arcade fire

i don´t know what´s the hype for this band, their members play a lot of instruments, a sound that doesn´t makes nothing to me, their vocalist is really good, in fact he´s the only one who can save this band.....
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They have great songs, and from what I hear their live shows rival Pearl Jam's, with a few people on this board even saying their lives shows are better than pearl jams
I think sometimes hype is rightly placed. Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Alice and Soundgarden were all hyped to no end back in the day. The hype was right. And now finally we have good music!
Win Butler's lyrics really catch me as being extremely powerful. I posted a thread a couple days ago, where I said, the lyrics to arcade fire's songs are all about children rising up and overthrowing their parents and the current system, which is really appealing given the stuff going on right now in the world. Listen to "wake up" and tell me you dont feel like this is a call to arm for all our generation to rise up and start taking over the world.
Sometimes music needs a change, sometimes it gets boring and old and stale and formulaic, and worse yet predictable. To be honest, the early 90's were the last time I can remember a genuine excitement in terms of a musicial movement beneath my feet. Arcade fire seem to be lighting the fire for a new movement.
Check the band out, listen to their stuff. They are the cream of the crop right now. This is rock music at its finest right now.
Man you honestly never stop, do you?
I look out of the window at work onto an estate where bums stand around on street corners smoking dope rather than earning a living, there's one old lady every two weeks on average (sometimes more) who gets knocked over, mugged or her windscreen smashed, to look onto the street each day is to play a game of 'Count the Underage Mothers', and you want our generation to rise up and start taking over the world?
I don't. If they do we better all take cover.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
09/19/05, 05/09/06, 05/10/06
This band deserves all the hype and more.
Has anyone heard their cover of Guns Of Brixton yet?:
From what I hear, they're fairly folk-influenced, sometimes Celtic sounding, yet still rock music.
Is Neon Bible typical of their sound, or have they changed a lot over albums? What should I go to first if I want to get into them?
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
I'd go out and buy Funeral and Neon Bible together then listen to them in that order.
Then tommorow pick up the EP.:)
Was I right in describing their sound? I'm just curious. Neon Bible seemed to almost even draw comparisons with Tom Waits to me (musically), but don't ask me where I got that from.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Yeah that and a whole lot more, there is a lot of depth given that there is 8 or 9 of them and the range of the instruments they use, the grand church organ at the start of Intervention just grabs my heart and pulls at it.
There is an almost retro 80's vibe to the start of Black Wave/Bad Vibrations, in a good way not a bad way.
What can I say about Funeral? it was pretty much and still is the soundtrack to every trip we take in the car, it goes everywhere with us, it's just sheer beauty in a disc.:)
Neighborhood #1 Tunnels
Neighborhood #2 Laika
Wake Up
Rebellion (lies)
Neon Bible-
Antichrist TV Blues
Keep the car running
No Cars Go
Those are probably my favorites by them. although many other songs are good too. I think the songs are funeral are probably a little better but the overall album neon bible is more consistant even though maybe it does not have as many spectacular songs as funeral.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Is it me or does Antichrist TV Blues sound like Arcade Fire got thrown in a blender with Bruce Springsteen and Johnny Cash? GREAT song.
They are surely one of the handful of best bands in the world at this point, I can't wait to see them live, hopefully Win is feeling better by the time the US dates start rolling around.
and before you say I'm a pessimist, my cup is always half full... its just often half full of shit.
As for acting like they are revolutionary. When you make an album that is explicitly political as Arcade Fire did, and have a song where you state over and over again "i dont wanna live in my fathers house no more...i dont wanna live in america no more...i dont wanna fight in a holy war" or make songs that tell kids to "wake up" or make songs that say "I know a place where no cars kids know", its really not up to the listener to decide it. Arcade fire created these songs. I didnt. And to act like Win Butler is just talking about getting drunk, doing drugs and typical rock crap, then you are naive, my friend. He isnt talking about that.
I feel many others are responding to arcade fire in the same manner. They arent placating our generation. They arent making fun of us. They are talking about escaping this crap that we live in everyday and moving to a utopia.
And excuse me for bringing up revolution in a thread about "RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE"! Wow, sorry to interupt the thread. I didnt know that talking about politics and revolution didnt fit when discussing a band whose stated goal was to ignite a revolution.
I really dont know what your getting at. Rage made music and according to Morello got back together to start a revolution. I didnt chip any revolutionary crap. Morello did. And as for Arcade fire, listen to their songs, read a Win Butler interview, and its clear they are wanting fans to dance and have a good time, but they also are speaking DIRECTLY to and about the world we live in right now.
When Win Butler says "Children, wake up, hold your mistake up
Before they turn the summer into dust" I have a feeling he isnt just talking about something silly, he is talking about something real.
I have high hopes for this band. And I feel I am not alone in this. Its great to have a band that actually cares.
Those bands, at least for Rage, they dont want that. They dont want their fans just to listen and do nothing. Thats the whole goddamn point. If we are talking about Britney Spears, thats a different story, but Rage wants people to be involved, and to get active politically.
I get so excited about it, because maybe you have been living in a cave for the last few years but with the exception of pearl jam and a few others the music scene has really sucked. I felt a part of the early 90's grunge movement. It changed my life. The music was honest and real. Then it died out. And its been crap in music for awhile. Then Arcade Fire comes out, and makes these two brilliant records that are full of rockin tunes, and they have a message of that children know better than adults and that adults are screwing up the planet. Thats really seductive to me, and really appealing and I think it would be naive not to think their are others who feel the same way.
I like feeling good about music. And its nice to see a band that deserves recognition, actually get it.
I have rarely agreed more with any statement.
If you dont agree, thats fine. I agree with it, and thats all that matters to me
Its so hard these days to believe in anything. And here comes along this band that gets some of the best press I think I have ever seen a band get, they actually live up to the hype, and they give people like me hope, in music, in my generation, in the future.
I was really young during the early 90's, but I felt a part of it. I was 10 when kurt died. I didnt attend the concerts or see pearl jam live or nirvana live, but i felt a part of that movement. And thats what mattered. I felt the bands were speaking about what i felt as a kid then. And now I feel like arcade fire are speaking to me and to the new generation coming up.
indeed i admit i am hyping this band with sky high expectations but as I said before, its hard to believe in stuff these days, and this band seems like something I can believe in
I for one think that Morello's comments suggesting that the coinciding of Rage's demise with the state of america today was somehow linked were laughably pompous and self-important. Rage had some brilliant songs but no one who actually has a say in this world give a shit what Tom Morello thinks. this isn't to say that I have a problem with bands with a political message. by all means they should do all they can to try and change the way people think but we shouldn't go about pretending that they are achieving or will achieve things that are beyond their means. I know this sounds like apocalyptic doom-mongering but its the way I see it. you are, of course, entitled to your opinions.
I'm glad you feel the music that deeply, I would agree that Win's lyrics are very strong, have you watched the vid I posted of them covering The Clash's, Guns Of Brixton? it's a really good cover and a strong song that fits in the lyrical sense which you speak of in the Arcade Fire's writing, I'm nearly 30, it's not all adults that have got the world this way just a select few, a minority with the power of a majority, unfortunately.
"Forgive every being,
the bad feelings
it's just me"
funeral was inspired by the death of a loved one and about coping with loss. there was nothing political about it. you need a dose of reality man. you're more out of touch with it than i was when i was campaigning for ralph nader and smoking enough pot to make the whole world peaceful.
adults stink and children should rule the world? i've got a song for you... you'll love it. it's right on point with your message... adults are so cruel and they just dont get how HARD it is to be a teenager in the richest country in the world. so this one's for you man... it says everything you've been wanting to say:
parents just dont understand- will smith
I kind of agree though
As for arcade fire not being political, have you even read an interview with the band, and have you even looked at their lyrics? To say "I dont wanna fight a holy war...i dont wanna live in america no more" thats about as political as one can get. "I live in an age that calls darkness light".
Either your high as a kite or you cant read or interpret basic political protest music. Its blunt. It isnt hidden. Win butler came out specifically and told fans to protest the war. To say arcade fire is not political is ignorant and misleading.
Sure they are no rage against the machine, every song isnt a protest song.
But if you dont get the feeling by listening to funeral or neon bible that both albums have a feeling of protest, a feeling that they believe youth are oppressed by adults who could give a crap, and that theya re urging youth to rebel, if you dont get that feeling by reading basic lyrics, maybe you are listening to a different band than I am.
"wake up" is clearly win butler's stated belief, that appears in song after song. This isnt tough stuff to understand. Frankly, if you dont want to hear the feelings of youth rebellion, dont yell at me, and dont pretend arcade fire arent singing about it.