Obama's speech in Berlin



  • LONGRDLONGRD Posts: 6,036
    A 50-state sweep? I think this Mike Whitney has been hanging out on Willie Nelson's tour bus a bit too long ...
    it'll be a miracle for him to win Texas...that's a huge chunk of electoral, I hope you'd vote for him, he'll need it.
    PJ- 04/29/2003.06/24,25,27,28,30/2008.10/27,28,30,31/2009
    EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,308
    LongRd. wrote:
    it'll be a miracle for him to win Texas...that's a huge chunk of electoral, I hope you'd vote for him, he'll need it.

    Jesus Christ himself (without the name) couldn't win Texas.
    Everyone knows that guy is WAY to liberal.
    Could you imagine, Jesus Christ himself coming back and running for office in Texas?!?!?! He comes back as Abdul Gonzalez...preaches the bible and still loses by 35 points!
    Sorry guys, but Jesus was a liberal! In modern terms, he'd be even more of a freak than Nader!

    Jesus '08!
  • LONGRDLONGRD Posts: 6,036
    mca47 wrote:
    Jesus Christ himself (without the name) couldn't win Texas.
    Everyone knows that guy is WAY to liberal.
    Could you imagine, Jesus Christ himself coming back and running for office in Texas?!?!?! He comes back as Abdul Gonzalez...preaches the bible and still loses by 35 points!
    Sorry guys, but Jesus was a liberal! In modern terms, he'd be even more of a freak than Nader!

    Jesus '08!
    wouldn't he be independent?
    PJ- 04/29/2003.06/24,25,27,28,30/2008.10/27,28,30,31/2009
    EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
  • einatshauleinatshaul Posts: 2,219
    LongRd. wrote:
    The McCain has been attacking his international credentials for months now. Plus, it's part of Obama's campaign, he's been advocating for better relationship between the U.S. and Europe, and the rest of the world for that matter since the Bush camp fucked everything up.

    No leadership skills you say?....People still voted for Bush and has he ever demonstrate any leadership skills? Not really, other than telling us more lies and lies.

    Maybe if McCain showed some personality instead of just attacking and attacking his opposition maybe I'll listen to him but he doesn't, all he does attack Obama. Obama has demonstrated his "presidential" quality by being a great speaker- isn't that what most presidents do best anyway? ;)

    Seriously, they have a shitload of staff team that does most of the "real" work anyhow.

    Unless your leaders are vain and stupid enough not to consult their staff and come up with idiotic policeis of their own ingenious mind!
  • Smellyman2Smellyman2 Posts: 689
    This thread confirms my suspicions that conservatives are retarded.
  • angelm20angelm20 Posts: 142
    Thecure wrote:
    i just love when people say something but don't give examples. i also think it is sad when we believe that one person is the only hope. is Obama luke skywaker or something? what makes you think that other countries won't work with McCain? and also what is Obama showing that he is able to do anthing? is it becuase he gets a lot of people to come out for a event?

    OK EXAMPLES: McCain insisted that the Anbar Awakening was caused by the "surge" and even dismissively said " thats just a matter of history"
    Heres the thing~ the Anbar Awakening happened in 2006, months before the troop escalation was ever announced.

    McCain recently called Social Security a "disgrace" and lied about his past support for privatizing it.
    6 times he mentioned his policy on Czechoslovakia~the country hasn't existed for over 5 years

    McCain consisitently makes foreign policy mistakes~he talks about the "Iraq-Palistan border" when they do not share a border! He as well has confused "Somalia with Sudan"

    Then at least 4 times, McCain said "Iran is helping Al Qaeda in Iraq"~BUT Iran is Shitte and Al Qaeda is Sunni. They are fighting each other!

    He doesn't even know what/where hes talking about~ so yes thats a concern and a bit scary if you ask me.
  • patrickredeyespatrickredeyes Posts: 8,834
    g under p wrote:
    Obama Dazzles Old Europe while McCain cries "No Mas"!

    By Mike Whitney

    Barak Obama proved yesterday why November's presidential election will end in a 50-state sweep. John McCain has no chance. It's like George Bush climbing into the ring with Mike Tyson; one thundering left hook and the Crawford Caligula would be sprawled across the canvas in a pool of his own blood. "No mas"! The same fate awaits the crabby senator from Arizona.



    What the heck drugs are you on? ;)
  • nobodynobody Posts: 353
    angelm19 wrote:
    6 times he mentioned his policy on Czechoslovakia~the country hasn't existed for over 5 years

    just a minor point, but I'm curious...
    do you by any chance mean Yugoslavia??...cause czechoslovakia has split into the czech republic and Slovakia in 1993, and I couldn't imagine any policy McCain would mention in this regard;)

    Godwin's Law:
    "As an internet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    Yeah, he can. But sometimes I think he forgets he's not president yet. And I'm half surprised he didn't say, "I am a donut," since he loves to evoke JFK so much.

    At any rate, I don't have a huge problem with this trip. It just seems kind of strange to me.

    "Hey Germany, here's all the stuff I'm gonna do when I'm elected. Of course, if I lose the election, I'm basically just wasting your time! Yay!"
    President or not, he's building a personal relationship with people around the world. Any smart business man who plans on starting a business, success or failure, starts off by creating a base.

    Even if he loses the election, he still is an American communicating with the people of the world.. And he'll still be in politics..
  • meisteredermeistereder Posts: 1,577
    nobody wrote:
    just a minor point, but I'm curious...
    do you by any chance mean Yugoslavia??...cause czechoslovakia has split into the czech republic and Slovakia in 1993, and I couldn't imagine any policy McCain would mention in this regard;)


    No, the poster was correct. That was the point. McCain has said
    "Czechoslovakia" a few times in the past weeks. I guess in his mind, it's the same as the Czech Republic. Just like he referred to the German chancellor as from Russia. Same difference to him, I guess.

    Anyway, to make a broad point here to those who don't think the US should seek approval of the Europeans, it's time to join the 21st Century. We can't and SHOULDN'T do these things alone. Like it or not, there is a global economy, and a global security threat. If you want to continue to isolate America from the rest of the world, vote for McCain, but expect the consequences.
    San Diego 10/25/00, Mountain View 6/1/03, Santa Barbara 10/28/03, Northwest School 3/18/05, San Diego 7/7/06, Los Angeles 7/9/06, 7/10/06, Honolulu (U2) 12/9/06, Santa Barbara (EV) 4/10/08, Los Angeles (EV) 4/12/08, Hartford 6/27/08, Mansfield 6/28/08, VH1 Rock Honors The Who 7/12/08, Seattle 9/21/09, Universal City 9/30/09, 10/1/09, 10/6/09, 10/7/09, San Diego 10/9/09, Los Angeles (EV) 7/8/11, Santa Barbara (EV) 7/9/11, Chicago 7/19/13, San Diego 11/21/13, Los Angeles 11/23/13, 11/24/13, Oakland 11/26/13, Chicago 8/22/16, Missoula 8/13/18, Boston 9/2/18, Los Angeles 2/25/22 (EV), San Diego 5/3/22, Los Angeles 5/6/22, 5/7/22, Imola 6/25/22, Los Angeles 5/21/24, [London 6/29/24], [Boston 9/15/24]
  • nobodynobody Posts: 353
    No, the poster was correct. That was the point. McCain has said
    "Czechoslovakia" a few times in the past weeks. I guess in his mind, it's the same as the Czech Republic. Just like he referred to the German chancellor as from Russia. Same difference to him, I guess.

    Anyway, to make a broad point here to those who don't think the US should seek approval of the Europeans, it's time to join the 21st Century. We can't and SHOULDN'T do these things alone. Like it or not, there is a global economy, and a global security threat. If you want to continue to isolate America from the rest of the world, vote for McCain, but expect the consequences.

    oh, I see...it must be about the missile station then, right?
    I was just puzzled cause the poster wrote "over 5 years", while it's gone for 15 years;)

    I agree...and I don't see the threat of a one world government in a concerted action of the us and the rest of the world against common problems...

    Godwin's Law:
    "As an internet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
  • meisteredermeistereder Posts: 1,577
    nobody wrote:
    oh, I see...it must be about the missile station then, right?
    I was just puzzled cause the poster wrote "over 5 years", while it's gone for 15 years;)

    I agree...and I don't see the threat of a one world government in a concerted action of the us and the rest of the world against common problems...


    It's the only way, in my opinion. The days of trying to run several continents on our own are long gone. Sure, it means we have to give up some arrogance and cooperate. It means we have to accept the fact, finally, that we need cooperation from others as well. We helped create this global economy and now we have to play in it.
    San Diego 10/25/00, Mountain View 6/1/03, Santa Barbara 10/28/03, Northwest School 3/18/05, San Diego 7/7/06, Los Angeles 7/9/06, 7/10/06, Honolulu (U2) 12/9/06, Santa Barbara (EV) 4/10/08, Los Angeles (EV) 4/12/08, Hartford 6/27/08, Mansfield 6/28/08, VH1 Rock Honors The Who 7/12/08, Seattle 9/21/09, Universal City 9/30/09, 10/1/09, 10/6/09, 10/7/09, San Diego 10/9/09, Los Angeles (EV) 7/8/11, Santa Barbara (EV) 7/9/11, Chicago 7/19/13, San Diego 11/21/13, Los Angeles 11/23/13, 11/24/13, Oakland 11/26/13, Chicago 8/22/16, Missoula 8/13/18, Boston 9/2/18, Los Angeles 2/25/22 (EV), San Diego 5/3/22, Los Angeles 5/6/22, 5/7/22, Imola 6/25/22, Los Angeles 5/21/24, [London 6/29/24], [Boston 9/15/24]
  • fuckfuck Posts: 4,069
    angelm19 wrote:
    OK EXAMPLES: McCain insisted that the Anbar Awakening was caused by the "surge" and even dismissively said " thats just a matter of history"
    Heres the thing~ the Anbar Awakening happened in 2006, months before the troop escalation was ever announced.

    McCain recently called Social Security a "disgrace" and lied about his past support for privatizing it.
    6 times he mentioned his policy on Czechoslovakia~the country hasn't existed for over 5 years

    McCain consisitently makes foreign policy mistakes~he talks about the "Iraq-Palistan border" when they do not share a border! He as well has confused "Somalia with Sudan"

    Then at least 4 times, McCain said "Iran is helping Al Qaeda in Iraq"~BUT Iran is Shitte and Al Qaeda is Sunni. They are fighting each other!

    He doesn't even know what/where hes talking about~ so yes thats a concern and a bit scary if you ask me.
    ok, McCain is bad. We all know that. why is Obama GOOD though? Does McCain being terrible make Obama seem good?

    It's like when ugly girls walk next to even uglier girls to make themselves look prettier.
  • angelm20angelm20 Posts: 142
    _outlaw wrote:
    ok, McCain is bad. We all know that. why is Obama GOOD though? Does McCain being terrible make Obama seem good?

    It's like when ugly girls walk next to even uglier girls to make themselves look prettier.

    Your funny~though I thought it was just that birds of feather flock together or something like that? I did not realize that its being done on purpose...dang you're teachin me so much in here~thanks

    But ~ why I think Obama is GOOD ~ Have you read his blueprint for change? It's exactly what I believe we need. I have faith that he is just the one who can make it happen with his cool calm bipartisan, biracial, global community attitude. I beleive he really cares about our world and our country. I have hope. I trust no one really, but I feel he will represent we the people better then McCain. His past history as well supports that.

    I just honestly feel that I have 2 chioces. McCain reminds me too much of Bush. You can read into his eyes that he is lieing and has alternative motives. He is a puppet.

    How do you like how the Republicans threw us a little bone by lowering the gas prices a wee bit and stepping in to assist the banks loans....they are feeling the heat and thinking we won't realize what they are really up to. But hey as long as it helps a few out thats great. It just shows ya how much control they have on the prices. It sickens me.
  • BamaPJFanBamaPJFan Posts: 410
    A 50-state sweep? I think this Mike Whitney has been hanging out on Willie Nelson's tour bus a bit too long ...

    That's a foolish statement/prediction. This Whitney fella has apparently lost his mind. My two home states of Alabama and Mississippi will not vote for Obama (the black vote will go to Obama, but AL and MS are still republican states). Heck, the entire South (with the possible exception of Florida) will vote for McCain. These Kool Aid drinkers who think that Obama will blow McCain away are very misguided.
    United Center (Chicago): 8/24/09
    Gibson Amphitheatre (Los Angeles): 10/7/09

  • fuckfuck Posts: 4,069
    angelm19 wrote:
    But ~ why I think Obama is GOOD ~ Have you read his blueprint for change? It's exactly what I believe we need. I have faith that he is just the one who can make it happen with his cool calm bipartisan, biracial, global community attitude. I beleive he really cares about our world and our country. I have hope. I trust no one really, but I feel he will represent we the people better then McCain. His past history as well supports that.
    Do you know what his past history is? on the contrary, his past history contradicts everything he's saying.

    the PATRIOT ACT, the one we've come to all know and hate, was voted for by Obama... TWICE.

    FISA was voted for by Obama...

    Condolezza Rice was approved by Obama...

    Obama also continuously votes to give Bush more money for Iraq...

    Obama is willing to go even a step further on Israel/Palestine than ANY OTHER PRESIDENT BEFORE, including BUSH. He's willing to give all of Jerusalem to Israel, and has not talked about the occupation at all.

    Obama is NOT AGAINST military action on the "threat" he calls, Iran.

    Obama's plan for Iraq so far is also completely vague and utter garbage.

    Obama is FOR the death penalty.

    I also read somewhere recently that he's against gay marriage.
    I just honestly feel that I have 2 chioces. McCain reminds me too much of Bush. You can read into his eyes that he is lieing and has alternative motives. He is a puppet.
    don't worry, we all know how bad McCain is. what I'm trying to say is don't feel like you have 2 choices. the point of a democracy is not choose the lesser evil, but to choose who you feel accurately represents your views and would make a good president. If you think Obama actually represents your views, and you're not voting for him just because you're afraid of McCain, that is one thing. but to vote for someone who doesn't represent you as well as others is not something we want to keep doing in this country. If you want real CHANGE, vote for who you really want.

    And if you really want Obama, well, like I stated above, he's not so different after all.
  • angelm20angelm20 Posts: 142
    _outlaw wrote:
    don't worry, we all know how bad McCain is. what I'm trying to say is don't feel like you have 2 choices. the point of a democracy is not choose the lesser evil, but to choose who you feel accurately represents your views and would make a good president. If you think Obama actually represents your views, and you're not voting for him just because you're afraid of McCain, that is one thing. but to vote for someone who doesn't represent you as well as others is not something we want to keep doing in this country. If you want real CHANGE, vote for who you really want.

    And if you really want Obama, well, like I stated above, he's not so different after all.
    :confused: Dude~ help~ this sucks so much! I don't like either though to vote for anyone other then one of these 2 will just waste my vote~
    I have done that too many times before and regreted it very much.
    I can NOT stand McCain. You brought up some points I really was not aware of. I guess I need to research a little more to get back with you.Thanks~ take care~peace
  • RainDogRainDog Posts: 1,824
    angelm19 wrote:
    :confused: Dude~ help~ this sucks so much! I don't like either though to vote for anyone other then one of these 2 will just waste my vote~
    I have done that too many times before and regreted it very much.
    I can NOT stand McCain. You brought up some points I really was not aware of. I guess I need to research a little more to get back with you.Thanks~ take care~peace
    You need to be careful getting your information from some people. While what was said above is technically correct in some cases (but not all), it removes all sense of nuance and bipartisanship (something Obama stresses a lot). For example, yes he voted for the Patriot Act, but only after the sunset provisions were added (a compromise - something that's necessary for a legislature like the Senate to work). He's also voted for habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees, voted to require the CIA to report on detainees and interrogation methods, and supports the outright closing of Guantanamo. Also, his plan to get us out of Iraq isn't "vague and utter garbage," but is a rather detailed plan to have all combat troops out in 16 months - and has been consistant throughout his Senate career. And in regards to "war with Iran" (which is ridiculous) NO president, no matter who they are, will ever say that millitary options are "off the table." And, while not completely against it, he's also done more to reform the death penalty in Illinois than anyone has in years (and got lots of props from anti-death penalty groups).

    For a less partisan, more objective view of Obama's record, look here:
  • fuckfuck Posts: 4,069
    RainDog wrote:
    You need to be careful getting your information from some people.
    including yourself.
    While what was said above is technically correct in some cases (but not all)
    what was it not correct in?
    it removes all sense of nuance and bipartisanship (something Obama stresses a lot). For example, yes he voted for the Patriot Act, but only after the sunset provisions were added (a compromise - something that's necessary for a legislature like the Senate to work).
    when it's still unconstitutional, you don't vote for it. I don't care how much compromise he did, why should he vote for it if he still doesn't agree with it? you can't defend that. do you support the PATRIOT ACT now in its current state?
    He's also voted for habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees, voted to require the CIA to report on detainees and interrogation methods, and supports the outright closing of Guantanamo.
    that's great... but just because you have some good policies doesn't mean you should ignore the other terrible ones.
    Also, his plan to get us out of Iraq isn't "vague and utter garbage," but is a rather detailed plan to have all combat troops out in 16 months - and has been consistant throughout his Senate career.
    consistency means shit. this "detailed" plan (which i've never seen) does not include Blackwater and other mercenary armies to withdraw, does not include paying reparations to the Iraqi people, and does not include any plans to legitimize its government...
    And in regards to "war with Iran" (which is ridiculous) NO president, no matter who they are, will ever say that millitary options are "off the table."
    writing "war with Iran" in quotes is pretty strange seeing as how I never said "war with Iran", I said he's not taking military options off the table, something very similar to Mr. Bush. He's also pushing for tougher sanctions on Iran while preaching diplomatic talks. tell me, does it make sense to have diplomatic talks with a nation that you're currently trying to screw economically?

    not to mention the fact that he called Iran's nuclear program "illegal" (when it's not), and that he referred to them as a "threat" (when they're not)...
    And, while not completely against it, he's also done more to reform the death penalty in Illinois than anyone has in years (and got lots of props from anti-death penalty groups).
    "more than anyone has in years"... again, lesser evil? he's not against it, and that's what matters.
    For a less partisan, more objective view of Obama's record, look here:
    seeing as how you ignored what I said about his stance on Israel/Palestine:
    Palestinian people suffer-but from not recognizing Israel."
    what the fuck
    FactCheck: Palestinian suffering from stalled peace effort.
    Not from the Israeli blockade on Gaza? not from the inhumane Israeli treatment of Palestinians?
    Supports Israel's self-defense
    "self-defense"... good one.
    And his AIPAC speech was worse than one Bush ever gave.
  • RainDogRainDog Posts: 1,824
    _outlaw wrote:
    including yourself.
    Of course not. Most of what's debated here is a matter of opinion - and opinions are not strictly "right or wrong."
    _outlaw wrote:
    what was it not correct in?
    To me, it was the "vague and utter garbage" remark. Opinion, not fact.
    _outlaw wrote:
    when it's still unconstitutional, you don't vote for it. I don't care how much compromise he did, why should he vote for it if he still doesn't agree with it? you can't defend that. do you support the PATRIOT ACT now in its current state?
    No I don't; but thankfully there are sunset provisions in it - due in part to people like Obama. I also understand why he went the way he did on that. This kind of leads to my next answer.....
    _outlaw wrote:
    that's great... but just because you have some good policies doesn't mean you should ignore the other terrible ones.
    Just because you have some terrible policies, doesn't mean you should ignore the other good ones. No one will ever fit into anyone else's political mold. Humans are not that simple.
    _outlaw wrote:
    consistency means shit. this "detailed" plan (which i've never seen) does not include Blackwater and other mercenary armies to withdraw, does not include paying reparations to the Iraqi people, and does not include any plans to legitimize its government...
    If you've never seen the plan, how do you know what's in it? He said he isn't going to ban (i.e. outlaw) private security firms like Blackwater. It's use will be under presidential discretion. I haven't heard anything about reparations, but my guess is neither he nor McCain, nor Nader (snicker) will, as president, go around Iraq handing out checks to it's citizens. And, if he doesn't have any plans to legitimize the Iraqi government, what the hell was he doing meeting with al Maliki - you know, the Iraqi Prime Minister who actually agrees with Obama's Iraq plan?
    _outlaw wrote:
    writing "war with Iran" in quotes is pretty strange seeing as how I never said "war with Iran", I said he's not taking military options off the table, something very similar to Mr. Bush. He's also pushing for tougher sanctions on Iran while preaching diplomatic talks. tell me, does it make sense to have diplomatic talks with a nation that you're currently trying to screw economically?
    The quotes were to signify the overall opinion of many people on this board that Obama wants nothing more than to blow the shit out of Tehran. Think Dr. Evil quoting the word "Laser." No, he's not taking millitary options off the table - no president would. And, yes, it makes sense to have diplomatic talks. Sanctions are part of diplomacy, like it or not. When you negotiate, you don't just take "no" for an answer.
    _outlaw wrote:
    not to mention the fact that he called Iran's nuclear program "illegal" (when it's not), and that he referred to them as a "threat" (when they're not)...
    It's "illegal" (a funny word in international relations, if you ask me) for Iran to produce nuclear weapons. A peaceful nuclear program requires international supervision, I believe. I'm pretty sure Iran doesn't like that idea. And, Obama has said that Iran is not a threat to our shores; however, they could be a threat to Isreal. Ahmadinejad has said as much.
    _outlaw wrote:
    "more than anyone has in years"... again, lesser evil? he's not against it, and that's what matters.
    I'd say more than that matters. All or nothing gets you nothing almost every time. Obama from 2004:
    "I think that the death penalty is appropriate in certain circumstances. There are especially heinous crimes: terrorism, the harm of children. Obviously, we've had some problems in this state in the application of the death penalty. That's why a moratorium was put in place and that's why I was so proud to be one of the leaders in overhauling a death penalty system that was broken. We became the first in the nation requiring the video taping of capital interrogations and confessions. We have to have this ultimate sanction in certain circumstances where the whole community says "this is beyond the pale."

    Works for me - especially coming from a presidential candidate.
    _outlaw wrote:
    seeing as how you ignored what I said about his stance on Israel/Palestine:

    what the fuck

    Not from the Israeli blockade on Gaza? not from the inhumane Israeli treatment of Palestinians?

    "self-defense"... good one.
    And his AIPAC speech was worse than one Bush ever gave.
    I didn't ignore what you said about Israel/Palestine - I simply chose not to answer it. My opinion is that both sides are to blame for their own problems. Any brokered peace between the two sides will require working with both sides. This includes the "much reviled" Isreal - who, like it or not, is one of our allies. A lot of people seem to forget that, while at the same time condemn Bush for ignoring the "international community", i.e. our "other allies." I guess everyone has their favorite allies.
  • fuckfuck Posts: 4,069
    RainDog wrote:
    No I don't; but thankfully there are sunset provisions in it - due in part to people like Obama. I also understand why he went the way he did on that. This kind of leads to my next answer.....

    Just because you have some terrible policies, doesn't mean you should ignore the other good ones. No one will ever fit into anyone else's political mold. Humans are not that simple.
    yeah, but Obama's policies that are good are on a much smaller scale than his terrible ones are. Sorry but compromises is one thing. But Obama's "compromise" on the PATRIOT ACT, and on FISA, is bullshit.
    If you've never seen the plan, how do you know what's in it? He said he isn't going to ban (i.e. outlaw) private security firms like Blackwater. It's use will be under presidential discretion.
    That's not true. He never mentioned withdrawal of Blackwater or other mercenary armies...
    "Obama does not plan to sign on to legislation that seeks to ban the use of these forces in US war zones by January 2009." Also, "Obama's broader Iraq withdrawal plan provides for some US troops to remain in Iraq--how many his advisers won't say."
    I haven't heard anything about reparations, but my guess is neither he nor McCain, nor Nader (snicker) will, as president, go around Iraq handing out checks to it's citizens.
    Actually, Nader has spoken about reparations to the Iraqi people. whether you heard about it or not, I could care less, but it is true. also, calling reparations "go[ing] around Iraq handing out checks" is pretty juvenile...
    And, if he doesn't have any plans to legitimize the Iraqi government, what the hell was he doing meeting with al Maliki - you know, the Iraqi Prime Minister who actually agrees with Obama's Iraq plan?
    al Maliki's government is not legitimate and does not accurately represent the views of the Iraqi people.
    The quotes were to signify the overall opinion of many people on this board that Obama wants nothing more than to blow the shit out of Tehran. Think Dr. Evil quoting the word "Laser."
    The overall opinion on this board? I'm sure you would know, right? No one said Obama wants nothing more than to do that.
    No, he's not taking millitary options off the table - no president would.
    Nader would. That's why he'd make a better president than Obama. Shocking, I know.
    And, yes, it makes sense to have diplomatic talks. Sanctions are part of diplomacy, like it or not. When you negotiate, you don't just take "no" for an answer.
    sanctions are not part of diplomacy, sanctions are an act of war.
    It's "illegal" (a funny word in international relations, if you ask me) for Iran to produce nuclear weapons.
    Nice try, but he called the actual nuclear program "illegal"... spinning words here won't help Obama.
    A peaceful nuclear program requires international supervision, I believe. I'm pretty sure Iran doesn't like that idea. And, Obama has said that Iran is not a threat to our shores; however, they could be a threat to Isreal. Ahmadinejad has said as much.
    Iran has cooperated with IAEA more than any other nation, and they are signatories on the NPT, something countries like Israel, our "closest ally" refuses to do. Oh, and, you're spinning words again... "could be a threat to Israel"?? No, he said they ARE a threat to Israel, a GRAVE threat. which is incorrect, and please tell me where Ahmadinejad has said "hi everyone, just wanted you guys to know that we are a threat to Israel. have a nice day."
    I'd say more than that matters. All or nothing gets you nothing almost every time. Obama from 2004:
    "I think that the death penalty is appropriate in certain circumstances. There are especially heinous crimes: terrorism, the harm of children. Obviously, we've had some problems in this state in the application of the death penalty. That's why a moratorium was put in place and that's why I was so proud to be one of the leaders in overhauling a death penalty system that was broken. We became the first in the nation requiring the video taping of capital interrogations and confessions. We have to have this ultimate sanction in certain circumstances where the whole community says "this is beyond the pale."
    which means he is NOT against the death penalty. being FOR the death penalty in "certain cases" still means you are FOR the death penalty.
    Works for me - especially coming from a presidential candidate.
    I didn't ignore what you said about Israel/Palestine - I simply chose not to answer it.
    ...which means you ignored it, lol...
    My opinion is that both sides are to blame for their own problems. Any brokered peace between the two sides will require working with both sides.
    both sides are to blame, ok, that's cute and all, but guess what-- Obama WON'T be working with both sides!! He refuses to talk to Hamas, the legitimate, democratically elected government. Oh, and did you hear about giving ALL of Jerusalem to Israel? something even Bush won't do?! oh, and lest we forget him blaming the Palestinians for their suffering.
    This includes the "much reviled" Isreal - who, like it or not, is one of our allies. A lot of people seem to forget that, while at the same time condemn Bush for ignoring the "international community", i.e. our "other allies." I guess everyone has their favorite allies.
    Just because Israel is our ally, you think Obama should let them get away with torturing, killing, stealing land, etc, from the Palestinians?

  • RainDogRainDog Posts: 1,824
    _outlaw wrote:
    yeah, but Obama's policies that are good are on a much smaller scale than his terrible ones are. Sorry but compromises is one thing. But Obama's "compromise" on the PATRIOT ACT, and on FISA, is bullshit.
    in your opinion.
    _outlaw wrote:
    That's not true. He never mentioned withdrawal of Blackwater or other mercenary armies...
    "Obama does not plan to sign on to legislation that seeks to ban the use of these forces in US war zones by January 2009." Also, "Obama's broader Iraq withdrawal plan provides for some US troops to remain in Iraq--how many his advisers won't say."
    None of that contradicts what I wrote. He did not sign on to the ban on Blackwater - i.e. Blackwater's use will be Presidential discretion. I don't find anything wrong with the second quote, either - though it's quite out of context. Obama's plan calls for some security in the area and for U.S. troops to train Iraqi troops.
    _outlaw wrote:
    Actually, Nader has spoken about reparations to the Iraqi people. whether you heard about it or not, I could care less, but it is true. also, calling reparations "go[ing] around Iraq handing out checks" is pretty juvenile...
    You're right, I'm not paying much attention to Nader this time around. He might have mentioned reparations - but no one else has. All sound and fury, signifying nothing.
    _outlaw wrote:
    al Maliki's government is not legitimate and does not accurately represent the views of the Iraqi people.
    Says _outlaw. How is it not legitimate? Which Iraqi people does it not represent the views of? 'Cause, you know, there is no government in the world that represents the views of every last citizen in it's country. None. Ever.
    _outlaw wrote:
    The overall opinion on this board? I'm sure you would know, right? No one said Obama wants nothing more than to do that.
    Not the overall opinion on this board, but the overall opinion of Obama's Iran stance held by some on this board. Basically, and I have seen this a lot from some people here, if Obama mentions Iran, it isn't long before someone says "see, he wants to invade."
    _outlaw wrote:
    Nader would. That's why he'd make a better president than Obama. Shocking, I know.
    Here you and I disagree (shocking, I know). Nader would not make a better president than Obama. Too ideological.
    _outlaw wrote:
    sanctions are not part of diplomacy, sanctions are an act of war.
    Sanctions are the "threat." All diplomacy involves some sort of "threat" - a "if you do (or don't do) this, I do (or don't do) that."
    _outlaw wrote:
    Nice try, but he called the actual nuclear program "illegal"... spinning words here won't help Obama.
    Many believe that the nuclear program is a weaponized program. But I will agree with you to an extent - "illegal" is a funny word when used in international relations (i.e. the nuclear program is illegal; this war is illegal, etc.).
    _outlaw wrote:
    Iran has cooperated with IAEA more than any other nation, and they are signatories on the NPT, something countries like Israel, our "closest ally" refuses to do. Oh, and, you're spinning words again... "could be a threat to Israel"?? No, he said they ARE a threat to Israel, a GRAVE threat. which is incorrect, and please tell me where Ahmadinejad has said "hi everyone, just wanted you guys to know that we are a threat to Israel. have a nice day."
    He refuses to acknowledge the existance of Isreal and has called for the destruction of it's government (sorta the same things we said about Saddam's Iraq - and we all know where that led). You can legitimately view that as a threat. Or not. Opinion, I suppose.
    _outlaw wrote:
    which means he is NOT against the death penalty. being FOR the death penalty in "certain cases" still means you are FOR the death penalty.
    ....in certain cases. Don't forget that part. All or nothing almost always gets you nothing.
    _outlaw wrote:
    ...which means you ignored it, lol...

    both sides are to blame, ok, that's cute and all, but guess what-- Obama WON'T be working with both sides!! He refuses to talk to Hamas, the legitimate, democratically elected government. Oh, and did you hear about giving ALL of Jerusalem to Israel? something even Bush won't do?! oh, and lest we forget him blaming the Palestinians for their suffering.

    Just because Israel is our ally, you think Obama should let them get away with torturing, killing, stealing land, etc, from the Palestinians?

    So Jerusalem will remain the way it is, right (disputes aside, all of Jerusalem is under Israeli control)? That probably is the easiest way to go - provided that the Palestinians have access to their holy sites. Divided cities just don't work, in my opinion. Look at Berlin.

    He said that he wouldn't meet with Hamas until Hamas recognizes Israel. Sounds like a negotiation to me. Hamas's position is that Israel 'goes away.' Is that yours?
  • fuckfuck Posts: 4,069
    RainDog wrote:
    None of that contradicts what I wrote. He did not sign on to the ban on Blackwater - i.e. Blackwater's use will be Presidential discretion. I don't find anything wrong with the second quote, either - though it's quite out of context. Obama's plan calls for some security in the area and for U.S. troops to train Iraqi troops.
    It does contradict what you wrote. Blackwater will continue to have a presence in Iraq, and his campaign spokesperson said it would be atleast 2 years, if not more, before Blackwater pulls out. Being use at the "president's discretion" is quite different than them maintaining a presence in Iraq... oh, and the quote was not out of context, and if you don't find anything wrong with keeping toops in Iraq, then why not just vote for McCain?
    You're right, I'm not paying much attention to Nader this time around. He might have mentioned reparations - but no one else has. All sound and fury, signifying nothing.
    what are you talking about?
    Says _outlaw. How is it not legitimate? Which Iraqi people does it not represent the views of? 'Cause, you know, there is no government in the world that represents the views of every last citizen in it's country. None. Ever.
    says many prominent people, including historians and political analysts. look it up for yourself, it does not represent the majority of the Iraqi people's views.
    Not the overall opinion on this board, but the overall opinion of Obama's Iran stance held by some on this board. Basically, and I have seen this a lot from some people here, if Obama mentions Iran, it isn't long before someone says "see, he wants to invade."
    keeping military options on the table, calling them a threat (while we threaten them, ironic?), and calling their nuclear program "illegal" does not hint to "let's go grab a coffee and talk about how we can make this better"... but no one says "look Obama just wants to bomb the shit out Tehran for fun"...
    Here you and I disagree (shocking, I know). Nader would not make a better president than Obama. Too ideological.
    ideological? you mean because he has policies that would cause some SERIOUS change, not bullshit repackaged and called "compromises"?

    Sanctions are the "threat." All diplomacy involves some sort of "threat" - a "if you do (or don't do) this, I do (or don't do) that."
    wrong. he's pushing for sanctions, BEFORE he "threatens" them. Military option is the "threat." Obama hasn't even talked to Ahmadinejad and he is calling for sanctions.

    oh, and what's the logic in THREATENING the nation that we see as a threat??
    Many believe that the nuclear program is a weaponized program.
    with no proof. the only people who "believe" that have ulterior motives.
    But I will agree with you to an extent - "illegal" is a funny word when used in international relations (i.e. the nuclear program is illegal; this war is illegal, etc.).
    not funny. it's incorrect. wrong. a lie.
    He refuses to acknowledge the existance of Isreal and has called for the destruction of it's government.
    wrong. he refuses to acknowledge the RIGHT for Israel to existence in its current occupation of Palestinian land. and he didn't call for the "destruction of it's government." that's a lie.
    ....in certain cases. Don't forget that part. All or nothing almost always gets you nothing.
    certain cases means shit. if you agree with the death penalty in "certain cases", you STILL AGREE WITH THE DEATH PENALTY.
    So Jerusalem will remain the way it is, right (disputes aside, all of Jerusalem is under Israeli control)? That probably is the easiest way to go - provided that the Palestinians have access to their holy sites. Divided cities just don't work, in my opinion. Look at Berlin.
    East Jerusalem is occupied by the Israeli government, although every single country in the world - except for the U.S. - has condemned it. In fact, even Bush's U.S. doesn't think it's possible for a solution without Israel giving up East Jerusalem. It is not the easiest way to go to give Israel all of Jerusalem. why not give it all to the Palestinians? It won't solve anything. Obama is going against the entire world, even BUSH, and is granting Israel everything they want. Ridiculous.
    He said that he wouldn't meet with Hamas until Hamas recognizes Israel. Sounds like a negotiation to me. Hamas's position is that Israel 'goes away.' Is that yours?
    Again, it's until Hamas renounces violence and recognizes Israel's RIGHT to exist, which is pretty hard, considering Israel is occupying Palestinian land, killing their people, implementing a blockade that gets virtually nothing into Gaza, etc... Hamas' position is not that Israel 'goes away', that's just bullshit made up from the media. Hamas wants what the entire world wants - for Israel to withdraw to the '67 borders. what's your position, I wonder? Is it the same as your man's, or do you agree with every prominent political scientist, historian, politician in the world?
  • RainDogRainDog Posts: 1,824
    _outlaw wrote:
    It does contradict what you wrote. Blackwater will continue to have a presence in Iraq, and his campaign spokesperson said it would be atleast 2 years, if not more, before Blackwater pulls out. Being use at the "president's discretion" is quite different than them maintaining a presence in Iraq... oh, and the quote was not out of context, and if you don't find anything wrong with keeping toops in Iraq, then why not just vote for McCain?

    what are you talking about?

    says many prominent people, including historians and political analysts. look it up for yourself, it does not represent the majority of the Iraqi people's views.

    keeping military options on the table, calling them a threat (while we threaten them, ironic?), and calling their nuclear program "illegal" does not hint to "let's go grab a coffee and talk about how we can make this better"... but no one says "look Obama just wants to bomb the shit out Tehran for fun"...

    ideological? you mean because he has policies that would cause some SERIOUS change, not bullshit repackaged and called "compromises"?


    wrong. he's pushing for sanctions, BEFORE he "threatens" them. Military option is the "threat." Obama hasn't even talked to Ahmadinejad and he is calling for sanctions.

    oh, and what's the logic in THREATENING the nation that we see as a threat??

    with no proof. the only people who "believe" that have ulterior motives.

    not funny. it's incorrect. wrong. a lie.

    wrong. he refuses to acknowledge the RIGHT for Israel to existence in its current occupation of Palestinian land. and he didn't call for the "destruction of it's government." that's a lie.

    certain cases means shit. if you agree with the death penalty in "certain cases", you STILL AGREE WITH THE DEATH PENALTY.

    East Jerusalem is occupied by the Israeli government, although every single country in the world - except for the U.S. - has condemned it. In fact, even Bush's U.S. doesn't think it's possible for a solution without Israel giving up East Jerusalem. It is not the easiest way to go to give Israel all of Jerusalem. why not give it all to the Palestinians? It won't solve anything. Obama is going against the entire world, even BUSH, and is granting Israel everything they want. Ridiculous.

    Again, it's until Hamas renounces violence and recognizes Israel's RIGHT to exist, which is pretty hard, considering Israel is occupying Palestinian land, killing their people, implementing a blockade that gets virtually nothing into Gaza, etc... Hamas' position is not that Israel 'goes away', that's just bullshit made up from the media. Hamas wants what the entire world wants - for Israel to withdraw to the '67 borders. what's your position, I wonder? Is it the same as your man's, or do you agree with every prominent political scientist, historian, politician in the world?
    Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

    I'll leave you to your McCain campaign. I have a job to keep.
  • fuckfuck Posts: 4,069
    RainDog wrote:
    Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

    I'll leave you to your McCain campaign. I have a job to keep.
    "No comment" would have been just fine, but ok.
  • Mrs.Vedder78Mrs.Vedder78 Posts: 4,585
    TiaMija wrote:
    The whole world is looking to the next American president to provide some hope. Our next president will have much to do to restore the world's faith in America.

    I believe that Mr. Obama can provide that to us all.

    I have to agree with this.... :)
    "Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
  • fuckfuck Posts: 4,069
    I have to agree with this.... :)
    that's fine, but:
    - Obama voted for the PATRIOT ACT and FISA
    - Obama sees Iran as a threat and is keeping military options on the table, as well as pushing for tougher sanctions
    - Obama has complete support for Israel and blames the Palestinians' suffering on Palestinians
    - Obama supports to continue the war in Afghanistan
    - Obama will keep mercenary armies like Blackwater in Iraq for atleast a few more years
    - Obama does not mention restoring anything to the Iraqi people
    - Obama is not against the death penalty

    where do you see any hope in him?? what has he said that contradicts or excuses what I wrote above?
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