arcade fire



  • CM1847CM1847 Posts: 577
    arcade fire is very good. i think they're in danger of clap your hands syndrome though... they stand out so much they can't possibly live up to the hype placed on them. so new people check them out expecting to hear the next sgt pepper's. what they get is one of the best rock bands out there. they're amazing, but they're not the second coming and they're not going to revolutionize anything. they're just an excellent band with excellent musicians and excellent songs. they're very unique and truly special. but dont let the music press build your expectations to unattainable heights. this "saviors of rock" crap happens every 2-3 years and it's always bullshit.
    Well said. Getting into them after the Pitchfork/blog/forum hype around "Funeral" was a good time, because I have hated some of the bands they love, so my expectations weren't terriblely high, but it turns out "Funeral" is actually pretty good. Then I wasn't TOO excited about "Neon Bible" either until the day before just because I hadn't bought a new CD in a month or something. But with how much I like "Neon Bible" and the rapidly growing craze around them, I'm not sure whatever they do next will live up to the newly found hype.

    They've made two very good rock albums, but people will expect more now that they have become so big, they debuted at #2 on the Billboard charts. I'm not sure what they will come out with next(2-3 years from now), but I'd be surprised if it were as well received as either of their first two albums. Everybody is going to want a "Kid A", but they are probably just going to release another good rock album and disappoint everybody.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    But if you dont get the feeling by listening to funeral or neon bible that both albums have a feeling of protest, a feeling that they believe youth are oppressed by adults who could give a crap, and that theya re urging youth to rebel, if you dont get that feeling by reading basic lyrics, maybe you are listening to a different band than I am.

    "wake up" is clearly win butler's stated belief, that appears in song after song. This isnt tough stuff to understand. Frankly, if you dont want to hear the feelings of youth rebellion, dont yell at me, and dont pretend arcade fire arent singing about it.

    no, i dont get any feeling that they're whining about how mean the big bad adults are to them and how hard it is just being a lil kid in this big bad world. i suggest you try growing up and stop blaming adults for all your problems. you ARE an adult now. act like one. and quit whining. teenage angst is pathetic for a college grad.
  • frankly, soulsinging, your really ignorant and real mean person. I could care less what you say. You certainly are a fine human being my friend, a fine one. Couldnt make an improvement on you!

    What the hell do these lyrics mean then? Obviously they arent talking about kids versus parents right....RIGHT!!!

    Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)

    I woke up with the power out,
    not really something to shout about.
    Ice has covered up my parents hands
    don’t have any dreams don’t have any plans.

    I went out into the night,
    I went out to find some light.
    Kids are swingin’ from the power lines,
    nobody’s home, so nobody minds.

    I went out into the night.
    I went out to pick a fight with anyone.
    Light a candle for the kids,
    Jesus Christ don’t keep it hid!
    Wake up

    Somethin’ filled up
    my heart with nothin’,
    someone told me not to cry.

    But now that I’m older,
    my heart’s colder,
    and I can see that it’s a lie.

    Children wake up,
    hold your mistake up,
    before they turn the summer into dust.

    If the children don’t grow up,
    our bodies get bigger but our hearts get torn up.
    We’re just a million little god’s causin rain storms
    Turnin’ every good thing to rust.

    Rebellion (Lies)

    People say that you’ll die
    faster than without water,
    but we know it’s just a lie,
    scare your son, scare your daughter,

    Scare your son, scare your daughter.

    I don't want to hear the noises on tv
    I don't want the salesmen coming after me
    I don't want to live in my father's house no more

    I don't want it fast, I don't want it free
    I don't wanna show you what they done to me
    I don't want to live in my father's house no more

    I don't want to choose black or blue
    I don't wanna see what they done to you
    I don't want to live in my father's house no more

    because the tide is high
    and it's rising still
    and I don't want fear at my windowsill

    I don't want to give 'em my name and address
    I don't want to see what happens next
    I don't want to live in my father's house no more

    I don't want to live with my father's debt
    You can't forgive what you can't forget
    I don't want to live in my father's house no more

    I don't want to fight in a holy war
    I don't want the salesmen knocking at my door
    I don't want to live in America no more

    Because the tide is high
    And it's rising still
    And I don't want fear at my windowsill

    I don't want to see it at my windowsill
    Don't want to see it at my windowsill
    Don't want to see it at my windowsill

    MTV what have you done to me?
    Save my soul, set me free
    Set me free, what have you done to me?
    I can't breathe, I can't sleep
    World war three, when are you coming for me?
    Been kicking up sparks to set the flames free
    The windows are locked now, so what'll it be?
    A house on fire or rising sea?

    Why is the night so still?
    Why did I take the pill?
    Because I don't want to see it at my windowsill
    I don't want to see it at my windowsill
    No cars go
    Little babies, let's go
    Women and children, let's go
    Old folks, let's go
    Don't know where we're goin'

    Now if you cant see the clear references to adults as corrupt and kids as the holders of innocence and truth, you really are as far gone as you sound. You are an ignorant person, dont yell at me just cause your a walking automaton who sold out. Instead of blaming the kids for the problems, why not look at yourself my friend.

    You are a microcosm of whats wrong. Instead of listening to the younger people, people act like adults are the greatest gift to gods earth. A cant get elected and no one else from 13-34 can either. Its adults, older grey haired boomers who are in charge. So how would blaming kids solve a goddamn thing? We arent in power. The adults are sending kids to die in iraq. Not people in our generation. We have no power.

    I mean this isnt really complex stuff. Who the hell do you have for senator and congressperson? It sure as hell aint a youth. Its a boomer. An adult.

    So yeah, maybe your right. Ignore what Win Butler himself said in interview about politics in his songs. Ignore the lyrics themselves, and the explicit references to war and religion and politics that even an idiot could pick up, ignore all that. And lets all listen to soulsinging, the seer and allknowing god.

    You want to tell me that kids these days blame too much on old people, fine thats an argument I would like to have. But dont act like a blind idiot who cant read simple lyrics. Its clear what the lyrics say, and if you cant pick up on that...your doomed my friend, we are all doomed. These are crytic, Tool like lyrics of metaphysics, these are straightforward lyrics

  • i refuse to be some corporate lacky pushing papers for crumbs. I aint gonna do that. I aint gonna live in some city where you cough up a lung from all the pollution. I aint gonna do that. I aint turn a blind eye to youth dying in iraq, just because they are you. Aint gonna. I want to live my life, working some dead end job till your sixty, that isnt living. Thats dying. You work in some factory pushing crap into the air, polluting our world, then you wonder why people get cancer and all these diseases. It aint worth it. Thats a life I will not choose. I am moving to a commune. To be free and to get away from that crap. You can go and live your life (ie dieing in the city from all that crap), but I am doing what my body says and what my heart says. And right now it says the most political and most intelligent thing to do right now, is to drop out of the ratrace, to just drop out, and to start living my life the way I feel it should be lived.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Now if you cant see the clear references to adults as corrupt and kids as the holders of innocence and truth, you really are as far gone as you sound. You are an ignorant person, dont yell at me just cause your a walking automaton who sold out. Instead of blaming the kids for the problems, why not look at yourself my friend.

    You are a microcosm of whats wrong. Instead of listening to the younger people, people act like adults are the greatest gift to gods earth. A cant get elected and no one else from 13-34 can either. Its adults, older grey haired boomers who are in charge. So how would blaming kids solve a goddamn thing? We arent in power. The adults are sending kids to die in iraq. Not people in our generation. We have no power.

    I mean this isnt really complex stuff. Who the hell do you have for senator and congressperson? It sure as hell aint a youth. Its a boomer. An adult.

    So yeah, maybe your right. Ignore what Win Butler himself said in interview about politics in his songs. Ignore the lyrics themselves, and the explicit references to war and religion and politics that even an idiot could pick up, ignore all that. And lets all listen to soulsinging, the seer and allknowing god.

    You want to tell me that kids these days blame too much on old people, fine thats an argument I would like to have. But dont act like a blind idiot who cant read simple lyrics. Its clear what the lyrics say, and if you cant pick up on that...your doomed my friend, we are all doomed. These are crytic, Tool like lyrics of metaphysics, these are straightforward lyrics


    no, i see clear references to the loss of innocence that is an inevitable and natural part of growing up. nothing corrupt or evil about it. just sad. you're young and innocent... you grow old and learn that people die and the world isn't all peaches and cream. nothing to do with all adults being evil and corrupt.

    i dont blame kids, i blame human beings who do fucked up things. they can be kids or adults. kids are not the holders of truth. nor are adults.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    i refuse to be some corporate lacky pushing papers for crumbs. I aint gonna do that. I aint gonna live in some city where you cough up a lung from all the pollution. I aint gonna do that. I aint turn a blind eye to youth dying in iraq, just because they are you. Aint gonna. I want to live my life, working some dead end job till your sixty, that isnt living. Thats dying. You work in some factory pushing crap into the air, polluting our world, then you wonder why people get cancer and all these diseases. It aint worth it. Thats a life I will not choose. I am moving to a commune. To be free and to get away from that crap. You can go and live your life (ie dieing in the city from all that crap), but I am doing what my body says and what my heart says. And right now it says the most political and most intelligent thing to do right now, is to drop out of the ratrace, to just drop out, and to start living my life the way I feel it should be lived.

    let me ask you... when you move to the commune, how you going to post here? put your money where your mouth is mr truth-bearer. your plan worked REALLY well for the hippies.
  • sure as hell has to do with adults. Who is taking those kids innocence? It aint other kids! Its the goddamn adults who send them to war and make them grow up way too soon.

    Growing up doesnt have to mean loss of innocence. Its absurd to think otherwise.

    If you admit there are clear references to loss of innocence in the music, who is Win Butler indicting then? From my reading he has never said in interview or otherwise what you seem to suggest, that loss of innocence is inevitable, and that it isnt adults to blame. He isnt saying parents or adults are great people. Thats how I read it.

    to lose one's innocence, to realize the world is messed up, is what I feel and am angry as hell about it. I lost my innocence. But it didnt have to be that way. If the world was run by people who felt racism wasnt acceptable, or felt sending kids off to die in war wasnt good, or felt degredation of women was unexceptable, or even felt that women could be presidents, loss of innocence wouldnt exist. Utopia can exist. It should exist. Its what No Cars Go is about.

    So I guess you dont think "All thats sacred comes from youth". Well tell me, my friend, if kids were running the world. If an 19 year old were president, and all 23 year olds were senators and congresspeople would we be more likely or less likely to be in the mess we are in. Children are innocent. They havent sold out like grouchy old people. They have a sense of exhuberance that is terrific.

    Kids dont want war. Adults do and always have.

    I still dont understand how someone can see those lyrics and say, "hey this song is a critique of youth and adults". Adults dont lose innocence. They already lost it.

    I was sold a pack of lies, we all were. Of the world we were supposed to inherit. That everything was fair. And just as Tyler Durden said, we are waking up to that fact and we are really really pissed off.

    Kids see the pack of lies and they see them for what they are, complete and utter crap,

    I applaud Win Butler for being a voice of reason, for speaking for youth and speaking for us.

    Adults dont listen to kids. Period. If they did, our world would be a hell of alot better. I said it before, and I will say it again. I and others are at war with anyone who identifies as an adult. As long as 50 year olds send kids to die in this war I am at war with those jerks. They have two choices. One, they step down, and say I am sorry. Or two, we force them out. It has become clear to me, the second option is the only option. And Win Butler proudly stands up for all of us of that persuasion. Us kids do know, and we have woken up.

    I am sick of adults ruining my life. I am sick of seeing daily a 19 year old kid died in a war 50 year olds started. I am sick of 50 year olds ignoring the pleas of the youth. I am just sick of adults acting like they can ruin our lives and not have to pay the consequences. Kids know whats up. We know. And we know that adults ruined it. Selling out and death is all I see adults as. I want to live my life. I want to live. And I will be damned if the adults continue to massacre my entire generation, while I sit here twindling my thumbs.

    How can someone trust an adult? They are old, and most of those in office right now are nearly dead. They are old, 20 years left in their lives most likely. They lived their lives. And they have the goddamn gall to to me and others that I cant live how I want to live and that I am forced to live in a world that continues to feel violence is the answer and that kids are disposable.

    Thats whats so great about Arcade Fire. Kids arent disposable to them. Kids are wisdom and truth. How can people continue to put faith in old folks who feel we dont deserve to live essentially. Otherwise why would our generations death ellicit little response from these old folks. We are disposable to them. The sooner we overthrow them and take over, or the sooner they die off, the better
  • who is tool railing against in "the pot" with that "fat finger you must have been outta your mind". It sure isnt the youth they are mad at! Its the same people Win Butler is railing against. Adults! eddie vedder on the storytellers show, railed against "adults playing b.s. games". He sure wasnt blaming the youth. Ben Harper spoke of "old men who send young men off to die in vain". He wasnt blaming youth. The Dixie Chicks talk about kids who lose their innocence from watching war. They didnt blame youth

    Seems like I am not the only one trying to foment some kind of rebellion here. I am merely saying what alot of people are saying. That adults screwed up the world, and that they must account for that
  • electronblueelectronblue WPB Florida Posts: 3,460
    'the well and the lighthouse' <3<3<3 (love how this song seems to have an echo like deep-well sound to it)

    and now thinking... a lighthouse turned upside down is a well

    oh no back and forth. i better stop...~

    "Forgive every being,
    the bad feelings 
    it's just me"

  • Jeremy1012Jeremy1012 Posts: 7,170
    sure as hell has to do with adults. Who is taking those kids innocence? It aint other kids! Its the goddamn adults who send them to war and make them grow up way too soon.

    Growing up doesnt have to mean loss of innocence. Its absurd to think otherwise.

    If you admit there are clear references to loss of innocence in the music, who is Win Butler indicting then? From my reading he has never said in interview or otherwise what you seem to suggest, that loss of innocence is inevitable, and that it isnt adults to blame. He isnt saying parents or adults are great people. Thats how I read it.

    to lose one's innocence, to realize the world is messed up, is what I feel and am angry as hell about it. I lost my innocence. But it didnt have to be that way. If the world was run by people who felt racism wasnt acceptable, or felt sending kids off to die in war wasnt good, or felt degredation of women was unexceptable, or even felt that women could be presidents, loss of innocence wouldnt exist. Utopia can exist. It should exist. Its what No Cars Go is about.

    So I guess you dont think "All thats sacred comes from youth". Well tell me, my friend, if kids were running the world. If an 19 year old were president, and all 23 year olds were senators and congresspeople would we be more likely or less likely to be in the mess we are in. Children are innocent. They havent sold out like grouchy old people. They have a sense of exhuberance that is terrific.

    Kids dont want war. Adults do and always have.

    I still dont understand how someone can see those lyrics and say, "hey this song is a critique of youth and adults". Adults dont lose innocence. They already lost it.

    I was sold a pack of lies, we all were. Of the world we were supposed to inherit. That everything was fair. And just as Tyler Durden said, we are waking up to that fact and we are really really pissed off.

    Kids see the pack of lies and they see them for what they are, complete and utter crap,

    I applaud Win Butler for being a voice of reason, for speaking for youth and speaking for us.

    Adults dont listen to kids. Period. If they did, our world would be a hell of alot better. I said it before, and I will say it again. I and others are at war with anyone who identifies as an adult. As long as 50 year olds send kids to die in this war I am at war with those jerks. They have two choices. One, they step down, and say I am sorry. Or two, we force them out. It has become clear to me, the second option is the only option. And Win Butler proudly stands up for all of us of that persuasion. Us kids do know, and we have woken up.

    I am sick of adults ruining my life. I am sick of seeing daily a 19 year old kid died in a war 50 year olds started. I am sick of 50 year olds ignoring the pleas of the youth. I am just sick of adults acting like they can ruin our lives and not have to pay the consequences. Kids know whats up. We know. And we know that adults ruined it. Selling out and death is all I see adults as. I want to live my life. I want to live. And I will be damned if the adults continue to massacre my entire generation, while I sit here twindling my thumbs.

    How can someone trust an adult? They are old, and most of those in office right now are nearly dead. They are old, 20 years left in their lives most likely. They lived their lives. And they have the goddamn gall to to me and others that I cant live how I want to live and that I am forced to live in a world that continues to feel violence is the answer and that kids are disposable.

    Thats whats so great about Arcade Fire. Kids arent disposable to them. Kids are wisdom and truth. How can people continue to put faith in old folks who feel we dont deserve to live essentially. Otherwise why would our generations death ellicit little response from these old folks. We are disposable to them. The sooner we overthrow them and take over, or the sooner they die off, the better
    you're 23, not a kid. why then do you refer to yourself as if you are one of the children being used, abused and corrupted? I'm almost on your side. I'm full of all these lovely idealistic views about society and the powers that be and all that. My favourite books are Fight Club and Fathers and sons by Ivan Turgenev. I consider myself very left wing. I would rather vote for a fringe party and waste my ballot paper than ever give my support to the right. Having said that, I'm not going to pretend that anyone gives a fuck what I think. And please, answer my genuine question... if you feel so strongly about this (and there is nothing wrong with that), how the hell is going off to live in a commune going to change things? hiding off on a little pastoral community and growing your hair out isn't going to make the world a better place. These "adults" that you are railing against are not going to take you seriously when you are sat around a campfire singing kumbaya with a bunch of naive stoners.
    "I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
  • Alex_CoeAlex_Coe Posts: 762
    Arcade Fire: BLAH
  • living in a commune isnt going to change the world. I believe that things in the world have gotten out of control. To continue to live my life as if things are fine is not doing anything as well. As I said, the most radical and political decision a person can make right now in history, is to decide to opt out of the system, to drop out, to turn on, tune in and drop out as they used to say in the 60's. To say, "hey the system doesnt work for me". I think thats where its at.

    In my view if I was president people there would be a million communes of maybe 20 to 30 people. Thats why I am moving there. I think thats how my life should be lived. I dont see the use in getting a conventional job, getting a car, buying the white house, with the white picket fence, and having 2.5 kids. That all is nonsense to me. Its counterproductive and its acting like nothing is happening.

    I already told you why I dont identify as an adult. They are everything I despise. They are the boomers that told their parents that they were sell outs, and then became sell outs themselves. They are the boomers who said to their parents, "bring our brothers home from vietnam", yet now send my brothers and sisters to iraq without a care in the world. They are the boomers who get jobs and ignore the chaos outside. I dont want a part of that. Thats death. Thats not life. And its a lie. I want to live on a commune, with nature and my fellow communers. Thats life.

    I am just amazed at how this discussion evolved. I praised Win Butler's lyrics for being pro-children in an age where children's thoughts are ignored. And Soulsinging like a complete idiot lies and says "no there are no such lyrics". I mean give me a goddamn break.

    The lyrics of Arcade Fire are talking about how parents and adults corrupted society. its plain as day. If soulsinging cant see that, then soulsinging has some major problems both in terms of literacy and in terms of being blind to the truth.

    As I said before. Kids cant be elected. Their arent senators and congresspeople who are in their 20's. Its older people who are cutting down old growth forests, who are in support of the WTO and free trade, who are sending kids to iraq. Its clear to me who I should blame, the question in my mind is, why in the world shouldnt I blame adults for the world's ills.

    Name me some reasons why kids are to blame for Iraq, for global warming, for Free Trade, for racism, sexism and homophobia? Seems to me kids have no power and as such, adults have all the power. Thus the blame rests on them. When was the last time kids signed legislation to send other kids to Iraq? When was the last time kids signed legislation to mow down old growth forests? When was the last time kids signed legislation to build dams thats harm salmon?
  • rmnsf936rmnsf936 Posts: 58
    Here's a except from the popwatch blog (

    "Now, a couple days later, the magic and mystery of the show are fading, but I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of Neon Bible that does not belong to my colleague Michael Endelman, because he just came and took his back. I believe it drops March 6. Warm up your wallets, PopWatchers; it'll be worth it. On the PopWatch Concert Ratings Scale, with 1 being the cell phone of the lady next to you who's picking out a new ringtone and 10 being Pearl Jam at The Gorge, I give the Arcade Fire an 8.5. Canada + Texas + angst = AWESOMENESS."
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    sure as hell has to do with adults. Who is taking those kids innocence? It aint other kids! Its the goddamn adults who send them to war and make them grow up way too soon.

    Growing up doesnt have to mean loss of innocence. Its absurd to think otherwise.

    If you admit there are clear references to loss of innocence in the music, who is Win Butler indicting then? From my reading he has never said in interview or otherwise what you seem to suggest, that loss of innocence is inevitable, and that it isnt adults to blame. He isnt saying parents or adults are great people. Thats how I read it.

    to lose one's innocence, to realize the world is messed up, is what I feel and am angry as hell about it. I lost my innocence. But it didnt have to be that way. If the world was run by people who felt racism wasnt acceptable, or felt sending kids off to die in war wasnt good, or felt degredation of women was unexceptable, or even felt that women could be presidents, loss of innocence wouldnt exist. Utopia can exist. It should exist. Its what No Cars Go is about.

    So I guess you dont think "All thats sacred comes from youth". Well tell me, my friend, if kids were running the world. If an 19 year old were president, and all 23 year olds were senators and congresspeople would we be more likely or less likely to be in the mess we are in. Children are innocent. They havent sold out like grouchy old people. They have a sense of exhuberance that is terrific.

    Kids dont want war. Adults do and always have.

    I still dont understand how someone can see those lyrics and say, "hey this song is a critique of youth and adults". Adults dont lose innocence. They already lost it.

    I was sold a pack of lies, we all were. Of the world we were supposed to inherit. That everything was fair. And just as Tyler Durden said, we are waking up to that fact and we are really really pissed off.

    Kids see the pack of lies and they see them for what they are, complete and utter crap,

    I applaud Win Butler for being a voice of reason, for speaking for youth and speaking for us.

    Adults dont listen to kids. Period. If they did, our world would be a hell of alot better. I said it before, and I will say it again. I and others are at war with anyone who identifies as an adult. As long as 50 year olds send kids to die in this war I am at war with those jerks. They have two choices. One, they step down, and say I am sorry. Or two, we force them out. It has become clear to me, the second option is the only option. And Win Butler proudly stands up for all of us of that persuasion. Us kids do know, and we have woken up.

    I am sick of adults ruining my life. I am sick of seeing daily a 19 year old kid died in a war 50 year olds started. I am sick of 50 year olds ignoring the pleas of the youth. I am just sick of adults acting like they can ruin our lives and not have to pay the consequences. Kids know whats up. We know. And we know that adults ruined it. Selling out and death is all I see adults as. I want to live my life. I want to live. And I will be damned if the adults continue to massacre my entire generation, while I sit here twindling my thumbs.

    How can someone trust an adult? They are old, and most of those in office right now are nearly dead. They are old, 20 years left in their lives most likely. They lived their lives. And they have the goddamn gall to to me and others that I cant live how I want to live and that I am forced to live in a world that continues to feel violence is the answer and that kids are disposable.

    Thats whats so great about Arcade Fire. Kids arent disposable to them. Kids are wisdom and truth. How can people continue to put faith in old folks who feel we dont deserve to live essentially. Otherwise why would our generations death ellicit little response from these old folks. We are disposable to them. The sooner we overthrow them and take over, or the sooner they die off, the better

    who's paying for you internet and your college? since you've made it clear you never worked a day in your life, i know it isn't you. so adults are providing you the education to be aware of these issues. adults are making the music that you claim is inspiring you to move for change. adults are paying for your internet access to get on here and whine about how mean they are to you. are you in iraq? is your life on the line? no. you're in college, working towards a degree that is being paid for by adults adults on a computer bought by adults enraged becos of music written by adults.

    no, all that's sacred does not come from youth. the adults are doing the best they can in a world with a lot of fucked up people. they're not perfect and neither are you.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    who is tool railing against in "the pot" with that "fat finger you must have been outta your mind". It sure isnt the youth they are mad at! Its the same people Win Butler is railing against. Adults! eddie vedder on the storytellers show, railed against "adults playing b.s. games". He sure wasnt blaming the youth. Ben Harper spoke of "old men who send young men off to die in vain". He wasnt blaming youth. The Dixie Chicks talk about kids who lose their innocence from watching war. They didnt blame youth

    Seems like I am not the only one trying to foment some kind of rebellion here. I am merely saying what alot of people are saying. That adults screwed up the world, and that they must account for that

    every generation has been convinced the adults dont know what the fuck they're doing and they could run it better. then when those kids take over, they manage no better than the adults. reality has a way of being a bitch like that. you are the only one trying to foment rebellion... otherwise it would be happening. it isnt.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Name me some reasons why kids are to blame for Iraq, for global warming, for Free Trade, for racism, sexism and homophobia? Seems to me kids have no power and as such, adults have all the power. Thus the blame rests on them. When was the last time kids signed legislation to send other kids to Iraq? When was the last time kids signed legislation to mow down old growth forests? When was the last time kids signed legislation to build dams thats harm salmon?

    name me some reason kids even know what homosexuality is? name me one kid who is capable of managing international finance. shit, mom packs their lunch, you think they're able to cure poverty?
  • direwolf74direwolf74 Posts: 1,622
    who's paying for you internet and your college? since you've made it clear you never worked a day in your life, i know it isn't you. so adults are providing you the education to be aware of these issues. adults are making the music that you claim is inspiring you to move for change. adults are paying for your internet access to get on here and whine about how mean they are to you. are you in iraq? is your life on the line? no. you're in college, working towards a degree that is being paid for by adults adults on a computer bought by adults enraged becos of music written by adults.

    no, all that's sacred does not come from youth. the adults are doing the best they can in a world with a lot of fucked up people. they're not perfect and neither are you.

    Well said. Labelling all adults as "bitter old men who are destroying the planet" is ignorant and unfair. I'm 32 (an adult, god forbid!), and much like my friends and family, I'm trying to do my small part to make the world a better place, whether it's by voting in every election or helping out with various charity organizationis. I feel I'm doing the best I can, and that's really all you can do.

    Oh, and Cheguevara6 might be a little shocked by this, but I really like the Arcade Fire. I know I'm a crusty old adult and their lyrics aren't supposed to speak to me, but they do. Is that allowed?
    "I try my best to chug, stomp, weep, whisper, moan, wheeze, scat, blurt, rage, whine, and seduce. With my voice I can sound like a girl, the boogieman, a Theremin, a cherry bomb, a clown, a doctor, a murderer. I can be tribal. Ironic. Or disturbed. My voice is really my instrument."

    -Tom Waits
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    direwolf74 wrote:
    Well said. Labelling all adults as "bitter old men who are destroying the planet" is ignorant and unfair. I'm 32 (an adult, god forbid!), and much like my friends and family, I'm trying to do my small part to make the world a better place, whether it's by voting in every election or helping out with various charity organizationis. I feel I'm doing the best I can, and that's really all you can do.

    Oh, and Cheguevara6 might be a little shocked by this, but I really like the Arcade Fire. I know I'm a crusty old adult and their lyrics aren't supposed to speak to me, but they do. Is that allowed?

    no it's not! you soulless aging sellout... i hope you burn in hell for ruining che's life!
  • electronblueelectronblue WPB Florida Posts: 3,460
    direwolf74 wrote:
    Well said. Labelling all adults as "bitter old men who are destroying the planet" is ignorant and unfair. I'm 32 (an adult, god forbid!), and much like my friends and family, I'm trying to do my small part to make the world a better place, whether it's by voting in every election or helping out with various charity organizationis. I feel I'm doing the best I can, and that's really all you can do.

    Oh, and Cheguevara6 might be a little shocked by this, but I really like the Arcade Fire. I know I'm a crusty old adult and their lyrics aren't supposed to speak to me, but they do. Is that allowed?

    ...In the light of a golden calf,
    Oh God! I had to laugh!
    Take the poison of your age
    Don't lick your fingers when you turn the page...~

    "Forgive every being,
    the bad feelings 
    it's just me"

  • throughout music there are always those who rain on peoples parade. Those who said Eddie and Kurt were making music that resonated with them, there were others who criticized the music, and called it hyped crap. There are those in the inner city who feel hip hop is an accurate representation of their lives, and their are jerks who say the music is nothing more than glorified thug music. There are those who are female and are empowered by feminist music like Ani Difranco, and there are jerks who call her antigay names and slurs.

    There has always been bands who speak to and for the youth, and there are those who listen and take heed, and others who laugh and make fun.

    This thread is full of people who criticize and are jerks. And its full of people who act coy and snotty and arrogant and act difficult to piss people off...cough...soulsinging...cough...

    but anyways...

    you dont feel arcade fire speaks for the youth, fine dont post in the thread. Thats fine with me. Dont attack me.

    Listen to britney spears or justin timberlake or something, but dont rain on my parade soul.

    Excuse me for taking Win Butler's statements about youth's seriously. Obviously the band sings songs just for comic relief. They have no agenda, no social or political ideas. And I must have been hallucinating when reading about how political win butler, and must have had my ears full of wax when listening to neon bible with its overtly political lyrics and references to youth and adults. Sorry...I must have been off base.

    I love how so many on this board consider lies to be truth and yell at others because they are so brainwashed. If you are some antigay proamerica loving, gun loving, meat loving person fine disagree with the lyrical content and the political aspects, but dont act silly and deny what the lyrics say and talk about.

    Win Butler and Arcade fire are a band whcih wears its politics on its sleeve. If thats not your cup of tea, dont yell at me about it. Throw your cd out the window, and find a new band.

    I have always loved how Pearl jam fans, are always the most intolerant, and arrogant people. Instead of respecting others, they are rude and mean. I post a thread and people come, axes and blades in hand and attack me for my opinions. I mean, give me a goddamn break.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    throughout music there are always those who rain on peoples parade. Those who said Eddie and Kurt were making music that resonated with them, there were others who criticized the music, and called it hyped crap. There are those in the inner city who feel hip hop is an accurate representation of their lives, and their are jerks who say the music is nothing more than glorified thug music. There are those who are female and are empowered by feminist music like Ani Difranco, and there are jerks who call her antigay names and slurs.

    There has always been bands who speak to and for the youth, and there are those who listen and take heed, and others who laugh and make fun.

    This thread is full of people who criticize and are jerks. And its full of people who act coy and snotty and arrogant and act difficult to piss people off...cough...soulsinging...cough...

    but anyways...

    you dont feel arcade fire speaks for the youth, fine dont post in the thread. Thats fine with me. Dont attack me.

    Listen to britney spears or justin timberlake or something, but dont rain on my parade soul.

    Excuse me for taking Win Butler's statements about youth's seriously. Obviously the band sings songs just for comic relief. They have no agenda, no social or political ideas. And I must have been hallucinating when reading about how political win butler, and must have had my ears full of wax when listening to neon bible with its overtly political lyrics and references to youth and adults. Sorry...I must have been off base.

    I love how so many on this board consider lies to be truth and yell at others because they are so brainwashed. If you are some antigay proamerica loving, gun loving, meat loving person fine disagree with the lyrical content and the political aspects, but dont act silly and deny what the lyrics say and talk about.

    Win Butler and Arcade fire are a band whcih wears its politics on its sleeve. If thats not your cup of tea, dont yell at me about it. Throw your cd out the window, and find a new band.

    I have always loved how Pearl jam fans, are always the most intolerant, and arrogant people. Instead of respecting others, they are rude and mean. I post a thread and people come, axes and blades in hand and attack me for my opinions. I mean, give me a goddamn break.

    sorry dude, im not throwing out my arcade fire cd becos my interpretation of the music doesnt jive with your nutty political agenda. i like them becos their music rocks and features touching lyrics that deal with the ADULT themes of growing up, losing innocence, and coping with loss and frustration. and i laso like the fact that you have NO answer whatsoever to the truth of this:

    "who's paying for you internet and your college? since you've made it clear you never worked a day in your life, i know it isn't you. so adults are providing you the education to be aware of these issues. adults are making the music that you claim is inspiring you to move for change. adults are paying for your internet access to get on here and whine about how mean they are to you. are you in iraq? is your life on the line? no. you're in college, working towards a degree that is being paid for by adults adults on a computer bought by adults enraged becos of music written by adults.

    no, all that's sacred does not come from youth. the adults are doing the best they can in a world with a lot of fucked up people. they're not perfect and neither are you."

    what's the matter college boy? dont like being called out for being all talk?
  • glasshouseglasshouse Posts: 1,762
    neon bible is brilliant, can't stop listening to it.
    i think it is more consistent/interesting than funeral
    Athens, Greece: 2006/09/30

    "Call me Ishmael. Some years ago- never mind how long precisely- having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world." Herman Melville : Moby Dick
  • intodeepintodeep Posts: 7,228
    Anyone know what time they are hitting the stage now adays? I'm seeing them tonight and i don't think i'll make the 8pm show time. I'm assuming opening band plays then they hit stage at 9.

    Anyone know for sure?
    Charlotte 00
    Charlotte 03
    Asheville 04
    Atlanta 12
    Greenville 16, Columbia 16
    Seattle 18 
    Nashville 22
  • clayton12clayton12 Posts: 335
    Im going tonight as well and i think they go on around 9-915. cant fricken wait. ive got great seats and i have been looking to this concert for a long ass time.
  • intodeepintodeep Posts: 7,228
    If anyone has any doubts about this band please go see them live. I have seen them twice and they are incrediable.
    Charlotte 00
    Charlotte 03
    Asheville 04
    Atlanta 12
    Greenville 16, Columbia 16
    Seattle 18 
    Nashville 22
  • Todd76Todd76 Posts: 1,469
    intodeep wrote:
    If anyone has any doubts about this band please go see them live. I have seen them twice and they are incrediable.

    2 weeks from tonight - can't freakin wait

    ....not sure if this show will be able to eclipse the first time I saw seats suck (obstructed view) and the first time I got to see Final Fantasy AND Wolf Parade open.....BUT i'm really excited about hearing the new material live
    In my world everyone is a pony,
    and they all eat rainbows and pooh butterflies!
  • DanimalDanimal Posts: 2,000
    Arcade Fire IS AWESOME! If you like Dashboard Confessional you will DEFINITELY love this band!
    "I don't believe in PJ fans but I believe there is something, not too sure what." - Thoughts_Arrive

  • DOSWDOSW Posts: 2,014
    intodeep wrote:
    If anyone has any doubts about this band please go see them live. I have seen them twice and they are incrediable.

    Damn, I passed up the opportunity to see them in Philly in two days. The only way I could have gotten tickets was through eBay, so I figured it wasn't worth it... but I'll end up regretting it, I'm sure. It's like Pearl Jam's 2006 tour all over again!
    It's a town full of losers and I'm pulling out of here to win
  • JonnyPistachioJonnyPistachio Posts: 10,217
    All the talk of Arcade Fire on the board made me go out and get Neon Bible, and I have a few other songs from the other record from a mix a friend gave me. It seemed like it just wasnt growing on me fast enough, but I keep telling myself I need to give it another chance.

    And here I am reading these responses, when I decided to randomly put on an arcade fire song...I chose Wake Up. It's one bad ass/weird song. I think it might be that I was only listening in my car. I needed a different perspective.

    Any other song I should dig into right NOW?
    Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Danimal wrote:
    Arcade Fire IS AWESOME! If you like Dashboard Confessional you will DEFINITELY love this band!

    if dashboard confessional annoys you, you will still love this band! ;)
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