how did a thread of poets become such a spankathon?
anyway i never really consider myself much of a poet, always thought i lacked a certain edge of eloquence.
plus i mostly write lyrics and prose
never liked rhyming
most of my stuff is criminally basic. but hey, i'm still young
i was thinking the other day how being a full time poet would be the best profession ever, even better if you got paid for it and could live off the money.
the set of all things that are not a teapot is a spank, apparently...
(not that i intend that to make any sense to anyone but myself, but... anyway... there you have it...)
and i think, full time poets have to start out with cash... a trust fund or something... i mean at least 'til MtV becomes PtV, and frankly... i can't see that happening...
and good lyrics are like poetry...
i dunno, i've read some debate on lyrics versus poetry and came away with the notion that lyrics are not poetry, although it wasn't exactly clear as to why.... maybe it's just the presence of music that differentiates the two?
there's music set to poetry
and poetry inspired by music
but for some reason
there's a thin line between the two...
i like "God's Dice"... it feels like poetry to me, in fact, much of Binaural comes off like poetry...
it's out of my hands, making your hands meet
stumble as it's crumbling out of reach
it's in the cards on destiny
your sanity in tow
designate my luck
ah resignate...
this power has no roots to guide, no role...
trust in rusted minds refused to go
unwillingness, it's meaningless to walk away in vain
designate my will
designate my fill
my will is crashing, synapses flashing slow
days like frame by frame, where do they go?
why fight? forget it
cannot spend it
after i go
roll 'em high...
throw them again...
all gods' dice...
monkey driven, call this living
too much thought, it's overwrought, a hole
minding yours, what's mine not yours
will finish us off
designate my life
designate my view
resignate my will, my will, my will, i will
resignate my god
shoosh... the late night ramblings just go on and on and on...
wow, i'ze been gone a few days, and Stellar fabulo, batcakes, wonderful to see you in such a Swizzle of good taste,
{{{yellow}}} and now, to change subjects phonetically we could seque into
the Prose and Khans
of Being a
which would elude line shape
and find us flusteringly burr chilled in outer Mongolia
but oh my
they do have simply cute cute ultra-furry ponies there.
just popped in to say hello yellow~~
(this looks like a fun thread, i will read Mo' later...
pre-emptive Spank
Originally posted by Radar(Baba)O'Riley Nudge, nudge, SPANK, SPANK
I get skittles in my veins whenever I hear the "P" word used near me. I think it's a glorious compliment. Poets have stethascopes on brainbeats, they have heart autopsies in their pockets. They know life and death and every color in between. They kick ass.
oh {{{{Radar}}}}}}} yes!
lovecolor rocks
the cerebral pulse
of waves and diamonds
i was thinking the other day how being a full time poet would be the best profession ever, even better if you got paid for it and could live off the money.
Burns was a taxman, Byron started wars all over Europe in his spare time, Tennyson was a bit of a dosser, TS Eliot ran Faber, Kavanagh begged on the streets of Dublin, Larkin worked in the library, Hughes ponced about a bit, Plath had to put up with Hughes poncing about, and Andrew Motion works at the University of East Anglia.
I think Ginsberg managed to be a professional poet, though.
where jodie foster gets up there and there's this apricot neon swirl of starry amoebae...sparkling sparkling there
and her eyes tear up
and she gasps {{paraphrasing...}}
it's so beautiful beautiful....
no words...
to describe....
they should have sent a poet....'
and oh my poets are people
who live
trying to Describe
the beauty, the pain, the Thing and its inherent Idea...
the Truth
(keatsian, archaic, perhaps, but beautiful ahhhhhhh)
poems can be about anything and mean nothing
it's about word choice
from all the words out there...
a poet is a person
and gives weighty consideration....rearranging on the page, mouthing syllables to an interior stage....
who finds pleasure
in creating
with the breath of his dreams...
(ohmygod, so is that so stellar cheezy or What...)
i loved what finsbury said about the concept of poet as 'transcendent magus"
transcendental magi, we
impoverished, yes, but gleeful (my typical "pay" is two copies of the journal or review who publishes my work!)....and the most i've scored on a contest....well, a really nice restaurant at best
Lyrics can be poetic, and poetry can become lyrics...but not all lyrics are poetry and not all poetry can be lyrical.
I write poetry, as my own outlet for feelings. I have never written lyrics, and don't know if I could have a talent for it. I am always impressed at how a lyricist can make words come together, and I feel THAT is where the poetry lies in songwriting. Not so much just the words, but the words together with the music is poetic.
All in all, I feel every one has some sort of talent. It may be writing, or drawing, or acting out emotions, or even interpreting great works. It's all talent and should be recognized and revered as such, far as I'm concerned.
Underneath this smile lies everything...How I choose to feel, is how I AM!
No matter how cold the winter, there's a spring time ahead.
Scholars of poetry often argue whether GM Hopkins's "The Windhover" is a poem or a song lyric, because Hopkins makes use of "sprung rhythm" (a device that subdivides the cadence of a line into little intervals, which make more sense syncopated over a line of music). They say, Hopkins doesn't stick to poetic metre, so "The Windhover" can't be, precisely speaking, a poem.
What is this "preciseness", and what does it do but put kinds of language into little boxes.
I think Roman Jakobson explained poetic language best. He said that prose speech works "horizontally" along the "syntagmatic axis of communication": in other words, the syntactical order of words in a sentence generate meaning. However, he continued, poetry works "vertically", along the axis of selection: poetry uses "the principle of equivalence"... it communicates through assonance, alliteration, rhythm, repetition, half-rhymes, full-rhymes, pararhymes, typographical shaping, puns, tropes, metaphors, similes, etc., etc., etc.......
Prose can be poetic, if it foregrounds the "principle of equivalence".....look at the "Tell me about Anna Livia" chapter from "Finnegans Wake"......
Poetry can be presented as prose.....look at Geoffrey Hill's "Mercian Hymns......."
anyone who thinks they are a poet
obviously is not
same goes for song-writers and painters
and buisnessmen and whores
and anything else you think you are
Originally posted by Goulet anyone who thinks they are a poet
obviously is not
same goes for song-writers and painters
and buisnessmen and whores
and anything else you think you are
Originally posted by Goulet anyone who thinks they are a poet
obviously is not
same goes for song-writers and painters
and buisnessmen and whores
and anything else you think you are
Shakespeare thought he was a poet. he was.
Milton thought he was a poet. He was.
Wordsworth thought he was a poet. He was.
Emily Dickenson thought she was a poet. She was.
Yeats thought he was a poet. He was.
Rabindranath Tagore thought he was a poet. He was.
Elizabeth Bishop thinks she is a poet. She is.
Patrick Kavanagh thought he was a poet. He was.
Bob Dylan once said, "I'm a poet, and I know it, hope I don't blow it." He's a poet.
8.29.00-4.29.03-4.30.03-5.2.03-7.2.03-7.3.03-7.8.03-7.9.03-7.11.03-9.28.04-9.29.04-10.1.04- 10.2.04-10.3.04-5.12.06-5.24.06-5.25.06
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
It's just one of those cliched expressions..."true poets don't know they are." This dates back to the medieval bardic tradition when women and people from the poorer classes were discouraged from writing verse and thinking themselves poets, because, allegedly, only males got jobs at court....(recently uncovered historical evidence suggests this myth isn't actually true, either).
You know the poem "They shut me up in prose"?....... Thinking yourself a poet is a politically committed, subversive, spiritually emancipatory, carnivalesque destabilization of that repressive proseworld of laws and statutes, and silence.
Originally posted by Goulet anyone who thinks they are a poet
obviously is not
same goes for song-writers and painters
and buisnessmen and whores
and anything else you think you are
yes, i see the void in yr precision,
if we
aren't we
and reminds me of the argument that
he who claims to know....
and if you think,
what you write about people who think they are poets
not being poets,
you are not a person who writes about people who think
they are poets not being poets....
Originally posted by Goulet anyone who thinks they are a poet
obviously is not
same goes for song-writers and painters
and buisnessmen and whores
and anything else you think you are
no spanking on my thread
unless it's your own monkey
leave ma sista alone
Monkey spanks! LMFAO! Like those red-assed monkies! I wonder how they got that way??!!
Ma sista, I love you! I'm OK with da spanky but if you no like da spanky--it will stay away from your thread!
Now you're more like your sista:D
yellow or not...
...fucking radar...
You tellum, Yellow!
Yeah, you got all the brains and good looks, leave the spanks to me.
Both! Y'all be the total package!
If I had to choose, I'd pick your brain!
I better stop.
you'r box is full
hire a maid or something.
Clean that m'er f'er up girlfriend!
This user's box is currently full is not the message that the masses wish to see. At least make an attempt to be a lady!
i shall set to the task immediately, your grace
anyway i never really consider myself much of a poet, always thought i lacked a certain edge of eloquence.
plus i mostly write lyrics and prose
never liked rhyming
most of my stuff is criminally basic. but hey, i'm still young
i was thinking the other day how being a full time poet would be the best profession ever, even better if you got paid for it and could live off the money.
the set of all things that are not a teapot is a spank, apparently...
(not that i intend that to make any sense to anyone but myself, but... anyway... there you have it...)
and i think, full time poets have to start out with cash... a trust fund or something... i mean at least 'til MtV becomes PtV, and frankly... i can't see that happening...
and good lyrics are like poetry...
i dunno, i've read some debate on lyrics versus poetry and came away with the notion that lyrics are not poetry, although it wasn't exactly clear as to why.... maybe it's just the presence of music that differentiates the two?
there's music set to poetry
and poetry inspired by music
but for some reason
there's a thin line between the two...
i like "God's Dice"... it feels like poetry to me, in fact, much of Binaural comes off like poetry...
it's out of my hands, making your hands meet
stumble as it's crumbling out of reach
it's in the cards on destiny
your sanity in tow
designate my luck
ah resignate...
this power has no roots to guide, no role...
trust in rusted minds refused to go
unwillingness, it's meaningless to walk away in vain
designate my will
designate my fill
my will is crashing, synapses flashing slow
days like frame by frame, where do they go?
why fight? forget it
cannot spend it
after i go
roll 'em high...
throw them again...
all gods' dice...
monkey driven, call this living
too much thought, it's overwrought, a hole
minding yours, what's mine not yours
will finish us off
designate my life
designate my view
resignate my will, my will, my will, i will
resignate my god
shoosh... the late night ramblings just go on and on and on...
{{{yellow}}} and now, to change subjects phonetically we could seque into
the Prose and Khans
of Being a
which would elude line shape
and find us flusteringly burr chilled in outer Mongolia
but oh my
they do have simply cute cute ultra-furry ponies there.
just popped in to say hello yellow~~
(this looks like a fun thread, i will read Mo' later...
pre-emptive Spank
oh {{{{Radar}}}}}}} yes!
lovecolor rocks
the cerebral pulse
of waves and diamonds
ahhhhhh Dat's so purdy, Rad
Burns was a taxman, Byron started wars all over Europe in his spare time, Tennyson was a bit of a dosser, TS Eliot ran Faber, Kavanagh begged on the streets of Dublin, Larkin worked in the library, Hughes ponced about a bit, Plath had to put up with Hughes poncing about, and Andrew Motion works at the University of East Anglia.
I think Ginsberg managed to be a professional poet, though.
and her eyes tear up
and she gasps {{paraphrasing...}}
it's so beautiful beautiful....
no words...
to describe....
they should have sent a poet....'
and oh my poets are people
who live
trying to Describe
the beauty, the pain, the Thing and its inherent Idea...
the Truth
(keatsian, archaic, perhaps, but beautiful ahhhhhhh)
poems can be about anything and mean nothing
it's about word choice
from all the words out there...
a poet is a person
and gives weighty consideration....rearranging on the page, mouthing syllables to an interior stage....
who finds pleasure
in creating
with the breath of his dreams...
(ohmygod, so is that so stellar cheezy or What...)
i loved what finsbury said about the concept of poet as 'transcendent magus"
transcendental magi, we
impoverished, yes, but gleeful (my typical "pay" is two copies of the journal or review who publishes my work!)....and the most i've scored on a contest....well, a really nice restaurant at best
you so gotta love it/ Ars gratis Artis.....
hugs stuffin
I write poetry, as my own outlet for feelings. I have never written lyrics, and don't know if I could have a talent for it. I am always impressed at how a lyricist can make words come together, and I feel THAT is where the poetry lies in songwriting. Not so much just the words, but the words together with the music is poetic.
All in all, I feel every one has some sort of talent. It may be writing, or drawing, or acting out emotions, or even interpreting great works. It's all talent and should be recognized and revered as such, far as I'm concerned.
No matter how cold the winter, there's a spring time ahead.
What is this "preciseness", and what does it do but put kinds of language into little boxes.
I think Roman Jakobson explained poetic language best. He said that prose speech works "horizontally" along the "syntagmatic axis of communication": in other words, the syntactical order of words in a sentence generate meaning. However, he continued, poetry works "vertically", along the axis of selection: poetry uses "the principle of equivalence"... it communicates through assonance, alliteration, rhythm, repetition, half-rhymes, full-rhymes, pararhymes, typographical shaping, puns, tropes, metaphors, similes, etc., etc., etc.......
Prose can be poetic, if it foregrounds the "principle of equivalence".....look at the "Tell me about Anna Livia" chapter from "Finnegans Wake"......
Poetry can be presented as prose.....look at Geoffrey Hill's "Mercian Hymns......."
obviously is not
same goes for song-writers and painters
and buisnessmen and whores
and anything else you think you are
Interesting proposition. Please elucidate.
Non cogito ergo sum?
Shakespeare thought he was a poet. he was.
Milton thought he was a poet. He was.
Wordsworth thought he was a poet. He was.
Emily Dickenson thought she was a poet. She was.
Yeats thought he was a poet. He was.
Rabindranath Tagore thought he was a poet. He was.
Elizabeth Bishop thinks she is a poet. She is.
Patrick Kavanagh thought he was a poet. He was.
Bob Dylan once said, "I'm a poet, and I know it, hope I don't blow it." He's a poet.
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
You know the poem "They shut me up in prose"?....... Thinking yourself a poet is a politically committed, subversive, spiritually emancipatory, carnivalesque destabilization of that repressive proseworld of laws and statutes, and silence.
yes, i see the void in yr precision,
if we
aren't we
and reminds me of the argument that
he who claims to know....
and if you think,
what you write about people who think they are poets
not being poets,
you are not a person who writes about people who think
they are poets not being poets....
ahhhh more self-inversion therapy,
I think, therefore I'm not.