$300 bucks...yippeee!!!

oh my, a whopping $300 dollars...yeah!!! :rolleyes:
oh my, a whopping $300 dollars...yeah!!! :rolleyes:
Post edited by Unknown User on
better then what I get - zippo.
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but rest assured, my 300 bucks will stimulate the economy...
feel free to do like mcgyver and throw it in the garbage
give it to charity, make a credit card payment, make a car payment, put it in savings, buy a hooker.
$300 is alot of money to some.
you arent the only one getting a check....just fyi
perhaps, but come on now, Jlew...you know this is a joke...
what gets me is people who don't even pay taxes will get this rebate...which chaps my ass...
yea that sucks
along with my tax refund...
and the 20 into the wild vinyls ill be flipping soon.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
got any Klausen DC posters you wanna sell for Mexican hooker money??
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
i had a dozen or so of those fucking things.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
which is what makes it income redistribution and not "tax relief" and increases the problem of government overspending that has helped contribute to our issues in the first place.
The good news is the people who don't pay taxes will definately spend it all anyway, probably on the lottery which will send more people to college.
I'm donating to charity. I owe it anyway.
personally, I see this as a feel-good band aid...what happens after the 300 bucks are spent...?
you know it won't take long...if folks are smart, it will go toward debt or savings...which does not help the economy...
and what happened the "free-market" folks...I wonder what they're thinking about this...what happened to letting the free market take care if itself...?
do you bitch just to bitch?
if it goes towards peoples debt or savings that will help the economy. if anything, it will boost consumer confidence.
and giving some tax money back does not interfere in a free market. its simply a government giving money back to the people. even free market folks, such as myself, knows this is not an interference. now if the government decides to spend 100 billion on dow stocks, then yes we have a problem.
I could go on, but you'll just find something else to bitch about
if it goes to debt it gives the banks money in hand which they will lend out immediately. Stimulating the economy.
I am a free market folk. I hate this idea. I'm just trying to get to the bright side.
The problem with the economy is in stupid decisions by banks to hand out reckless loans.
This is a bank bailout disguised as "Tax Relief"
yeah, that's it, just bitching to bitch...fuck finding real solutions...
screw skeptical thinking...
I guess you're no longer a free market fella, now it seems you rely on the gov't to solve your problems....
interesting indeed...
seriously, how is 300 bucks per taxpayer really going to help...?
There you go...
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
300$ is not much but it is some money, make the best of it.
so you bitch if the government does something....and you would love to bitch if they did nothing. got it.
I am. I'm happy to have the choice and I'm donating it, it is going to help after all the first one did, this one will too, It just doesn't fix the problem. We're still in the hole for 9 Trillion+ and it's getting bigger every day. The buisnesses in this country want to grow to fast and too recklessly so when they over extend and take too big of a risk, this is the result. It was the same issue in the aftermath of the tech stocks boom.
yup, you pegged me...nice work...
by the way, when did I bitch about the gov't not doing anything about this issue...?
I must have been sick that day...
its great to be skeptical, alternative solutions would be even better.
oops, seldom right and wrong again. I could care less about this situmlus package. I happen to understand whats happening in the economy and know the government cant do much, and thankfully so. if they want to give some money back to americans to try and boost consumer confidence and spending have at it.
from the article you posted...
If a low-income household spends its tax rebate on groceries, the grocer has more money to buy an appliance, like a refrigerator. The company that sells the refrigerator has more money to pay its employees. and so on.
besides the 300 dollars per person there are also tax breaks and incentives to businesses which so failed to mentioned. this will help the business grow, hire more people, etc.
maybe now you are starting to understand but I doubt it. I'll be on the end of my seat to hear your brilliant plan.
I say let the market correct itself...it's been over inflated, and is due for a correction...the credit issues have been created by giving those with shitty credit credit they did not earn...
and no one is talking has mentioned a real issue, energy prices...at the end of the day, people are going to fill their tank to get to and from work...3.00 a gallon gas prices have taken money out of consumers pockets...thus they don't less money to spend...
I guess my point is this, 300 bucks a person is not going to solve the problem in the long run....sure, people may by food...what about next month...? how about 6 months from now...?
my solutions...understand that energy prices have a lot to do with this issue, let those who gambled on those with poor credit go fuck themselves, and let things work themselves out...with no gov't intervention...
ps, I'm unsure why you feel you have to come off all smarmy...;)
there is a difference this time. the banks will lend it out more responsibly. lending rules have changed.
How about government funded consolidation loans? People in over their heads (I hear about it every day - THE CREDIT CRUNCH) who cannot consolidate or pay their mortgages because of credit scores or rising rates (granted, lowered Tuesday). These people would be allowed to get a consolidation loan from the govt (maybe you exclude cars and homes and put something in there that you cannot even apply or have credit cards over $1000 for a certain amount of years).
This would help millions. Then, instead of paying all the credit card companies every month, that money could be pumped into the economy. I would guess thats probably 300-700 per month per household depending on how much debt you are in. Also, instead of getting a refund, it goes to paying your "loan" every year until its paid off.
Here's to hoping. I think it'll be corrected by late summer.
oil prices are down about 13 bucks a barrel from the high. you want to talk about this being the real issue? ok now what?
not should it.
do you have any idea how our economy works? would you lke the government to refund $500 a month indefinitely? unemployment is only at 5% which historically isnt that bad. this situmlus might produce more jobs.
um people do understand that.
this is exactly whats happening. banks have been writing down billions. meryril lynch recently reported their worst quarter in their 94 year history.
dont like the taste of your own medicine? sorry.
what are you hoping about? its a fact. subprime loans no longer exist and banks are going to take every measure possible to prevent this from happening again
are you...?
he he he....mmmm, that's some tasty medicine...thanks doctor, as we all know, you're always nice and bubbly...:D
anyhoo, I've got to be honest, I have trouble responding to the chopped up posts, and the condescending tone is a bit much, too...
how about this, let's revisit this great plan in 6 months...by that time, everyone should have that fat check in there hot little hands...perhaps then we'll know if this big money truly helps...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)