I fit's to get world approval for his election, I'm less likely to vote for him.
Forget about Obama in this case, I'm just curious as to why trying to get world approval would make you less likely to vote for a candidate?
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I fit's to get world approval for his election, I'm less likely to vote for him.
He doesn't really need to earn world approval for his election; he's already got that.
I think it's more to counter the inexperienced and unknowegable charge that's been hounding him for a while now. John McCain's perceived strong suit is foreign policy (i.e. war and strength), and, while Obama will never overtake him on that, he's trying to knock him down a few notches.
The Germany stop is making the news right now because of the huge turnout for his appearance. But I believe the primary reasons for the trip were his Middle East stops - and those are definitely areas that have an impact in this election.
Forget about Obama in this case, I'm just curious as to why trying to get world approval would make you less likely to vote for a candidate?
I'm not a fan at this kind of pandering...I don't care what the Germans think of Obama, McCain, or anyone for that matter, I'll vote for who I think will make the best US president. I think it is an attempt to give other countries influence in who US citizens elect as their president.
I would expect nothing less from the Germans, French, etc. I bet they don't care what Americans think of whoever they might vote for.
I know what your are getting at, certainly the US president should be abel to work with other coutnries and have their respect, but this is an obvious attempt by Obama's campaign to say "Hey, look, I'm almost as big in Germany as David Hasslehoff!!!!...vote for me, because the Germans like me".
He doesn't really need to earn world approval for his election; he's already got that.
I think it's more to counter the inexperienced and unknowegable charge that's been hounding him for a while now. John McCain's perceived strong suit is foreign policy (i.e. war and strength), and, while Obama will never overtake him on that, he's trying to knock him down a few notches.
The Germany stop is making the news right now because of the huge turnout for his appearance. But I believe the primary reasons for the trip were his Middle East stops - and those are definitely areas that have an impact in this election.
I agree he doesn;t need world approval for the election...but not because he already has it, it's because the world doesn't get a vote for who is the US president.
Anyhow, you could be right abotu the reasons for this trip...it just seems pandering and pompous...did I spell that right?
Not that I like Obama or something, but this "tour" is a great idea for him. It shows americans that if he were president, he'd have good relations in the world to accomplishing things - ie repairing our poor status in many places. Obviously, most of this is done in places our standing isn't that awful, but realistically, it's a nice piece of public relations. Compared to McCain who just will just be at home and say x,y and z and more standard policies and generic reactions to things.
CONservative governMENt
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
i understand that he went there to make it look like he can work with other countries but since when the president of a country talk to other country's citizens. it doesn't show him to be presidentual, it shows him to be a rock star. on top of all of that the speech as usual lately said nothing about what he would do. hell he copied some parts of specches that Reagan gave and also JFK. yet agian, what a change.
People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
i understand that he went there to make it look like he can work with other countries but since when the president of a country talk to other country's citizens.
Regardless of the point of the post, there seems to be a logical disconnect between the above sentence and the one below:
Regardless of the point of the post, there seems to be a logical disconnect between the above sentence and the one below:
Or is it just me?
i can see how you see the disconnect, but i will try to elborate. he goes there not as a person running for president (BULLSHIT) but as a citizen of the world (BULLSHIT). people are saying here that he is going there to look like a president (I can understand that) but he goes there and gives a speech to people not in the government but just to the citizens. how is that looking like a president. if he wanted to look like a president he would say in his speech what he plans to do. i believe that this makes him look less than a president and more like a rock star. if i go to a Pearl Jam concert and i hear Eddie making speeches about politics i don't expect him to give me a detail answer to what he would do to change the situation. why becuase eddie is a rock star (very smart) not a person running to lead the USA.
People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
i can see how you see the disconnect, but i will try to elborate. he goes there not as a person running for president (BULLSHIT) but as a citizen of the world (BULLSHIT). people are saying here that he is going there to look like a president (I can understand that) but he goes there and gives a speech to people not in the government but just to the citizens. how is that looking like a president. if he wanted to look like a president he would say in his speech what he plans to do. i believe that this makes him look less than a president and more like a rock star. if i go to a Pearl Jam concert and i hear Eddie making speeches about politics i don't expect him to give me a detail answer to what he would do to change the situation. why becuase eddie is a rock star (very smart) not a person running to lead the USA.
He did speak to the government - likely about policy and what-not. That would be pretty boring stuff for a crowd of 200,000 (or more) non-U.S. citizens, though - especially since they can't vote in our elections. But, they are very interested in who might be the U.S.'s next president, so why not show 'em some love.
And lots of presidents - most president's probably - have spoken in front of another country's citizens. Also, this Germany appearance, while the "big event" as far as American audiences are concerned, isn't really the crux of the trip itself.
He did speak to the government - likely about policy and what-not. That would be pretty boring stuff for a crowd of 200,000 (or more) non-U.S. citizens, though - especially since they can't vote in our elections. But, they are very interested in who might be the U.S.'s next president, so why not show 'em some love.
And lots of presidents - most president's probably - have spoken in front of another country's citizens. Also, this Germany appearance, while the "big event" as far as American audiences are concerned, isn't really the crux of the trip itself.
you said it right there on teh second paragraph "and lots of presidents...have spoken in front of another countries citizens" first off Obama is not a president. second can you give me some examples of other presidents hope-fulls talking to other country's citizens. i have to admit is smart for him but for me i don't like it.
you said it right there on teh second paragraph "and lots of presidents...have spoken in front of another countries citizens" first off Obama is not a president. second can you give me some examples of other presidents hope-fulls talking to other country's citizens. i have to admit is smart for him but for me i don't like it.
There are U.S. voters that live in other countries. But I get your point, and I'm not sure if other presidential candidates have spoken in front of another country's citizens or not. It's just that in your first post you said "since when [does] the president of a country talk to other country's citizens." Presidents do it all the time. And Reagan even called himself a citizen of the world once.
The Germany stop was a campaign stop, in my opinion. Obama's been out of the country for a few days now, and it's not smart campaigning to go for days without making a campaign appearance. I don't really see anything wrong with it. In fact, I don't get why it would be such an offense.
McCain had a very bad week and still Obama is not kicking his ass. (before any says anything, of course polls mean nothing and i hope that when we see the poll that shows that peopel don't like GWB we will remember that.)
People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
Senator Obama stated, there is only one President. He was not there to speak as the President of the United States. He clarifies that position by saying he comes as a citizen of the world. Honestly, wtf do you all want from this man! The same argument people are making about him not giving a speech to the government is the very thing people tried to slam him with when he spoke to the leaders in Iraq and Israel.
You want to know what is was more significant than Senator Obama's speech. It was the fact that 200,000 people in Germany showed up to listen to an African American give a speech. That was a reality check, a wake up call to McCain, Bush, and the RNC. All the rock star comparison is designed to discredit what transpired in Germany. Neither McCain, Bush/administration, nor the RNC, not even the media expected a turnout of that magnitude. I think many people supported Obama because they didn't think he could win. In Germany, they saw a man with the potential to win this election and it hit home.
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
Whats really scary is McCain!
Obama seemed very comfortable, right at home, on his lil tour. I thought his speech was very well done. He is our best choice~ in my eyes~ he's our only hope! I believe he is indeed capable of restoring our image and economy. It is a mess that we can not clean up over night~ though he is showing the world that he's ready, willing, and able. One world~ one Love~ lets get together and fe~el al~right~ sorry~ had that song in my head for some reason???
i just love when people say something but don't give examples. i also think it is sad when we believe that one person is the only hope. is Obama luke skywaker or something? what makes you think that other countries won't work with McCain? and also what is Obama showing that he is able to do anthing? is it becuase he gets a lot of people to come out for a event?
People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
i just love when people say something but don't give examples. i also think it is sad when we believe that one person is the only hope. is Obama luke skywaker or something? what makes you think that other countries won't work with McCain? and also what is Obama showing that he is able to do anthing? is it becuase he gets a lot of people to come out for a event?
it's a start...
also, I'm sure you're just as upset about McFlip speaking in Canada....
Senator Obama stated, there is only one President. He was not there to speak as the President of the United States. He clarifies that position by saying he comes as a citizen of the world. Honestly, wtf do you all want from this man! The same argument people are making about him not giving a speech to the government is the very thing people tried to slam him with when he spoke to the leaders in Iraq and Israel.
You want to know what is was more significant than Senator Obama's speech. It was the fact that 200,000 people in Germany showed up to listen to an African American give a speech. That was a reality check, a wake up call to McCain, Bush, and the RNC. All the rock star comparison is designed to discredit what transpired in Germany. Neither McCain, Bush/administration, nor the RNC, not even the media expected a turnout of that magnitude. I think many people supported Obama because they didn't think he could win. In Germany, they saw a man with the potential to win this election and it hit home.
i don't know if you were talking abotu me when i said that Obama was a rock star. i never had a problem with Obama meeting with leader of countries, that is what he shoudl be doing. not just becuase he is running for president but also becuase he is still a senator (do we remember that?) i just don't see the point of him giving that speech to the citizens. that in my opinion had the rock star feeling to it. i could see it being protrayed as look people love me i have to be yoru president.
People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
I know many of you don't like Obama, and that's fine...but the speech he just gave in Berlin was quite impressive.
Seeing over a hundred thousand people coming together to see an American presidential hopeful give a speech in a foreign city is quite impressive in itself, but to see so many people getting excited about it was really cool and quite the change from what we have seen in a looooong time.
Why the fuck is he acting like he is already President? The Germans can't vote for him, so why? Also, have you ever seen him speak off the cuff he can't do it. Not that the Berlin speech shouldn't have been teleprompted but McCain will at least get out there do a town hall and answer straight questions from citizens. Obama is not ready to be President. He is going to end up as President because people are voting for a personality not a leader.
"If you're not living on the edge you're taking up too much room."
Gambling=a taxation on stupidity.
Remember, you can walk anywhere, as long as you have the time.
as a candian, yes i don't know why McCain is going to Canada to talk to citizens here. eh shoudl be talking to our leaders, i have no problem with that. just like i said abotu Obama i have no problem in any leader from any country talking to other leaders from another country. i believ ethat both Obama and McCain are not doing the right thing in going to other countries whiel they are running for president inless it has to do with policies that they woudl inact with that country if they are elected. and for that only talk about it with elected officials.
People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
Why the fuck is he acting like he is already President? The Germans can't vote for him, so why? Also, have you ever seen him speak off the cuff he can't do it. Not that the Berlin speech shouldn't have been teleprompted but McCain will at least get out there do a town hall and answer straight questions from citizens. Obama is not ready to be President. He is going to end up as President because people are voting for a personality not a leader.
who the fuck knows...
and I've seen McFlip at his town hall meetings and he doesn't answer shit...
again, I'm fuckin sure your just as upset about McFlip acting like he was president in Canada...Right..?
As if he's not already enough on the news here. My country's media seem to think the American presidential election has only one candidate. He's almost in the news daily. McCain rarely, Nader never. Hillary was on the news constantly as well.
i don't know if you were talking abotu me when i said that Obama was a rock star. i never had a problem with Obama meeting with leader of countries, that is what he shoudl be doing. not just becuase he is running for president but also becuase he is still a senator (do we remember that?) i just don't see the point of him giving that speech to the citizens. that in my opinion had the rock star feeling to it. i could see it being protrayed as look people love me i have to be yoru president.
No, I wasn't referring to you or anyone personally. You are not the first person to imply the 'rock star' status. It just so happened that we ended up with two candidates who communications skills are vastly different. I know it has rarely been done over the past eight years, but politicians seeking office often make speeches to the people in America. We have debates and townhall type meetings that allow the people to present questions. The American people are part of this process and we take that seriously because it impacts our future and that of our families. Maybe the 200,000 people showed up simply because they were given the opportunity to be part of the process. Look at Ireland with the Lisbon Treaty, regardless of what the EU think about the outcome, the people were given an opportunity to participate in their fate.
I have no problem with candidates speaking with world leaders or citizens of any country as to where they stand on issues. None of it matters if they don't get elected, but it gives the world leaders and citizens of the world a glimpse at the person and their viewpoints.
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
I'm not a fan at this kind of pandering...I don't care what the Germans think of Obama, McCain, or anyone for that matter, I'll vote for who I think will make the best US president. I think it is an attempt to give other countries influence in who US citizens elect as their president.
I would expect nothing less from the Germans, French, etc. I bet they don't care what Americans think of whoever they might vote for.
I know what your are getting at, certainly the US president should be abel to work with other coutnries and have their respect, but this is an obvious attempt by Obama's campaign to say "Hey, look, I'm almost as big in Germany as David Hasslehoff!!!!...vote for me, because the Germans like me".
Oh, believe it, Germany do care about who Americans vote for. It's much more important to Europeans who's in the Oval Office than it's for Americans who is the german chancellor. First of all the US is a much bigger country, a much bigger economical power and a much bigger political power. Second, a US president has a more powerful position than a german chancellor (who isn't even elected by the voters but by the parlament).
I think, as already mentioned, that Obama just tried to sharpen his foreign affairs profile, with Berlin just being a good location for some nice pictures, there's a lot of symbolism to use, and one of the most used words describing Berlin and it's recent development is "change".
For Europeans the foreign politics are really important because you usually don't have to drive more than 2 or 3 hours to reach another country so there's a lot of interest in international relations.
By the way ... David Hasselhoff's time over here is over for more than a decade. He was really big in the early 90's but the last thing anybody here took notice of was "Baywatch" and I think this was a hit in the entire world. :-)
Well how many black do you think live in Berlin or the rest of Germany that are not on our military bases???
Indeed not that many, afro-germans are very rare. Most immigrants here are from southern or eastern Europe, not many africans. And the military bases that still exist (lots of them have been closed over the last years or moved to the southeastern parts of Europe) are about 8-10 hours (by car) away from Berlin.
g under p
Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
Obama Dazzles Old Europe while McCain cries "No Mas"!
By Mike Whitney
Barak Obama proved yesterday why November's presidential election will end in a 50-state sweep. John McCain has no chance. It's like George Bush climbing into the ring with Mike Tyson; one thundering left hook and the Crawford Caligula would be sprawled across the canvas in a pool of his own blood. "No mas"! The same fate awaits the crabby senator from Arizona.
*We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
Why the fuck is he acting like he is already President? The Germans can't vote for him, so why? Also, have you ever seen him speak off the cuff he can't do it. Not that the Berlin speech shouldn't have been teleprompted but McCain will at least get out there do a town hall and answer straight questions from citizens. Obama is not ready to be President. He is going to end up as President because people are voting for a personality not a leader.
The McCain has been attacking his international credentials for months now. Plus, it's part of Obama's campaign, he's been advocating for better relationship between the U.S. and Europe, and the rest of the world for that matter since the Bush camp fucked everything up.
No leadership skills you say?....People still voted for Bush and has he ever demonstrate any leadership skills? Not really, other than telling us more lies and lies.
Maybe if McCain showed some personality instead of just attacking and attacking his opposition maybe I'll listen to him but he doesn't, all he does attack Obama. Obama has demonstrated his "presidential" quality by being a great speaker- isn't that what most presidents do best anyway?
Seriously, they have a shitload of staff team that does most of the "real" work anyhow.
Obama Dazzles Old Europe while McCain cries "No Mas"!
By Mike Whitney
Barak Obama proved yesterday why November's presidential election will end in a 50-state sweep. John McCain has no chance. It's like George Bush climbing into the ring with Mike Tyson; one thundering left hook and the Crawford Caligula would be sprawled across the canvas in a pool of his own blood. "No mas"! The same fate awaits the crabby senator from Arizona.
Obama Dazzles Old Europe while McCain cries "No Mas"!
By Mike Whitney
Barak Obama proved yesterday why November's presidential election will end in a 50-state sweep. John McCain has no chance. It's like George Bush climbing into the ring with Mike Tyson; one thundering left hook and the Crawford Caligula would be sprawled across the canvas in a pool of his own blood. "No mas"! The same fate awaits the crabby senator from Arizona.
I fit's to get world approval for his election, I'm less likely to vote for him.
Forget about Obama in this case, I'm just curious as to why trying to get world approval would make you less likely to vote for a candidate?
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I think it's more to counter the inexperienced and unknowegable charge that's been hounding him for a while now. John McCain's perceived strong suit is foreign policy (i.e. war and strength), and, while Obama will never overtake him on that, he's trying to knock him down a few notches.
The Germany stop is making the news right now because of the huge turnout for his appearance. But I believe the primary reasons for the trip were his Middle East stops - and those are definitely areas that have an impact in this election.
I'm not a fan at this kind of pandering...I don't care what the Germans think of Obama, McCain, or anyone for that matter, I'll vote for who I think will make the best US president. I think it is an attempt to give other countries influence in who US citizens elect as their president.
I would expect nothing less from the Germans, French, etc. I bet they don't care what Americans think of whoever they might vote for.
I know what your are getting at, certainly the US president should be abel to work with other coutnries and have their respect, but this is an obvious attempt by Obama's campaign to say "Hey, look, I'm almost as big in Germany as David Hasslehoff!!!!...vote for me, because the Germans like me".
I agree he doesn;t need world approval for the election...but not because he already has it, it's because the world doesn't get a vote for who is the US president.
Anyhow, you could be right abotu the reasons for this trip...it just seems pandering and pompous...did I spell that right?
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
Now if only what he SAID wasn't such a problem.
how so?
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
Or is it just me?
i can see how you see the disconnect, but i will try to elborate. he goes there not as a person running for president (BULLSHIT) but as a citizen of the world (BULLSHIT). people are saying here that he is going there to look like a president (I can understand that) but he goes there and gives a speech to people not in the government but just to the citizens. how is that looking like a president. if he wanted to look like a president he would say in his speech what he plans to do. i believe that this makes him look less than a president and more like a rock star. if i go to a Pearl Jam concert and i hear Eddie making speeches about politics i don't expect him to give me a detail answer to what he would do to change the situation. why becuase eddie is a rock star (very smart) not a person running to lead the USA.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
And lots of presidents - most president's probably - have spoken in front of another country's citizens. Also, this Germany appearance, while the "big event" as far as American audiences are concerned, isn't really the crux of the trip itself.
you said it right there on teh second paragraph "and lots of presidents...have spoken in front of another countries citizens" first off Obama is not a president. second can you give me some examples of other presidents hope-fulls talking to other country's citizens. i have to admit is smart for him but for me i don't like it.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
The Germany stop was a campaign stop, in my opinion. Obama's been out of the country for a few days now, and it's not smart campaigning to go for days without making a campaign appearance. I don't really see anything wrong with it. In fact, I don't get why it would be such an offense.
McCain had a very bad week and still Obama is not kicking his ass. (before any says anything, of course polls mean nothing and i hope that when we see the poll that shows that peopel don't like GWB we will remember that.)
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
You want to know what is was more significant than Senator Obama's speech. It was the fact that 200,000 people in Germany showed up to listen to an African American give a speech. That was a reality check, a wake up call to McCain, Bush, and the RNC. All the rock star comparison is designed to discredit what transpired in Germany. Neither McCain, Bush/administration, nor the RNC, not even the media expected a turnout of that magnitude. I think many people supported Obama because they didn't think he could win. In Germany, they saw a man with the potential to win this election and it hit home.
i just love when people say something but don't give examples. i also think it is sad when we believe that one person is the only hope. is Obama luke skywaker or something? what makes you think that other countries won't work with McCain? and also what is Obama showing that he is able to do anthing? is it becuase he gets a lot of people to come out for a event?
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
it's a start...
also, I'm sure you're just as upset about McFlip speaking in Canada....
i don't know if you were talking abotu me when i said that Obama was a rock star. i never had a problem with Obama meeting with leader of countries, that is what he shoudl be doing. not just becuase he is running for president but also becuase he is still a senator (do we remember that?) i just don't see the point of him giving that speech to the citizens. that in my opinion had the rock star feeling to it. i could see it being protrayed as look people love me i have to be yoru president.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
Why the fuck is he acting like he is already President? The Germans can't vote for him, so why? Also, have you ever seen him speak off the cuff he can't do it. Not that the Berlin speech shouldn't have been teleprompted but McCain will at least get out there do a town hall and answer straight questions from citizens. Obama is not ready to be President. He is going to end up as President because people are voting for a personality not a leader.
Gambling=a taxation on stupidity.
Remember, you can walk anywhere, as long as you have the time.
as a candian, yes i don't know why McCain is going to Canada to talk to citizens here. eh shoudl be talking to our leaders, i have no problem with that. just like i said abotu Obama i have no problem in any leader from any country talking to other leaders from another country. i believ ethat both Obama and McCain are not doing the right thing in going to other countries whiel they are running for president inless it has to do with policies that they woudl inact with that country if they are elected. and for that only talk about it with elected officials.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
who the fuck knows...
and I've seen McFlip at his town hall meetings and he doesn't answer shit...
again, I'm fuckin sure your just as upset about McFlip acting like he was president in Canada...Right..?
naděje umírá poslední
No, I wasn't referring to you or anyone personally. You are not the first person to imply the 'rock star' status. It just so happened that we ended up with two candidates who communications skills are vastly different. I know it has rarely been done over the past eight years, but politicians seeking office often make speeches to the people in America. We have debates and townhall type meetings that allow the people to present questions. The American people are part of this process and we take that seriously because it impacts our future and that of our families. Maybe the 200,000 people showed up simply because they were given the opportunity to be part of the process. Look at Ireland with the Lisbon Treaty, regardless of what the EU think about the outcome, the people were given an opportunity to participate in their fate.
I have no problem with candidates speaking with world leaders or citizens of any country as to where they stand on issues. None of it matters if they don't get elected, but it gives the world leaders and citizens of the world a glimpse at the person and their viewpoints.
Oh, believe it, Germany do care about who Americans vote for. It's much more important to Europeans who's in the Oval Office than it's for Americans who is the german chancellor. First of all the US is a much bigger country, a much bigger economical power and a much bigger political power. Second, a US president has a more powerful position than a german chancellor (who isn't even elected by the voters but by the parlament).
I think, as already mentioned, that Obama just tried to sharpen his foreign affairs profile, with Berlin just being a good location for some nice pictures, there's a lot of symbolism to use, and one of the most used words describing Berlin and it's recent development is "change".
For Europeans the foreign politics are really important because you usually don't have to drive more than 2 or 3 hours to reach another country so there's a lot of interest in international relations.
By the way ... David Hasselhoff's time over here is over for more than a decade. He was really big in the early 90's but the last thing anybody here took notice of was "Baywatch" and I think this was a hit in the entire world. :-)
Arnhem 06 Antwerp 06 Berlin 06
Düsseldorf 07 Nijmegen 07
Neil Young And Friends Berlin 95
Indeed not that many, afro-germans are very rare. Most immigrants here are from southern or eastern Europe, not many africans. And the military bases that still exist (lots of them have been closed over the last years or moved to the southeastern parts of Europe) are about 8-10 hours (by car) away from Berlin.
Arnhem 06 Antwerp 06 Berlin 06
Düsseldorf 07 Nijmegen 07
Neil Young And Friends Berlin 95
By Mike Whitney
Barak Obama proved yesterday why November's presidential election will end in a 50-state sweep. John McCain has no chance. It's like George Bush climbing into the ring with Mike Tyson; one thundering left hook and the Crawford Caligula would be sprawled across the canvas in a pool of his own blood. "No mas"! The same fate awaits the crabby senator from Arizona.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
No leadership skills you say?....People still voted for Bush and has he ever demonstrate any leadership skills? Not really, other than telling us more lies and lies.
Maybe if McCain showed some personality instead of just attacking and attacking his opposition maybe I'll listen to him but he doesn't, all he does attack Obama. Obama has demonstrated his "presidential" quality by being a great speaker- isn't that what most presidents do best anyway?
Seriously, they have a shitload of staff team that does most of the "real" work anyhow.
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
A 50-state sweep? I think this Mike Whitney has been hanging out on Willie Nelson's tour bus a bit too long ...
for the least they could possibly do