It's true what they say. When your young your folks take care of you. And as your folks get older you take care of them.
Yes, and if you're a certain age, you are "The Sandwich" generation between your parents (who need care) and your teenagers who are not yet out of the house and still need care!!
My mom is getting frailer and so I'm almost in the deli.
How is your transition going? Is your divorce final? Have you moved into your own place?
I think big change is always stressful even if it's the right thing to do. It's natural.
I'm getting MY house ready to sell and it's stressing me out (!) even though I want to do it and we need to do it to buy our new house! :? :geek:
Thanks for the hugs... Nothing can happen until we get the paperwork filled out, which is only two pages, but he's all of a sudden not cooperating with me here...
Good luck on selling your house, I hope you get a really good deal on that...
I would just like to know why everything has to be so damn difficult????
Thanks for the hugs... Nothing can happen until we get the paperwork filled out, which is only two pages, but he's all of a sudden not cooperating with me here...
Good luck on selling your house, I hope you get a really good deal on that...
I would just like to know why everything has to be so damn difficult????
I think difficulty is the engine behind change sometimes. Not that life should be hard all the time (that can be stifling because there's no room to change when one is overwhelmed!) but I think that when it comes in phases it forces us to do more than we thought we could.
Sometimes we need to push back against adversity to realize how strong we are.
And, I think that it's the fantasy of inexperienced folk that leans on the idea that lives WON'T have big challenges sometimes.
Me, I'm impressed with how quickly you started your divorce proceedings! It seems like you have moved on it very quickly. I think you can feel proud of yourself for following through on what you wanted to do. :geek:
Something's making my nerves a mess.... I'm clenching my jaw, my neck is tense, I'm chewing on the insides of my cheeks and I haven't been able to sleep well.... I'm not sure what or who the culprit is.
"I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
And here it was, April 3rd, and the sky is STILL gray here. The wind is blowing, there's rain, there's cold air...this place just can't let go of winter!
Yes, and if you're a certain age, you are "The Sandwich" generation between your parents (who need care) and your teenagers who are not yet out of the house and still need care!!
My mom is getting frailer and so I'm almost in the deli.
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
Aww, hugs are free!
How is your transition going? Is your divorce final? Have you moved into your own place?
I think big change is always stressful even if it's the right thing to do. It's natural.
I'm getting MY house ready to sell and it's stressing me out (!) even though I want to do it and we need to do it to buy our new house! :? :geek:
Rain at least has the quality of sounding good on the windshield.
Now time to clean a bit.
Good luck on selling your house, I hope you get a really good deal on that...
I would just like to know why everything has to be so damn difficult????
((((((((((((((((((((( hugs ))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
I think difficulty is the engine behind change sometimes. Not that life should be hard all the time (that can be stifling because there's no room to change when one is overwhelmed!) but I think that when it comes in phases it forces us to do more than we thought we could.
Sometimes we need to push back against adversity to realize how strong we are.
And, I think that it's the fantasy of inexperienced folk that leans on the idea that lives WON'T have big challenges sometimes.
Me, I'm impressed with how quickly you started your divorce proceedings! It seems like you have moved on it very quickly. I think you can feel proud of yourself for following through on what you wanted to do. :geek:
Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!!!
i hear ya...the coffee isn't working for me this morning. i'm daydreaming about sleep.