Obama's speech tonight 2/19 in Texas

He went off, answered the question about "Hope", and called out McCain, yet another step up the latter! Great speech.
"Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)
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Yeah, it was def. a lot different then his other "victory" speeches, which too have always been impressive. Very good indeed!
The end may be soon for the Clintons...and thank god for that!
it seems like he was beginning to lay out his agenda for the one on one campaign against mccain. he basically said that voting for mccain is a vote for the same policies of the bush administration. people are tired of the same old crap and are not going to have it this time. i am going to call it right here, obama wins the nomination and beats mccain in a landslide. just look at the total votes cast so far, obama had more votes than the two GOP candidates combined.
i liked how msnbc and cnn cut away from clinton's speech at the same time. if i have to hear "ready to lead on day one" one more time i am going to puke...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
And look at how far that platform has gotten her.
Looking forward to Pres. Obama in 2009!
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i have never seen a politician like this in my generation...
dont drop the ball america
Did anyone else though see the Texas State Senator on MSNBC, who is supporting Obama, fall on his face when asked to name an accomplishment in the US Senate? Holy moly! I had to change the station because it was so awful. He deserved to be drilled by Matthews. Stephanie Tubbs Jones was possibly more awful though. I cannot stand that woman.
It will definitely be an interesting race.
Hilary's "solutions business" BS is the exact kind of empty rhetoric she seems to love to accuse Obama of using. Both have the same amount of talk on policy, it's just that he talks infinitely better than she does. So naturally she tries to turn it against him.
But anyway I'm sure you realize that. I'm just sayin'.
i disagree that the general election will be tougher. i think people are so sick and tired of being told to be scared all the time that it will help obama if mccain keeps playing the "they are coming here to kill you" card. after 7 years that is so played out.
another reason i think obama wins the general in a landslide is look how energized the usually predictably apathetic youth are right now. i saw that a large percent of those voting for obama are voting in their first primary election. the youth feel emboldened and empowered right now. they do not feel so disillusioned. i think they feel that they can be a part of changing history and changing the course of this country and they see that their time to do it is now and obama is their man to do it. they are telling the older generation and the "washington insiders" that their time is over. does anyone think that young people are going to vote for mccain and what he stands for? not a chance.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I hope you're right about the fear thing. It might be played out, but it still worries me. You could say I'm afraid of fear itself.
By the way, I'm one of those empowered youth you're talking about.
I completely disagree about people being sick of "being afraid". The fear card has worked amazingly well for Republicans in the past and I have a feeling it will be used again...especially against such an "inexperienced" candidate like Obama.
Look back to 2004...
Look back at the last time the "National Security Level, color indicator was used". When was the last time you saw a Yellow, Orange, or Red...or for that matter even heard about that method still being used. The Bush administration raised that security level like 6 times before the election. After he was in that was it. Remember the commercial with the wolves? You remember his entire campaign being about security in unsecure times and how a "Liberal Democrat from Massachusetts" couldn't possibly protect you...blah blah blah!
That kinda shit stirs the masses of ignorant Americans to making stupid choices.
I like Obama and think he will win, but the Republicans will come out with more fire then they did against Kerry.
i am telling you that mccain is going to lose. he can not even get the conservatives' base to support him, nor the religious right and without that support he is sunk. people like rush and hannity have alot of pull and they are not supporting him, actually they are bashing him. i have some friends that are true conservatives and they are voting for obama over mccain because mccain is not conservative enough and they would rather take their chances with obama than vote for hillary.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Obama's satisfaction within party: 82%
McCain's satisfaction within party: 76%
Not a huge difference. Of course, Obama's will probably go up a few percentage points if he wins the primary and some of the rabid Clinton fans come around.
I also think Obama will win and also have some conservative friends that like Obama over McCain too. I just think McCain and the repubs will get REALLY nasty!
i agree with you. but should obama take the high ground or get nasty as well?? i saw a person high up in the mccain campaign either resigned or will resign if obama gets the nomination because "he does not want to be a part of trashing someone he has alot of respect for." i need to try to find that link. it was on msnbc.com on thursday or friday last week.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
That wonky face of his is scary enough to drive voters away. It's not even a sympathy vote face.
That's what I think too... The Rove machine was so good at getting the religious right out to vote, and I don't see it happening this time around.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I don't understand the Washington primary last night though? Didn't they caucus on Super Tuesday?
hope is a more powerful weapon...
hope will defeat fear every time...
Beauty contest. From what i understand, they've done it this way in Washington for awhile. The delegates always come strictly from the caucus. Weird.
Oh snap! Who needs a Rottweiler when you’ve got surrogates?
Tom Buffenbarger president of the machinists' union (International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers) was the the latest in a string of Clinton junkyard dogs unleashed upon Obama. Prior to Hillary Clinton’s speech last night in Youngstown, Ohio, Buffenbarger delivered nothing short of an Obama diatribe.
While campaign introductions typically sing the praises of the upcoming candidate, Buffenbarger's speech barely mentioned Clinton until the conclusion. It was all about Obama, and it was laced with venom and ad hominems.
Buffenbarger called Obama a “thespian,” and he sarcastically referred to the junior senator from Illinois as a “wunderkind.” He compared Obama to “Janus, the two-faced Roman god of ancient times.” And he pleaded with the crowd to boo Obama’s labor record.
Early in his speech, Buffenbarger asked, “So now we have a decision to make. Will we rely on the Harvard Law Review editor? The silver-tongued orator from Kansas, Hawaii and Illinois? The man in love with the microphone?”
Taking off the gloves, he said, “Barack Obama is no Muhammad Ali. He took a walk every time there was a tough vote in the Illinois State Senate. He took a walk more than a 130 times. That's what a shadow boxer does. All the right moves. All the right combinations. All the right footwork. But he never steps into the ring.”
But it was Obama supporters for whom Buffenbarger saved his most vitriolic contempt, and he proved that the Democratic Party’s coalition is nothing if not fragile. Channeling Howard Beale from the movie "Network," he yelled into the microphone, “Give me a break! I've got news for all the latte-drinking, Prius- driving, Birkenstock-wearing, trust fund babies crowding in to hear him speak! This guy won't last a round against the Republican attack machine. He's a poet, not a fighter.”
With all this trash talk, who needs a Thrilla in Manilla?
The parties here have always traditionally chosen their nominees through the caucus system. The state decided to come in and mandate a primary system. The parties sued, there was a compromise that both would happen and the parties decided how to use both. The republicans use the caucus for 1/2 their delegates and the primary results for the other 1/2. The democrats chose to use their caucus results to select all of their delegates and ignore the results of the primary. The democratic primary results can still create an interesting datapoint, and help or hurt momentum in terms of popular vote, but don't actually matter in terms of delegate count.
Fuck the Clintons... they like the Bushes are bad for our country...
I was born in 1982. I am REALLY hoping that for the first time since I was -2, that either a Clinton or a Bush hasn't been at the top of a Presidential ticket.