Everything you said there is true, but not all rock music that isn't of the Buck Cherry sort is like what you just described, that's all I'm saying
I'd rather look for the stuff that isn't like that than listen to Buck Cherry.
I will concede however that, when really drunk, Kid Rock's All Summer Long is vaguely entertaining.
oh i agree. i've been overstating the case... because that's what buckcherry is all about
don't think i know that song (edit: i do, i thought it was werewolves in london the first time i heard it it is fun though) but i don't care what anyone says, kid rock's 'devil without a cause' is from start to finish one of the best albums i ever heard.
im' just about honesty. you can hear it in buckcherry, they know it's dumb, but it's fun. there's no pretense, no posturing. same with kid rock, just a swagger he knows is goofy coming from a trailer park cracker. i love tv on the radio becaus you can feel the soul in their music. same with the cold war kids. i just can't handle the theatrics of the panic at the disco stuff... it's as over the top, histrionic and affected as the teenage drama queens listening to it. though the last panic album wasn't half bad. i feel the same way about indie snobs... there is no way those dudes when home that night and listened to those dogs barking. they probably put on a bon jovi album. it's so affected and dishonest and it annoys the shit out of me. and it's why i like buckcherry, because they're the kind of guys that would beat the shit out of those posers at a party and do shots of their girlfriends' nether regions (if that's physically possible). i miss rock and roll that had some attitude.
oh i agree. i've been overstating the case... because that's what buckcherry is all about
don't think i know that song (edit: i do, i thought it was werewolves in london the first time i heard it it is fun though) but i don't care what anyone says, kid rock's 'devil without a cause' is from start to finish one of the best albums i ever heard.
im' just about honesty. you can hear it in buckcherry, they know it's dumb, but it's fun. there's no pretense, no posturing. same with kid rock, just a swagger he knows is goofy coming from a trailer park cracker. i love tv on the radio becaus you can feel the soul in their music. same with the cold war kids. i just can't handle the theatrics of the panic at the disco stuff... it's as over the top, histrionic and affected as the teenage drama queens listening to it. though the last panic album wasn't half bad. i feel the same way about indie snobs... there is no way those dudes when home that night and listened to those dogs barking. they probably put on a bon jovi album. it's so affected and dishonest and it annoys the shit out of me. and it's why i like buckcherry, because they're the kind of guys that would beat the shit out of those posers at a party and do shots of their girlfriends' nether regions (if that's physically possible). i miss rock and roll that had some attitude.
Oh god, Panic at the Disco are horrible. I reckon I'm a pretty good judge of sincerity in music so, while there is a ton of utterly awful music that trades cynicism for honesty and just gets 14 year old girls to buy into its supposed "sadness" or whatever, I just ignore that shit and move on.
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
kid rock's 'devil without a cause' is from start to finish one of the best albums i ever heard.
OH MY GOD. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
If KID ROCK and BUCKCHERRY qualify as "bad ass rock & roll" to you, then you need to have your head examined. Just because they live the rock & roll lifestyle and "fuck people's girlfriends" doesn't make them any more authentic than Bon Jovi.
If you want to have a rock & roll party, then put on "Exile On Main Street" or "Appetite For Destruction" at top voulme. THAT's the real shit.
If KID ROCK and BUCKCHERRY qualify as "bad ass rock & roll" to you, then you need to have your head examined. They are in fact the epitome of rock and roll "wanna be's". Just because they live the rock and roll lifestyle and "fuck people's girlfriends" doesn't make them authentic. Their music is tailor made for meatheads with bad taste in music. If listening to those bands constitutes a "good time", then you've been to one too many frat parties.
Isn't Josh Todd married and completely sober/clean now anyway?
oh i agree. i've been overstating the case... because that's what buckcherry is all about
don't think i know that song (edit: i do, i thought it was werewolves in london the first time i heard it
im' just about honesty. you can hear it in buckcherry, they know it's dumb, but it's fun. there's no pretense, no posturing. same with kid rock, just a swagger he knows is goofy coming from a trailer park cracker. i love tv on the radio becaus you can feel the soul in their music. same with the cold war kids. i just can't handle the theatrics of the panic at the disco stuff... it's as over the top, histrionic and affected as the teenage drama queens listening to it. though the last panic album wasn't half bad. i feel the same way about indie snobs... there is no way those dudes when home that night and listened to those dogs barking. they probably put on a bon jovi album. it's so affected and dishonest and it annoys the shit out of me. and it's why i like buckcherry, because they're the kind of guys that would beat the shit out of those posers at a party and do shots of their girlfriends' nether regions (if that's physically possible). i miss rock and roll that had some attitude.
OH MY GOD. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
If KID ROCK and BUCKCHERRY qualify as "bad ass rock & roll" to you, then you need to have your head examined. Just because they live the rock & roll lifestyle and "fuck people's girlfriends" doesn't make them any more authentic than Bon Jovi.
If you want to have a rock & roll party, then put on "Exile On Main Street" or "Appetite For Destruction" at top voulme. THAT's the real shit.
Isn't Josh Todd married and completely sober/clean now anyway?