We have an overwhelming number of US citizens who are opposed to the war in Iraq and are fed up with the way that Bush is handling things.
We have an underwhelming lineup of Republican candidate offerings.
We have two Democratic frontrunners (Gore not included because, let's face it folks, he hasn't announced yet) and they are raking in millions so far this year in contributions to their campaigns.
One is Hillary Rodham Clinton, the other is Barack Hussein Obama.
Hillary is a known enemy...oops, entity. We know her. She was our First Lady for two terms. She was the woman who helped put her husband where they both felt he should be. She was the woman who worked with extreme efficiency in making sure they both STAYED where they both felt they should be, regardless of Whitewater, Travelgate, Vince Foster, Gennifler Flowers or whatever the hell her name was, Monica and the blue "cock tale" dress, et.al.
Hillary is a known entity. Whether she likes it or not.
She can try to run on what she thinks we all remember as the good times, but it ain't gonna work in the long run, because too many Republicans and Independents remember what hell we went through when she and Bill were in power. She can try to say she's the First Black Lady when she's in front of an audience of African Americans, and she can try to say she's the answer to every Latino woman's problems, and she can try to say that she didn't have something to do with NAFTA and all the problems it has brought us since she encouraged Bill to sign it into effect, and she can try to make us forget that she was a board member of Wal*Mart and she can try everything else under the sun....
But she can't equal the energy Barack Obama's campaign has right now. And she can't equal the number of individual donors, like me, who keep giving little donations every now and then because we know that cronyism and poll-studying can only get you so far, and being real is the only way to win over an America so discouraged and disgusted that it's almost willing to wage Congressional war on its own President and Vice President just to get our point across.
What Bush did today is disgusting. What he does every day, in my opinion, is contemptible.
Putting Billary in the White House today will not fix that.
Show me an Independent or Republican who can stand up to Barack or Hillary, and I'll eat all my words next year.
It's coming down to a choice between the two of them, and no one else. Even the Independents are starting to back Obama.
We have an overwhelming number of US citizens who are opposed to the war in Iraq and are fed up with the way that Bush is handling things.
We have an underwhelming lineup of Republican candidate offerings.
We have two Democratic frontrunners (Gore not included because, let's face it folks, he hasn't announced yet) and they are raking in millions so far this year in contributions to their campaigns.
One is Hillary Rodham Clinton, the other is Barack Hussein Obama.
Hillary is a known enemy...oops, entity. We know her. She was our First Lady for two terms. She was the woman who helped put her husband where they both felt he should be. She was the woman who worked with extreme efficiency in making sure they both STAYED where they both felt they should be, regardless of Whitewater, Travelgate, Vince Foster, Gennifler Flowers or whatever the hell her name was, Monica and the blue "cock tale" dress, et.al.
Hillary is a known entity. Whether she likes it or not.
She can try to run on what she thinks we all remember as the good times, but it ain't gonna work in the long run, because too many Republicans and Independents remember what hell we went through when she and Bill were in power. She can try to say she's the First Black Lady when she's in front of an audience of African Americans, and she can try to say she's the answer to every Latino woman's problems, and she can try to say that she didn't have something to do with NAFTA and all the problems it has brought us since she encouraged Bill to sign it into effect, and she can try to make us forget that she was a board member of Wal*Mart and she can try everything else under the sun....
But she can't equal the energy Barack Obama's campaign has right now. And she can't equal the number of individual donors, like me, who keep giving little donations every now and then because we know that cronyism and poll-studying can only get you so far, and being real is the only way to win over an America so discouraged and disgusted that it's almost willing to wage Congressional war on its own President and Vice President just to get our point across.
What Bush did today is disgusting. What he does every day, in my opinion, is contemptible.
Putting Billary in the White House today will not fix that.
Show me an Independent or Republican who can stand up to Barack or Hillary, and I'll eat all my words next year.
It's coming down to a choice between the two of them, and no one else. Even the Independents are starting to back Obama.
Are you next?
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
This type of tomfoolery was employed by Clinton too, it's not like this option is something new to Bush and Co. It's the system that's screwing us over…it's the system that needs overhauling…
Very true. This is not just a Bush administration issue this is an issue with our government in general. Our elected officials truely believe that they are about the law and can act and do as they please because the power given to them and the ignorance of the public allows it.
This truely does sicken me thoughg. Our government is corrupt to it's very core. We, the people, no longer hold the reigns and something must be done about it. I know I sound like a broken record and some may be sick of seeing me type the same shit over and over again but it is the truth. Thomas Jefferson said it himself that when governments, including the one he help found, no longer rule according to the people it is time to replace it. The time is now.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
True. I wish this was the biggest crock of shit pulled by a president but unfortunetly this is small beans compared to others.
yeah, I mean come on...this is laughable, especially considering our recent past...as in last decade.
HHKC is right, the system is the problem. All of our politicians are nothing but crooks. Ultimately though, I think we are to blame. We are the ones that fall in love with our BS candidates each election. This Obama craze being an example. He's just another politician who is full of shit also. McCain..etc etc.
End career politicians and I think we'd see a lot of these problems go away.
yeah, I mean come on...this is laughable, especially considering our recent past...as in last decade.
HHKC is right, the system is the problem. All of our politicians are nothing but crooks. Ultimately though, I think we are to blame. We are the ones that fall in love with our BS candidates each election. This Obama craze being an example. He's just another politician who is full of shit also. McCain..etc etc.
End career politicians and I think we'd see a lot of these problems go away.
Completely agree with. I couldn't have said it better myself.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
I saw this on the news last night and I really expected all the networks to bust into this story. Nothing. Nothing happened. CNN and FOX barely touched on it. Zero of the major networks did shit with it. They waited until the normal news broadcast. This is absolutely fucked up.
He has a felony on his record? Who cares???? He was fine 250K. Come on now, thats like us paying a ten dollar parking ticket.
United States of America. Fucking awesome.
John Edwards for President.
I pray.
All that's sacred, comes from youth....dedications, naive and true.
I saw this on the news last night and I really expected all the networks to bust into this story. Nothing. Nothing happened. CNN and FOX barely touched on it. Zero of the major networks did shit with it. They waited until the normal news broadcast. This is absolutely fucked up.
He has a felony on his record? Who cares???? He was fine 250K. Come on now, thats like us paying a ten dollar parking ticket.
United States of America. Fucking awesome.
John Edwards for President.
I pray.
No offense but do you really think Edwards will do any different. OK he might not be as bad as Bush but he will fall in line with the rest of them.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Thank you Mr. President for your unwise decision. You know, if Libby had done a little time, he would have faded into the background, forgotten as a victim of a corrupt Administration and the full pardon everyone expected would have been taken as bitter sweet. As it stands now, in the eyes of many people, you have forever branded Libby as a participating traitor against this country. His family will always suffer that shame and not even a full pardon will now erase that stigma.
As President, as Commander-in-Chief, you don't seem to believe in or respect the man-made laws of this Nation.
So tell us, as a god fearing man, how does God judge
-those, who bear false witness
-those, who covet
-those, who liken themselves as gods
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
yeah, I mean come on...this is laughable, especially considering our recent past...as in last decade.
HHKC is right, the system is the problem. All of our politicians are nothing but crooks. Ultimately though, I think we are to blame. We are the ones that fall in love with our BS candidates each election. This Obama craze being an example. He's just another politician who is full of shit also. McCain..etc etc.
End career politicians and I think we'd see a lot of these problems go away.
How do you reach the level of presidential contender without having a career in politics? Obama is the closest we have right now (if he wins two terms, he'll have been a national politician for grand total of 12 years - 4 Senate, 8 President), and he's still considered a careerist. Perhaps some form of presidential lottery?
Politics is a popularity contest. And, as with any other popularity contest, the most popular isn't necessarily the best at anything.
As for Libby's commuted sentence - well, excuse me while I crank up the dial on my complete lack of surprise.
america has been asleep for some time now - this barely registers on the bush legacy radar ... he's gotten away with waaaaaaaay worse - so, really, if you're suprised or appalled - you've been fooling yourself for far too long ...
this only happens to people who are too ignorant and apathetic to do something about it ...
america has been asleep for some time now - this barely registers on the bush legacy radar ... he's gotten away with waaaaaaaay worse - so, really, if you're suprised or appalled - you've been fooling yourself for far too long ...
this only happens to people who are too ignorant and apathetic to do something about it ...
someone say political suicide? ... not likely ...
You should still be appalled. If not, there is something wrong with you. I'll give you the suprised...
Suicide? The guy is a billionaire who is leaving office anyway. Like he gives a rats ass.
Besides, he might just make himself fucking king in the next couple months anyway...
All that's sacred, comes from youth....dedications, naive and true.
Presidential pardon is not new and is a Constitutional right of the President.
Reagan commuted over 400 folks
Clinton over 500, including his furry of them during his final week.
Not sure about Bush, but given his tendency to take care of his own, I'm sure it's in line with the folks above.
So, complain about this stupid "right," if anything. And it IS ridiculous, it's a priviledge that has ZERO review by any other branch. We can comment on this certainly, but it's hardly going "above the law" as folks are saying. Bush thought the sentence was excessive and did what he did. Hardly surprising.
And Hillary getting on a soapbox over this is so hypocritical that I'm not sure how to comment on it. Her husband aside, I'm sure she'll exercise this too if/when she's president.
Of course Bush commuted Libby's sentance. It was all in the deal when Scooty boy took the fall for Dead Eye Dick. No one in the Bush Administration was going to have Scooter shooting off his mouth in retaliation for going to jail. It was a Fait Accompli.
Happy 4th everyone. Justice is dead in America.
I think you're right on. Everyone knows Libby was just covering Cheney's ass from the start. He followed orders and at least Bush didn't make Libby take the full heat of it. But at the same time, shame on Libby for not being honest. Cheney and Bush are both criminals. They think they're above the law and my fear is they'll end up being right about that because American's are by and large fucking idiots who are more interested in Paris fucking Hilton than anything that really matters. Wow, that definitely turned into a rant.
Presidential pardon is not new and is a Constitutional right of the President.
Reagan commuted over 400 folks
Clinton over 500, including his furry of them during his final week.
Not sure about Bush, but given his tendency to take care of his own, I'm sure it's in line with the folks above.
So, complain about this stupid "right," if anything. And it IS ridiculous, it's a priviledge that has ZERO review by any other branch. We can comment on this certainly, but it's hardly going "above the law" as folks are saying. Bush thought the sentence was excessive and did what he did. Hardly surprising.
And Hillary getting on a soapbox over this is so hypocritical that I'm not sure how to comment on it. Her husband aside, I'm sure she'll exercise this too if/when she's president.
You're exactly right, he's not doing anything that past presidents haven't done. I have a problem with presidential pardons and always have. Sure it's his right but I don't think it should be. Same with executive privilege. Executive privilege is nowhere in the constitution and had no legal relevance until Nixon came along....as far as I understand it. But still, not in the constitution. It completely undermines the checks and balances system that we supposedly have. It's flat out wrong.
yeah, I mean come on...this is laughable, especially considering our recent past...as in last decade.
HHKC is right, the system is the problem. All of our politicians are nothing but crooks. Ultimately though, I think we are to blame. We are the ones that fall in love with our BS candidates each election. This Obama craze being an example. He's just another politician who is full of shit also. McCain..etc etc.
End career politicians and I think we'd see a lot of these problems go away.
Big money gets what it wants. Put in Kucinich, Gravel, or, Paul, and I'd go so far as to say they would get assassinated, or a "terrible accident" would happen.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Big money gets what it wants. Put in Kucinich, Gravel, or, Paul, and I'd go so far as to say they would get assassinated, or a "terrible accident" would happen.
That's interesting. I've often wondered why no one has taken a shot at the worst president in history. But it's because the crazy fucks want him in office. And as criminal as he has been, the people that oppose him are far more sane than those who support him. If it were any of the three you mentioned then the tables would probably be turned.
We have an overwhelming number of US citizens who are opposed to the war in Iraq and are fed up with the way that Bush is handling things.
We have an underwhelming lineup of Republican candidate offerings.
We have two Democratic frontrunners (Gore not included because, let's face it folks, he hasn't announced yet) and they are raking in millions so far this year in contributions to their campaigns.
One is Hillary Rodham Clinton, the other is Barack Hussein Obama.
Hillary is a known enemy...oops, entity. We know her. She was our First Lady for two terms. She was the woman who helped put her husband where they both felt he should be. She was the woman who worked with extreme efficiency in making sure they both STAYED where they both felt they should be, regardless of Whitewater, Travelgate, Vince Foster, Gennifler Flowers or whatever the hell her name was, Monica and the blue "cock tale" dress, et.al.
Hillary is a known entity. Whether she likes it or not.
She can try to run on what she thinks we all remember as the good times, but it ain't gonna work in the long run, because too many Republicans and Independents remember what hell we went through when she and Bill were in power. She can try to say she's the First Black Lady when she's in front of an audience of African Americans, and she can try to say she's the answer to every Latino woman's problems, and she can try to say that she didn't have something to do with NAFTA and all the problems it has brought us since she encouraged Bill to sign it into effect, and she can try to make us forget that she was a board member of Wal*Mart and she can try everything else under the sun....
But she can't equal the energy Barack Obama's campaign has right now. And she can't equal the number of individual donors, like me, who keep giving little donations every now and then because we know that cronyism and poll-studying can only get you so far, and being real is the only way to win over an America so discouraged and disgusted that it's almost willing to wage Congressional war on its own President and Vice President just to get our point across.
What Bush did today is disgusting. What he does every day, in my opinion, is contemptible.
Putting Billary in the White House today will not fix that.
Show me an Independent or Republican who can stand up to Barack or Hillary, and I'll eat all my words next year.
It's coming down to a choice between the two of them, and no one else. Even the Independents are starting to back Obama.
Are you next?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I know, sweetie.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Meantime, what do we do about this whole Libby thing?
*catches kiss, floats one back over to Bu*
I don't know what we can do about the Libby thing.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
you can hope that Bush impeachment's
on the table table table...."
Remember that commercial?
boy do i.....:D......since this whole thing started i hear it ever time i hear his name....;)
Very true. This is not just a Bush administration issue this is an issue with our government in general. Our elected officials truely believe that they are about the law and can act and do as they please because the power given to them and the ignorance of the public allows it.
This truely does sicken me thoughg. Our government is corrupt to it's very core. We, the people, no longer hold the reigns and something must be done about it. I know I sound like a broken record and some may be sick of seeing me type the same shit over and over again but it is the truth. Thomas Jefferson said it himself that when governments, including the one he help found, no longer rule according to the people it is time to replace it. The time is now.
1-20-2009... Cant wait...
and still jonesing for another show....
"the waiting drove me mad..."
You must be young....
True. I wish this was the biggest crock of shit pulled by a president but unfortunetly this is small beans compared to others.
yeah, I mean come on...this is laughable, especially considering our recent past...as in last decade.
HHKC is right, the system is the problem. All of our politicians are nothing but crooks. Ultimately though, I think we are to blame. We are the ones that fall in love with our BS candidates each election. This Obama craze being an example. He's just another politician who is full of shit also. McCain..etc etc.
End career politicians and I think we'd see a lot of these problems go away.
Completely agree with. I couldn't have said it better myself.
He has a felony on his record? Who cares???? He was fine 250K. Come on now, thats like us paying a ten dollar parking ticket.
United States of America. Fucking awesome.
John Edwards for President.
I pray.
No offense but do you really think Edwards will do any different. OK he might not be as bad as Bush but he will fall in line with the rest of them.
Well I give you credit for supporting a candidate you believe in and not just the one who has a D or R after their name.
As President, as Commander-in-Chief, you don't seem to believe in or respect the man-made laws of this Nation.
So tell us, as a god fearing man, how does God judge
-those, who bear false witness
-those, who covet
-those, who liken themselves as gods
Politics is a popularity contest. And, as with any other popularity contest, the most popular isn't necessarily the best at anything.
As for Libby's commuted sentence - well, excuse me while I crank up the dial on my complete lack of surprise.
america has been asleep for some time now - this barely registers on the bush legacy radar ... he's gotten away with waaaaaaaay worse - so, really, if you're suprised or appalled - you've been fooling yourself for far too long ...
this only happens to people who are too ignorant and apathetic to do something about it ...
someone say political suicide? ... not likely ...
Suicide? The guy is a billionaire who is leaving office anyway. Like he gives a rats ass.
Besides, he might just make himself fucking king in the next couple months anyway...
but if one is to be appalled - shouldn't that translate into actually doing something about it? ... not sure - you might have me there ...
either way - he'll get his pardon come 2008 ... that we can bank on ...
Reagan commuted over 400 folks
Clinton over 500, including his furry of them during his final week.
Not sure about Bush, but given his tendency to take care of his own, I'm sure it's in line with the folks above.
So, complain about this stupid "right," if anything. And it IS ridiculous, it's a priviledge that has ZERO review by any other branch. We can comment on this certainly, but it's hardly going "above the law" as folks are saying. Bush thought the sentence was excessive and did what he did. Hardly surprising.
And Hillary getting on a soapbox over this is so hypocritical that I'm not sure how to comment on it. Her husband aside, I'm sure she'll exercise this too if/when she's president.
Big money gets what it wants. Put in Kucinich, Gravel, or, Paul, and I'd go so far as to say they would get assassinated, or a "terrible accident" would happen.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)