the worst cds you ever bought

here is my list (dont laugh):
- best of kelly family
- will smith: big willy style
- billy corgan: the future emberasment
- korn: take a look in the mirror
- the darkness ...
here is my list (dont laugh):
- best of kelly family
- will smith: big willy style
- billy corgan: the future emberasment
- korn: take a look in the mirror
- the darkness ...
i love rock chicks
Post edited by Unknown User on
A friend had it in their collection and I asked to listen to it.
Anyway, he said if you want to listen to it you have to take it, so I did. :eek:
I've listened to it once and it did nothing for me, so ever since, I've been looking for someone to offload it on when they ask me the same question.
So far no one has obliged.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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KD Lang - All You Can Eat????:)
She is a lesbian, no? That is quite a promiscious title given her sexuality.;):)
Deacon Blue - Raintown and When The World Knows You're Name, I was about 8yrs old at the time though.
Would you like to hear it sas?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Yes reefer she is. And has done some good work. But I don't think this album qualifies.
And I'm quite sure the title is a double entendre'.
At least with KD you knew what you were getting straight up so to speak!
It took me years to recover from the confusion of Melissa Etheridge's debut album.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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maybe, maybe
Cool!!! So where am I sending it?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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lets trade:
i give you big willy stlye for all you can eat
hmmm......can I have some think music??
Sounds like a trap!!!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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- the great Sir Leo Harrison
it is a trap
my nearly 8 year old reckons KD Lang is a guy. i think its the short hair.
oh god i have all you can eat as well. but i didn't buy it. it was a gift so it doesn't count.
you know jeanie i bought melissa ehtheridge's debut album in melbourne in 1989. i've always liked her songs. not to mention i have a girlie crush of her.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Phew!! Thanks for warning me!!!
So um, guess I'll be keeping KD for a bit longer then! :eek: :rolleyes:
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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i m downloading the album now...
i ll tell you my opinion in a bit
Yes! I agree cate!! If you didn't pay for it, it doesn't count!
Well that's what I tell myself, anyway!
Melissa Etheridge is amazing. And her debut album, which I still have on vinyl, is one of my all time favorite albums. BUT, I had no IDEA, when she first hit the scene that she was a lemon. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
Oh and btw? I've got Puddle of Mudd!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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cool! :cool:
Be interesting to see what you think of it sas.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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I shamefully admit I also own a Savage Garden album *runs and hides*
sssshhh not so loud.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
OH MY GOD!!!!!
There is NO WAY I would admit to that publicly!!!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Well as you can probably already guess girl, I am unashamed!!
Of course now that facepollution has admitted to Savage Garden, I reckon I'm looking pretty cool!!! :cool:
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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wells if it makes you feel any better .. sounds like i've got uhh .. one more than you¡¡
yes, yes, i admit it .. what's to say¿ hehe
rEd mozziE
Haha, I'm embarrassed to say male!! I don't really care, I heard one song in a record shop quite liked it, so bought it there and then (this was before I had the internet, so downloading wasn't an option. Suffice to say I haven't played it in about 7 years!
Ouch and named after a song like Face Pollution as well.
I used to own a Shola Ama album, sold it back in about 2000 as well as Mark Morrison, Bobby Brown, Coolio, I used to go through phases, still like the occasional Bobby Brown track when I hear it.:o
I know!! What on earth was I thinking?! I like Kelly Clarkson too, and I'm not ashamed to admit it, so there!!
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
i do that too sometimes .. buy the whole album for just one song¡
rEd mozziE
when i hear truly, madly, deeply from savage garden on the radio, i have nightmares for weeks
Green River - Rehab Doll & Come On Down
Mother Love Bone - Apple
Soundgarden - Ultramega OK
Cell - Slo Blo
Stone Temple Pilots - Core
Bush - 16 Stone
Offspring - Smash
EDIT: Alice In Chains - Facelift (nothing against AIC, I kinda like Dirt & Jar Of Flies)
and they all eat rainbows and pooh butterflies!