Man that was hard to read! Especially when we got to the bit about interfering, there was something in there about the Australian Federal Election of 1972 I think but I've got vertigo now just from trying to work out what it was. :eek:
you're welcome...anytime I can help just let me know.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Reckon Tibet and Burma would qualify for starters.
Don't forget the border tussles over Kashmir too.
"We have to change the concept of patriotism to one of “matriotism” — love of humanity that transcends war. A matriarch would never send her own children off to wars that kill other people’s children." Cindy Sheehan --- London, Brixton, 14 July 1993 London, Wembley, 1996 London, Wembley, 18 June 2007 London, O2, 18 August 2009 London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 31 July 2012 Milton Keynes Bowl, 11 July 2014
London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 06 June 2017
Do you think their rap sheet is as long as the one the US has?
It feels like the US was aiming to do something EACH year, like it was some game. If they missed a year they'll back it up by 2 events the next.
No one says China isn't doing anything wrong but it seems their issues are more localised (doesn't make it right, i know). They also aren't the ones who keep boasting about being the beacon of democracy in the world.
Reckon Tibet and Burma would qualify for starters.
china's little 'forays' into tibet and burma were about disputed territory. tis not like they looked around and said: righto, that country way over there looks a bit too socialist for our liking, let's show them the error of their ways.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
They don't hate the country, and it's people, so much as it's politics and foreign policy. Big difference. Same reason that anti-Zionism is not anti-Semetic. Actually it's the exact opposite, it's really pro-semetic.
Corrupt governments that want to take over and control the world is the problem. It's driven by corporate greed.
I agree with you, it's not about the people but the foreign policy.
"We have to change the concept of patriotism to one of “matriotism” — love of humanity that transcends war. A matriarch would never send her own children off to wars that kill other people’s children." Cindy Sheehan --- London, Brixton, 14 July 1993 London, Wembley, 1996 London, Wembley, 18 June 2007 London, O2, 18 August 2009 London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 31 July 2012 Milton Keynes Bowl, 11 July 2014
London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 06 June 2017
Burma and Tibet were just the first two that popped into my head. I know if I did a bit of research that MUCH more would be apparent. And that's before we even get on to the Human Rights abuses the government perpertrates against their own countrymen. China are a super power, just a quiet one. Their methods might be different to that of the US but they're certainly not likely to be awarded any humanitarian awards anytime soon.
china's little 'forays' into tibet and burma were about disputed territory. tis not like they looked around and said: righto, that country way over there looks a bit too socialist for our liking, let's show them the error of their ways.
You don't think cate? Coz the way I see it what they do is no different to what the US does except for the methods they employ. Well that and it's not like we're getting ANY media reports about what they're up to. Thank you Rupert. :rolleyes:
You don't think cate? Coz the way I see it what they do is no different to what the US does except for the methods they employ. Well that and it's not like we're getting ANY media reports about what they're up to. Thank you Rupert. :rolleyes:
i didnt say what china does in regards to her border disputes is correct. and i dont support their use of force. but i can see it differently than what the US does.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
i didnt say what china does in regards to her border disputes is correct. and i dont support their use of force. but i can see it differently than what the US does.
Oh I know you don't think it's correct. I'm just not sure how it's different you know? I mean even though we're talking border disputes, we're still talking whole other countries and cultures. Be a bit like the Indonesians deciding that Australia was part of Indonesia as far as I can see.
Oh I know you don't think it's correct. I'm just not sure how it's different you know? I mean even though we're talking border disputes, we're still talking whole other countries and cultures. Be a bit like the Indonesians deciding that Australia was part of Indonesia as far as I can see.
but you can see the difference in that example surely. we dont share a land border with indonesia. china does have land borders with several countries. it's a different kettle of fish . land borders are interesting things to deal with i imagine. i mean how are they enforced. by agreement? or show of arms? just look at the bang up job the balfour declaration did. not to mention how the rest of the middle east was carved up based upon imperialist agenda.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
but you can see the difference in that example surely. we dont share a land border with indonesia. china does have land borders with several countries. it's a different kettle of fish . land borders are interesting things to deal with i imagine. i mean how are they enforced. by agreement? or show of arms? just look at the bang up job the balfour declaration did. not to mention how the rest of the middle east was carved up based upon imperialist agenda.
Ok but if that's the case and we say that land borders are different then why even bother having all those different countries in Europe? I mean I can see what you're saying but when Germany invaded we all went to war over it. How come China can invade its neighbours and that's just a border dispute?
Or what about if the US decided to invade Canada? They're different countries. How bout how Northern Ireland and Ireland are different countries? Same land mass but different countries. If all those countries are able to exist separately even though they share a land mass, then why is it different when China's involved? It's still them imposing their ideals on another nation. Just like the Americans are doing with Iraq. My view is probably simplistic I know but it still seems to me that we are talking about a larger country inflicting itself on a smaller one.
Ok but if that's the case and we say that land borders are different then why even bother having all those different countries in Europe? I mean I can see what you're saying but when Germany invaded we all went to war over it. How come China can invade its neighbours and that's just a border dispute?
Or what about if the US decided to invade Canada? They're different countries. How bout how Northern Ireland and Ireland are different countries? Same land mass but different countries. If all those countries are able to exist separately even though they share a land mass, then why is it different when China's involved? It's still them imposing their ideals on another nation. Just like the Americans are doing with Iraq. My view is probably simplistic I know but it still seems to me that we are talking about a larger country inflicting itself on a smaller one.
i agree jeanie and im not getting into the whole ulster thing with you. what i see with china is the threat of a greater potential economic power and the placation that goes along with that. it's all about simple economics as it always is.
and yes... why do we have arbitrary borders?
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
bills get vetoed all the time becasue as someone mentioned earlier they have all this additional shit attached to it. total made up example- Like saying here is a bill that pledges all countries will not dump oil into the ocean, but in section 6 article 5 subsection 3a it states in this pledge we also agree that it is okay to dump sulfur in unlimited quantities
How many times did a Darfur UN sponsored relief plan get vetoed or not pass because China gets so much oil from that country and they didn't want their supply to get intterupted by a peace keeping force or something that could unstabilize the government? How many times did Kofi Annan sit their in disbelief as plea after plea was ignored by the UN members because of special interests? How this world could sit by and watch darfur occur and virtually do NOTHING about it is infuriating (see Germany in the 1920's-40s, Bosnia as well). Because of politics and power plays they(the UN) allowed- rather had no choice but to do nothing because of it- shit to happen for 4 more years after members of their own org wrote plea after plea. It was not the US vetoing all these attempts. So don't just dump on the Red White and Blue.
It is all about greed and self serving agendas, and the powers that be could give a shit about innocnet people if it in some way shape or form puts them in any type of bad position.
If you hate the US because of vetos you may as well add all the members who have veto power as they have all done the same things.
The squeaky wheel gets the oil. Time to change the tire.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
i agree jeanie and im not getting into the whole ulster thing with you. what i see with china is the threat of a greater potential economic power and the placation that goes along with that. it's all about simple economics as it always is.
and yes... why do we have arbitrary borders?
haha! Truly it would be a waste of time for you anyway cate, I'm liable to make your head explode. Poor Mum's been trying to edumecate me about Ireland and Northern Ireland for YEARS but once we start getting into all the bloody acronyms my brain just freezes up and I forget who's who and what's what.
Yeah, economics are never simple! They mess up everything I reckon. As far as I can see it's the big wigs against the little people pretty much everywhere, which is why I have such a problem with globalization. We are different, we do have different cultures and languages and history and there's nothing wrong with that. Trying to take over the world and get us all trading our identity for the greater good of globalization just really isn't doing it for me. The way I see it it's just another opportunity for the rich to lord it all over the poor and the not so rich.
Not sure about the arbitrary border thing. They're good and they're bad.
haha! Truly it would be a waste of time for you anyway cate, I'm liable to make your head explode. Poor Mum's been trying to edumecate me about Ireland and Northern Ireland for YEARS but once we start getting into all the bloody acronyms my brain just freezes up and I forget who's who and what's what.
how about if i speak slowly, use monosyllabic words and no acronyms?
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Why would you change the tire when the wheel is the problem?
You tell me... It's kinda like trying to separate dumb from stupid.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Like a ticking time bomb, the national debt is an explosion waiting to happen. It's expanding by about $1.4 billion a day -- or nearly $1 million a minute.
Even people not caught up in the housing crunch can be affected by the fast-growing U.S. national debt.
What's that mean to you?
It means almost $30,000 in debt for each man, woman, child and infant in the United States.
i think people hate Americans... not America... its hard to hate a land mass.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Who cares if Iraq is complying?... everybody out were bombing it no matter what. We just can't make anymore shit up without it all becoming transparent.
....still working on fabricating the Iran plot.
How's that go?...fool me twice?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
"Back in the late 70's, Jimmy Carter mentioned "˜a general malaise' that was gripping the American psyche (as an aftermath of the Vietnam War debacle). Well, maybe it's time to dust off that little phrase and start attempting to put a face to what is again becoming a feeling that something has gone horribly wrong with our whole national way of life and that our own government has been acting more and more like our enemy rather than like our protector and friend.
Our own U.S. government seems to be in the process of becoming our main oppressor, reversing what should be normal caretaking, in favor of abrogating democratic safeguards. A good example, is its communist-like spying oninnocent civilians here at home.
We see everywhere in our land an arrogant bureaucracy of pseudo-liberal social engineers and neo-con warmongers and corporate sellouts. We see the state-criminalizing us as parents and forbidding us to even discipline our own children, yet then holding us responsible legally when our kids turn into monsters for lack of any controls on them at home.
We see the dumbing down of our national pop culture, the coarsening of our ethics(with the strange bedfellows of left-wing radical lifestyle proponents allied with corporate media): we get out of this witches brew of poison from both left and right wings of our political spectrum the result that our youth has gone out of control, helped by a corrupt music and movie industry whose the bottom line is selling media content, no matter how depraved, solely in furtherance of the profit motive, at the expense of the ethical fabric of our country.
We see many industries that are responsible for safe goods and services being left unregulated and sold to the highest lobbyist-bidders in exchange for campaign contributions of career politicians whose aim is to perpetuate their stay in office, not serve their constituents.
We see the economic busting down of our country's prosperity and security by a government that would appear to have become almost completely unresponsive to its citizens. but very responsive to global capitalist profit takers. We see the stubborn fomenting of high-debt-producing-boondoggle pork-barrel spending and wasteful, destructive engagement in expensive, unending foreign wars; we see tax cuts given to "˜robber-baron' elites who are already receiving windfall profits and government "˜corporate welfare' subsidies. This tiny elite sucks off the gravy while giving nothing back to the country. They would appear to be a tiny, over-privileged percentile of already filthy rich.
Meanwhile, we see gross mismanagement of the government itself (e.g. stealing from the Social Security Trust Fund, then wanting to cut benefits to the poor to pay for their theft). We see lavish waste on corrupt contractors both abroad and at home, unfairly coupled with a miserly government treatment of the common wage earner and retiree (eg. parsing and denying of benefits to average people in need, like our veterans returning from Iraq).
We see the continued obstruction over many years of needed social reforms such as universal health care, a decent living for minimum wage workers,lack of research into alternative energy and an economically two-tiered delivery system in education, medicine and other areas of public benefit. We see the shipping of our country's manufacturing overseas; and we see the massive importation of dumped foreign goods with no protections for our workers' jobs.
We see the steady allowing of a flood of new illegal "immigrant" squatters with a move among both parties to pre-empt the American citizen and legal workers with a "guest worker program' when the remaining jobs that the huge illegal population hasn't taken already at slave labor rates goes overseas. Our country used to be a beacon for manufacture of high quality goods and agricultural products. Now we import poisoned goods and cheaply made foreign goods to stock our mass retailers.
We see our laws unenforced and/or for sale to the highest bidder (lobbyists) which then allows monopolistic corporations to twist the legal processes to hold Americans down.
We see a President who has created a climate of fear as a way to usurp power and keep any political opposition cowed. We see that same "˜president' with the complicity of Congress, stripping away our constitutional rights, selling off our resources, plundering pension and trust funds and wasting our future productivity when our country becomes deeply in debt to overseas powers who then can exercise veto-power over our public policies.
It feels like our whole nation is in the jaw-grip of opportunist vampires, be they politician-scammers, illegal squatters or corporate rich, or social engineering bureaucrats who tell us how to live and what to do. They give themselves Cadillac treatment (lavish pensions to public officials) and give people who have no right to even be in this country access to expensive public services and even translated in their native language,while for American citizens, no help with cost of living, no help with basic rights like health care.
We see the spiralling downard, the busting down, of Americans' living standards, increasing the likelihood of a major recession with its attendant hardship and deprivation, coupled witih high inflation and energy prices and decreasing wages and purchasing power. The old stag-flation of the Carter years is about to come back with an ever weakening dollar and consumers stripped of their ability to even make a living.
The American public has been handed political powerlessness and a cynical disregard for the public good (e.g. lack of investment in a clean environment and rebuilt infrastructure; lack of regulation and oversight of any number of consumer safety standards; lack of spending on physical security (local police, border patrol, inspectors at our airports and shipping terminals).
High-handed officials seem to arrogate to themselves constantly expanding new powers over the average person, while handing down "˜the politically correct' shaft to the common "Joe" in the street.
In summary then, our president and Congress would appear to care nothing about the will of the American people as expressed in the 2006 election and instead are allowing the bleeding off of our national wealth to governments and individuals in our own elite and the elites of global capitalists overseas. We've seen the enemy identified and that enemy is we, the American people. Our leaders are exchanging a traditionally prosperous lifestyle for encroaching, creeping poverty, hopeless indebtedness,joblessness (or at least lack of good jobs)and either outright neglect, or worse, a boot to the ribs of average citizens whose problems are left unresolved and who are left to cope with the galloping cost of living increases of big oil coupled with NO reform.
Also, ZERO help is given during national emergencies, but of course, always lots of help for big business (e.g. usury-bankers get bailout but no help for the sub-prime housing victims);
We see the abandonment of the average citizen to a permanent crisis mentality. Fear of terrorism, fear of joblessness, fear of disease and poisoned food. We are left to endure crisis after crisis while the store is continually being given away to a selfish, unpatriotic group of oligarchs at the top and foreigners inside and outside our own country. Our own people get a step down in living standards and a dictatorial high-handed encroachment on our Constitution, and the list could go on.
I think most people are aware of this in some sense, but don't know how to stop. They sense that our government is in the death-grip of a power-mad elite which holds all the levers of power and economics. This power-elite carefully hide its own identity and we never know who is responsible for our suffering.
I for one would like to issue a list of names of these elitists on both sides of the political aisle who put their own selfish interests ahead of their social responsibility toward their country. I'd like a list of the people in our governing elite who are busting down our country and shipping our future overseas and ruining our reputation and stealing our country out from under us here at home too.
I'd like a list of those individuals who are doing this to us. They need to be publicly identified as traitors to the United States and invited to leave.
Indeed, it seems that our own U.S. government is reversing 'normalcy' and appears to be in the process
of frittering away our common wealth, criminalizing average American citizens and passing fascist laws against our own people; but at the same time then allowing foreign powers like Saudi Arabia and China to determine our national policy, our usurper 'president' is starting foreign 'pre-emptive' wars and engaging in crony wealth giveaways, encouraging illegal squatters to under-cut American jobs and resources here at home and Congress seems to be passing corrupt laws designed by corporate greed-head speculators and allowing international trade agreements to put our country at an unfair advantage
letting foreign powers dump cheap goods here at home and get our jobs taken over there to their countries by a socially treasonous corporate power elite. Dumbed down means of communication and pablum-programming are increasingly holding dominance over us Americans while our rights are stripped from us, our resources are plundered and wasted and more 'rights and privleges' extended to foreign investors with no allegiance to the U.S. American business elites bring in illegal squatters to do domestic jobs at a fraction of the price, while the right-wingers keep roadblocking needed social reforms (living wage, health care, etc) while 'liberal' social engineers in government are allowed to strip us of our parenting rights. It would seem that people who should not even be in this country are awarded Cadillac treatment and criminals given help to break the law and illegals are given gravy train assistance in their own language, but our own children can't be given assistance for their health care. In the meantime, we see the continued busting down of our living standards, increasing income decline, political powerlessness among rank and file public coupled with cynical disregard for our environment and our public infrastructure handed down on the part of the great 'decision-msker' from "˜on high'giving the jackboot to the common "Joe" in the street.
Our president and Congress seem to care nothing about the will of the American people as expressed in the 2006 elections, and are disregarding the popular will about the War in Iraq, while sending our national wealth overseas to countries that are our enemies, and at home exchanging allowing 'laissez-faire' for the rich, but cuts for the poor to erode our prosperous lifestyle, exchanging the American dream, so-called, for a new poverty and jobless-indebtedness, outsourcing of manufacturing overseas; indeed, a boot to the ribs for the average consumer allowing a flood of illegals to work for slave wages, bring in drugs and gangs; ship us poisoned goods from China and handing out galloping price increases in staples needed for daily living. The American citizen gets ZERO help during crises such as the sub-prime housing crisis or hurricane Katrina...In short, the store is being given away to foreigners while our own people get the shaft, suffer abuse, benefit cuts, economic hardship, dictatorial encroachment on our Constitution, and the list could go on.
I think most people are aware of this in some sense, but don't know how to stop it since our government has a strangle-hold in the levers of power and the economy. They carefully hide the identities and names of the people in our governing elite who are busting down our country and shipping our future wellbeing overseas and letting it be taken away from us here at home too. I don't know what the exact answer is, but when we have a president bent on destroying us with the Iraq war, a Congress bent on doing NOTHING to help the average American, playing grandstanding games, and when we have a corrupt, powerful, lobbyist driven government run by a crony-corporate-globalizing elite that hides behind its wealth and anonymity to hand us commoners the shaft on a daily basis.....Something needs to give, but it looks like the power-mongers are going to up the same ol, same ol corrupt puppets for president, like either Hillary Clinton or Rudi Giuliani or Mitt Romney or someone they can control. They will do whatever it takes to maintain their anti-American status quo.
I just want to know who "˜they' are: The power-elite needs to be identified and exposed for its treason.
Authors Bio:
I am a disabled man living in northern California who cares about the future of our country and I am distressed over the downward spiral in our social and political culture. "
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
I really don't find anything interesting about the above rant except that if everyone actually gave a shit and took the time to get to know some people in America, I am sure as shit you will find lots of us that bring up half of the author's points in our daily conversations.
And dunk, yes, I suppose it is easier to hate people you(not you; a collective you) have never met then to hate a mass of land.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
I really don't find anything interesting about the above rant except that if everyone actually gave a shit and took the time to get to know some people in America, I am sure as shit you will find lots of us that bring up half of the author's points in our daily conversations.
And dunk, yes, I suppose it is easier to hate people you(not you; a collective you) have never met then to hate a mass of land.
Confused. If there's nothing interesting then why are so many talking about it daily?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Confused. If there's nothing interesting then why are so many talking about it daily?
It is nothing new is what I meant.
You made it sound as if it were some groundbreaking opinion.
This is common discussion for us.
That is all I meant by it.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
I think he was referring to my comment about not giving a flying hoot about what Canadian teenagers think. I think.
You know, I can hate China because they have repeatedly gone against world bans on poaching the african elephant, but I don't.
Or the fact that they have one of the top 4 most polluted cities in the world. And they are destroying the environment at an alarming rate .And poaching turtles which are so important in maintaining an environmental balance.
i would put china right behind the US in countries that most negatively affect the world ... i actually try and buy stuff that isn't made in china but it's become increasingly difficult ...
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
thank you, jim thope
you're welcome...anytime I can help just let me know.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Don't forget the border tussles over Kashmir too.
London, Brixton, 14 July 1993
London, Wembley, 1996
London, Wembley, 18 June 2007
London, O2, 18 August 2009
London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 31 July 2012
Milton Keynes Bowl, 11 July 2014
Do you think their rap sheet is as long as the one the US has?
It feels like the US was aiming to do something EACH year, like it was some game. If they missed a year they'll back it up by 2 events the next.
No one says China isn't doing anything wrong but it seems their issues are more localised (doesn't make it right, i know). They also aren't the ones who keep boasting about being the beacon of democracy in the world.
china's little 'forays' into tibet and burma were about disputed territory. tis not like they looked around and said: righto, that country way over there looks a bit too socialist for our liking, let's show them the error of their ways.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I agree with you, it's not about the people but the foreign policy.
London, Brixton, 14 July 1993
London, Wembley, 1996
London, Wembley, 18 June 2007
London, O2, 18 August 2009
London, Hammersmith Apollo (Ed solo), 31 July 2012
Milton Keynes Bowl, 11 July 2014
Burma and Tibet were just the first two that popped into my head.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
You don't think cate? Coz the way I see it what they do is no different to what the US does except for the methods they employ. Well that and it's not like we're getting ANY media reports about what they're up to. Thank you Rupert. :rolleyes:
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
i didnt say what china does in regards to her border disputes is correct. and i dont support their use of force. but i can see it differently than what the US does.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Oh I know you don't think it's correct.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
but you can see the difference in that example surely. we dont share a land border with indonesia. china does have land borders with several countries. it's a different kettle of fish . land borders are interesting things to deal with i imagine. i mean how are they enforced. by agreement? or show of arms? just look at the bang up job the balfour declaration did. not to mention how the rest of the middle east was carved up based upon imperialist agenda.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Ok but if that's the case and we say that land borders are different then why even bother having all those different countries in Europe? I mean I can see what you're saying but when Germany invaded we all went to war over it. How come China can invade its neighbours and that's just a border dispute?
Or what about if the US decided to invade Canada? They're different countries. How bout how Northern Ireland and Ireland are different countries? Same land mass but different countries. If all those countries are able to exist separately even though they share a land mass, then why is it different when China's involved? It's still them imposing their ideals on another nation. Just like the Americans are doing with Iraq. My view is probably simplistic I know but it still seems to me that we are talking about a larger country inflicting itself on a smaller one.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
and yes... why do we have arbitrary borders?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
bills get vetoed all the time becasue as someone mentioned earlier they have all this additional shit attached to it. total made up example- Like saying here is a bill that pledges all countries will not dump oil into the ocean, but in section 6 article 5 subsection 3a it states in this pledge we also agree that it is okay to dump sulfur in unlimited quantities
How many times did a Darfur UN sponsored relief plan get vetoed or not pass because China gets so much oil from that country and they didn't want their supply to get intterupted by a peace keeping force or something that could unstabilize the government? How many times did Kofi Annan sit their in disbelief as plea after plea was ignored by the UN members because of special interests? How this world could sit by and watch darfur occur and virtually do NOTHING about it is infuriating (see Germany in the 1920's-40s, Bosnia as well). Because of politics and power plays they(the UN) allowed- rather had no choice but to do nothing because of it- shit to happen for 4 more years after members of their own org wrote plea after plea. It was not the US vetoing all these attempts. So don't just dump on the Red White and Blue.
It is all about greed and self serving agendas, and the powers that be could give a shit about innocnet people if it in some way shape or form puts them in any type of bad position.
If you hate the US because of vetos you may as well add all the members who have veto power as they have all done the same things.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Yeah, economics are never simple!
Not sure about the arbitrary border thing.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Why would you change the tire when the wheel is the problem?
how about if i speak slowly, use monosyllabic words and no acronyms?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
You tell me... It's kinda like trying to separate dumb from stupid.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Like a ticking time bomb, the national debt is an explosion waiting to happen. It's expanding by about $1.4 billion a day -- or nearly $1 million a minute.
Even people not caught up in the housing crunch can be affected by the fast-growing U.S. national debt.
What's that mean to you?
It means almost $30,000 in debt for each man, woman, child and infant in the United States.
Who cares if Iraq is complying?... everybody out were bombing it no matter what. We just can't make anymore shit up without it all becoming transparent.
....still working on fabricating the Iran plot.
How's that go?...fool me twice?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
"Back in the late 70's, Jimmy Carter mentioned "˜a general malaise' that was gripping the American psyche (as an aftermath of the Vietnam War debacle). Well, maybe it's time to dust off that little phrase and start attempting to put a face to what is again becoming a feeling that something has gone horribly wrong with our whole national way of life and that our own government has been acting more and more like our enemy rather than like our protector and friend.
Our own U.S. government seems to be in the process of becoming our main oppressor, reversing what should be normal caretaking, in favor of abrogating democratic safeguards. A good example, is its communist-like spying oninnocent civilians here at home.
We see everywhere in our land an arrogant bureaucracy of pseudo-liberal social engineers and neo-con warmongers and corporate sellouts. We see the state-criminalizing us as parents and forbidding us to even discipline our own children, yet then holding us responsible legally when our kids turn into monsters for lack of any controls on them at home.
We see the dumbing down of our national pop culture, the coarsening of our ethics(with the strange bedfellows of left-wing radical lifestyle proponents allied with corporate media): we get out of this witches brew of poison from both left and right wings of our political spectrum the result that our youth has gone out of control, helped by a corrupt music and movie industry whose the bottom line is selling media content, no matter how depraved, solely in furtherance of the profit motive, at the expense of the ethical fabric of our country.
We see many industries that are responsible for safe goods and services being left unregulated and sold to the highest lobbyist-bidders in exchange for campaign contributions of career politicians whose aim is to perpetuate their stay in office, not serve their constituents.
We see the economic busting down of our country's prosperity and security by a government that would appear to have become almost completely unresponsive to its citizens. but very responsive to global capitalist profit takers. We see the stubborn fomenting of high-debt-producing-boondoggle pork-barrel spending and wasteful, destructive engagement in expensive, unending foreign wars; we see tax cuts given to "˜robber-baron' elites who are already receiving windfall profits and government "˜corporate welfare' subsidies. This tiny elite sucks off the gravy while giving nothing back to the country. They would appear to be a tiny, over-privileged percentile of already filthy rich.
Meanwhile, we see gross mismanagement of the government itself (e.g. stealing from the Social Security Trust Fund, then wanting to cut benefits to the poor to pay for their theft). We see lavish waste on corrupt contractors both abroad and at home, unfairly coupled with a miserly government treatment of the common wage earner and retiree (eg. parsing and denying of benefits to average people in need, like our veterans returning from Iraq).
We see the continued obstruction over many years of needed social reforms such as universal health care, a decent living for minimum wage workers,lack of research into alternative energy and an economically two-tiered delivery system in education, medicine and other areas of public benefit. We see the shipping of our country's manufacturing overseas; and we see the massive importation of dumped foreign goods with no protections for our workers' jobs.
We see the steady allowing of a flood of new illegal "immigrant" squatters with a move among both parties to pre-empt the American citizen and legal workers with a "guest worker program' when the remaining jobs that the huge illegal population hasn't taken already at slave labor rates goes overseas. Our country used to be a beacon for manufacture of high quality goods and agricultural products. Now we import poisoned goods and cheaply made foreign goods to stock our mass retailers.
We see our laws unenforced and/or for sale to the highest bidder (lobbyists) which then allows monopolistic corporations to twist the legal processes to hold Americans down.
We see a President who has created a climate of fear as a way to usurp power and keep any political opposition cowed. We see that same "˜president' with the complicity of Congress, stripping away our constitutional rights, selling off our resources, plundering pension and trust funds and wasting our future productivity when our country becomes deeply in debt to overseas powers who then can exercise veto-power over our public policies.
It feels like our whole nation is in the jaw-grip of opportunist vampires, be they politician-scammers, illegal squatters or corporate rich, or social engineering bureaucrats who tell us how to live and what to do. They give themselves Cadillac treatment (lavish pensions to public officials) and give people who have no right to even be in this country access to expensive public services and even translated in their native language,while for American citizens, no help with cost of living, no help with basic rights like health care.
We see the spiralling downard, the busting down, of Americans' living standards, increasing the likelihood of a major recession with its attendant hardship and deprivation, coupled witih high inflation and energy prices and decreasing wages and purchasing power. The old stag-flation of the Carter years is about to come back with an ever weakening dollar and consumers stripped of their ability to even make a living.
The American public has been handed political powerlessness and a cynical disregard for the public good (e.g. lack of investment in a clean environment and rebuilt infrastructure; lack of regulation and oversight of any number of consumer safety standards; lack of spending on physical security (local police, border patrol, inspectors at our airports and shipping terminals).
High-handed officials seem to arrogate to themselves constantly expanding new powers over the average person, while handing down "˜the politically correct' shaft to the common "Joe" in the street.
In summary then, our president and Congress would appear to care nothing about the will of the American people as expressed in the 2006 election and instead are allowing the bleeding off of our national wealth to governments and individuals in our own elite and the elites of global capitalists overseas. We've seen the enemy identified and that enemy is we, the American people. Our leaders are exchanging a traditionally prosperous lifestyle for encroaching, creeping poverty, hopeless indebtedness,joblessness (or at least lack of good jobs)and either outright neglect, or worse, a boot to the ribs of average citizens whose problems are left unresolved and who are left to cope with the galloping cost of living increases of big oil coupled with NO reform.
Also, ZERO help is given during national emergencies, but of course, always lots of help for big business (e.g. usury-bankers get bailout but no help for the sub-prime housing victims);
We see the abandonment of the average citizen to a permanent crisis mentality. Fear of terrorism, fear of joblessness, fear of disease and poisoned food. We are left to endure crisis after crisis while the store is continually being given away to a selfish, unpatriotic group of oligarchs at the top and foreigners inside and outside our own country. Our own people get a step down in living standards and a dictatorial high-handed encroachment on our Constitution, and the list could go on.
I think most people are aware of this in some sense, but don't know how to stop. They sense that our government is in the death-grip of a power-mad elite which holds all the levers of power and economics. This power-elite carefully hide its own identity and we never know who is responsible for our suffering.
I for one would like to issue a list of names of these elitists on both sides of the political aisle who put their own selfish interests ahead of their social responsibility toward their country. I'd like a list of the people in our governing elite who are busting down our country and shipping our future overseas and ruining our reputation and stealing our country out from under us here at home too.
I'd like a list of those individuals who are doing this to us. They need to be publicly identified as traitors to the United States and invited to leave.
Indeed, it seems that our own U.S. government is reversing 'normalcy' and appears to be in the process
of frittering away our common wealth, criminalizing average American citizens and passing fascist laws against our own people; but at the same time then allowing foreign powers like Saudi Arabia and China to determine our national policy, our usurper 'president' is starting foreign 'pre-emptive' wars and engaging in crony wealth giveaways, encouraging illegal squatters to under-cut American jobs and resources here at home and Congress seems to be passing corrupt laws designed by corporate greed-head speculators and allowing international trade agreements to put our country at an unfair advantage
letting foreign powers dump cheap goods here at home and get our jobs taken over there to their countries by a socially treasonous corporate power elite. Dumbed down means of communication and pablum-programming are increasingly holding dominance over us Americans while our rights are stripped from us, our resources are plundered and wasted and more 'rights and privleges' extended to foreign investors with no allegiance to the U.S. American business elites bring in illegal squatters to do domestic jobs at a fraction of the price, while the right-wingers keep roadblocking needed social reforms (living wage, health care, etc) while 'liberal' social engineers in government are allowed to strip us of our parenting rights. It would seem that people who should not even be in this country are awarded Cadillac treatment and criminals given help to break the law and illegals are given gravy train assistance in their own language, but our own children can't be given assistance for their health care. In the meantime, we see the continued busting down of our living standards, increasing income decline, political powerlessness among rank and file public coupled with cynical disregard for our environment and our public infrastructure handed down on the part of the great 'decision-msker' from "˜on high'giving the jackboot to the common "Joe" in the street.
Our president and Congress seem to care nothing about the will of the American people as expressed in the 2006 elections, and are disregarding the popular will about the War in Iraq, while sending our national wealth overseas to countries that are our enemies, and at home exchanging allowing 'laissez-faire' for the rich, but cuts for the poor to erode our prosperous lifestyle, exchanging the American dream, so-called, for a new poverty and jobless-indebtedness, outsourcing of manufacturing overseas; indeed, a boot to the ribs for the average consumer allowing a flood of illegals to work for slave wages, bring in drugs and gangs; ship us poisoned goods from China and handing out galloping price increases in staples needed for daily living. The American citizen gets ZERO help during crises such as the sub-prime housing crisis or hurricane Katrina...In short, the store is being given away to foreigners while our own people get the shaft, suffer abuse, benefit cuts, economic hardship, dictatorial encroachment on our Constitution, and the list could go on.
I think most people are aware of this in some sense, but don't know how to stop it since our government has a strangle-hold in the levers of power and the economy. They carefully hide the identities and names of the people in our governing elite who are busting down our country and shipping our future wellbeing overseas and letting it be taken away from us here at home too. I don't know what the exact answer is, but when we have a president bent on destroying us with the Iraq war, a Congress bent on doing NOTHING to help the average American, playing grandstanding games, and when we have a corrupt, powerful, lobbyist driven government run by a crony-corporate-globalizing elite that hides behind its wealth and anonymity to hand us commoners the shaft on a daily basis.....Something needs to give, but it looks like the power-mongers are going to up the same ol, same ol corrupt puppets for president, like either Hillary Clinton or Rudi Giuliani or Mitt Romney or someone they can control. They will do whatever it takes to maintain their anti-American status quo.
I just want to know who "˜they' are: The power-elite needs to be identified and exposed for its treason.
Authors Bio:
I am a disabled man living in northern California who cares about the future of our country and I am distressed over the downward spiral in our social and political culture. "
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
And dunk, yes, I suppose it is easier to hate people you(not you; a collective you) have never met then to hate a mass of land.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Confused. If there's nothing interesting then why are so many talking about it daily?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
You made it sound as if it were some groundbreaking opinion.
This is common discussion for us.
That is all I meant by it.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
i would put china right behind the US in countries that most negatively affect the world ... i actually try and buy stuff that isn't made in china but it's become increasingly difficult ...