***Official Please Play The South Petition***



  • gardenlovergardenlover Posts: 185

    and here's a little something from one of the great southern voices:

    "I think I'll be a clown when I get grown," said Dill. "Yes, sir, a clown.... There ain't one thing in this world I can do about folks except laugh, so I'm gonna join the circus and laugh my head off." "You got it backwards, Dill," said Jem. "Clowns are sad, it's folks that laugh at them." "Well, I'm gonna be a new kind of clown. I'm gonna stand in the middle of the ring and laugh at the folks." ~Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapter 22
    “It’s the idea that people living close to nature tend to be noble. It’s seeing all those sunsets that does it. You can’t watch a sunset and then go off and set fire to your neighbor’s tepee. Living close to nature is wonderful for your mental health.”

    Daniel Quinn
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    i will continue to sign this until texas and/or arizona get a show. i need a reason to visit some family and friends. its all about me. haha good luck south i'm cheering for ya
  • abhi101cruabhi101cru Posts: 223
    jlew24asu wrote:
    i will continue to sign this until texas and/or arizona get a show. i need a reason to visit some family and friends. its all about me. haha good luck south i'm cheering for ya

    thanks a lot man...really appreciate the kind words.

    Sorry is the fool who trades his soul for a corvette, thinks he'll get the girl he'll only get the mechanic...

    Atlantic City: 09/30/05, 10/01/05
  • NCBRINCBRI Posts: 1,902
    Lets hope for next year I guess.
  • FlaggFlagg Posts: 5,856
    Yeah, if anything it will be next year because of comments by band members talking about possibly more touring in 2007 and now with the tour program allegedly mentioning New Zealand and Hawaii for 2006.

    We need to keep this alive though based on the fact that Jeff said they should be playing here and the fact that Kat said petitioning for shows is always OK.
    BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
    MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
    ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
    Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
  • EtnixEtnix Posts: 50
    would love to see them play Missouri... Kansas City and St Louis

  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    i dream of them coming to austin, but now i just wish they would make it to any place in texas. and, for the peeps in AZ, NM, LA, MS, AL, FL, GA, i hope ya'll get a show, too.


    (and if they don't come to the south, see you in denver.)
  • This blows Donkeys for quaters... But hey lets keep hope alive Pearl Jam in the south 07
  • abhi101cruabhi101cru Posts: 223
    Dear Ed, Mike, Stone, Jeff, Matt, and Boom,

    I'd like to start by saying how much you guys have done for me and how much your music has helped me get through some really tough times in my life. Your music gives me a reason to wake up every morning and it inspires me to try my best at everything I do.

    No matter how bad my day is going, the second I pop in one of the albums or one of the several live bootlegs in my collection, all my problems immediately disappear. When I hear Mike's breathtaking guitar solos, I am immediately in my "happy place" and nothing can touch me. It feels as if for those few minutes, I have suddenly been enveloped in a piece of heaven. It's safe to say that my collection of Pearl Jam albums is the only thing that got me through the upset that was the 2004 election.

    With that said, I realize that the fanbase down here in Texas isn't as strong as elsewhere, and I understand if you feel reluctant to play here, believe me, I would be too. But I want to let you know that even though it's not like the East Coast, there are A LOT of fans down here like myself who would love nothing more than a chance to see you live and thank you in person for everything you have done for us.

    If you bring the show, I promise that we'll bring the crowd, and a hell of a crowd at that!

    Hope to see you soon,

    Sorry is the fool who trades his soul for a corvette, thinks he'll get the girl he'll only get the mechanic...

    Atlantic City: 09/30/05, 10/01/05
  • stonegstoneg Posts: 1,940
    Bump it up!
    Ft. Lauderdale 96'
    Tampa 00'
    West Palm Beach 03'
    House of Blues 03'
    Tampa 03'
    Kissimmee 04'
    West Palm Beach 08'
    Tampa 08'
    Eddie Vedder Clearwater both nights 2012
  • Case for my city:

    Augusta, GA - they can play on the 18th green at the Augusta National with Augusta native James Brown opening (with special guests Jack Nicklaus & Tiger Woods)

    Case for where I used to live:

    Athens, GA - they can play on the 50-yard line at Sanford Stadium with REM, Drive By Truckers, Widespread Panic, B-52 and Herschel Walker opening. Athens (at least to Georgians) is the rock'n'roll capital of the World.
  • THE LOOKTHE LOOK Posts: 324
    nighty night BUMP
    Bigfoot is blurry.
    - Mitch Hedberg
  • gardenlovergardenlover Posts: 185
    bump for the night!

    "They'll find they have reserved seats somewhere along one of the baselines, where they sat when they were children and cheered their heroes. And they'll watch the game and it'll be as if they dipped themselves in magic waters. The memories will be so thick they'll have to brush them away from their faces. People will come Ray. The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game: it's a part of our past, Ray. It reminds of us of all that once was good and it could be again. Oh... people will come Ray. People will most definitely come."

    Goodnight to you PJ nation.
    “It’s the idea that people living close to nature tend to be noble. It’s seeing all those sunsets that does it. You can’t watch a sunset and then go off and set fire to your neighbor’s tepee. Living close to nature is wonderful for your mental health.”

    Daniel Quinn
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175

  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    Just try. Try to name a part of the country -- or the world, for that matter -- that's done more for music in the last 150 years than these Southern United States.

    You cain't, child. There ain't none.

    We birthed the blues. We launched rock 'n' roll. We've been the seat of gospel, the bastion of bluegrass, the home to the world's hottest hip-hop. We've dug deep down to our Nappy Roots, fostered Stephen Foster, screamed "Sweet Home Alabama" and gotten straight-up Ludacris, from Memphis to Mobile to Uncle Tupelo.
    Southern music encompasses all kinds of styles, yet it hangs together as a coherent genre. Nobody's ever heard of New England music or Midwestern music, but down here we know that rock can have soul and rap can be country, and even wimpy folk can count so long as it's got Carolina in its mind. Southern music's more of a sensibility than a sound.
    The South is about big ideas (like pain and redemption) and small pleasures (like the look of grandma's hands). The South is also increasingly diverse -- racially, economically and politically.
    If our music has a common thread, it's the thread of hope -- hope that this mystical land won't lose all that's made it special and that it's not too proud to admit when it's wrong. Those are some big challenges. But they're nothing the music can't handle.
    I love this band and i hope they do travel to the south and enjoy this great part of the country-Take care of each other out there where ever you are.
    love and peace to the PJ nation.

  • mikerulesmikerules Posts: 1
    Not mad at them for not, but wish they were. :(
    "We haven't got as much attention from good-old Music Television so we hired a fashion consultant for Mike."
    ---Eddie speaking on Mike wearing an orthopedic sandal for a foot injury, Raleigh 4/15/03.
  • jimlastjimlast Posts: 4
    (signs petition eagerly)
  • Vinyl GirlVinyl Girl Posts: 5
    I didn't get DC tix thinking that they would play closer to me....now looks like I'll be visiting a scalper site looking for good seats...

    bump in hopes that they come this way in winter
    Spinnin the black circle....
  • cookie5798cookie5798 Posts: 396
    We Need Pj In The South This Tour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Please Don't Leave Us Out!
    We need Pearl Jam in Atlanta!!! 2006-2007

    The dirty south needs a fix.
  • moegossardmoegossard Posts: 75
    :( Puhweeeeeeeeessssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!???? :(
  • robeauxrobeaux Posts: 1
    I know the guys would never set foot in Mississippi, but what about somewhere close, perhaps New Orleans.

    BTW, Florida is not the only state in the south.
  • tazwwtazww Posts: 22
    official bump
  • FlaggFlagg Posts: 5,856
    Yeah, we're not asking for much. Just 10 - 12 extra shows.

    New Orleans
    St. Louis

    Oh, and Indianapolis and KC, too.

    By the way, I just pulled those out of the air. Feel free to mix and match as you so choose!
    BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
    MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
    ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
    Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
  • White DiscussionWhite Discussion Melissa Texas Posts: 2,816
    Poor school teacher, looking for PJ more than any other show imaginable.

  • White DiscussionWhite Discussion Melissa Texas Posts: 2,816
    Poor school teacher, looking for PJ more than any other show imaginable. I've been in the fanclub since 95 fanclub # 131XXX have seen them at least once every tour this may be a low point. Please come to


    and anywhere else in a thousand mile radius
  • behindtheeyesbehindtheeyes Posts: 158
    Let's make our case for our cities.....

    Home to Savannah College of Art and Design, (7,300 young, impressionable minds, Eddie, and they're artists, to boot- can you say 'liberals'???),

    Also home to:
    huge live oaks that filter the sunlight through draping spanish moss
    front porches with swings perfect for sitting with an icy drink on a hot day
    best example of historic preservation on the East Coast (I'm biased..)
    beaches within 1/2 hour- ok, so there's no surfing, but its still a beach
    1 hour away from some of the best golfing in the country
    Jacksonville, Charleston, Columbia all within a 2 1/2 hour radius

    Ok, so it might not appeal to PJ, but I love The South!!!!! Please come play!

    (just in case- see ya in Pitt. and Cinci!) :)
    We're all different behind the eyes.

    You are U, who you are.
  • SPALMASPALMA Posts: 2,279
    Good Af(BUMP)ternoon!
    "I don't want to hear any splatty tongues!"
    J.M., Jr. High Band Teacher

    I raise my Freak Flag High!!
  • gardenlovergardenlover Posts: 185

    i'll say again~

    Just try. Try to name a part of the country -- or the world, for that matter -- that's done more for music in the last 150 years than these Southern United States.

    You cain't, child. There ain't none.

    We birthed the blues. We launched rock 'n' roll. We've been the seat of gospel, the bastion of bluegrass, the home to the world's hottest hip-hop. We've dug deep down to our Nappy Roots, fostered Stephen Foster, screamed "Sweet Home Alabama" and gotten straight-up Ludacris, from Memphis to Mobile to Uncle Tupelo.
    Southern music encompasses all kinds of styles, yet it hangs together as a coherent genre. Nobody's ever heard of New England music or Midwestern music, but down here we know that rock can have soul and rap can be country, and even wimpy folk can count so long as it's got Carolina in its mind. Southern music's more of a sensibility than a sound.
    The South is about big ideas (like pain and redemption) and small pleasures (like the look of grandma's hands). The South is also increasingly diverse -- racially, economically and politically.
    If our music has a common thread, it's the thread of hope -- hope that this mystical land won't lose all that's made it special and that it's not too proud to admit when it's wrong. Those are some big challenges. But they're nothing the music can't handle.
    I love this band and i hope they do travel to the south and enjoy this great part of the country-Take care of each other out there where ever you are.
    love and peace to the PJ nation.
    “It’s the idea that people living close to nature tend to be noble. It’s seeing all those sunsets that does it. You can’t watch a sunset and then go off and set fire to your neighbor’s tepee. Living close to nature is wonderful for your mental health.”

    Daniel Quinn
  • Doug SmithDoug Smith Posts: 1
    You can add me to the list of those calling for an Atlanta show (or two)...specifically, the Arena At Gwinnett Center, where I work.
  • THE LOOKTHE LOOK Posts: 324
    bobcats arena is calling from charlotte. BUMP
    Bigfoot is blurry.
    - Mitch Hedberg
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