It's the best dated rock album to come out this decade.
“I know this song so well, I can smoke a cigarette, have a drink, brush my teeth, take a shit, and mow the lawn while singing it. But I'll only be doing a couple of those things during this version.”
Ill say this... Calling this record a Guns N Roses album is a fraud, whether Axl own the name or not. With that said, I still think Axl is one of the best front men of my time, if not the best. Ill get the record and give it a listen. Rolling Stone somehow gave it 4 out of 5 stars. not that that means anything, but it is a positive review. I I have seen Axl's new lineup twice in Vegas a few years back and its still a fun time. I just wish hed call it the Axl Rose band or call Duff and Slash. And play a one off at the Rose Bowl or something... I'd pay anything to see Axl Duff Slash Izzy and shit , either Steven or Adler all together one more time. Woyuld be the greatest night ever.
I am in for this. I am a huge fan of GN'R and of Axl in particular. It is definitely different, but is it really any different than U2 going from The Joshua Tree/Rattle and Hum to Achtung Baby?
Even though at one time in my teens I was more into Guns N' Roses than any band before or even since and Appetite is my all time favorite cd, I hold no special significance to the name like some people do. This goes for any band that people like to throw the "well, it isn’t MY (insert band name that has undergone personnel changes)!" Examples are The Who, Van Halen with Sammy/Gary, Deep Purple without Blackmore, etc.
All that concerns me is if I enjoy or connect with the songs on some level. Of the songs I have heard so far (80%), I am enjoying the songs. Especially Madagascar. I have loved that tune since I first heard it live at Rock in Rio 1999.
“Rant Warning”
If people don't care for the songs that is one thing, but I am so sick of the bitching about the name of the band as if Axl had nothing to do with the creation of the band and wasn’t the primary force behind its success. It isn’t like Gilby Clark or Teddy Andreas is using the name. Fact is, he legally owns the name and not only that, earned the right to it. Why shouldn’t he get to use the name of the band he was a founder of and mostly through his ambition and charisma (and yes even his wackiness and erratic behavior) became at one time the biggest band in the world? The other band members didn’t care enough about it to fight Axl when he did a smart thing (not necessarily nice but you can't argue the business sense of solely owning the name), so why do people defend them when they were losers and didn’t give a crap about the name when they were in the band? This doesn’t diminish their contribution to the band's success and especially to the music itself; Appetite is still Appetite no matter who uses the name now.
Sorry for the long rant, but this bugs me as I see it every day with not only this band but The Who, The Doors, Deep Purple. So, you mean to tell me that you spend your whole life creating and building a business, but one/some of your partners either quit or dies, that means you shouldn’t be able to use the name you built? I guess when Walt Disney died and the company started to create different stuff in they should have renamed it to Animation, Inc or something? Bullcrap.
"You can't even remember what I'm trying to forget"
I am in for this. I am a huge fan of GN'R and of Axl in particular. It is definitely different, but is it really any different than U2 going from The Joshua Tree/Rattle and Hum to Achtung Baby?
Even though at one time in my teens I was more into Guns N' Roses than any band before or even since and Appetite is my all time favorite cd, I hold no special significance to the name like some people do. This goes for any band that people like to throw the "well, it isn’t MY (insert band name that has undergone personnel changes)!" Examples are The Who, Van Halen with Sammy/Gary, Deep Purple without Blackmore, etc.
All that concerns me is if I enjoy or connect with the songs on some level. Of the songs I have heard so far (80%), I am enjoying the songs. Especially Madagascar. I have loved that tune since I first heard it live at Rock in Rio 1999.
“Rant Warning”
If people don't care for the songs that is one thing, but I am so sick of the bitching about the name of the band as if Axl had nothing to do with the creation of the band and wasn’t the primary force behind its success. It isn’t like Gilby Clark or Teddy Andreas is using the name. Fact is, he legally owns the name and not only that, earned the right to it. Why shouldn’t he get to use the name of the band he was a founder of and mostly through his ambition and charisma (and yes even his wackiness and erratic behavior) became at one time the biggest band in the world? The other band members didn’t care enough about it to fight Axl when he did a smart thing (not necessarily nice but you can't argue the business sense of solely owning the name), so why do people defend them when they were losers and didn’t give a crap about the name when they were in the band? This doesn’t diminish their contribution to the band's success and especially to the music itself; Appetite is still Appetite no matter who uses the name now.
Sorry for the long rant, but this bugs me as I see it every day with not only this band but The Who, The Doors, Deep Purple. So, you mean to tell me that you spend your whole life creating and building a business, but one/some of your partners either quit or dies, that means you shouldn’t be able to use the name you built? I guess when Walt Disney died and the company started to create different stuff in they should have renamed it to Animation, Inc or something? Bullcrap.
I agree with most of that. Yet, as most know I support ALL gnr, old and new, but yet, I wish it wasn't called GNR.
Izzy and Slash were just as integral to Guns N' Roses as Axl. Stradlin in fact wrote the majority of their early material, as well as a large chunk of the Illusion albums. In my opinion, it ain't Guns N' Roses unless Axl, Izzy, Slash, and Duff are all together. Can you imagine Eddie Vedder kicking out Stone, Jeff, and Mike, but still calling himself "Pearl Jam"? That would be absolutely absurd. Legally Axl owns the name, so I guess he can do whatever the hell he wants with it, but if the guy had any balls whatsoever, he'd call his current project "The Axl Rose Band" or something along those lines. Obviously the only reason he's keeping the Gn'R name is for the money, and that's what I don't get. He's already filthy stinkin' rich, so why can't he just move on like the rest of his former bandmates and create something under his own miniker? His name alone will sell a gazillion albums. He doesn't need to call it Gn'R.
"I try my best to chug, stomp, weep, whisper, moan, wheeze, scat, blurt, rage, whine, and seduce. With my voice I can sound like a girl, the boogieman, a Theremin, a cherry bomb, a clown, a doctor, a murderer. I can be tribal. Ironic. Or disturbed. My voice is really my instrument."
Izzy and Slash were just as integral to Guns N' Roses as Axl. Stradlin in fact wrote the majority of their early material, as well as a large chunk of the Illusion albums. In my opinion, it ain't Guns N' Roses unless Axl, Izzy, Slash, and Duff are all together. Can you imagine Eddie Vedder kicking out Stone, Jeff, and Mike, but still calling himself "Pearl Jam"? That would be absolutely absurd. Legally Axl owns the name, so I guess he can do whatever the hell he wants with it, but if the guy had any balls whatsoever, he'd call his current project "The Axl Rose Band" or something along those lines. Obviously the only reason he's keeping the Gn'R name is for the money, and that's what I don't get. He's already filthy stinkin' rich, so why can't he just move on like the rest of his former bandmates and create something under his own miniker? His name alone will sell a gazillion albums. He doesn't need to call it Gn'R.
Thanks for saying all this Wolf. Very well said. Izzy Slash and Duff are as much G N R, as Stone Jeff and Mike are PJ... that just about says it all
But I digress and rant myself now anyway... sorry
Don't assume that because no one fought Axl for the name that no one cared. You don't know what was said behind closed doors, do you? There are plenty of other reasons, that you me or anyone else do not know of, why Duff and Slash (Matt)just said F Axl, he ain't worth the time. Do you think these guys did not know that they were leaving the best F-ing back of our time? Think about being in their shoes for a minute... you're in the biggest rock band of its time and something sucks SO BAD, that you have to stop doing it and leave... Thanks AXL! But hey, I wasn't there and can't make those judgements... I bet Duff and Slash wish they had the past few years of their life back instead of wasting it with Scott Weiland and instead were recording the next G N R album.... but Axl's a dick... it's just not meant to be... oh well....
i know for a fact that Duff and Slash do care about the G N R name, as I have spoken to both of them numerous times at my job... And I promise you that I am not saying this just to sound cool, or name drop, or whatever ... just saying it to say that both Slash and Duff are ALWAYS very nice, down to earth people when you talk to them... I have talked to them about G N R, Velvet Revolver, and about their future band... sometimes it sucks meeting the bands or singers you care about... but not in this case... same can be said about the guys in PJ too I think when they go into the R n R hall of fame we will see a reunited G N R ... a true lineup of original members... that is, if psycho AXL will allow that to happen... its only a few years away now...
Ever think that maybe everyone that is saying that this shouldn't be called a G N R record must be onto something? Why is it that everyone is thinking alike on this subject? lol just a thought...
If you ever got to see the original lineup live... you'd know there is NO substitute... no matter what Axl tried to brainwash you with...
And where do you work where you can talk to musicians such as Slash and Duff? That would be a real privilege.
I saw new GnR at Hammerstein in 06 (and pearl jam a week later...what a great 2 weeks that was...), but I really wish I could have seen the old band.
I hope they do a reunion, or at least one show for RnR HOF. My opinion though? They will all get together to accept the award, but I do not think they will ever perform together again. I hope I'm wrong.
You know, how "The System Has Failed" got released as Megadeth instead of Dave Mustaine?
Even if Axl could separate himself from the GNR name, I don't think there's any way the label would let it be released as an Axl Rose solo album. Even if that's what it really is.
I'll buy it. The man wrote Rocket Queen and Coma. I owe it to him.
damn right, I second this.
The fact the man helped put out one of the best rock records of all time is enough for me....
yep he may be a prick, I dont know if he is or not as I dont know him and I'm well aware of the power of the fucking shite media slant (journalists can make anyone sound a cock if they try hard enough), but its the music I'm interested in abnd for sure I'll give it a crack...
I've heard some shit this year that there is no way this can be as bad as. For example the new verve record was just terrible and I love the verve...
I'll buy it. The man wrote Rocket Queen and Coma. I owe it to him.
damn right, I second this.
The fact the man helped put out one of the best rock records of all time is enough for me....
yep he may be a prick, I dont know if he is or not as I dont know him and I'm well aware of the power of the fucking shite media slant (journalists can make anyone sound a cock if they try hard enough), but its the music I'm interested in abnd for sure I'll give it a crack...
I've heard some shit this year that there is no way this can be as bad as. For example the new verve record was just terrible and I love the verve...
Izzy and Slash were just as integral to Guns N' Roses as Axl. Stradlin in fact wrote the majority of their early material, as well as a large chunk of the Illusion albums. In my opinion, it ain't Guns N' Roses unless Axl, Izzy, Slash, and Duff are all together. Can you imagine Eddie Vedder kicking out Stone, Jeff, and Mike, but still calling himself "Pearl Jam"? That would be absolutely absurd. Legally Axl owns the name, so I guess he can do whatever the hell he wants with it, but if the guy had any balls whatsoever, he'd call his current project "The Axl Rose Band" or something along those lines. Obviously the only reason he's keeping the Gn'R name is for the money, and that's what I don't get. He's already filthy stinkin' rich, so why can't he just move on like the rest of his former bandmates and create something under his own miniker? His name alone will sell a gazillion albums. He doesn't need to call it Gn'R.
They were integral to the music, no denying that, but the fact is that it was Axl's charisma and ambition and danger that made this band successful. I am not talking the actual music, cuz anyone in the business knows, music ain’t enough to climb the mountain of success. Izzy left because he didn’t want to be successful and in the limelight. He really doesn’t care about the band's success. The rest of the guys, as nice as they may be now, were messed up losers back in the day when the whole name action took place. By their own admission, they were drugged out, partying, and so generally blasé that when Axl pulled a power play they didn’t want to rock the boat and mess up their good time. Sorry you don’t get to go back years later when you sober up and pull the "I was taken advantage of by the meanie cuz I was strung out” Tough. I have seen the original band several times and to this day it is probably the best show I have ever seen. At their peak they blew almost everyone away. I would love for them to get back together, but due to admittedly Axl being an egotistical prick AND the others being total strung out losers at the time, things happened and the others decided to leave the band and the name. They no longer have any right legally, morally, or ethically to bitch about it now.
Like I said this isn’t a debate on the contributions musically of the others. That is without question. I am only talking about the name in a business sense. Axl earned the right to use it, so because internet fan boys bitch about it, he should have to give up the world recognized commodity that he helped build?
Imagine this. After VS, the band gets tired of Eddie's anti success crap and his wanting to totally take over all the writing on the new record. They tell him to get his act together and he walks. As much as he is the face of PJ and he IS the reason they are successful, you mean that Stone, Jeff and Mike shouldn’t be able to keep the name and use it as a business?
I think most of those who oppose the name thing are thinking with their hearts and not their heads. They are holding some emotional attachment to the music that believe it or not doesn’t change no matter what the current lineup is. You can hate the new band, hate the new songs, hate Axl, but to me decrying him for using the name is simply smaltzy sentimentality to something that doesn’t exist anymore.
"You can't even remember what I'm trying to forget"
I think the notion of calling this a GnR album is ridiculous. With many bands it wouldn't matter to me, but we're talking about Guns n fuckin roses here.
I bought Zeitgeist even though it just didn't feel right. Corgan and Axl are much the same to me.
Ultimately I probably will buy it, but I won't be rushing out to get it on the 23rd...and I'm not guaranteeing that I will at all. It doesn't interest me much.
All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
Axl kept the name in order to get the advance money from the record company. He needed that money in order to pull this off. Axl has actually recorded at least three albums so Chinese Democracy is only the beginning. People won't believe me till it happens but it will. I'm just thankful that he's back because rock music has sucked for a real long time. The Strokes and The White Stripes are seen as great bands now. This decade has been a joke.
You can hate the new band, hate the new songs, hate Axl, but to me decrying him for using the name is simply smaltzy sentimentality to something that doesn’t exist anymore.
Exactly. It doesn't exist anymore. So why is Axl pretending that it does? His current band (and sound) is just about the furthest thing from Guns N' Roses as you can get. In my opinion, trying to pass this off as a Gn'R album is an insult to the original band's legacy. Chinese Democracy is nothing more than a collection of Axl Rose solo material played by a glorified Gn'R cover band.
"I try my best to chug, stomp, weep, whisper, moan, wheeze, scat, blurt, rage, whine, and seduce. With my voice I can sound like a girl, the boogieman, a Theremin, a cherry bomb, a clown, a doctor, a murderer. I can be tribal. Ironic. Or disturbed. My voice is really my instrument."
As far as im concerned, GNR does not exist without Slash,Izzy and Duff.
Its too bad Axl is so metally unstable because hes actually a very talented musician (i.e. November Rain). Had he made an album under a new name i would be incredibly open to it. But this is no GNR.
When you as a person are too crazy to make music with Buckethead, then something is very wrong with you.
God forbid Axl takes the stage with this new group when GNR is inducted to the Rock N Roll hall. That would be a shame.
The example of Eddie kicking out the rest of the band and calling it PJ is perfect.
Axl kept the name in order to get the advance money from the record company. He needed that money in order to pull this off. Axl has actually recorded at least three albums so Chinese Democracy is only the beginning. People won't believe me till it happens but it will. I'm just thankful that he's back because rock music has sucked for a real long time. The Strokes and The White Stripes are seen as great bands now. This decade has been a joke.
Is this really a '00's album?
Finally found the Catcher in the Rye demo. Of course that's from '99 so who knows what form it's in on the record, other than Brian May obviously isn't involved.
From what I've heard, this is not going to be groundbreaking. Some of it is good and it sure as hell is very Axl. The Catcher in the Rye demo is definately very Axl. One of the couple of tracks that sound like UYI III.
When you as a person are too crazy to make music with Buckethead, then something is very wrong with you.
LOL! No kidding.
"I try my best to chug, stomp, weep, whisper, moan, wheeze, scat, blurt, rage, whine, and seduce. With my voice I can sound like a girl, the boogieman, a Theremin, a cherry bomb, a clown, a doctor, a murderer. I can be tribal. Ironic. Or disturbed. My voice is really my instrument."
Coming from a 30 something that first heard Appetite as a 7th grader, G'NR died to me long, long ago. I hold no expectations for CD. From what I've heard, I'm loving it. It's fresh. It's good. I'm impressed.
Sunday the 23rd when it comes out I will be in line, waiting outside my Best Buy counting down the seconds until I can own this disc. I have been playing live versions of most of these songs for 3 or 4 years and the ones I have heard are great. "Better" is one of my all time favorite songs. There are 4 or 5 songs that I love that will be on this disc.
Nov. 23rd
only at Best Buy
"Vinyl or not, you will need to pay someone to take RA of your hands" - Smile05
424, xxx
Even though at one time in my teens I was more into Guns N' Roses than any band before or even since and Appetite is my all time favorite cd, I hold no special significance to the name like some people do. This goes for any band that people like to throw the "well, it isn’t MY (insert band name that has undergone personnel changes)!" Examples are The Who, Van Halen with Sammy/Gary, Deep Purple without Blackmore, etc.
All that concerns me is if I enjoy or connect with the songs on some level. Of the songs I have heard so far (80%), I am enjoying the songs. Especially Madagascar. I have loved that tune since I first heard it live at Rock in Rio 1999.
“Rant Warning”
If people don't care for the songs that is one thing, but I am so sick of the bitching about the name of the band as if Axl had nothing to do with the creation of the band and wasn’t the primary force behind its success. It isn’t like Gilby Clark or Teddy Andreas is using the name. Fact is, he legally owns the name and not only that, earned the right to it. Why shouldn’t he get to use the name of the band he was a founder of and mostly through his ambition and charisma (and yes even his wackiness and erratic behavior) became at one time the biggest band in the world? The other band members didn’t care enough about it to fight Axl when he did a smart thing (not necessarily nice but you can't argue the business sense of solely owning the name), so why do people defend them when they were losers and didn’t give a crap about the name when they were in the band? This doesn’t diminish their contribution to the band's success and especially to the music itself; Appetite is still Appetite no matter who uses the name now.
Sorry for the long rant, but this bugs me as I see it every day with not only this band but The Who, The Doors, Deep Purple. So, you mean to tell me that you spend your whole life creating and building a business, but one/some of your partners either quit or dies, that means you shouldn’t be able to use the name you built? I guess when Walt Disney died and the company started to create different stuff in they should have renamed it to Animation, Inc or something? Bullcrap.
hahaha i was about to point that out to you.
I agree with most of that. Yet, as most know I support ALL gnr, old and new, but yet, I wish it wasn't called GNR.
Izzy and Slash were just as integral to Guns N' Roses as Axl. Stradlin in fact wrote the majority of their early material, as well as a large chunk of the Illusion albums. In my opinion, it ain't Guns N' Roses unless Axl, Izzy, Slash, and Duff are all together. Can you imagine Eddie Vedder kicking out Stone, Jeff, and Mike, but still calling himself "Pearl Jam"? That would be absolutely absurd. Legally Axl owns the name, so I guess he can do whatever the hell he wants with it, but if the guy had any balls whatsoever, he'd call his current project "The Axl Rose Band" or something along those lines. Obviously the only reason he's keeping the Gn'R name is for the money, and that's what I don't get. He's already filthy stinkin' rich, so why can't he just move on like the rest of his former bandmates and create something under his own miniker? His name alone will sell a gazillion albums. He doesn't need to call it Gn'R.
-Tom Waits
Thanks for saying all this Wolf. Very well said. Izzy Slash and Duff are as much G N R, as Stone Jeff and Mike are PJ... that just about says it all
But I digress and rant myself now anyway... sorry
Don't assume that because no one fought Axl for the name that no one cared. You don't know what was said behind closed doors, do you? There are plenty of other reasons, that you me or anyone else do not know of, why Duff and Slash (Matt)just said F Axl, he ain't worth the time. Do you think these guys did not know that they were leaving the best F-ing back of our time? Think about being in their shoes for a minute... you're in the biggest rock band of its time and something sucks SO BAD, that you have to stop doing it and leave... Thanks AXL! But hey, I wasn't there and can't make those judgements... I bet Duff and Slash wish they had the past few years of their life back instead of wasting it with Scott Weiland and instead were recording the next G N R album.... but Axl's a dick... it's just not meant to be... oh well....
i know for a fact that Duff and Slash do care about the G N R name, as I have spoken to both of them numerous times at my job... And I promise you that I am not saying this just to sound cool, or name drop, or whatever ... just saying it to say that both Slash and Duff are ALWAYS very nice, down to earth people when you talk to them... I have talked to them about G N R, Velvet Revolver, and about their future band... sometimes it sucks meeting the bands or singers you care about... but not in this case... same can be said about the guys in PJ too
Ever think that maybe everyone that is saying that this shouldn't be called a G N R record must be onto something? Why is it that everyone is thinking alike on this subject? lol just a thought...
If you ever got to see the original lineup live... you'd know there is NO substitute... no matter what Axl tried to brainwash you with...
haha thanks!
And where do you work where you can talk to musicians such as Slash and Duff? That would be a real privilege.
I saw new GnR at Hammerstein in 06 (and pearl jam a week later...what a great 2 weeks that was...), but I really wish I could have seen the old band.
I hope they do a reunion, or at least one show for RnR HOF. My opinion though? They will all get together to accept the award, but I do not think they will ever perform together again. I hope I'm wrong.
You know, how "The System Has Failed" got released as Megadeth instead of Dave Mustaine?
Even if Axl could separate himself from the GNR name, I don't think there's any way the label would let it be released as an Axl Rose solo album. Even if that's what it really is.
damn right, I second this.
The fact the man helped put out one of the best rock records of all time is enough for me....
yep he may be a prick, I dont know if he is or not as I dont know him and I'm well aware of the power of the fucking shite media slant (journalists can make anyone sound a cock if they try hard enough), but its the music I'm interested in abnd for sure I'll give it a crack...
I've heard some shit this year that there is no way this can be as bad as. For example the new verve record was just terrible and I love the verve...
damn right, I second this.
The fact the man helped put out one of the best rock records of all time is enough for me....
yep he may be a prick, I dont know if he is or not as I dont know him and I'm well aware of the power of the fucking shite media slant (journalists can make anyone sound a cock if they try hard enough), but its the music I'm interested in abnd for sure I'll give it a crack...
I've heard some shit this year that there is no way this can be as bad as. For example the new verve record was just terrible and I love the verve...
They were integral to the music, no denying that, but the fact is that it was Axl's charisma and ambition and danger that made this band successful. I am not talking the actual music, cuz anyone in the business knows, music ain’t enough to climb the mountain of success. Izzy left because he didn’t want to be successful and in the limelight. He really doesn’t care about the band's success. The rest of the guys, as nice as they may be now, were messed up losers back in the day when the whole name action took place. By their own admission, they were drugged out, partying, and so generally blasé that when Axl pulled a power play they didn’t want to rock the boat and mess up their good time. Sorry you don’t get to go back years later when you sober up and pull the "I was taken advantage of by the meanie cuz I was strung out” Tough. I have seen the original band several times and to this day it is probably the best show I have ever seen. At their peak they blew almost everyone away. I would love for them to get back together, but due to admittedly Axl being an egotistical prick AND the others being total strung out losers at the time, things happened and the others decided to leave the band and the name. They no longer have any right legally, morally, or ethically to bitch about it now.
Like I said this isn’t a debate on the contributions musically of the others. That is without question. I am only talking about the name in a business sense. Axl earned the right to use it, so because internet fan boys bitch about it, he should have to give up the world recognized commodity that he helped build?
Imagine this. After VS, the band gets tired of Eddie's anti success crap and his wanting to totally take over all the writing on the new record. They tell him to get his act together and he walks. As much as he is the face of PJ and he IS the reason they are successful, you mean that Stone, Jeff and Mike shouldn’t be able to keep the name and use it as a business?
I think most of those who oppose the name thing are thinking with their hearts and not their heads. They are holding some emotional attachment to the music that believe it or not doesn’t change no matter what the current lineup is. You can hate the new band, hate the new songs, hate Axl, but to me decrying him for using the name is simply smaltzy sentimentality to something that doesn’t exist anymore.
I bought Zeitgeist even though it just didn't feel right. Corgan and Axl are much the same to me.
Ultimately I probably will buy it, but I won't be rushing out to get it on the 23rd...and I'm not guaranteeing that I will at all. It doesn't interest me much.
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
Exactly. It doesn't exist anymore. So why is Axl pretending that it does? His current band (and sound) is just about the furthest thing from Guns N' Roses as you can get. In my opinion, trying to pass this off as a Gn'R album is an insult to the original band's legacy. Chinese Democracy is nothing more than a collection of Axl Rose solo material played by a glorified Gn'R cover band.
-Tom Waits
Its too bad Axl is so metally unstable because hes actually a very talented musician (i.e. November Rain). Had he made an album under a new name i would be incredibly open to it. But this is no GNR.
When you as a person are too crazy to make music with Buckethead, then something is very wrong with you.
God forbid Axl takes the stage with this new group when GNR is inducted to the Rock N Roll hall. That would be a shame.
The example of Eddie kicking out the rest of the band and calling it PJ is perfect.
My Movie/Music Reviews & Sports Blog
Is this really a '00's album?
Finally found the Catcher in the Rye demo. Of course that's from '99 so who knows what form it's in on the record, other than Brian May obviously isn't involved.
From what I've heard, this is not going to be groundbreaking. Some of it is good and it sure as hell is very Axl. The Catcher in the Rye demo is definately very Axl. One of the couple of tracks that sound like UYI III.
LOL! No kidding.
-Tom Waits
Coming from a 30 something that first heard Appetite as a 7th grader, G'NR died to me long, long ago. I hold no expectations for CD. From what I've heard, I'm loving it. It's fresh. It's good. I'm impressed.