Living With War - Neil Young



  • natureboy46natureboy46 Posts: 165
    merkinball wrote:
    This should be a sticky! I think I've gotten past the excitement of it being a new Neil Young album, and the seriousness of the lyrics are really starting to hit. I'll be buying multiple copies of this as gifts.

    I'm digging Restless Consumer now, has a bit of a Be The Rain vibe to it.

    I'm on my second listen and Restless Consumer is the standout so far.
    In the land of the little kings
    Profit is the only thing
    And everywhere the little kings
    Are getting away with murder
    - Paul Kelly
  • StoneG82StoneG82 Posts: 806
    this record is great. I'm blown away.

    this has been quite a year for music so far.

    new PJ, new Pollard record, new NEIL.
    "What’s Orphans? I don’t know. Orphans is a dead end kid driving a coffin with big tires across the Ohio River wearing welding goggles and a wife beater with a lit firecracker in his ear." - Tom Waits
  • KricketKricket Posts: 707
    Just got to give it a real listen and I love it, it's great!
  • I'm on my second listen and Restless Consumer is the standout so far.

    If there's a single, this has to be it.

    Old, classic, great fuckin Neil track.
    Teamwork. Rawk. Pwnage. Infinite Possibilities. YIELD. Hells yeah.
  • should be available for official download on may 2nd! PJ, tool, and neil - may 2nd!
    yeah really.

    that's incredible.
    Teamwork. Rawk. Pwnage. Infinite Possibilities. YIELD. Hells yeah.
  • donravendonraven Posts: 144
    I'm only 5 songs in, and this might be one of the best albums ive ever heard!
    Boston, MA - Sept 28, 2004
    Halifax, NS - Sept 22, 2005
    Toronto, ON - August 21, 2009
    Toronto, ON - Sept 11, 2011
    Toronto, ON - Sept 12, 2011
    London, ON - July 16, 2013
    Boston, MA - Aug 7, 2016
  • intodeepintodeep Posts: 7,240
    This album is awesome. I mean this is some good good stuff.

    impeach the president is really cool. I can so hear the crowd chanting flip flop and neil closeing the concert with this song or at least the first set.

    I guarantee they will play it on the CSNY tour this year and it will be cool.

    Sounds s little like ragged glory just with shorter songs.. and that is not a bad thing.

    I'm upset because i want to listen to the new pearl jam but i cn'at stop listening to neil!
    Charlotte 00
    Charlotte 03
    Asheville 04
    Atlanta 12
    Greenville 16, Columbia 16
    Seattle 18 
    Nashville 22
    Ohana Festival 24 x2
  • merkinballmerkinball Posts: 2,262
    Last night on the radio they played Comatose and Gone, then followed it up with Looking For A Leader. That was really cool to hear.

    Be sure to call/email your local radio stations to request these songs and get the Neils message out.
    "You're no help," he told the lime. This was unfair. It was only a lime; there was nothing special about it at all. It was doing the best it could.
  • merkinball wrote:
    Last night on the radio they played Comatose and Gone, then followed it up with Looking For A Leader. That was really cool to hear.

    Be sure to call/email your local radio stations to request these songs and get the Neils message out.
    Commercial radio won't really touch it unless we ask!
    Teamwork. Rawk. Pwnage. Infinite Possibilities. YIELD. Hells yeah.
  • won't really touch it unless we ask!
    kind of like your mom.
    Teamwork. Rawk. Pwnage. Infinite Possibilities. YIELD. Hells yeah.
  • merkinballmerkinball Posts: 2,262
    kind of like your mom.

    OK, thats kind of creepy since you were replying to yourself with that quote...
    "You're no help," he told the lime. This was unfair. It was only a lime; there was nothing special about it at all. It was doing the best it could.
  • merkinball wrote:
    Last night on the radio they played Comatose and Gone, then followed it up with Looking For A Leader. That was really cool to hear.

    Be sure to call/email your local radio stations to request these songs and get the Neils message out.

    right on! that's awesome! all fantastic tunes :)
  • Spiritual_ChaosSpiritual_Chaos Posts: 30,946
    This is an amazing album...
    "Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
  • This is an amazing album...
    I wonder if there's going to be any artwork with this one...
    looked like a paper bag online...
    prairie wind was fairly simple...
    Teamwork. Rawk. Pwnage. Infinite Possibilities. YIELD. Hells yeah.
  • "living with war" available april 28th on neil's site for a free listen. on the internet for sale as of may 2nd...busy day! :)

    i'm been streaming the new cd a home for a day now :)

    neil is my hero
  • i've heard the record comes out in stores on the 6th...but the 9th would make more sense, no? anyone hear about the release date?
  • merkinballmerkinball Posts: 2,262
    i've heard the record comes out in stores on the 6th...but the 9th would make more sense, no? anyone hear about the release date?

    I've heard there will be multiple versions. The first will be the cd, with the 10 songs. There will be a cd/dvd combo coming out with making of, and extra tracks. This will be out at some 'later point'. I think I'll buy the iTunes version, skip the initial cd, and wait for the cd/dvd version to get a actual hard copy of it.

    Also, check out this link on Neils site, he shows how Rolling Stone edited his interview:
    "You're no help," he told the lime. This was unfair. It was only a lime; there was nothing special about it at all. It was doing the best it could.
  • merkinball wrote:
    I've heard there will be multiple versions. The first will be the cd, with the 10 songs. There will be a cd/dvd combo coming out with making of, and extra tracks. This will be out at some 'later point'. I think I'll buy the iTunes version, skip the initial cd, and wait for the cd/dvd version to get a actual hard copy of it.

    Also, check out this link on Neils site, he shows how Rolling Stone edited his interview:

    yeah, i'm with you on this one merkinball. the prairie wind dvd with the in studio recordings was phenomenal. same with the greendale and vicar st. dvd. i'll wait for the whole package this time.

    yeah, i read the "interview"...cut and paste, eh?
  • vangsevangse Posts: 4
    I am gettin' blown away. What an album.
  • vangse wrote:
    I am gettin' blown away. What an album.

    "gettin' blown away"? a hurricane?...perhaps?...;)
  • intodeepintodeep Posts: 7,240
    Anyone pick this up today? I've been calling local stores and it seems i've found one (tower records that has a copy). I'll have to make the treck into downtown atlanta after work to get it. Best Buy told me it was coming out in June (must have talked to someone who did not know WTF they were talking about i know thats not true.) The girl at Circuit city told me they will have it tomorrow.

    Just wondering if anyone has actually picked it up. If so where did you get the physical cd from?
    Charlotte 00
    Charlotte 03
    Asheville 04
    Atlanta 12
    Greenville 16, Columbia 16
    Seattle 18 
    Nashville 22
    Ohana Festival 24 x2
  • intodeep wrote:
    Anyone pick this up today? I've been calling local stores and it seems i've found one (tower records that has a copy). I'll have to make the treck into downtown atlanta after work to get it. Best Buy told me it was coming out in June (must have talked to someone who did not know WTF they were talking about i know thats not true.) The girl at Circuit city told me they will have it tomorrow.

    Just wondering if anyone has actually picked it up. If so where did you get the physical cd from?

    hey intodeep, neil's site says that the cd's are coming straight from the manufacturer to stores so the release dates for each store will differ quite a bit.

    i'm holding off on picking it up because there is supposed to be another version coming out with dvd once it is all worked out. it's tempting to pick up the copy as it is though! :)
  • intodeepintodeep Posts: 7,240
    hey intodeep, neil's site says that the cd's are coming straight from the manufacturer to stores so the release dates for each store will differ quite a bit.

    i'm holding off on picking it up because there is supposed to be another version coming out with dvd once it is all worked out. it's tempting to pick up the copy as it is though! :)

    Yeah I finally found a store in the burbs where i live that has 1 copy. The only other places i found that had it were downtown and i just wanted to avoid the rush hour traffic to get into downtown to get it. Stores like Target, Best Buy, and Circuit City were useless.

    I heard about the dvd/cd combo coming but i've got to have it in my hands today and for albums like this i dont' like using itunes so. I'll buy this one and the combo when it comes out.

    I should have a copy in my hands within the next 30 minutes :D
    Charlotte 00
    Charlotte 03
    Asheville 04
    Atlanta 12
    Greenville 16, Columbia 16
    Seattle 18 
    Nashville 22
    Ohana Festival 24 x2
  • merkinballmerkinball Posts: 2,262
    Got it off iTunes last night, I'll wait till the cd/dvd combo for the physical copy.
    "You're no help," he told the lime. This was unfair. It was only a lime; there was nothing special about it at all. It was doing the best it could.
  • spatspat Posts: 644
    i got a copy today at circuit city! normal jewel case with booklet and all the lyrics. i bought it, parked myself in the mcdonalds parking lot down the road with some fries and and drink and soaked it in :D awesome awesome awesome album. lets impeach the president gave me chills. i'm so happy he had the balls to make this album, it needs to be heard.
    My favorite Pearl Jam song: "Corporate Greed Boat Asshole Behind a Counter in the Oval Office"
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