Bush calls for a Palestinian state

Excerpt from the State of the Union address, 2007.
...we're pursuing diplomacy to help bring peace to the Holy Land, and pursuing the establishment of a democratic Palestinian state living side-by-side with Israel in peace and security. (Applause.)
...we're pursuing diplomacy to help bring peace to the Holy Land, and pursuing the establishment of a democratic Palestinian state living side-by-side with Israel in peace and security. (Applause.)
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
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Bring it on cause I'm no victim
b nice loves pearl jam like ed vedder loves america
oh he's serious
Yeah that's gonna happen
anyhoo - i apologize if i don't get too excited from any words bush speaks - anything good he's ever talked about (money for hydrogen research) he's always renegged on ... his road map asks palestinians to accept temporary borders ... temporary borders that are not adequate and that will never change ...
in all honesty - i am willing to bet that if moderates (who i believe represent the majority) on both sides of the conflict were to sit down and negotiate ... we can have the two states divided within 30 days ...
So based on that, I think he's getting ready to bomb iran.
my government behaving with unlimited wickedness
in the interest of peace is how a liar wages war
then clamors for more.
I wish we had elections every day
wave the ballot in the air like a sign when I say
that democracy delivered by the bomb and the gun
is terror elsewhere on the world I'm from
do you cheer for the once-and-for-all of an enemy
whose hand our man don was on in '83
but who now exemplifies all evil
that's what you get for shaking hands with people
who represent the vast and sinister interests of industry
we protect the free trade world, so don't dare try to stop us
we deliver them bullets and sell them their coffins
and I wish that I could afford the ear of Bush the second
I'd ask is it your favorite philosopher who recommended
invading and exterminating all who defy us,
crying out justice but seeking out triumphs?
wasn't your christ unbeloved of empires?
one nailed his ass to a post; he expired!
a terrorist, as roman evidence showed
put down like a retard on the death row
in texas, I guess "tough luck," right George?
ain't that how every war gets scored?
big gun wins, winner gets a free turn
enemy after enemy burns
are you listening sir? or did your mind drift
to the next country in your axis
to all the cool bombs drops you get to call
delivery fresh from the 4th reich to y'all
Bring it on cause I'm no victim
b nice loves pearl jam like ed vedder loves america
I'm down with that, as I've said before. They can have Quebec, makes no difference to me. Shit, I'll even let a few sleep on my couch. I'm not a racist pig like you. Palestine did exist prior to the Balfour declaration and after the '48 resolution. It still exists today, if you look at a map, any map, the west bank and gaza strip are marked Palestine.
Racist. That's funny. Im done debating Bozo the Clown. You lose Canuck fuck
This is the level of archane superstition and intellectual failure that affects the lives of every one on this planet by exerting such an influence over the most powerful governent the world has ever known.
It's the same mindet, blunted and eroded by unquestioning religious belief that led Reagan's environmental advisor to dismiss fears over global warming because his child mind believed the apocalyptic scenario as laid down in the Book of Revelations is imminent.
If the Israeli/Palestinian crisis erupted and expanded to an all out Nuclear Armageddon these guys would presumably believe its a great thing because it means Jesus' return will shortly follow.
Mad b*stards.
What was it that Jefferson said about the church and state? It seems to gotten lost over the years.
It not just the christians
schools that teach the destruction of israel are called "sunday schools" here in the u of the s of the a
Bring it on cause I'm no victim
b nice loves pearl jam like ed vedder loves america
ahh i miss this place and comments like this...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The bottom line is, it will be a state acceptable to Israel. Therefore we can expect more of the same.
They'll offer the Palestinians a few scattered, and separated parcels of land. They will have no sovereignty over air or sea space, and all roads connecting these Apartheid style bantustans - or reservations - will be manned by Israeli soldiers.
The Palestinians will also be told to renounce violence, whilst their land continues to be stolen, their homes demolished, and their citizens subjected to intermittent military incursions, and random assassinations and atrocities.
When the Palestinians reject this offer they will be accused of jeopardising the 'road map to peace'.
I don't see the problem, Ahnimus offered them Quebec. Done. Buy them parkas and send them on their way.
Perhaps when they stop sending their children onto civillian busses strapped with explosives to kill and mame innocent civillians the walls and guard posts can come down. But we all know that won't happen so to compare Israel to South Africa is outrageous. I don't recall African children blowing up in Johanesburg on a regular basis.
actually according to amnesty international something like 5 palestinian children are killed for every 1 israeli child killed...and a lot of palestinian children live w/ severe malnutrition according to other human rights groups.
oh, and
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
israel has always had a fondness for south africa
nuclear weapons and diamonds........ please break a stereotype
Bring it on cause I'm no victim
b nice loves pearl jam like ed vedder loves america
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Perhaps when Israel ends the illegal 35 year old military occupation of Palestinian land then the people who are being subjected to terror on a daily basis by a brutal and sophisticated army will stop feeling that their only means of fighting back is to kill themselves and others in the process.
But then, this is obviously just a one-sided, black and white issue for you, courtesy of Fox news, or the daily Telegraph - depending on where you live.
You don't recall African children blowing up Johanesburg on a regular basis? Do you know anything about the ANC's armed uprising against the apartheid regime? Or are you just spouting hot air?
In your opinion was Nelson Mandela a terrorist or a freedom fighter?
i feel what you're saying...
from my window to yours
Yep, infact chenney even called Mandela a terrorist in the 80's.
Even night clubs were blown up during that time.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I personally don't want our soldiers in Iraq, is that going to change anything?
I also went to Egypt and to Jordan, and I can tell you that condition in those countries were just as desparate as the Palestinian. The reality is the average Arab government could give two shits about the Palestinians. They were kicked out Jordan, Lebanon, and Egypt in large numbers. The Palestinians, sadly, are used by virtually every Arab and Muslim despot to serve their own purposes. Once it was Nasser, Qaddafi, Amin, Kohmeini, and now Ahmadnijad. It's all the same. The Saudis alone could provide the dough out of probably 1/4 of year's oil profits to build a Palestinian infratructure. But do they? No. Why not? They don't give a shit. That's the truth. So before you get on the Hamas bandwagon do some reading. Because they crap that gets churned out on this board is just that, crap.
So give me some real educated opinions. Not just bullshit opinions that are being fed to you by the radical left.
If you care so much, why dont you Martyr your children...Sickening? Absolutely.
why don't you want that to happen?
from my window to yours
Visiting somewhere or even living somewhere doesn't necessarily make you educated on what's going on, pal. There are plenty of US citizens who are clueless as all get out about their own country to prove that point.
And what makes an educated opinion to you? One that echos your already 'set in stone' mindset? Because it seems like you react to anything that goes against it as bullshit and do so quite over aggressively, I might add. No room for discussion when you're so closed minded towards any rebuttal. Even if you don't change your mind, which many of us don't often times, there's still a better way to go about getting your point across than your current method.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
The reality is that people on this board who don't go along with the prevailing view here are reported and banned. So what differnce does it make how I make my point? I make it so that someone out there might be spurred to dig a little deeper, because I don't see much more than self serving newspaper clippings to back up people's points rather than actual well thought out individual knowledge. It's easy just to jump on the bandwagon and attack all things Geroge Bush or pro-American whatever that might be. But to actually engage in reasoned debate requires more than cutting and pasting a newspaper article.