    sennin wrote:
    I'll take yours....PM me and I'll give you my address!

    damn, you beat me to it.
    When they say "people who did not pay any taxes", I believe they are referring those who file tax returns, but have a zero tax liability (income minus exemptions minus standard/itemized deductions is below zero)).

    Keep in mind that they start phasing out the amount of the rebate for individuals with income over $75,000 and married couples earning over $150,000.
  • EbizzieEbizzie Posts: 240
    icarus wrote:
    Yey, more debt for this country so we can borrow even more from China for a plan that won't even work.

    These tax rebates never work, most people save the money and it does nothing for the economy. It just looks good, like the politicians are actually doing something when they're actually only hurting the economy more.

    Actually the last rebate did have a small but measurable impact on the numbers. I don't know how anyone can be against getting some of your hard-earned dollars back from the government. I hate taxes, despise them...and now I'm supposed to be pissed they're giving me some back? Sure, the means that they're getting the money, deficit spending, is flawed. But on a positive note I really hope/think that just maybe the message is starting to get through to Washington that spending HAS to change.

    I find it comical that no one bitches about the 75 basis point rate cut but you're all over this rebate. That rate cut, and any rate cut like it, does nothing more than squeeze the middle class while lining/saving the pockets of those HEAVILY vested in the market, and of those who are heavily vested it's only those above 55 who cannot stomach an economic downturn. We'll pay a much higher price in the future for a fed rate decrease than we will a tax rebate. In my opinion, and I'm assuming there are many around my age on this board, is that this dip in the market is a blessing. I'm already going to get screwed out of social security. I'm pumping money into the market and buying LOW is good. By the fed swooping in and lowering rates it "saved" the market and pushed the prices of stocks back up, which hurts my overall retirement plans, while also introducing inevitable inflation for the future. That rate cut was BAD news for those of us with 25-40 years until retirement.
    "Worse than traitors in arms are the men who pretend loyalty to the flag, feast and fatten on the misfortunes of the nation while patriotic blood is crimsoning the plains." -- Abraham Lincoln
  • NOCODE#1NOCODE#1 Posts: 1,477
    mr. bush can send me my $300 any time he wants......

    along with my tax refund...
    and the 20 into the wild vinyls ill be flipping soon.....

    CANCUN HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!!!
    iphones for everyone
    Let's not be negative now. Thumper has spoken
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    NOCODE#1 wrote:
    iphones for everyone

    I really dont care for MAC or itunes but this phone is nice. its like a laptop in your pocket.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    icarus wrote:
    The point is its a bad plan. Most of the rebates are going to people in the middle and upper middle class who are in relatively good financial shape.

    you have to make under 75K a year to qualify. this money which is 600 per person will go to 112 million people who are middle class or lower
  • This is a pretty good read on the entire situation:


    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.


    ( o.O)
  • AbuskedtiAbuskedti Posts: 1,917
    inmytree wrote:
    perhaps, but come on now, Jlew...you know this is a joke...

    what gets me is people who don't even pay taxes will get this rebate...which chaps my ass...

    It should not chap your ass.. do you understand the purpose of Earned Income Credit? do you approve of that?

    in addition - When I get my check - however much it may be - I will put it in an envelope and send it to my savings account and forget about it - not much short term effect on the struggling economy

    however, when the lower income American's get theirs - they will spend it immediately - which is precicely what congress is after.
  • Cavuto and RP have a brief talk on the issue


    This totally backs up my theory that once the Hollywood popularity fades on a personality, that person get no special privileges, and becomes just another person in the crowd. i.e. the U.S dollar as the global currency.

    Iraq was really, really, bad for the US. What a disaster....

    I think the Bush admin is going to be hung high by the balls yet before all this is economic business is said and done. It's just getting started, and it's already bad.
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.


    ( o.O)
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    Abuskedti wrote:
    It should not chap your ass.. do you understand the purpose of Earned Income Credit? do you approve of that?

    I am and no...
  • AbuskedtiAbuskedti Posts: 1,917
    inmytree wrote:
    I am and no...

    How much do you have to make just to cover the expense of going to work?

    Transportation.. cothing .. lunch ets..??

    mininum wage likely wont do it - unless you share expenses with parents or a partner..

    so working for $10,000 to $20,000 per year yields virtually nothing discretionary.

    The Income tax system, for example Earned Income Credit is an incentive to have them work - contribue to the economy.. Otherwise it would be a much more lucrative decision not to work and collect different types of welfare.

    our society thrives on the poor - without them there would be no rich. We need them to work for hard every day for $15,000 a year or our way of life will collapse..

    The $600 helps keep the poor working - for you.

    be greatful - not chapped.

    or work for a better society where the poor recieve healthcare - mentoring and education -
  • What ever you do , don't buy imported goods with it if you do have to spend it.

    It only makes matters worse. Keep it local, look at the labels.. or buy Canadian... hehe...in all fairness, I should get a small finders fee for that advice ;)
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.


    ( o.O)
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    Abuskedti wrote:
    How much do you have to make just to cover the expense of going to work?

    Transportation.. cothing .. lunch ets..??

    mininum wage likely wont do it - unless you share expenses with parents or a partner..

    so working for $10,000 to $20,000 per year yields virtually nothing discretionary.

    The Income tax system, for example Earned Income Credit is an incentive to have them work - contribue to the economy.. Otherwise it would be a much more lucrative decision not to work and collect different types of welfare.

    our society thrives on the poor - without them there would be no rich. We need them to work for hard every day for $15,000 a year or our way of life will collapse..

    The $600 helps keep the poor working - for you.

    be greatful - not chapped.

    or work for a better society where the poor recieve healthcare - mentoring and education -

    I hear you loud and clear...and I don't disagree with you...I was just being honest when you asked if I'm ok with the tax credit and those who receive it receiving this rebate...yes, it's great that they work, and fine, if they get a credit at the end of the year at tax time, so be it...but to just give them money with the premise this population with "spend it" is not ok with me...

    for me, if those who don't pay taxes with get this credit, all wage earners should receive this check, even those who make over 75 grand...
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