Love it.
I think it's indicative in your use of the word 'command' that you realise I nurture a dominant personality but I have yet to reconcile this with the fact that I get bored pretty quickly with submissive women...But I seem to attract them all the same (let us not get into the egocentric/narcissist debate here...).
You, on the other hand, dear Nazi - seem to be anything but, in a non-pseudo- feminist kind of way and I am intrigued...
I am plagued by images of how our afore-mentioned discussion of the sensuality of the written word would come about, so to speak - perhaps the writing is on the wall. But then again, that could bring about a whole new world of difficulties...
But seriously, just out of interest what exactly would I have to have a superior command of to initiate the intimate glow of the divine feminine.
I'm pretty good at Pictionary...
What do you call 3 sheep tied together in the middle of Wales? - A Leisure Centre.
hands, fingers, hips, lips, tongue, will, purpose and word ~ and not necessarily in that order (Pictionary optional.)
You attract submissive women because you are a dominant-type. Mousy women want to learn how to be like cats. And dominance in men is just plain ole seXy when tempered internally by real self esteem and genuine compassion. Really sexy. Ouch.
I love being female (except in those rare moments outside in a crowd when I have to pee). I love everything that's supposed to come with it, too. Having doors opened for me... a hand on my lower back to steady my step in too-high, high-heels. I never got the whole feminist thing. Professionally? You bet I should get paid like the boys do. But socially? I'm a good girl and deserve to be taken care of.
Indeed. I can safely say that over the years I'm pretty confident I have managed to hone the necessary skills that you deem essential (while being sidelined by pictionary) as well as maintaining the neccesary aesthetics to be able to do so...I love being a man. I invest a lot of faith in chivalry also, as I have learned its value...
Am I to take it as a compliment that you believe that I also possess qualities of real self-esteem and compassion? Compassion is often seen as a weakness between men amongst men - but never something that should be overlooked.
In your list I think I have one real stand out skill - ok, maybe three, but the one I'm thinking of combines the use of words but is equally effective, if not more, when I am silent...
What do you call 3 sheep tied together in the middle of Wales? - A Leisure Centre.
Compassion should never be considered a weakness, but a virtue that all, of any gender should embrace, and if done, humanity would make this a much better place, for all.
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Compassion should never be considered a weakness, but a virtue that all, of any gender should embrace, and if done, humanity would make this a much better place, for all.
Or is it a selfish construct that is often embraced vicariously in order to promote a feeling of doing good and consequently self-satisfaction?
What do you call 3 sheep tied together in the middle of Wales? - A Leisure Centre.
Or is it a selfish construct that is often embraced vicariously in order to promote a feeling of doing good and consequently self-satisfaction?
This is what we were talking about earlier in this thread. I maintain that compassion is no selfish construct. It might not be "cool" to be compassionate in some circles... whatever, whatever. Not all emotives are appropriate in all situations. I don't believe aggression is a selfish construct, either. There are reasons we experience emotional responses to given stimuli... write outside that box and you're a psychopath.
Now, for your other question... it takes time to get to know people, Hunter ... I will NEVER EVER EVER make the mistake (again) of thinking I know people because I've read what they've written... NEVER. It is my estimation that you've gotta know someone and watch them go through a couple of ups and a couple of downs before you can make any assessment as to their general character... and even then, it could all be smoke and mirrors. Best to hang back and wait, I say... give 'em enough rope to hang themselves and sit pleasantly pleased when they ain't swinging dead, lol...
This is what we were talking about earlier in this thread. I maintain that compassion is no selfish construct. It might not be "cool" to be compassionate in some circles... whatever, whatever. Not all emotives are appropriate in all situations. I don't believe aggression is a selfish construct, either. There are reasons we experience emotional responses to given stimuli... write outside that box and you're a psychopath.
There are two types of selfishness in this context - the first, where you give yourself the pleasure of pleasing yourself (generally called self-centredness) and the other - where you give yourself the pleasure of pleasing others - a more refined kind of selfishness, if you will. The first is pretty obvious but the second poses problems by virtue of its hidden nature - because we get to feel that we're great when perhaps this is not the case. I.E. you give up several hours of your week to coach sports with disadvantaged kids and so you feel that you're contributing to the general happiness of these kids and the world in general. But you are, in actuality, fulifilling a selfish desire - the need to be needed.
If at least you can be honest about this kind of thing and say 'i give something - i get something' then that's cool - enlightened self-interest and a pursuit of truth.
Don't get me wrong, I do believe in pure motivation for altruism but I belive that it can only be described as such when its an unknowing act - when you aren't aware that what you are doing is helping others - that you don't gain the satisfaction I mentioned in my original argument. A good thing is never as good when you have no conciousness that you're good. Unselfconciousness is good.
And latterly...I applaud your softly,softly approach - for all you know I could be a murderous 13 year old girl with a pet rabbit called Marilyn, just waiting for the right moment until the bunny is ripe...
But seriously give me the rope and I'll do the best I can - probably lash it to the mast of a restored schooner called 'Discovery' and set sail for the Hinterland's...And if it's not long enough? Use it to drag my surfboard behind the boat and wrap a plastic human dummy on top - bait for shark-fishing...
Innovation is key. Oh yes.
What do you call 3 sheep tied together in the middle of Wales? - A Leisure Centre.
Originally Posted by Holey Ghost
Compassion should never be considered a weakness, but a virtue that all, of any gender should embrace, and if done, humanity would make this a much better place, for all.
Or is it a selfish construct that is often embraced vicariously in order to promote a feeling of doing good and consequently self-satisfaction?
I can't speak for all others, but my own compasion for others is not motivated by me wantiing to feel good and consequently some self-satisfaction, but rather a feeling of a pure desire to help those in need of some help, and I suppose I would feel good about being able to help, but not for the reason wanting self-satifaction, but rather wanting to be able to have a posiitive effect in the world.
Create Good Things........
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Originally Posted by Holey Ghost
Compassion should never be considered a weakness, but a virtue that all, of any gender should embrace, and if done, humanity would make this a much better place, for all.
I can't speak for all others, but my own compasion for others is not motivated by me wantiing to feel good and consequently some self-satisfaction, but rather a feeling of a pure desire to help those in need of some help, and I suppose I would feel good about being able to help, but not for the reason wanting self-satifaction, but rather wanting to be able to have a posiitive effect in the world.
So, essentially this amounts to needing to be needed. And the sooner you can admit this to yourself, the sooner you will be able to much more good without labouring under false illusions of pure altruism....Its pretty easy to say 'lets all hold hands and help each other' look at Bono and Bob Geldof - you have to be pretty damn naive to suggest that they are motivated by unthinking selflessness - they have profited immeasurably from their high-profile eulogising in many ways...Does your spiritual well-being come from
'wanting to be able to have a positive effect in the world'?
I think you just confirmed my point.
Read over the previous post again and be honest with yourself...
What do you call 3 sheep tied together in the middle of Wales? - A Leisure Centre.
there are some schools of thought holding that EVERYTHING we do is motivated by wanting to feel good, so.
my girl and I went out last night, and leaving the club we happened upon two, rather large muthafuka's beating this shit out of this dude.... they were kicking him in the head, and blood was spilling out of a gash in his face... he was toast. i moved in on the primary aggressor while my girl moved in on the other guy, getting in the way of their kicks and punches, dialing 9-1-1.
i did that (probably, and in keeping with this line of thought)... because i felt bad for the crumpled up bleeding guy. my conscious line of thinking wasn't, hey, i feel bad and i want to stop feeling bad... it was, hey... if they keep kicking this guy in the head, he could die or something...
And if you hadn't intervened and he had died you would feel even worse for the guy and hate yourself for not preventing it - so by intervening you circumvented both his and your worst fears...Not pure altruism again.
It is a difficult concept to want to face up to and I too have had real difficulty and several heated arguments regarding this but again, the way you approach it is a personal thing - and whether you want to face up to it is another matter entirely...I'm not lecturing or saying that you should, I'm just saying that it is very easy to convince yourself that your doing things for certain reasons when the real reason's are something completely different...
When I fight, if you remember I don't go all out kicking in the head/when he's down and I definitely don't tag team because I know I would feel pretty fucking sick if I did some serious, lasting damage - that would far outweigh any satisfaction I get from the situation - again a selfish approach to act, regardless of how twisted that may seem...
there are some schools of thought holding that EVERYTHING we do is motivated by wanting to feel good, so.
my girl and I went out last night, and leaving the club we happened upon two, rather large muthafuka's beating this shit out of this dude.... they were kicking him in the head, and blood was spilling out of a gash in his face... he was toast. i moved in on the primary aggressor while my girl moved in on the other guy, getting in the way of their kicks and punches, dialing 9-1-1.
i did that (probably, and in keeping with this line of thought)... because i felt bad for the crumpled up bleeding guy. my conscious line of thinking wasn't, hey, i feel bad and i want to stop feeling bad... it was, hey... if they keep kicking this guy in the head, he could die or something...
What do you call 3 sheep tied together in the middle of Wales? - A Leisure Centre.
oh, i ain't got no problem with being selfish... THE universe doesn't revolve around me, but mine does
why is it your quest to get ppl to *see* your point, here... altruistically motivated??? or, perhaps this is a new and more creative outlet for your aggression? (get the starry-eyed peace lovers to see themselves as being full of shit?... it's kinda like punching hippies in the face, eh?)
oh, i ain't got no problem with being selfish... THE universe doesn't revolve around me, but mine does
why is it your quest to get ppl to *see* your point, here... altruistically motivated??? or, perhaps this is a new and more creative outlet for your aggression? (get the starry-eyed peace lovers to see themselves as being full of shit?... it's kinda like punching hippies in the face, eh?)
I never said selfishness was a bad thing...
I'm not motivated to get people too see my point at all. I think your reading me wrong, or your reading what you want to see...
I'm also aware that you might be attempting to give me enough rope...
But i'm not that simple. The fact is that i'm simply challenging points of view and provoking argument in order to further everyone's (including mine) understanding of why we do the things we do and the real motivation behind our different behavioural patterns, that is all...Nothing more, nothing less.
I'm sorry if you think my approach is overly aggressive (i don't think it is - i have never denigrated anyone's argument for the sake of it and or don't use threatening language). Like I said before I play a lot of contact sports so have plenty of ways to channel my aggression - this is for the sake of intelligent debate. Not a case of right or wrong, but suggesting other ways and ideas of approaching things...
Your use of language suggests that I have indeed provoked you to assess your reasons for your actions, and ultimately, you don't like - hence your aggressive response to my reasoned argument...
But we don't like 'new' - its natural. For centuries everything 'new' was labelled 'blasphemous' as it threatened the way of life we had become accustomed to, until enough people realise its worth and it becomes mainstream. I'm not saying this is the case here - that these ideas will become mainstream - i'm simply suggesting another means of assessment - not as a teacher or guide, but someone who is open to other ideas.
A common mistake that is made is to say 'we learn from experience'. We don't. We learn from the assessment of experience or rather critical self-evaluation. It is a great skill to have and is always up for constant reappraisal - a self-taught skill anyone can have - as long as they are open to the idea of it. But of course, its a lot easier to ignore it and carry on regardless.
And yes I have punched the odd hippy - when I was younger and hadn't yet developed the capacity for understanding and acceptance - but now I can accept they have a different world-view and approach to life. But some are just still full of shit and often smoking a joint with these people becomes a real chore, they get all mystical on you and lose any thread of rational ability which can get kinda annoying - but i'm not gonna punch them just because their stoned. I've been smoking grass for nigh on ten years and all it does for me is to give me a general sense of well-being that is all, I don't try and force people to understand my point of view just because we share a joint...
You, dear Nazi, sound like you got a little pent-up aggression going on there, where's your outlet?
What do you call 3 sheep tied together in the middle of Wales? - A Leisure Centre.
smoking a joint with these people becomes a real chore, they get all mystical on you and lose any thread of rational ability which can get kinda annoying -
oh dude... this dude asked me my sign the other day??? i 'bout choked on my mastaccoli...
Just playing with me huh?
Shame I didn't rise to the bait - but it wasn't shark bait, I can sense these
What is mastaccoli exactly? Some vegetarian nonsense?
Off to hug a tree...
What do you call 3 sheep tied together in the middle of Wales? - A Leisure Centre.
Dear Nazi, got something I'd like your opinion on - not for the faint-hearted but I'm sure you can handle it as you are a big girl, you love having an opinion and you'll undoubtedly judge me for it - which I kinda like too!
So hit me back if your interested and I'll give you the blog address.
What do you call 3 sheep tied together in the middle of Wales? - A Leisure Centre.
Ok, i'm just being stupid, of course you are. 'I let go of the rope, thinking that's what held me back and in time...'
Pretty cryptic (and could be read as twisted, given the subject...)
I'm pretty sure I did do the right thing - but perhaps this could be explored further - right time, right place kind of idea. Once I get to know her a little better at least. I like to think of myself as fairly experimental (as i'm sure we all do) so having learned that this kind of fantasy is pretty widespread - i'm thinking why the fuck not?
You, dear Nazi are a saucy lady...Love it.
Maybe you could teach me. Am a keen learner...Lol
What do you call 3 sheep tied together in the middle of Wales? - A Leisure Centre.
yeah, yeah... was listening to Benaroya Hall this morning on the way into work, and i've used that name elsewhere. pretty twisted considering the subject, indeed... tooo funny
if you're game to experiment, and you have a chica gaggin' for it? you should totally go for it ~ but wait awhile... make sure she's not crazy, cuz she might be considering she'd want a total stranger to go there, first time. (my gut says she is... but what do i know?)
just being told "no" sends me up a wall, so... you could totally tease by just holding her hands behind her back while kissin'...
men have given up so much control these days and ages. women have taken so much. we must needs strike the balance elsewhere, yes? lol... scary stuff when you really look at it. we "down" the whole caveman thing... men like long hair so they have something to drag us into the cave by, lol... and here we have all these women into getting their hair pulled, or their necks bit, or choked or whatever...
yeah, yeah... was listening to Benaroya Hall this morning on the way into work, and i've used that name elsewhere. pretty twisted considering the subject, indeed... tooo funny
if you're game to experiment, and you have a chica gaggin' for it? you should totally go for it ~ but wait awhile... make sure she's not crazy, cuz she might be considering she'd want a total stranger to go there, first time. (my gut says she is... but what do i know?)
just being told "no" sends me up a wall, so... you could totally tease by just holding her hands behind her back while kissin'...
men have given up so much control these days and ages. women have taken so much. we must needs strike the balance elsewhere, yes? lol... scary stuff when you really look at it. we "down" the whole caveman thing... men like long hair so they have something to drag us into the cave by, lol... and here we have all these women into getting their hair pulled, or their necks bit, or choked or whatever...
oh, and i'm learning too, so
holla holla
That's an awesome take on the evolutionary aspect, one i'd only very briefly
I think she is a bit crazy but in my experience crazy is good as long as you're prepared to deal with any consequent fall-out with the requisite amount of humour (and body armour). Definitely not relationship material but then again there's only one person on this great chaotic globe I would even consider having a relationship with and she knows how I feel...just waiting in earnest for the reply...Must ask her at the outset if she's going to entertain any notion of backseat rape fantasies, so at least I can be prepared this time - ropes, cuffs, whips I wouldn't be able to buy that shit without pissing myself laughing at the counter (especially if it was an elderly woman).
Have difficulty taking much seriously, apart from one thing...
But still, I'm 23 and am not so naive that I don't believe I got any more growing up to do, I do...and older women seem to be helping from near and far lol...
As you can believe I don't down the whole caveman thing (my earliest discussion on this thread) and I think you're right a redress of the balance of power is probably overdue but is it really so if only in the private sphere of fantasy and subjugation? Still trying to get my head round it all...But still, i'm a caveman with an iota of sensibility and coming from the viewpoint that any kind of violence against women is just plain wrong - being asked by a woman to scrap that view is a bit of a headfuck to be honest. But I like I said, we don't learn from experience but critical self-evaluation...And i'm not one to leave certain needs unfulfilled...ahem. So the evaluation continues...
Tell me, you see under your sign-in name (HunterandHunted) and you have a PJ song (mine's animal) does the administrator give you that? Don't remember choosing it...Still, I think its apt under the circumstances - given what the song's about...
Haven't kicked anyone's ass for a while, maybe I'll do that and it'll put me in closer touch with my primal side - 'stunned by my own reflection...looking back sees me too clearly...' Or perhaps not. Not really a valid reason...
What do you call 3 sheep tied together in the middle of Wales? - A Leisure Centre.
Considering the possible dual sentiments of your last comment, I'm going to take it as a compliment of the finest ilk...
'After all, description is explanation...'
What do you call 3 sheep tied together in the middle of Wales? - A Leisure Centre.
Still can't work those emoticon things properly...Always appear beside my name, no matter...
I am the best kind of Animal - or the one I identify with the most is...
Can you guess?
What do you call 3 sheep tied together in the middle of Wales? - A Leisure Centre.
I think it's indicative in your use of the word 'command' that you realise I nurture a dominant personality but I have yet to reconcile this with the fact that I get bored pretty quickly with submissive women...But I seem to attract them all the same (let us not get into the egocentric/narcissist debate here...).
You, on the other hand, dear Nazi - seem to be anything but, in a non-pseudo- feminist kind of way and I am intrigued...
I am plagued by images of how our afore-mentioned discussion of the sensuality of the written word would come about, so to speak - perhaps the writing is on the wall. But then again, that could bring about a whole new world of difficulties...
But seriously, just out of interest what exactly would I have to have a superior command of to initiate the intimate glow of the divine feminine.
I'm pretty good at Pictionary...
You attract submissive women because you are a dominant-type. Mousy women want to learn how to be like cats. And dominance in men is just plain ole seXy when tempered internally by real self esteem and genuine compassion. Really sexy. Ouch.
I love being female (except in those rare moments outside in a crowd when I have to pee). I love everything that's supposed to come with it, too. Having doors opened for me... a hand on my lower back to steady my step in too-high, high-heels. I never got the whole feminist thing. Professionally? You bet I should get paid like the boys do. But socially? I'm a good girl and deserve to be taken care of.
Am I to take it as a compliment that you believe that I also possess qualities of real self-esteem and compassion? Compassion is often seen as a weakness between men amongst men - but never something that should be overlooked.
In your list I think I have one real stand out skill - ok, maybe three, but the one I'm thinking of combines the use of words but is equally effective, if not more, when I am silent...
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
Or is it a selfish construct that is often embraced vicariously in order to promote a feeling of doing good and consequently self-satisfaction?
Now, for your other question... it takes time to get to know people, Hunter do know how to use them words, though
Originally Posted by Holey Ghost
Compassion should never be considered a weakness, but a virtue that all, of any gender should embrace, and if done, humanity would make this a much better place, for all.
I can't speak for all others, but my own compasion for others is not motivated by me wantiing to feel good and consequently some self-satisfaction, but rather a feeling of a pure desire to help those in need of some help, and I suppose I would feel good about being able to help, but not for the reason wanting self-satifaction, but rather wanting to be able to have a posiitive effect in the world.
Graduate of the School for Sexual Gifted....magna cum loads
So, essentially this amounts to needing to be needed. And the sooner you can admit this to yourself, the sooner you will be able to much more good without labouring under false illusions of pure altruism....Its pretty easy to say 'lets all hold hands and help each other' look at Bono and Bob Geldof - you have to be pretty damn naive to suggest that they are motivated by unthinking selflessness - they have profited immeasurably from their high-profile eulogising in many ways...Does your spiritual well-being come from
'wanting to be able to have a positive effect in the world'?
I think you just confirmed my point.
Read over the previous post again and be honest with yourself...
my girl and I went out last night, and leaving the club we happened upon two, rather large muthafuka's beating this shit out of this dude.... they were kicking him in the head, and blood was spilling out of a gash in his face... he was toast. i moved in on the primary aggressor while my girl moved in on the other guy, getting in the way of their kicks and punches, dialing 9-1-1.
i did that (probably, and in keeping with this line of thought)... because i felt bad for the crumpled up bleeding guy. my conscious line of thinking wasn't, hey, i feel bad and i want to stop feeling bad... it was, hey... if they keep kicking this guy in the head, he could die or something...
It is a difficult concept to want to face up to and I too have had real difficulty and several heated arguments regarding this but again, the way you approach it is a personal thing - and whether you want to face up to it is another matter entirely...I'm not lecturing or saying that you should, I'm just saying that it is very easy to convince yourself that your doing things for certain reasons when the real reason's are something completely different...
When I fight, if you remember I don't go all out kicking in the head/when he's down and I definitely don't tag team because I know I would feel pretty fucking sick if I did some serious, lasting damage - that would far outweigh any satisfaction I get from the situation - again a selfish approach to act, regardless of how twisted that may seem...
why is it your quest to get ppl to *see* your point, here... altruistically motivated??? or, perhaps this is a new and more creative outlet for your aggression? (get the starry-eyed peace lovers to see themselves as being full of shit?... it's kinda like punching hippies in the face, eh?)
I never said selfishness was a bad thing...
I'm not motivated to get people too see my point at all. I think your reading me wrong, or your reading what you want to see...
I'm also aware that you might be attempting to give me enough rope...
But i'm not that simple. The fact is that i'm simply challenging points of view and provoking argument in order to further everyone's (including mine) understanding of why we do the things we do and the real motivation behind our different behavioural patterns, that is all...Nothing more, nothing less.
I'm sorry if you think my approach is overly aggressive (i don't think it is - i have never denigrated anyone's argument for the sake of it and or don't use threatening language). Like I said before I play a lot of contact sports so have plenty of ways to channel my aggression - this is for the sake of intelligent debate. Not a case of right or wrong, but suggesting other ways and ideas of approaching things...
Your use of language suggests that I have indeed provoked you to assess your reasons for your actions, and ultimately, you don't like - hence your aggressive response to my reasoned argument...
But we don't like 'new' - its natural. For centuries everything 'new' was labelled 'blasphemous' as it threatened the way of life we had become accustomed to, until enough people realise its worth and it becomes mainstream. I'm not saying this is the case here - that these ideas will become mainstream - i'm simply suggesting another means of assessment - not as a teacher or guide, but someone who is open to other ideas.
A common mistake that is made is to say 'we learn from experience'. We don't. We learn from the assessment of experience or rather critical self-evaluation. It is a great skill to have and is always up for constant reappraisal - a self-taught skill anyone can have - as long as they are open to the idea of it. But of course, its a lot easier to ignore it and carry on regardless.
And yes I have punched the odd hippy - when I was younger and hadn't yet developed the capacity for understanding and acceptance - but now I can accept they have a different world-view and approach to life. But some are just still full of shit and often smoking a joint with these people becomes a real chore, they get all mystical on you and lose any thread of rational ability which can get kinda annoying - but i'm not gonna punch them just because their stoned. I've been smoking grass for nigh on ten years and all it does for me is to give me a general sense of well-being that is all, I don't try and force people to understand my point of view just because we share a joint...
You, dear Nazi, sound like you got a little pent-up aggression going on there, where's your outlet? outlet...
oh dude... this dude asked me my sign the other day??? i 'bout choked on my mastaccoli...
Shame I didn't rise to the bait - but it wasn't shark bait, I can sense these
What is mastaccoli exactly? Some vegetarian nonsense?
Off to hug a tree...
So hit me back if your interested and I'll give you the blog address.
Only one post so far but is somehow linked to an earlier discussion we had...
I think so...
Let me know.
Pretty cryptic (and could be read as twisted, given the subject...)
I'm pretty sure I did do the right thing - but perhaps this could be explored further - right time, right place kind of idea. Once I get to know her a little better at least. I like to think of myself as fairly experimental (as i'm sure we all do) so having learned that this kind of fantasy is pretty widespread - i'm thinking why the fuck not?
You, dear Nazi are a saucy lady...Love it.
Maybe you could teach me. Am a keen learner...Lol
if you're game to experiment, and you have a chica gaggin' for it? you should totally go for it ~ but wait awhile... make sure she's not crazy, cuz she might be considering she'd want a total stranger to go there, first time. (my gut says she is... but what do i know?)
just being told "no" sends me up a wall, so... you could totally tease by just holding her hands behind her back while kissin'...
men have given up so much control these days and ages. women have taken so much. we must needs strike the balance elsewhere, yes? lol... scary stuff when you really look at it. we "down" the whole caveman thing... men like long hair so they have something to drag us into the cave by, lol... and here we have all these women into getting their hair pulled, or their necks bit, or choked or whatever...
oh, and i'm learning too, so
holla holla
That's an awesome take on the evolutionary aspect, one i'd only very briefly
I think she is a bit crazy but in my experience crazy is good as long as you're prepared to deal with any consequent fall-out with the requisite amount of humour (and body armour). Definitely not relationship material but then again there's only one person on this great chaotic globe I would even consider having a relationship with and she knows how I feel...just waiting in earnest for the reply...Must ask her at the outset if she's going to entertain any notion of backseat rape fantasies, so at least I can be prepared this time - ropes, cuffs, whips I wouldn't be able to buy that shit without pissing myself laughing at the counter (especially if it was an elderly woman).
Have difficulty taking much seriously, apart from one thing...
But still, I'm 23 and am not so naive that I don't believe I got any more growing up to do, I do...and older women seem to be helping from near and far lol...
As you can believe I don't down the whole caveman thing (my earliest discussion on this thread) and I think you're right a redress of the balance of power is probably overdue but is it really so if only in the private sphere of fantasy and subjugation? Still trying to get my head round it all...But still, i'm a caveman with an iota of sensibility and coming from the viewpoint that any kind of violence against women is just plain wrong - being asked by a woman to scrap that view is a bit of a headfuck to be honest. But I like I said, we don't learn from experience but critical self-evaluation...And i'm not one to leave certain needs unfulfilled...ahem. So the evaluation continues...
Tell me, you see under your sign-in name (HunterandHunted) and you have a PJ song (mine's animal) does the administrator give you that? Don't remember choosing it...Still, I think its apt under the circumstances - given what the song's about...
Haven't kicked anyone's ass for a while, maybe I'll do that and it'll put me in closer touch with my primal side - 'stunned by my own reflection...looking back sees me too clearly...' Or perhaps not. Not really a valid reason...
yeah yeah... "Animal" is your "rank" on the board, and it's based on the number of posts you make. It's also your apparent "rank" in the bar, eh?
'After all, description is explanation...'
of course, there are several kinds of animals, don't you know?
I am the best kind of Animal - or the one I identify with the most is...
Can you guess?
you have to type the semi-colon, close parenthesis in your text to get mr. winker down here, lol...
It is in fact the mighty Snow Leopard...I'll leave you to work out the parallels.